(精)北师大版(三起)六年级上册英语Unit 2 An Accident ppt课件(含音频).zip

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Unit2 An Accident 北师大版(三起) 六年级上 北 师 大 版 ( 三 起 ) 六 年 级 上 册 Unit2 An Accident 学 习 目 标 重要单词:clean(cleaned), visit(visited), go(went), want(wanted) pass(passed) eat(ate) help(helped) cough(coughed) film, slowly, quickly, suddenly, sick, careful等。 重要句型:What did you do last Sunday? I visited a friend and watched a film. I didnt watch TV yesterday. 重要语法:一般过去时的句型转换. Vocabulary:词汇1 clean klin 动词,打扫 过去式: cleaned klind 发音:ea发/i/ visit vzt 动词,拜访,看望 过去式: visited vztd 发音:-ed发/d/ go 动词,走,去 过去式: went went Vocabulary:词汇1 want wnt 动词,想要 过去式: wanted wntd 发音:ed发/d/ pass ps 动词,传,递 过去式: passed pst 发音:-ed发/t/ look lk 动词,看 过去式: looked lkt 发音:oo发/ -ed发/t/ Vocabulary:词汇1 help help 动词,帮助 过去式: helped helpt 发音:-ed发/t/ eat it 动词,吃,吃饭 过去式: ate et 发音:ea发/i/ 总结: 一般情况下,动词末尾加-ed,构成动词的过去式。注意-ed的发音:当末 尾音素为浊辅音时,-ed发/d/; 末尾音素为清辅音时,-ed发/t/; 末尾音素是t,d时 , -ed发/d/. 不规则的动词过去式,需要单独记忆。 Get Ready: 2. Talk about the pictures. 按图例句式,自由表达 : 1. Look and Match: 看一看,将 下列单词填入匹配的图片下面 : watch TV clean the room watch a film visit a friend Lesson1: Enjoy the Story 01 Last Saturday Mocky visited Ann and Ken.莫奇上个周六拜访了Ann和Ken. 讲解: 一般过去时:主语+动词的过去式 +其它。即,一般过去时的核心结构是动 词的过去式. 02 Ann passed him one. Ann递给他一根. 讲解: pass sb sth: 递给某人某物 03 Mocky ate the banana very quickly. 讲解: quickly副词,修饰动词,置后 04 Eat slowly. 慢点吃 讲解: slowly,副词,用法同上 Lesson1: Enjoy the Story 讲解: 05 Whats the matter? 怎么了? 同义句: Whats wrong? 06 Suddenly Mocky looked sick. 突然Mocky看起来很难受。 讲解: suddenly: 副词,突然; look: 看起来,后面加形 容词,表示看起来怎么样. Lesson1: Enjoy the Story 讲解: 07 make a mess: 弄得一团糟 made: make的过去式 08 Be careful next time. 下次小心点. 09 He didnt want any bananas. 他不想要香蕉了。 讲解:一般过去时的否定句: 主语+ didnt +动词原形+其它。 注意,否定句选择助动词didnt,助 动词后加动词原形. 练习time: 难不倒我哒 用所给单词的适当形式填空: 1. Mocky _(visit) Ann and Ken last Saturday. 2. Were _(have) breakfast. 3. Mocky ate the banana _(quick). 4. _(be) careful next time. 5. He didnt _(want) any bananas. 练习time: 答案解析: 1. Mocky _(visit) Ann and Ken last Saturday. 2. Were _(have) breakfast. 3. Mocky ate the banana _(quick). 4. _(be) careful next time. 5. He didnt _(want) any bananas. 解析: 1. visited: last Saturday是一般 过去时的时间状语,谓语动 词用visit的过去式. 2. having: be动词后加动词ing 3. quickly: 副词修饰动词,置后 ; quick变副词,后加ly 4. Be: 祈使句,动词原形放句 首. 5. want: didnt,助动词,后面 加动词原形 Lesson2: Lets Practice 1. Learn to say: 学习说 总结: 一般过去时的特殊疑问句: What did+主语+do+时间状语? 主语+动词过去式+其它. Lesson2: Lets Practice 2. Match and say: 将下列句子匹配到合适的图片中 Lesson2: Lets Practice 3. Lets Sing: 练习time: 请开始你的表演 写出下列动词的过去式: 1. clean _ 2. help _ 3. eat _ 4. want _ 5. have _ 6. watch _ 7. cough _ 8. do _ 9. go _ 10. Visit _ 11. see _ 12 are _ 练习time: 答案解析: 1. clean _ 2. help _ 3. eat _ 4. want _ 5. have _ 6. watch _ 7. cough _ 8. do _ 9. go _ 10. Visit _ 11. see _ 12 are _ 答案: cleaned, helped, ate, wanted, had, watched wanted, had, watched, coughed, did, went visited, saw, were Lesson3: Have Fun 1.Listen and number Lesson3: Have Fun 1.Listen and number 听力解析: 1. What did Anns family do yesterday? They had breakfast in a restaurant. 2. What did Ann and Ken do last Sunday? They went shopping. 3. What did Ann and Ken do yesterday afternoon? They played ball in the park. 4. What did Mocky do yesterday morning? Mocky visited Ann and Ken. 5. What did Mocky want? Mocky wanted some fruits. 6. What did Mocky eat? Mocky ate a banana. 1 2 3 45 6 Lesson3: Have Fun 2. Talk Together: Lesson3: Have Fun 3. Uncle Bookys Blackboard. 熟读并记忆 练习time: 我需要力量 按要求写句子: 1. What did you do yesterday?(watch a film) _ 2. I visited my grandfather last Sunday.(变否定句) _ 3. He saw some animals in the zoo yesterday.(变一般疑问句) _ 4. He went to the cinema last Sunday.(对划线部分提问) _ 5. Did you want some food?(作肯定回答) _ 练习time: 答案解析: 1. What did you do yesterday?(watch a film) I watched a film. 2. I visited my grandfather last Sunday.(变否定句) I didnt visit my grandfather last Sunday. 3. He saw some animals in the zoo yesterday.(变一般疑问句 ) Did he see any animals in the zoo yesterday? 4. He went to the cinema last Sunday.(对划线部分提问) What did he do last Sunday? 5. Did you want some food?(作肯定回答) Yes, I did. 解析:用过去时问,用过去时回答; 与一般现在时相比,变否定句和一般疑问句时,选 择助动词did, 而不是do或does; 不管选择哪一个助动词,助动词后面均要加动词原形. 一般过去时的一般疑问句的回答:Yes, 人称代词+did. No, 人称代词+didnt. Vocabulary:词汇2 film flm 名词,电影 slowly flm 副词,缓慢地 形容词,slow quickly kwkli 副词,迅速地 形容词,quick another n(r) 代词,再一,另一 suddenly sdnli 副词,突然 形容词,sudden sick sk 形容词,不适的,生病的 Lesson4 Have a Try 1. Look and Write: Lesson4 Have a Try 1. Look and Write: 答案: 1. had 2. washed 3. went 4. did 5. painted 6. watched 7. played, four oclock 8. went Lesson4 Have a Try 2. Listen and Check. Lesson4 Have a Try 2. Listen and Check. 听力解析: Jerry had a busy day yesterday. In the morning, he visited Lucy in the hospital with Mary, Lucy was sick. In the afternoon, he cleaned his room and washed clothes. In the evening, he didnt watch TV. He went swimming. Lesson4 Have a Try 3. Act and Find Out. 练习time: 我最腻害 用所给单词的适当形式填空: 1. Where _(be) you yesterday morning? 2. What did he _(do) last Sunday? 3. I _(watch) a film with my friends last Saturday. 4. I didnt _(eat)breakfast. 5. What did you do? I _(clean) the room. 练习time: 答案参考: 1. Where _(be) you yesterday morning? 2. What did he _(do) last Sunday? 3. I _(watch) a film with my friends last Saturday. 4. I didnt _(eat)breakfast. 5. What did you do? I _(clean) the room. 答案: 1. were: yesterday morning:定位一般过去时,主语是you,故be 动词用were.;2. do: did是助动词,后面加动词原形;3. watched: last Saturday定位时态为一般过去时,故用watch的过去式; 04 eat; didnt是 助动词,后面加动词原形;05 cleaned: 用过去时问,用过去时回答. Lesson5 Get it right Lesson5 Get it right 答案: 1. watched 2. saw 3. went 4. helped 5. gave 6. was Lesson5 Get it right Lesson5 Get it right 答案:a: played b: Joes friends and Joe played basketball last Sunday. c: Joe fell down and hurt. d: Joes friends helped him. Lesson5 Get it right 2: Listen and Practice Lesson5 Get it right 3. Poem: Lesson6: Round Up Lesson6: Round Up 答案参考: wanted, went cleaned, did helped, had watched, saw Lesson6: Round Up Lesson6: Round Up 答案参考: I washed the socks, but I didnt do the homework. I watched a film, but I didnt watch TV. Lesson6: Round Up Lesson6: Round Up: Uncle Bookys Storytime 讲解: lost: lose的过去式,丢失 came: come的过去式,来到 fell: fall的过去式,摔倒,掉落 broke: break的过去式,打破 Lesson6: Round Up: Uncle Bookys Storytime 总结:Summary 掌握高频动词的过去式: 规则动词: clean- cleaned; visit-visited; want-wanted; pass- passed; look-looked; cough-coughed; help-helped; 不规则动词: go-went; eat-ate; see-saw; have-had等。 掌握一般过去时的句型转换: 1. He watched a film last Sunday. 2. He didnt watch a film last Sunday. 3. Did he watch a film last Sunday? Yes, he did. No, he didnt. 4. What did he do last Sunday? He watch a film. 单元检测 一、单项选择: 1. He didnt _ breakfast this morning. A ate B eat C eating 2. What did he _ yesterday? He _ to the library. A did; go B do; went C do; does 3. What are you doing? We _ breakfast. A eating B ate C are eating 4. He _ in the library yesterday. A wasnt B didnt C isnt 5. She often _ to school on foot, but yesterday she _ to school by bus. A go; went B goes; went C go; goes 单元检测 答案解析: 1. He didnt _ breakfast this morning. A ate B eat C eating 2. What did he _ yesterday? He _ to the library. A did; go B do; went C do; does 3. What are you doing? We _ breakfast. A eating B ate C are eating 4. He _ in the library yesterday. A wasnt B didnt C isnt 5. She often _ to school on foot, but yesterday she _ to school by bus. A go; went B goes; went C go; goes 单元检测 二、为下列问句选择合适的答语: 1.( )Whats the matter? A We were at school. 2.( )Where were you yesterday? B She is from Canada. 3.( )What did you do yesterday? C Im eating breakfast. 4.( )What are you doing? D I am sick. 5.( )Where is she from? E We watched a football game on TV. 单元检测 答案参考: 1.( D )Whats the matter? A We were at school. 2.( A )Where were you yesterday? B She is from Canada. 3.( E )What did you do yesterday? C Im eating breakfast. 4.( C )What are you doing? D I am sick. 5.( B )Where is she from? E We watched a football game on TV. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
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