(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语 必修第二册 知识清单填空+过关检测 (全册14份打包).zip

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1 B1U1 Extended reading & Project 知识清单 一、重点单词 1. _ (n.)人- _ (adj.)个人的- _ (adv.)亲自地;当面- _ (n.)性 格,个性;气质-_ (n.) 拟人;人格化-_ (n.) 全体人员;人事部 2. _ (adj.) 主要的,重要的- _ (n.)大多数 (反)_ (adj.) 未成年的;次要的-_ (n.) 少数民族;少数派 3. _ (vi. & vt.) 挥手,招手;挥舞 (n.)海浪;大量涌现 4. _ (vt. & vi.) 记起,回忆起 5. _ (vt. & vi.) 回想,回忆起 6. _ (n.) 天使;善人 (形近)_ (n.) 角,角度;视角 二、重点短语 1. _ 二十世纪下半叶 2. _ 停车,停止 3. _ 驱车离开 4. _ 从那天起 5. _ 环顾四周 6. _ 向某人招手 7. _ 抬头看;查阅 8. _ 走上去 3、经典句型 1. My momma said my backs crooked like a question mark. These are going to _. (P12, Lines 47-48) 我妈妈说我的背弯的像个问号。它们会让我 像箭一样直。 2. But, I _ the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world. (P12, Lines 33-34) 但是,我的确记得第一次听到世界上最甜美的声音。 同步过关 一、单词拼写(根据首字母或中文提示写出单词的正确形式) 1. There are many intersting e_ in this trip, such as rowing, cycling and riding roller 2 coasters. 2. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the three m_ Chinese holidays, along with the Spring and Mid-autumn Festivals. 3. She _ (回忆) that the doctor told her that people didnt care enough about kids who got cancer. 4. D_ its long history and many treasures, the cathedral needed the help of a writer to become truly famous. 5. Having a hobby gives you focus, self-dependence, confidence and builds your p_. 6. I thought heaven had sent out an _(天使) that night - her assistance arrived at exactly the right time. 7. Lying back on my bed, I noticed an _ (箭头) on the ceiling-pointing to Mecca. 8. They put us on the right road after all. And then they w_ goodbye and disappeared from view. 2、用所给短语的适当形式填空 in the second half of the 20th century pull up drive away next to from that day on look around wave to sb. on the first day 1. You might be waiting a while for one of these _ at the local bus stop. 2. Under these circumstances, many drivers would just honk (按喇叭) once or twice, wait a minute, then drive away. 3. _ of the term, there were crowds of people in the dormitory, including students and parents. 4. It was no use prtending not to see him, so I _ him. 5. Wed like you to _ and tell us if anything is missing. 6. I was 13 when we met, and _ our friendship grew. 7. The changes are different from those that took place in the West _. 8. I was standing right _ her, but she didnt even acknowledge me. 三、课文内容填空(每空不超过 3 个单词) 3 Forrest Gump is one of the 1 classic and excellent films that I have ever seen. It was directed by Robert Zemigis, 2 (star) Tom Hanks, Robin White and others, and was released in the United States on July 6, 1994. The film 3 (adapt) from the novel of the same name published by the American writer, 4 describes the life of Forrest Gump, a man of the innate mental problems. To begin with, it is impossible for us to imagine 5 achievements he could made. 6 finally, just as what Forrests mother said “stupid is as stupid does”, Forrest Gump, 7 is self improving seems to get the favor of God, he not only survives, but also gains 8 (expect) fame and success. After the film 9 (release), it won six awards such as the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actor Award and Best Director Award in 1995. Not just the talented people can have miracle, those who are not smart but do best by what god gives them can 10 have miracle, even do better than the former. 4 答案: B1U1 Extended reading & Project 知识清单 一、重点单词 1. person (n.)人- personal (adj.)个人的- persoanlly (adv.)亲自地;当面- personality (n.)性格, 个性;气质-personification (n.) 拟人;人格化-personnel (n.) 全体人员;人事部 2. major (adj.) 主要的,重要的- majority (n.)大多数 (反)minor (adj.) 未成年的;次要的- -minority (n.) 少数民族;少数派 3. wave (vi. & vt.) 挥手,招手;挥舞 (n.) 海浪;大量涌现 4. recollect (vt. & vi.) 记起,回忆起 5. recall (vt. & vi.) 回想,回忆起 6. angel (n.) 天使;善人 (形近)angle (n.) 角,角度;视角 二、重点短语 1. in the second half of the 20th century 二十 世纪下半叶 2. pull up 停车,停止 3. drive away 驱车离开 4. from that day on 从那天起 5. look around 环顾四周 6. wave to sb. 向某人招手 7. look up 抬头看;查阅 8. step up 走上去 三、经典句型 1. My momma said my backs crooked like a question mark. These are going to make me as straight as an 5 arrow. (P12, Lines 47-48) 我妈妈说我的背弯的像个问号。它们会让我像箭一样直。 2. But, I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world. (P12, Lines 33-34) 但是, 我的确记得第一次听到世界上最甜美的声音。 同步过关 1、单词拼写 1. Events 2 major 3 recalled 4 Despite 5 personality 6 angel 7 arrow 8 waved 二、用所给短语的适当形式填空 1 to pull up 2 drive away 3 On the first day 4 waved to 5 look around 6 from that day on 7 in the second half of the 20th century 8 next to 3、课文内容填空 1. most 2. starring 3. is adapted 4. which 5. what 6. But 7. who 8. unexpected 9. was released 10. also 1 B2U1 Grammar and Usage 可治愈的-_ (adj.) 不能治愈的;不能改变的 7. _ (adj.) 最后的;最终的- _ adv.最后,终于 8. _ (adj.)典型的,有代表性的- _ (adv.) 典型地,一般地 9. _ (adj.)狭窄的;勉强的;狭隘的 (vt 提议 二、重点短语 1 _ 被认为;被视为 2 _ 被改编成 3 hold ones attention _ 4 _ 信不信由你 5 _ 在的帮助下 6 _ 以为基础 7 in the meantime _ 8 all in all _ 9 _ 推荐某人做某事 10 _ 放弃的希望 3、经典句型 1. _ Rudyard Kiplings book of the same title, it describes the story of a boy named Mowgli. (P6) 它根据拉迪亚德吉卜林的同名作品改编,讲述了一个名叫毛克利的男孩的故事。 2 2. All in all, _. (P9) 总之,我强烈推荐这部电影。 B2U1 Grammar and Usage 可治愈的-incurable (adj.) 不能治愈的; 不能改变的 7. eventual (adj.) 最后的;最终的- eventually adv.最后,终于 8. typical (adj.)典型的,有代表性的- typically (adv.) 典型地,一般地 9. narrow (adj.)狭窄的;勉强的;狭隘的 (vt 提议 二、重点短语 1 be regarded as 被认为;被视为2 be adapted into 被改编成 5 3 hold ones attention 吸引某人注意力 4 believe it or not 信不信由你 5 with the aid of 在的帮助下 6 be based on 以为基础 7 in the meantime 在此期间;与此同时 8 all in all 总而言之 9 recommend sb to do sth 推荐某人做某事 10 give up the hope of 放弃的希望 三、经典句型 1. Based on Rudyard Kiplings book of the same title, it describes the story of a boy named Mowgli. (P6) 它根据拉迪亚德吉卜林的同名作品改编,讲述了一个名叫毛克利的男孩的故事。 2 All in all, I highly recommend this film. (P9) 总之,我强烈推荐这部电影。 同步过关 1、单词拼写 1 classics 2 solution 3 typical 4 Eventually 5 regarded 6 systems 7 adapted 8 cure 9 super 10 narrow 二、用所给短语的适当形式填空 1.With the aid of 2. be regarded as 3. is based on 4. spare a thought for 5 give up the hope of 6. all in all 7. be adapted into 8 Believe it or not 三、课文内容填空 1 Based 2 happily 3 to drive 4 which 5advanced 6 Building 7took 8 on 9 but 10 seems 1 B2U1 Welcome to the unit 悲 剧 2. _ (n.) 恐怖电影(或故事等);震惊,恐惧- _ (adj.)恐怖的;极坏的- _(adv.) 可怕地;非常地 3. _ (adj.)真实的,实际的-_ (adv.) 实际上,事实上 4. _ (adj.) 熟悉的;常见的-_ (n.) 熟悉-_ (v.) 使熟悉,使熟识 5. _ (adv.)经常地; 频繁地-_ (adj.)频繁的- _ (n.)频繁;频率 6. _ (v.) 使能够- _ (adj.)有能力的-_(adj.)未能;无法- _ (vt.)使伤残 7. _ (adj.)有创造性的-_ (vt.)创造-_ (adv.) 有创造力地-_ (n.)创 造;创造物 - _ (n.) 创造力;创造性- _ (n.) 创造者 8. _ (v.)适应;改编- _ (adj.)可以改编的;能适应的- _ (n.)适应;改编 9. _ (v.)表演 - _ (n.)表演者- _ (n.)表演 10. _ (v.)更喜欢;宁愿 -_ (adj.) 首选的;有优先权的-_ (adj.) 更可 取的;更合适的- _ (adv.) 更可取地- _ (n.)偏爱; 偏爱的人/事 11. _ (n.) 历史学家-_ (n.)历史- _ (adj.)历史上著名(或重要)的;有历 史意义的- _ (adj.) (有关)历史的;历史性的- _ (adv.) 历史上地;从历史观点上 说 12. _ (v.) 改变;修改;复习- _ (n.)复习; 温习 二、重点短语 1 _ 在幕后;在后台 2 _ 对熟悉 3 to begin with _ 4 draw ones attention to _ 5 _ 认为十分重要 6 be separated from _ 7 _ 促使;为做贡献 8 _ 更不用说 2 9 do justice to _ 10 _ 冰山一角 11 _ 想到,替着想 12 take advantage of _ 13 there is more to sb/sth. than meets the eye _ 14 be shot in different locations _ 3、经典句型 1. Actually, the film you see on the screen is the product of a huge amount of hard work, _ takes place behind the scenes. (P2, Lines 3-5) 事实上,你在屏幕上看到的电影 是大量艰苦工作的产物,而这些工作中的大部分发生在幕后。 2. _, theres always a lot more to it than first meets the eye. (P2, Lines 2-3) 无论你 的答案是什么,它都远比你表面看到的更为复杂。 3. The Quidditch scenes in the Harry Potter films were made in this way _ in front of a green screen. (P3, Lines 20-22) 哈利波特系列电影中的魁地奇场景就是这样制作的,演员们在绿 色屏幕前上蹿下跳。 4. He talked to historians _ that the details were correct and even went down to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to see _ of the ship for himself. (P3, Lines 28-30) 为了确保细节的准 确性,他与历史学家进行了交谈,甚至亲自到大西洋海底去看船的残骸。 5. It took 500 workers 100 days _, not to mention the thousands of props inside. (P3, Lines 30-31) 500 名工人花了 100 天时间来制作这个精美的模型,更不用说里面成千上万的道具 了。 B2U1 Welcome to the unit 悲剧 2. horror (n.) 恐怖电影(或故事等);震惊,恐惧- horrible (adj.)恐怖的;极坏的-horribly (adv.) 可 怕地;非常地 3. actual (adj.)真实的,实际的- actually (adv.) 实际上,事实上 4. familiar (adj.) 熟悉的;常见的-familiarity (n.) 熟悉-familiarize (v.) 使熟悉,使熟识 5. frequently (adv.)经常地; 频繁地-frequent (adj.)频繁的- frequency (n.)频繁;频率 6. enable (v.) 使能够- able (adj.)有能力的- unable (adj.)未能;无法- disable (vt.)使伤残 7. creative (adj.)有创造性的-create (vt.)创造-creatively (adv.) 有创造力地-creation (n.)创造;创造物 - creativity (n.) 创造力;创造性- creator (n.) 创造者 8. adapt (v.)适应;改编- adaptable (adj.)可以改编的;能适应的- adaptation (n.)适应;改编 9. perform (v.)表演- performer (n.)表演者- performance (n.)表演 10. prefer (v.)更喜欢;宁愿 -preferred (adj.) 首选的;有优先权的-preferable (adj.) 更可取的;更合 适的- preferably (adv.) 更可取地- preference (n.)偏爱; 偏爱的人/事 11. historian (n.) 历史学家-history (n.)历史- historic (adj.)历史上著名(或重要)的;有历史意义的- historical (adj.) (有关)历史的;历史性的- historically (adv.) 历史上地;从历史观点上说 12. revise (v.) 改变;修改;复习- revision (n.)复习; 温习 二、重点短语 1 behind the scenes 在幕后;在后台 2 be familiar with 对熟悉 3 to begin with 首先,开始 4 draw ones attention to 引起某人对的注意 5 attach great importance to 认为十分重要 6 be separated from 与分离 5 7 contribute to 促使;为做贡献 8 not to mention 更不用说 9 do justice to 妥善应对; 恰当处理 10 the tip of the iceberg 冰山一角 11 spare a thought for 想到,替着想 12 take advantage of 充分利用 13 there is more to sb/sth. than meets the eye 某 人/某物比表面看到的更加复杂 14 be shot in different locations 在不同的取景地 拍摄 4、经典句型 1. Actually, the film you see on the screen is the product of a huge amount of hard work, most of which takes place behind the scenes. (P2, Lines 3-5) 事实上,你在屏幕上看到的电影是大量艰苦工作的产物, 而这些工作中的大部分发生在幕后。 3. Whatever your answer is, theres always a lot more to it than first meets the eye. (P2, Lines 2-3)无论你 的答案是什么,它都远比你表面看到的更为复杂。 3. The Quidditch scenes in the Harry Potter films were made in this way with the actors jumping up and down in front a green screen. (P3, Lines 20-22) 哈利波特系列电影中的魁地奇场景就是这样制作的, 演员们在绿色屏幕前上蹿下跳。 4. He talked to historians to ensure that the details were correct and even went down to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to see what was left of the ship for himself. (P3, Lines 28-30) 为了确保细节的准确性, 他与历史学家进行了交谈,甚至亲自到大西洋海底去看船的残骸。 5. It took 500 workers 100 days to build the fine model, not to mention the thousands of props inside. (P3, Lines 30-31) 500 名工人花了 100 天时间来制作这个精美的模型,更不用说里面成千上万的道具了。 同步过关 一、单词拼写 1. horror 2. creative 3. enables 4. brief 5. ensure 6. prefer 7. performing 8 personality 9. fantasy 10. frequently 二、用所给短语的适当形式填空 1. contribute to 2. are separated from 3. take advantage of4. attach great significance to 5. be familiar with 6. behind the scenes 7. not to mention 8. In addition to 6 三、课文内容填空(每空不超过 3 个单词) 1. which 2. aspects 3. with 4. are added 5. visual 6. To make 7. justice 8. Hopefully 9. talented 10. and B2U1 语法专练 主谓一致 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.A teacher of English and class teacher _ (tell) us something about volunteer workers now. 2.When and where this took place _ (be) still unknown. 3. Every means _ (try), but none proved successful. 4.This class _ (have) eighteen girls and twenty-five boys. 5.This class _ (be) very bright especially in science subjects. 6.One survey shows that large quantities of water _ (be) wasted every year in China,and that one third is available to be saved. 7.Hank as well as the other children who have no parents _ (take) good care of in the center. 8.What the teacher of the science class does and says _ (be) of great importance to the students at college. 9. The population of China _ (be) very large and more than half of the population _ (live) in rural areas. 10.Wasnt it the icy road rather than the drivers that _ (be) to blame for the series of traffic accidents? 11. Not the passengers but the driver _ (be) to blame for the accident. 12. Not only the students but also the teacher _ (long) for a holiday. 13. When and where the meeting will be held longs_ (have) not been decided yet. 14. Those who _ (be) interested in the activity can sign up before this Friday. 15. Between the two windows _ (hang) a beautiful picture. 二、单句改错(每句一处错误) 1. Not only Mathematics but also Physics are difficult to learn. 2. Mother asked, “Is either you or Lily going to do the cleaning after supper?” 3. William Blakes Selected Poems have been published several times. 4. John, as well as his two friends, are going to Europe for the coming holiday. 5. Neither his parents nor his teacher are pleased with his study. 6. The population of this country, about eighty per cent of whom are farmers, are very large. 7. Students inner motivation with high expectations from parents and teachers are essential to their development. 8. The scientist and writer were invited to deliver a speech at the conference. 9. The publication of Great Expectations were both widely reviewed and highly praised. 10. More than one student have seen the movie Coco, which tells an adventurous story. 三、语篇填空(用括号中所给词的适当形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空) My School Life The number of teachers and students in our school 1_(be) about 2,000 and two thirds of the students in my class 2_(be) girls. All 3_(be) going on well in my class and every boy and every girl 4_(be) ready to help others. Li Lin is the only one of my best friends who 5_(come) from Guangzhou, and the rest 6_(be) local people. Politics 7_(be) my favorite subject and listening to music 8_(be) what I often do in my spare time. Whether I can be admitted to university 9_(be) still unknown, but what I need to do now 10_(be) not wasting any time. 答案: 一、单句填空 1 is telling 2 is 3 has 4 are 5 has been cheated 6 are 7 is being taken 8 is 9 is; live 10 was 11 is/was 12 longs 13 has 14 are 15 hangs 二、改错 1.are 改为 is 2.Is 改为 Are 3.have 改为 has 4.are 改为 is 5.are 改为 is 6.第二个 are 改为 is 7.are 改为 is 8.were 改为 was 9.were 改为 was 10.have 改为 has 三、语篇填空 1. is 2. are 3. is 4. is 5. comes 6. are 7. is 8. is 9. is 10. is B2U2 语法专练 被动语态 一、用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. - I dont suppose the police know who did it. - Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and _ (question) now. 2. The construction of the two new railway lines _ (complete) by now. 3. I have to go to work by taxi because my car _(repair) at the garage. 4. Customers are asked to make sure that they _(give) the right change before leaving the shop. 5. Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which _(call) the Pacific, and we met no storms. 6. I cant see any coffee in this cupboard. _it all_(finish)? 7. Millions of pounds worth of damage _(cause) by a storm which swept across the north of England last night. 8. The heros story _(report) differently in the newspapers. 9. More than a dozen students in that school (send) abroad to study medicine last year. 10. After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment_(damage). 11. Why did you leave that position? I _(offer) a better position at IBM. 12. According to the art dealer, the painting _(expect) to go for at least a million dollars. 13 Hundreds of jobs_(lose) if the factory closes. 14. This car _ (drive) by Smith for five years by next month. 15. Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you cant have time to get _(change) before the party. 二、把下列句子改为被动语态 1. They have sold out the light green dresses. _ 2.Our school is building a new library now. _ 3.People use bamboo to make houses and tools. _ 4.They are discussing the problem in the meeting room. _ 5.The students are giving out leaflets at t
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