(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语选择性必修一Unit 3 The art of paingting 课本教材重点句子词组完全解析讲义.docx

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(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语选择性必修一Unit 3 The art of paingting 课本教材重点句子词组完全解析讲义.docx_第1页
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(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语选择性必修一Unit 3 The art of paingting 课本教材重点句子词组完全解析讲义.docx_第2页
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(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语选择性必修一Unit 3 The art of paingting 课本教材重点句子词组完全解析讲义.docx_第3页
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(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语选择性必修一Unit 3 The art of paingting 课本教材重点句子词组完全解析讲义.docx_第4页
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(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语选择性必修一Unit 3 The art of paingting 课本教材重点句子词组完全解析讲义.docx_第5页
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1、1 U3 the art of painting Welcome to the unit 1. Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks. 2. Write instructions on how to make an unusual picture. 3. Make a poster about a painter. 4. Below is a list of some popular types of painting; Portrait paintingstill life paintinglandscap

2、e paintingcityscape painting Reading - First impression 1. Visiting museums is a very rewarding experience. Rewarding 值得做的; 有益处的; 报酬高的 2. As a huge art fan, i knew exactly what i was looking forward to most about my trip to . 3. Housed in an old railway building, this world -famous art museum featur

3、es some of the best-known paintings from the impressionist movement of 19thcentury. House vt. 安置; 收藏the painting is now housed in the british museum. Feature vt. 以。 。 。为特色, 是。 。 。的特征 The latest model features a smaller size and more fashionable design. 4. As i wandered through the gallery, i appreci

4、ated masterpieces like. Wonder 罢课;罢市 vt. 划(火柴); vivt(时钟等)敲响;报(时);敲响乐器 vt.给以某种印象; vt.打动(某人) 的心 vt.签订,缔结;vt. 找到折中方法 n. 罢工;袭击;击,打(球) strickena. 正式用语 受灾的;患病的;受苦的 strikernC罢工者;(足球的)前锋;(棒球的)击球手 striking a. 惊人的;显著的;引人注目的 Sth. strike sb. = sth. hit sb. 某人突然想到某事 It struck sb+that-C = It occurred to sb.+that-

5、C.某人突然想到/意识到 The ship struck (against/on) a rock. 船触礁了。 strike at sb. 向某人打去 strike sb. on the head/shoulder 打某人的头/肩膀 The stranger struck him a heavy blow.那陌生人给了他重重地一击。 An earthquake struck/hit the area last month. = The area was struck by an earthquake last month.上个月这个地区遭受了一场地震。 strike for sth. 为获得罢

6、工strike a match 擦火柴 The clock struck three. 钟敲了三下。 strike the drum 击鼓strike sb. as (being) + n./a.给人的印象是 be struck by被所打动strike a deal 达成协议strike a proper balance between work and rest 劳逸结合 strike up a conversation 开始交谈be on strike 在罢工go on strike 举行罢工 launch a strike on/against 发动对袭击a winning strik

7、e 制胜的一击earthquake-stricken areas 地震灾区 He found it difficult to strike a balance between his family and his work.他发现家庭和工作两者很难兼顾。 It struck me that I had made a mistake.我突然意识到我犯了一个错。 What struck me most was his enthusiasm.给我印象最深的是他的热情。 11. There is so much going on, but so little clear detail. 12. Thi

8、s effect makes the lively movement of the dance almost jump out at the viewer. Sth jump outat the viewer 引人注目 13. Although the paintingshad very different settings, it was their similarities that stayed with me long after i left .-similarities which can be seen throughout the paintings. setting n.环境

9、,背景;情节背景 set vt.放;置:使处于;使处于某种状况;使开始;把故事情节安排在;以.为.设置背景;设置;树 立 n.一套副,一组(类似或配套使用的东西);伙(或一帮、 一群)人;阶层;团伙;电视机;收音机:舞台 adj.位于(或处于).的;安排好的; 确定的;固定的;顽固的;固执的 14. Monet and renoir , along with other like-minded artists, sought liberation from the rules of the styles. Liked -minded 志同道合的志同道合的 Seek-sought-sought

10、n. 解放,摆脱liberate v.liberator n. 解放者,释放 3 liberation from poverty 摆脱贫困womens liberation 妇女解放(运动) seek liberation from 从寻求解放,摆脱的束缚 liberate from 使自由;使摆脱约束 The whole country was liberated in 1949.整个国家是在 1949 年解放的。 15. Everyday subject matter was the main focus of their works, as opposed to the history

11、paintings that had traditionally dominated European ART. Opposed 截然不同的;强烈反对的 opposition n.反对,敌对oppose vt. 反对,对抗;与竞争/对垒opponent n. 对手,竞争者 as opposed to sth. (表示对比)而,相对于 be opposed to (doing) sth. oppose doingobject to doing be against (doing) sth. 反对做某事 Im here on business as opposed to a holiday.我在这

12、里出差而不是度假。 We strongly oppose violence and war.我们强烈反对暴力与战争。 Dominate vt. 在中具有最重要的(或明显的特色;支配,控制;左右;(在比赛中等)占有优势;占据主动 (山、塔等)高出于;俯视(overlook) dominant a. 占优势的,占支配地位的dominated a.占主导地位的domination n. 控制,支配,优越地位 The Indian epidemic has dominated the news in recent days. 这几天印度疫情成了最重要新闻。 He denied that his cou

13、ntry wants to dominate Europe. 他否认他的国家想称霸欧洲。 The book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists. 这本书预期将占据畅销书榜首位置。 Their team dominated the first half of the match.他们队在上半场占上风。 The castle dominated the whole town. 那座城堡俯瞰全城。 a male-dominated society/businesses 男性主导的社会/行业 fight for domination of the

14、 software market 争取控制市场 16. They employed free brushwork and used colors to show the effect of light on things, creating paintings that were far less realistic than the works that came before. Employ (正式用语运用),使用;雇佣;聘请employer n.雇佣者,雇主employee n.受雇者, 雇员, 雇工employment n. 职业; 雇佣; 使用unemployment n.失业une

15、mployed adj.失业的 employ a method/technique/new methods in /on teaching /etc 运用方法、技巧于教学中 employ sb. as employ sb. to do sth.employ sb. in doing sth. 聘请某人做某事 be employed in doing sth. 忙于做某事be out of employmentbe out of worklose ones job 失业 the unemployed (people) 失业者 create employment opportunities 创造就

16、业机会 AI is expected to be employed largely to replace unskilled labour.预计人工智能将主要用于取代非熟练劳动力。 She was employed in making a list of all the jobs to be done.她正忙着把要做的所有工作列一个清单。 Brushwork 笔触画法 realistic adj.逼真的,栩栩如生的;现实的,实际的;明智的 real adj.真实的;实际存在的;非凭空想象的;真的;正宗的;非假冒的; 非人工的;确实的;真正的;名副其实的reality n.现实;实际情况;事实;

17、实际经历 17. To me , these techniques are the essence of the impressionist view of art. Essence n.U本质,精髓;n.U香精,精油essential a. 必不可少的;最重要的; 本质上的 essentially ad. 本质上地,根本上地 the essence of morality 道德的本质的本质in essence 本质上,实质上of the essence 极重要的,绝对不可缺的 Your problem is similar to mine in essence. 从本质上讲,你的问题与我的相

18、似。 In such a situation, time is of the essence.在这种形势下, 时间至关重要。 Harmony is the characteristic as well as the essence of Confucianism culture. “和谐”是儒家文化的特征,也是儒家文化 的精髓。 4 be essential for/to sth. 对极为重要 Its essential for sb. to do sth. = Its essential that sb. (should) do sth. 做某事是绝对必要的。 18. They did no

19、t paint every detail in a scene -just a brief impression they had at that moment, burning with vivid colours and light, before it disappeared. 迸发着鲜明的光彩迸发着鲜明的光彩 Vivid (色彩、光等)鲜明的,耀眼的; (表现、描述等)生动的,栩栩如生的 (想象力等)丰富的 ;(记忆、印象等)鲜活的,历历在目的 a picture painted with vivid colors 一副用色鲜艳的画 give a vivid description o

20、f sb./sth.describe sth. vividly 生动地描述 have a vivid imagination 想象力丰富have a vivid memory of sb. / sth. 清晰地记得某人或某物 Burn 发光 发亮the light is burning Be burning with ambition/love 19. The impressionists vision inspired a whole new generation, whose paintings are also displayed . Vision n. 远见卓识;视力;视野;想象(力)

21、;幻想;憧憬visual a.视觉的;可见的;真实的;形象化的;视觉教具的 visually ad.在视觉上,可见地 a man of vision 有远见的have poor vision/eyesight 视力差 broaden/widen ones visions/horizons 拓宽视野have a vision of the future 憧憬未来 The music school serves students of all ages with vision loss. 这所音乐学校为所有年龄段的失明学生服务。 visually impaired 视力受损 visually-ch

22、allenged 视力不好的 Display vt. 陈列,展出;显示,表现 n. 陈列,展览;表现;展示 Prices have to be displayed outside restaurants.须在饭店外面公示价格。 They also display greater creativity and problem-solving ability. 他们还表现出更好的创造力和解决问题的能力。 a window display 橱窗陈列a display of fireworks烟火表演 on display=on exhibition=on show= being displayed/

23、exhibited/shown 在被展出 20. It is also worthy of note that post- impressionist painters were not the only ones to be influenced by impressionism- the movement has had a lasting influence on modern art, encouraging artists to look at the world from an entirely new point of view. Worthy 值得的或应得的(作表语或后置定语)

24、;值得尊敬的(只用于名词前);值得注意的;应受的,足以相配的,相称的 worth n价值;财产 adj.有价值;值得的(不用于名词前) worthwhile adj.重要的,令人愉快的;值得花时间(或花钱、努力等)的 be worthy of being donebe worthy to be done (常用常用) 某事值得/配得上. a worthy cause/organization 可敬的、高尚的事业/组织 a problem worthy of attention 一个值得关注的问题a crime worthy of death penalty 应处死刑的罪 a worthy ri

25、val 旗鼓相当/值得较量的对手sth. be worth sth 值的;相当于/具有价值的 be worth the effort/ trouble/try/risk 是值得努力/费事尝试/冒险的 sth. be (well) worth doing 某事(非常)值得做。a worthwhile job 值得做的工作 a worthwhile project 重要的工程Its worthwhile doing sth. / to do sth. 值得做某事。 Part B 1. It was not until more than a decade later that he started

26、 to seriously consider being an artist himself. 2. He became depressed. Then he took up painting, from which he drew much comfort. Depress-depressed-depression 3. As he began to display talent for painting, he realized that art was his true calling. 5 4. He began to form his own style, employing thi

27、ck, unmixed paint. 5. Although he was a genius, he was not appreciated. Genius天才genuine 真实的正宗的 Grammar 1. As i wandered in the national gallery, i was amazed to see all the paintings. 2. I observed the brushwork they used to enhance their works. 3. I enjoyed the whole experience- to be able to bathe

28、 my senses in this palace of human activity. Bathe sth in.使。 。 。沐浴在。 。 。 。. be bathed in.。 。 。沐浴在。 。 。 The moon bathe the countryside in a sliver light. The room was bathed in sunshine. 4. It was surprising to see so many people viewing important and precious artworks through their smartphone. 5. Ho

29、w was it possible to truly appreciate the human touch of a great painting when it was reduced to a few million pixels? Human touch人性人情味人文关怀 Be reduced to doing沦落为做。 。 。 。 。 6. Looking at artworks through smartphones, i thought, was like trying to appreciate the country side without being able to hea

30、r the birds sing, feel the breeze against my face or smell the flowers. 7. Instead of having a good view of it, however, you see nothing but raised arms and smartphones. 8. The use of smartphones in museums continues to rise and art experts are concerned about how yo get people to truly appreciate a

31、rtworks rather than simply take phones or record videos to post on social media. Postn./vt.发帖子 9. The national museum is hoping to help visitors discover and appreciate the beauty of art, architecture and history through drawing. 10. Hopefully, with these measures, the experience of visiting museums

32、 will be more satisfying. 11. There have already been some signs of improvement, which is very encouraging, but there is a long way to go. Integrated skills 1. Give instructions for making an unusual pictures. 6 Instructionconstructiondestructioninstrument 2. In rubbish binsat car boot sales A car b

33、oot sale 汽车后备箱销售boot 靴子 汽车后备箱 3. Present the topic in a more interesting way. 4.For instance= for example 5. Make amazing food portrait 6. Make art out of food 7. Follow the steps below to see how easy it can be to make bright, colorful portraits out of common food in the kitchen. 8. Lay your toast

34、out on the table. Lay out 摊开,铺开摊开,铺开设计设计 9. Slices of garlic 10. The best part is that you can eat it when you are done. 11. That way, your art can live on long after dinner time 12. Making pictures out of raw materials like seashells can be a fun challenge. 13. Seashells come in many varieties, so

35、here are endless possibilities for the kinds of pictures you can create. 14. Select seashells of different shapes and sizes. 15. Arrange your seashells on the cardboard to create your image. arrange vt. 安排,筹备 arrangement n.安排;筹备;安排方式;布置;商定;约定;整理;排列 16. Stick each seashell to the cardboard using glue

36、. Extended reading -qingming scroll 1.Painted on a five-meter-long silk scroll, it offers an important insight into life in china in the 12thcentury. Insight 洞悉,了解;洞察力,领悟insightful 有见解的 give sb. an insight into sth. 使某人洞悉/了解某事 She has a keen insight into character. 她对人的性格有敏锐的洞察力。 2.It is commonly be

37、lieved that the city described in the painting is bianjing(present-day kaifeng), the capital of the northern song dynasty. 3.The ancient scroll has survived the rest of time remarkably well, and is currently housed in the palace museum in beijing. 4.The scroll consist of three main sections. 5.The f

38、irst section presents a peaceful scene of rural life near bianjing, featuring crop fields, a river winding through the landscape, and farmers hard at work. Wind 道路、河流等)蜿蜒,迂回;上发条;缠绕 wind ones way to. (路、河流或一行人)蜿蜒曲折wind sth. up 摇上(车窗等);(钟表等)上发条;结束(讲话、会议等) wind sth. into a ball把绕成一团wind sth. around sth

39、. 把缠绕在某物上 wind a tape or film back or forward 倒/快进 (磁带或胶卷) winding a. (道路、河流等)蜿蜒的;(楼梯)螺旋状的 a winding path 蜿蜒的小路 7 6.The second section shows the riverbanks and the central bridge alive with activity as boats sail in and out of bianjing. Sail v.(乘船)航行;起航;驾驶(船只);n. 帆;乘船航行sailing n.U 航行;帆船运动; (船的)航班 sa

40、ilor n.水手,海员 sail the Pacific 航行于太平洋上sail around the world 环球航行 clouds sailing across the sky 飘过天空的云彩go sailing 驾船出游 set sail for启航去go for a sail 乘船游览 The ball sailed over the goal keepers head. 球从守门员的头顶飞过。 Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。 7. Civilians can be

41、seen walking through the city gate in both directions. Civilian n. (与军、警等相对)平民,老百姓,庶民 a. 只用于名词前民间的;平民的 civil a. 只用于名词前 公民的;国民的;民用的;民事的; 有教养的;有礼貌的civilize vt.(使)开化,教化 civilized a. 文明的,有教养的civilization n. 文明 soldiers and civilians 士兵和平民a civilian pilot 民航飞行员civilian clothes 便服 live a civilian life 过平民

42、生活civil rights 公民权civil law 民法 a civil servant 公务员 a civil war 内战 be civil to sb.对某人有礼貌(polite)civilized behavior 文明举止the civilization of mankind 人类文明 The civil war of Syria has brought great sufferings to tens of thousands of people. 叙利亚内战已经给数万人带来了巨大 痛苦。 8. Hundreds of people from all walks of life

43、, including butchers, hairdressers and government officials, can be seen going about their daily business. From all walks of life =from every walk of life 来自各行各业的 A walk of life 行业,职业 肉贩,屠夫; 刽子手at a butchers (shop) 在肉店 Go about .忙于。 。 。 。 It was a sunny day and people went about their work as usual.

44、 9. The combination of these three sections gives the viewers an idea of what life was like for the people of bianjing. 10. Zhangs amazing artistic technique is apparent all across the scroll. Using ink on the silk, he creates realistic images of scenery, building and people and displays a remarkabl

45、e mastery of perspective. Apparent常用作表语显而易见的,明白易懂的,显然; 常用于名词前 外表的;表面上的 apparently adv.似乎,据说;显然 Its apparent/obvious (to sb.) that C. 明显是 It soon became apparent to everyone that he couldnt sing.很快大家都明白了他不会唱歌。 The teacher was shocked by the parents apparent lack of concern about their childs behavior

46、.(貌似的,表面的) 老师感到惊讶的是那孩子的父母似乎毫不关心自己孩子的表现。 11. The most impressive aspect of the paintingis probably zhangs precise brushwork. 12. This well-developed ability, as well as the scrolls ambitious size, allows zhang to show an enormous amount of details. Ambitious 宏大的,艰巨的,(耗资耗时)巨大的; 有野心的,有雄心的 ambitionn. 雄心

47、,野心,志向,抱负 the governments ambitious plans for social reform 政府耗资巨大的社会改革计划 have an ambition for sth./ to do sth./of doing sth =be ambitious for sth./ to do sth.有做某事的雄心壮志 be filled with ambition充满上进心 (Prob.)Until all is over ambition never dies.不到黄河心不死。 8 Enormous 巨大的;极大地 13. Thanks to all this fine d

48、etails, it provides a comprehensive look at life during the northern song dynasty. Comprehensivea. 全面的,详尽的;综合性的nC综合中学 comprehension n.理解;领悟;理解力comprehend v. 了解;包含 a comprehensive review 全面的审查/研究reading comprehension 阅读理解 beyond comprehension 不可理解的 His comprehensive surveys have provided the most exp

49、licit statements of how, and on what basis, data are collected. 对于如何以及在什么基础上收集数据,他的综合调查提供了最清晰的说明。 14. It reveals a great deal about the 12-century chinese customs, clothing, transportation, business practices, and a wide range of buildings, such as temples, teahouse and government structures. 15. At

50、 first sight, the overall scene of life in the capital city appears peaceful and cheerful. 16. Some critics suggest that on closer inspection, the painting actually exposes serious political and social problems. Critic 批评家,评论家;批评者,挑剔的人 critical a.批判的;挑剔的; 关键的;紧要的 criticism n. 批判;评论(艺术作品等)criticiz/se


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