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1、2021 年山西中考英语 满分:120 分 听力部分(共 20 分) 略 笔试部分(共 100 分) 五、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 请你从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 () 21. Yuan Longping, known as the father of hybrid rice, helped lift the nation out of hunger. People will never forget. A. meB. himC. them () 22. - Jenny, I cant solve the

2、problems by myself. What should I do? - Maybe working in groups is a good. A. methodB. surveyC. report () 23. - Toour eyesight, wed better relax for a while after reading for a long time. - I agree with you. A. harmB. protectC. examine () 24. - The computer desk in the store is sothat I cant afford

3、it. - Why not buy a second-hand one on the Internet? A. largeB. heavyC. expensive () 25. - I cant sleep well these days. - Doing sports can help you sleep. A. simplyB. deeplyC. weekly () 26. Please dont hurt the little animalsyou see them on the street. They are our friends. A. soB. whenC. unless ()

4、 27. In daily life, everyone shouldthe lies. After all, being honest comesfirst. A. pay attention toB. get used toC. stay away from () 28. - China has made a complete victory in its fight against poverty (贫困). - As Chinese, weour country. A. are proud ofB. are friendly toC. are interested in () 29.

5、In the future, robots will play a more important role inpeoples life th e development of technology. A. ahead ofB. instead ofC. because of () 30. - Chinas womens soccer team beat Team South Korea on April 13th. I wonder . - They never gave up and fought the last minute in the game. A. how they won t

6、he game B. why they played the game C. where they played the game 六、补全对话(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 下面是手机群聊的界面,请根据聊天内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最 佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余项。 (The friends are talking about a speech competition.) A: Dale Hello. 31. B: Amy Im preparing for a speech A. Good luck! B. I dont think so. C. W

7、hats it about? D. That sounds great. E. What are you doing now? F.When is the competition? G. Im not sure what I will talk about. competition. C: Dale, 32. B: Joe About celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC (中国共产 党成 立 100 周年). But Im not well prepared. A: Do you need any help?

8、 B: Yes. 33. C: How about telling the story of the CPC-led Red Army? B: 34.I will have a try. A: I believe you can do a good job. C: 35. B: Amy Joe Thanks a lot. 七、完形填空 (每小题 1 分, 共 8 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中,选一个最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 High school life is coming to an end. Every student got a

9、 gift, but few gifts can be nicer than that Linda got from her dad. Whats 36.about it? Its a long story. Ever since kindergarten (学前班), Linda s father had invited each of his daughters teachers to write some words about her in a notebook. Her teachers 37.theirbeautifuldayswithLindafrom kindergarten

10、to high school. And Lindas father kept the notebook 38.she graduated from high school. The final gift was so surprising and moving that it made her cry a lot. Lindas father has kept this notebook as a 39.these years and the notebook has become yellow. “Its clearly believed that everyone else in my l

11、ife knew about it,” Linda said. “The words from every teacher 40.me. They help me remember my years. Thanks to it, I can look back at the past school years. I can also enjoy the happy memories in the 41. of my life. My teachers mentioned my smile. But what they wrote about me most is my deep love fo

12、r life. I 42.imagine the gift is so special. I would keep it for myself forever. It will be the most valuable thing in my life.” Maybe we should think about using this gift from Lindas father as inspiration for gift-giving. The most important thing is something meaningful 43.it. Sometimes, the best

13、gift is not the most expensive one. () 36. A. clear () 37. A. cut out B. special B. made up C. strange C. wrote down () 38. A. ifB. untilC. since () 39. A. secretB. promiseC. hope () 40. A. hurtB. worryC. encourage () 41. A. restB. shapeC. beginning () 42. A. alwaysB. oftenC. never () 43. A. towardB

14、. behindC. against 八. 阅读理解(这一部分共五篇短文,A 至 D 篇每篇短文后有五个小题,E 篇后有六个小题, 每小题 2 分,共 52 分) (A) 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选择一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。 What makes a good reader? You can find the answer in Readers Club. Today, we have some books for you. Come and join the fun! The Old Man andthe Seawon the Pulitzer

15、Prize for fiction in 1953.Ayear later, Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for Literature.The Old Man and the Seais generally considered by many to be his greatest achievement. The leading character in this book is a person who can face difficulties and never give up. Hardback ¥21.70Paperback ¥16.00 Heart

16、, written by Edmondo DeAmicis from Italy, is a diary of an Italian boy Eric. In his diary, he writes about the greatest love in the world: love for the nation, for the society, and also teachers love, classmates love, parents love, childrenslove. Hardback ¥27.20Paperback ¥16.40 Peter Pan, created by

17、 Scottish novelist and playwright J.M. Barrie. Peter Pan is a young boy who can fly and never grows up. He spends his never-ending childhood having adventures(冒险) on the mythical island of Neverland as the leader of the Lost Boys, playing happily with children both inside and outside Neverland. Hard

18、back ¥22.70Paperback ¥14.60 Celebrity Biography, also known as “Three Giants”, written by Romain Rolland, about three great men in different fields: Beethoven, Michelangelo and Leo Tolstoy. They all suffered(遭受) a lot in body and spirit, but never lost confidence. Hardback ¥26.20Paperback ¥15.80 Clu

19、b members will get a discount(折扣) of 10% for hardback books and 20% for paperback books. If you buy any of the two hardback books, e-books will be free for you. () 44. Who won the Nobel Prize for literature? A. Hemingway.B. Leo Tolstoy.C. Edmondo De Amicis. () 45. Which word can be used to describe

20、the topic of the bookHeart? A. Love.B. Success.C. Adventure. () 46. What is the bookPeter Pan about? A. A boy who likes keepingdiaries. B. A boy who always misses his family. C. A boy who enjoys his never-ending childhood. () 47. What can we learn from the booksThe Old Manandthe Sea and Celebrity Bi

21、ography? A. The value of the friendship. B. The spirit of never giving up. C. The advantage of the teamwork. () 48. As a club member, which books can you buy with 40 yuan to get freee-books? A. Two hardback booksHeart and Celebrity Biography. B. A hardback bookHeartand a paperback bookPeter Pan. C.

22、Two hardback books The Old Man and the Sea and Peter Pan. (B) 请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将选项涂黑。 When looking at a pair of old chopsticks, most people would see nothing but waste. But Felix Bock would see boxes, tables, shelves and so on. In 2016, Felix Bock, a doctoral student at th

23、e University of British Columbia, Canada, found out people threw away about 100,000 pairs of chopsticks every day in Vancouver alone. He felt the need to do something. So he started the company ChopValue inthesameyear.Thecompanycollectedusedchopsticksfrom restaurants, schools and shopping centers in

24、 Canada and the US and turned them into furniture and other artworks. Now in its fifth year, with the rapid growth of the company, Bock employs 40 people, and using his special methods of steam and press machines, he has recycled 32 million pairs of chopsticks. Bock takes pride in his work. And he h

25、opes the idea behind ChopValue will help people rethink what they see as waste. “I believe every small action can help,” he said. “And I am happy that my business provides a new way for people.” Hundreds of restaurants across North America pay a small sum of money to Bock for the recycling of their

26、used chopsticks. Bock doesnt stop there. Now he is busy taking his business to more countries and has set up factories for recycling local wood like chopsticks in 10 countries. ( ) 49. When did Felix Bock start his company? A. In 2016.B. In 2017.C. In 2021. ( ) 50. Which of the following is TRUE acc

27、ording to the passage? A. The company collected old chopsticks to make new machines. B. People threw away about 100,000 pairs of chopsticks in England. C. The company turned used chopsticks into furniture and other artworks. () 51. What does the underlined word “employs” mean in Chinese? A. 指 责.B. 雇

28、用C. 奖 励 () 52. Why do many restaurants in North America pay money toBock? A. Because they expect Bock to continue his business. B. Because they hope to build some factories with Bock. C. Because they want Bock to help recycle their used chopsticks. () 53. Whats the passage mainly about? A. The new w

29、ay to rethink waste. A. Neither could my parents. B. We should keep the stress off ourselves. C. Surely happiness was the purpose of living. B. The plan for recycling local wood. C. The advice about setting up a company. (C) 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空自处的最佳选项,使短 文意思通顺,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。 Rec

30、ently, teenagers face many kinds of problems. Like many of them. I was once troubled with worries and dissatisfaction. Few people could understand my feelings. 54. “The problem with your generation is that you always expect to be happy,” my mother once said. 55.Shouldnt we try hard to achieve it? Bu

31、t now I have noticed a change in my thinking. I gradually realize what my mother said was correct. Over these years, many studies have shown that we are crazy about happiness and high personal confidence. 56. In fact, we may often be happier when we stop focusing on happiness. We should also reset o

32、ur expectations of the future. Dont expect miracles(奇迹), and accept that no matter how hard we try, feelings of failure and unhappiness will appear from time to time. When we feel sad, its often because we have learned something painful but important. 57.At the same time, we should learn how to deal

33、 with them better than trying to make them disappear. 58.As my mother tried to teach me all those years ago, “Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and be unsurprised by everything in between.” D. That may make us less satisfied with our lives. E. Happiness arrives when we are least expecting it

34、. F.So its necessary for us to accept sad feelings as part of life. (D) 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在方框内的缩写文章中,填入与短文意思最符合的单词,将 答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。每空一词。 In 2009. Todd Bol put up a Little Free Library with the used boards. That was to show his respect and love for his mother, who loved reading very much. The idea quick

35、ly spread, and Todd made a wise decision to set up Little Free library as a non-profit (非 营利的) organization with signs that read “Little Free Library: Take a Book, Return a Book.” Today there are about 100,000 little free libraries in over 100 countries and they have a great influence on peoples lif

36、e. Studies have shown that books in the hands of children have a meaningful influence on improving literacy (识字). Little Free Library spreads the idea that literacy is of great importance and pushes people to learn and grow in their own literacy. Little Free Library can greatly improve the relations

37、hip among neighbors and strangers, The idea of Little Free Library was first created by Told Bol. He made it for his mother who was a 59. Then the idea soon spread to many countries. And Todd 60.decided to build Free Library as a non-profit organization. Nowadays, there are about 100,000 little free

38、 libraries around the world. Little Free Library tells us that literacy is so 61.and pushes us to improve our ability to read and write through books. It also helps to improve the relationship 62.people. At the same time, with little free libraries, people can 63.the joy of reading books. Whats more

39、, little free libraries give people a feeling ofwarmth. If there is such a library in each building in the future, people will spend more time reading instead of playing on the phones. too. “Within just a few miles of me, there are many little libraries in folks front yards, sharing the joy of readi

40、ng with anyone who passes by. I just live in such a world where books, and the knowledge that comes with them, are highly valued. ” Catherine, an American woman, said, “Ive even received a note of thanks from a gentleman named Esteban. He was especially thankful to have a “friend” on a cold night: T

41、hank you for this wonderful gift of a book. Its an excellent friend on this cold and lonely night. Ill return one in its place as soon as Ican!” If each building has such a library, we will soon have a society that spends less time on the phones and more on the pages of a book. (E) 请阅读下面的非连续性文本, 按要求

42、完成所给任务, 并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。 As the saying goes, “Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles”. In modern society, travelling is a very common thing. Almost everyone can go on a trip at any time as long as they want to. In fact, centuries ago, some famous people already travelled around China

43、and they got a lot from exploration (探险). Xu Xiake, a geographer and writer in Ming dynasty, spend more than thirty years on the road four hundred years ago. With his mothers encouragement, Xu Xiake travelled around China. He met with many difficulties on the road. But he never stopped travelling an

44、d writing. Xu Xiake was on the road all his life, and his travel notes covered as much as his knowledge. His 600,000- word travel notes finally came out in 1776, about 135 years after his death. China Tourism Day is set on May 19th, the date when he startedThe Travels of Xu Xiake. Some of Xu Xiakes

45、Footprints around China Macro Polos Journey to theEast Marco Polo, a businessman born in 1254 in Italy, is known as a travel king in the west. In 1271, Marco Polo with his father and uncle set foot on the road to China. It took him four years. Along the way, he met bad weathers, a shortage of food a

46、nd water and so on. They reached Shangdu in Inner Mongolia in 1275. Kublai Khan gave them a warm welcome there and took them to Dadu. Macro Polos hard journey created one of the worlds first best sellersThe Travels of Macro Polo. Medieval ( 中世纪的 ) readers fell in love with Polo s wonderful descripti

47、ons of faraway lands and got to know China and MiddleAsia. 59. Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. 60. Chart I shows some of Xu Xiakes footprints around China. Which provinces did he visit? 61. According to the passage, Macro Polo journeyed east along. And Dadu refers to (指)now. 6

48、2. Why did medieval readers likeThe Travels of Macro Polo? 63. Please complete the facts about Xu Xiake and Macro Polo in ChartIII. 64. What have you learned from Xu Xiake and Macro Polo? How will you put what you have learned to good use in life? 九、词语运用 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分) wefeeltot al whichacceptfest

49、ivaladdhard closerefusediscussalthough The sweetest memory of my childhood is about a round table. When I was still little, my whole family would get together on different traditional70to have dinner. We kidswould be sitting around or playing hide-and-seek under the table while the grown-ups were ha

50、ving a 71 . When I got a bit older, my aunt brought back her boyfriend and my grandma cheerfully 72 another seat to the round table. It seemed a little more crowded, but we all feltmuch73to each other. When I was twelve, my grandpa passed away. That madeus74sad. However, when the whole family got to


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