(精)人教版(新起点)五年级上册Unit 5 TV shows story timeppt课件(含教案+练习).zip

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Unit 5 TV shows(6) 人教新起人教新起点点 五年级上五年级上 interesting excellent show cartoon news TV favourite great cool 孔雀开屏孔雀开屏 点击孔雀,出现第一根羽毛,读上面的单词。点击孔雀,出现第一根羽毛,读上面的单词。 并点击一下出现下一根羽毛。以此类推。并点击一下出现下一根羽毛。以此类推。 ReviewReview Whats your favourite TV show? What do you think of it? How about your friend? LeadLead in in How many people are there in the story? Who are they? What are their favourite shows ? StoryStory timetime A. Lets read. Lets watch TV. Great. My favourite show is a cartoon. It is on 8:00. A. Lets read. But I want to watch a variety show. It also starts at 8:00. My favourite show is on 8:00 ,too. Its a sports show. You know I love football. A. Lets read. Sports shows are exciting! Variety shows are interesting! Cartoons are fun! When do they watch their favourite TV shows? What do they think of them? At 8:00. Sports shows are exciting! Variety shows are interesting! Cartoons are fun! A. Lets read. Oh ,no! The power is off. Well, now no one can watch TV. Lets play a game. This is fun! What happened to them? The power was off. At last , what did they do? They played a game. B. Fill in the chart. spotrs shows exciting variety showsinteresting cartoon shows fun Family member TV showsTheir feelings LanguageLanguage pointpoint No one can watch TV . no one 没有一个人 (做主语,谓语动词用单数) 例子:No one likes playing football. 没有人可以看电视。 Its on at 8:00. on 播放,上映 例子: The football match is on at 10:00. 它在八点上映。 The power is off. fall off 摔落 We are off one day. 我们休息一天。 电源关了。 C. Retell the story.StoryStory timetime Now please change the story. 小组四人改写故事,并进行表演。小组四人改写故事,并进行表演。 按要求写单词。按要求写单词。 1.有趣的有趣的(英文英文)_ 2.play games(翻译翻译)_ 3.variety(翻译)(翻译)_ 4.its (完全形式完全形式)_ 5.播放播放(英文英文) _ ExerciseExercise interesting 玩游戏玩游戏 不同种类的不同种类的 it is be on 1.She is watching a music shows. (划线部分提问划线部分提问) 2. We watch a cartoon together. (改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句) 1.3. Its a variety show. (变为否定句变为否定句) What is she doing? Do you watch a cartoon together? Its not a variety show. SummarySummary 单单词词: variety exiting interesting 句子:句子: shows are 板书设计板书设计 Unit 5 TV shows(第第六课时六课时) 单单词词: variety exiting interesting 句子:句子: shows are HomeworkHomework 1 1. . L Listenisten andand readread thethe wordswords fivefive times.times. 2.2. C Copyopy thethe newnew wordswords andand phrasesphrases . . Unit 5 TV shows 第六课时第六课时 习题习题 一、翻译下列单词。一、翻译下列单词。 1. variety 2. exciting 3.有兴趣的 4.classmate 5.together 二、按要求写单词。二、按要求写单词。 1.唱和跳(英文)_ 2.kind of (翻译)_ 3.learn about(翻译)_ 4.its (完全形式)_ 5.在周日(英文) _ 三、根据句子大意补充完整。三、根据句子大意补充完整。 1.My (最喜爱的)TV show is Animal World. 2. He is very (聪明的). 3. Ilikechildrens (节目). 4. (每个人) likes Marys singing. 5.Can you (帮助)him? 四、将下列句子翻译成英语。四、将下列句子翻译成英语。 1.我每个星期五看这些节目。 2.我喜欢儿童节目。 3.他最喜欢新闻节目。 4.真有趣。 5.有时候我跟我的朋友一起唱歌。 五、按要求写句子。五、按要求写句子。 1. Ilikemusicshows(划线部分提问) 2. Itsonat5:20(改为一般疑问句) 3. MyfavouriteTVshowsaremovies (变为否定句) 4.Does the news on Sunday? (作肯定回答) 5.She liked helping people. (变为肯定句) Unit5 TV shows 第六课时答案第六课时答案 一、 【解析】该题考查单词的熟悉程度 【答案】1.不同种类 2.兴奋的 3. interesting 4. 同学 5.一起 二、 【解析】1. 翻译,故答案 sing and dance。 2. 考查翻译,故答案为一点。 3. 考查翻译,故答案为学习关于。 4. 考查完全形式,故答案为 it is。 5. 考查翻译,on Sunday。 【答案】1.sing and dance 2.一点 3. 学习关于 4. it is 5.on Sunday 三、 【解析】考察学生的句意理解能力。 【答案】1. favourite 2. shows 3.lake 4.Everyone 5.help 四、 【答案】1.I watch these TV shows every Friday. 2. I like childrens shows. 3. He likes news very muchl. 4. Its really fun. 5. Sometimes I sing with my friends. 五、 【解析】 本题考查学生句子的运用。 【答案】1. What do you like? 2. Is it on 5:20? 3. MyfavouriteTVshowsarentmovies 4. Yes, it is. 5. She liked helping people 人教新起点英语五年级上册人教新起点英语五年级上册 Unit5Unit5 TVTV showsshows 第六课时教学设计第六课时教学设计 课题 TV shows单元Unit 5 学科英语年级五年级 学习 目标 1.知识与技能目标:能够听懂、会说 variety exiting interesting ,并尝试借助拼读规 律记忆单词。 2.过程与方法目标:能够运用已学功能句操练本课新学词汇,并能对自己喜欢的电视节 目进行简单的描述。 3.情感态度:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气 重点单词: variety exiting interesting 难点能用句型在情境中运用 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课Review 教师呈现游戏进行单词复习 Whats your favourite TV show? What do you think of it? How about your friend? 进行游戏单词 复习,培养学 生英语语感; 进行自由讨论, 让学生快速进 入本节课主题 情景 激发学生的好 奇心和学习兴趣, 自然引出新课。 讲授新课1.Lead in 教师提出问题请学生思考 2.Story time A. Lets read. 教师请学生听录音跟读 呈现文本 When do they watch their favourite TV shows? What do they think of them? What happened to them? At last , what did they do? 语音的学习: 观看老师播放 的录音和图片, 跟读新单词, 注意模仿发音, 同时记忆单词 的拼写;播放 课文录音时, 模仿语音语调; 根据课文内 容回答问题, 通过反复的听读 训练,掌握词汇; 通过游戏比赛, 巩固单词;提出 问题,针对性的 完成学习目标; B. Fill in the chart. 教师请学生完成表格内容 2. Language points: No one can watch TV . no one 没有一个人 (做主语,谓语动词 用单数) 例子:No one likes playing football. Its on at 8:00. on 播放,上映 例子: The football match is on at 10:00. The power is off. fall off 摔落 We are off one day. 我们休息一天。 C. Retell the story 教师呈现图片,请学生复述故事 Now please change the story. 小组四人改写故事,并进行表演。 3.Exercise 按要求写单词。 1.有趣的(英文)_ 2.play games(翻译)_ 3.variety(翻译)_ 4.its (完全形式)_ 5.播放(英文) _ 按要求写句子 She is watching a music shows. (划线部分 提问) 2. We watch a cartoon together. (改为一般 大胆说答案, 进一步熟悉课 文内容; 语言知识点的 呈现,让学生 知道本节课的 重点 制作卡片激发 学生创造性 巩固练习 学习形式生动多 样化,使学生集 中注意力,同时 保持学习的积极 性。 有助于学生理解 单词运用 疑问句) 3. Its a variety show. (变为否定句) 4.Summary 根据板书复述今天学习的内容: 单词: variety exiting interesting 句子: shows are 8. Homework. 1. Listen and read the words five times. 2. Copy the new words and phrases . 课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是能理解对话;能听 懂、会说、会拼读单词和短语: variety exiting interesting 本课为新授课,通过反复播放录音视频 并跟读模仿学习词汇和朗读课文;通过灵活多样, 丰富多彩的课堂形式的进行,熟悉课文内容,进 而可以复述故事,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增 强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展,让学生 体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。 板书Unit 5 TV shows(第六课时)(第六课时) 单词单词: variety exiting interesting 句子:句子: shows are
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