外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 6-Unit 1 I usually play basketball.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e0726).zip

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Lingling is skipping. Module 5 Unit 1 Unit 1 I usually play basketball Module 6 What day is it today? On Sundays Sunday 星期天 Sundays 2.What does Daming usually do on Sundays? Is Daming helping his father today? No, he isnt. Is Daming riding his bike today? No, he isnt. Hes not doing these things. 1.What is Daming doing now? He is watching TV now. Read and circle“usually”and “动词 +ing” 区别: “usually” and “动词+ing” usually 用来描述通常所做的事情 动词+ing 用来描述正在发生的事情 We usually have English class in our classroom. Now we are having English class here. I usually play basketball . But Im not playing basketball. usually 通常 I usually tidy my room. But Im not tidy my room today. I usually ride my bike. But Im not riding it today. I usually do my homework. But Im not doing my homework now. What do you usually do on Sundays? I usually. On Sundys I usually_ (playing,play)football. But now I am_ (helping,help) my father. play helping I usually _(ride,riding) my bike. But now I m_(tidy,tidying) my room. ride tidying Finish the dialogue. do homework listen to the radio play football watch TV play the drums play basketball colour the picture ride a bike tidy the room go swimming write a letter read a book I usually+(动作的原型)。 But Im not +(Ving) today/now. Usually Now Youre +ving 听一听,想一想: 1.Who are they? Daming and his father. 2.Why is Daming in bed? He is ill. What does Daming usually do on Sundays? I usually play basketball. help my father. ride my bike. do my homework. But hes not playing basketball. helping his father. riding his bike. doing his homework. A: I usually_ But Im not _ today. B: Youre_. go shopping. going shopping swimming A: I usually_ But Im not _ today. B: Youre_. play with car flying kite playing with car A: I usually_ But Im not _ today. B: Youre_. play the flute. playing the flute running A: I usually_ But Im not _ today. B: Youre_. do homework doing homework reading books A: I usually_ But Im not _ today. B: Youre_. play the drums playing the drums playing football B: Youre_. A: I usually_ But Im not _ today. watch TV watching TV colouring picture 一、课前热身 一、课前热身 Sing a song! Free talk! 1.Are you doing homework? No, Im not./ Yes, I am. 2.What are you doing? Im eating. 二、学习目标 掌握重点单词: skip,sad,open,late,clap 掌握询问别人正在做某事的 句型: 1. Dont be late. 2.Hurry up. 3.Lingling is skipping. Guessing game. She is listening to music. 三、课堂导入 He is singing. He is reading a book. They are playing football. They are playing basketball. They are dancing. dance-dancing They are running. run-running They are playinghide-and-seek. sa d Why is Fangfang sad? (为什么) is playing with . No one m e 1.Whats Lingling doing? Lingling is skipping. 2.What are Daming and Sam doing? Daming and Sam are playing hide-and seek. 3.What are those girls doing? Those girls are playing clapping games. playing clapping games.Those girls areclapping games 四、课堂检测 skippingskipping no oneno one hidinghiding meme seekingseeking sadsad clapping gamesclapping games hide and seekhide and seek playing with meplaying with me Show time 小组内齐读课文,声音洪亮 同桌分角色朗读,模仿语音语调 小组内表演课文,大方得体,形象生动 ps: 选择适合你的才是最好的! Do you like Selina? Why? 当看到有同学不开心或孤单时,要主动关心帮助他们。 五、课后作业 1.Read and spell the new words. 2. Tell the story to your families. 3.画一张大课间时,同学们在操场上游戏 的图画,并说一说画上的人在干什 么。 Module 6 Unit 1 I usually play basketball 一、教学内容分析: 外研版新标准小学英语二年级第四册(一年级起始)第六模块 第一单元。本单元主要围绕平时喜欢做些什么活动,但是现在正在 做什么活动的内容为主题,学习一些相关活动的单词及句型。本节 课所需课时为 1 课时,3 分钟;该课主要是培养学生英语听说能力 和应用语言能力的课。本课的主要内容有学习新单词:usually, Sunday, go shopping 等学习句型:I usually.Buty.But I Im m not.not. 二、学生学习情况分析: 本节课的教学对象是小学二年级的学生。本案例适合小学生刚 开始学英语,以实际生活中的活动为话题,对学生进行听、说、读、 写等知识与技能方面的训练同时培养学生的综合语言运用能力如学 生的观察、思维、创造和合作等各方面能力的培养。但二年级学生 具有好奇、好活动、爱表现、善模仿、记忆力好、形象思维好、模 仿力、可塑性强,但缺乏理性思维,逻辑思维不强等特点,所以应 该多开展一些合适他们年龄特征的活动,培养学英语的兴趣。 三、设计思想: 新课程标准强调课程应从学生的兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出 发,倡导体验、实践。参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教 学途径。发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学 生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维和大胆实践,提高跨文化意识和 形成自主学习能力的过程。 四、教学目标 1.认知目标: 1)能听,说并认读单词:usually,help,Sunday,ill,rideusually,help,Sunday,ill,ride以及相 关动词的现在分词形式如:helping,riding,playinghelping,riding,playing等。 2)能听懂,会说句型I I usually.Butusually.But I Im m nottoday.nottoday. 2.能力目标:培养学生听,说,认读和对话交际的能力,以及学生 自主学习和小组协作学习的能力。 3.情感目标:培养学生平时要勤加锻炼注意身体。 五、教学重点和难点。 1.教学重点:学习新单词usually,Sunday,usually,Sunday, ill,rideill,ride以及相关动 词的现在分词形式;学习句型:I I usually.Butusually.But I Im m nottoday.nottoday. 2.教学难点:动词的现在分词的变化及发音。 六、教学准备: 幻灯片,单词卡片,挂图。 七、教学过程设计: StepStep 1.1.热身/复习(Warm-up/RevisionWarm-up/Revision). . (1)Greeting.(1)Greeting. (2)Sing(2)Sing a a song“Wesong“Werere playingplaying inin thethe playgroundplayground”. . (3)Guessing(3)Guessing game:game:展示上节课学习的 SB Module 5 Unit 2 活动 1 图片,请学生说一说小熊在做什么,然后问学生:“小熊今天又 在做什么呢?”由此导入活动 1.请学生看动画,然后告诉学生:小 熊终于追上另外三只小熊了,今天他们在一起聊天呢。 然后逐句播放录音,全班跟读,重点跟读单词“usually”.这个单 词读音有一定难度,要请学生仔细,认真模仿。请学生分角色朗读 课文,并向全班展示。 StepStep 2.2.新课呈现(PresentationPresentation). . (1) 播放、SB Unit 1 活动 2 动画,请学生看动画理解课文语境。 (2) 再次播放录音,请学生完整地听一遍课文。播放第三遍录音, 请学生逐句跟读。 (3) 跟读过程中,重点学习: On Sundays,I usually play basketball.But hes not playing basketball. I usually ride my bike. But hes not riding it today. I usually do my homework. But hes not doing his homework now .并引导 学生观察和比较两种时态的不同。 (4) 跟读中学习“ride ,thing ,ill”/。 (5) 出示挂图,整体讲课文呈现,并播放课文录音。圈出带V.-V.- inging的词,让学生找出并回答“whatwhat dosedose damingdaming usuallyusually do?”:Isdo?”:Is hehe doingdoing itit today?”today?” (5)版书重点句型“I“In Sundays,I usually play basketball.But hes not playing basketball. I usually ride my bike. But hes not riding it today. I usually do my homework. But hes not doing his homework now . 总结学生的发言,并讲解句子及动词的变化。 Step3:Step3:趣味操作(PracticePractice) (1)再次播放录音,让学生跟读,并让学生分角色朗诵,分组读,男 女生读 (2)游戏:“Do“Do (2)调查父母周末通常做些什么活动。 八版书设计。 UnitUnit 1.1. I I usuallyusually playplay basketball.basketball. OnOn Sunday,ISunday,I usuallyusually helphelp mymy fatherfather.But.But ImIm notnot helpinghelping himhim today.today. rideride mymy bikebike ridingriding itit dodo mymy homeworkhomework doingdoing itit watchwatch TVTV watchingwatching itit 教学反思: 新课标强调小学英语教学的首要目的是要激发小学生学习英语 的兴趣,帮助他们简历学习的成就感和自信心。是学生在学习过程 中发展综合语言运用能力,培养创新精神。我根据本科教学内容, 结合小学生的生理特征和认知规律。针对小学生好奇和好动的特点, 本课的教学设计突出了以下三个特点: 1. 教学安排由浅入深,由易到难,层层深入,真正展现了学生有不 会到会的过程。 2. 利用形象直观的教学课件和卡片,激发学生的兴趣。 3. 玩中学,在游戏中学有所得。
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