外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 8-Unit 1 The train is going up a hill.-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:f7bf8).zip

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Module 8.Unit 1 The train is going up a hill. Guessing Revision hide and seek hide and seek Revision running running Revision listening to the radio listening to the radio 3 Revision drawing a picture drawing a picture Help Xiaohong to meet Xiaolin. 帮助小红与小林相见。帮助小红与小林相见。 Xiaohong Xiaolin Task 1 Finding where they are. Where is Xiaohong? She is on the train. _ is on the train. Amy Daming Hes at the station. Where is Xiaolin? station Station, station , at the station. _ is at the station. Station Sam Huitailang We should stand in line (排队). Dont crowd. Task 2 Finding wheres the train going. going up going up Up , up ,going up. going up going up The train is a hill. Hill, hill . Green green hill. going down going down Down, down, going down. going down Its a hill. going down going past hospital going past Past, past, going past. 经过经过 Its a going past hospital. hospital Up , up, up, up, going up, going up, going up. Down, down, down, down,going down, going down, going down. Past, past, past, past, going past, going past, going past. going up going down going past Now , its _ at the station. stopping Station Stopping, stopping. Its stopping. Its stopping at the station. Station Task 3 Seeing Xiaolin. 1. I can read 3. I can use 2. I can say stopping train hill hospital station I can read Red and green lights 红绿 灯 在读单词过程中,如果出示 绿灯绿灯那么请继续跟读。 如果是红灯红灯,则不用跟读。 hill going past going down going up hospital station Xiaohong gets to(到达到达) the station. Can they see each other? 他们能见到对方吗?他们能见到对方吗? I can see you. And I can see you, too. I can _. singdance Who is the reading star (阅读之星 )? Task 3 Seeing Xiaolin. 1. I can read 3. I can use 2. I can say The train is going up a hill. Its going down a hill. Its going past a hospital. I can say going past hill Station The train is / Its _. going up going down Task 3 Seeing Xiaolin. 1. I can read 3. I can use 2. I can say The bike is a hill. going up I can use The car is a hill. going down The bus is a farm. going past farm Task 3 Seeing Xiaolin. 1. I can read 3. I can use 2. I can say Hello, Xiaolin. Im on the train. Good, good . Im at the station. The train is going up a hill. Now, its going down a hill. Now, its going past a hospital. Now, its stopping at the station. Lets sing! Homework 1.Listen to the radio P44-45, Homework 2 (第十二周(第十二周 周四)周四) Module 8.unit.1 The train is going up a hill. I :Before class(guessing& review) At the beginning of this part, the students played a guessing game Listen and guess. And then they reviewed the words and phrases what they have learned. II: During the class First, I introduced two new friends: Xiaolin and Xiaohong. The students should helped them to see each other, then they were going to finish three tasks. Task 1. Finding where they are . In this task , students learned two phrases: on the train , at the station. Then I gave a tip for them: We should stand in line. Dont crowd. Task 2.Finding where is the train going. In this task, we were going to find the train is going up ,going down a hill. The train is going past a hospital. Its stopping at the station. Then chanted the three phrases : going up, going down , going past. After that, the train is stopping at the station. Task 3.Seeing Xiaolin. From this task , it divided into three parts. Part 1.I can read. Firstly, I played two games: red and green lights , catch the frog. Secondly ,let the students listening to the video then answer the question: Can they see each other? Thirdly, practice the sentence I can At last, chose who is the reading star? They listened and read the passage. Part 2.I can say. At the beginning, the students observed where the train going then say the sentences. Then I showed a picture. I moved the train, they say the sentence. After that, I let one student moved the train the others say the sentence. At last, I let one student moved the train ,another student say the sentences. Part 3.I can use. In this part, Ss fill in the blanks with the phrases: going up ,going down, going past. III: After class We sang a song. Then make a summary: homework and find the best group.
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