1、1 英语英语 (选择性必修(选择性必修第一册)第一册) Unit 1 Food matters Project I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. know about some dishes around the world; 2. research reliable information and write a recipe for the chosen dish; 3. make a dish and present the process to the class;
2、 4. cooperate better with group members and enjoy the process of making a dish creatively. II. Key competence focus Write a recipe using specific language and following the given format. III. Predicted areas of difficulty Cooperate with group members and finish the dish together. IV. Teaching proced
3、ures Step 1 Lead-in 1. Free talk T asks Ss to brainstorm some dishes by asking the following questions: What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? What is your favourite dish? Do you know how to make it? Do you want create some new dishes? 2. Task assignment T: The school English club will hold a
4、Food Festival, and we are invited to make a dish. So, in this class well learn how to write a recipe and make a dish. 【设计意图:教师通过聊天的形式引导学生说出自己喜欢的菜肴,激活学生已有知识,快速 进入本堂课的主题。再通过创设情境,英语俱乐部举办美食节,引起学生兴趣,设定 本堂课的任务。 】 Step 2 Deciding on the dish to research 1.T asks Ss to have a discussion and choose a dish to
5、 research or create a new dish. 2. T asks Ss to have a discussion and decide what kinds of information are needed. Ingredients Instructions Tips 【设计意图: 各小组通过讨论确定要研究的菜肴以及可能要寻找哪些方面的信息。 本环节旨 在训练学生在小组合作中,如何在较短时间内收集和统一全体成员的意见,达成一致。 】 Step 3 Learning to write a recipe 2 1. T asks Ss the question: What is
6、a recipe? A recipe is a set of instructions that tells you how to cook something and the ingredients you need for it. 2. T asks Ss to read the example in part B of the textbook and find out the basic elements of a recipe. 3. T leads students to summarize the basic elements of a recipe: 4. T leads st
7、udents to think about how to write a recipe: Tip 1: Provide exact figures about the amount of ingredients and time need when possible. Tip 2: Employ specific and accurate verbs to give instructions. Tip 3: List the instructions in order. Tip 4: Add some tips if necessary. 【设计意图:充分发挥学生的主动性以及小组合作精神,让他
8、们学习书本上饺子的食谱, 总结出食谱的基本要素及其语言特点,为下一步学生写食谱提供模板。 】 Step 4 Task division 1. T asks Ss to discuss in groups to think about all the work that needs to be done and how to divide the work properly among the group members. The tasks include: Search for information. Organize the information to write a recipe.
9、Prepare ingredients and make a dish. Record the process of making the dish. Make a presentation. 2. T guides the Ss to think about how to record the process of making a dish. Tip 1: Use devices with high-resolution. Tip 2: Record important steps. Tip 3: Polish your material after recording. 【设计意图:这一
10、步骤由各小组讨论完成,商议组员如何分工合作,将一项比较大的项目分 解成更具操作性的小任务,提高组员的积极性和参与度。需要说明的是,Project 这堂课需 要学生走出课堂,学以致用,迁移创新,所以本课要完成的步骤分成两个阶段,到 Step 4 为止属于第一阶段,这大概会占用半个课时。之后学生利用课后时间合作完成任 务,用图片或视频的形式记录制作菜肴的过程。 】 Arecipe Name of the dish Dos Donts Main ingredients Instructions Tips 3 Step 5 Presentation and assessment 1. T asks e
11、ach group to display their process of making the dish (it can be either be pictures or a video) and one member to present the work orally. When they display the work, they should pay attention to the following points: Speak clearly and confidently. Make eye contact with the audience. Keep your facia
12、l expressions relaxed and friendly. Talk at a proper speed and pause when it is necessary to give your audience time to think about what you have said. 2. T asks Ss to assess other groups work and give points according to every teams performance (10 points in total). They can make comments and give
13、some suggestions. Oral presentation4Total Photos/video4 Teamwork2 【设计意图:这是 Project 的第二阶段在课堂上展示制作菜肴的过程(课下准备好, 课 上展示) 。通过小组展示和相互评价以及给出建议,让学生参与课堂评价,实现课堂评价多 样化,提高学生的合作能力与批判性思维,从而更好地达成本堂课的教学目标。另外学生也 能发现自己在某些方面的不足,以便获得提升,同时这也有助于学生表达能力、胆量、表现 力和自信心的增强。 】 V. Homework 1. Make improvements to the works of your group according to your classmates comments and suggestions. 2. Share each groups work and appreciate others works.