(精)北师大版(三起)五年级上册英语Unit 1 Jobsppt课件(含音频).zip

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  • 【精】北师大版(三起)五年级上册英语Unit 1 Jobs ppt课件(含音频)
    • Unit1Jobs课件.pptx--点击预览
    • 第一单元lesson1.mp4
    • 第一单元lesson2.mp4
    • 第一单元lesson3.mp4
    • 第一单元lesson4.mp4
    • 第一单元lesson5.mp4
    • 第一单元lesson6.mp4


Unit1 Jobs 北师大版(三起) 五年级上 北 师 大 版 ( 三 起 ) 五 年 级 上 册 Unit1 Jobs 学 习 目 标 重要单词:job, teacher, doctor, vet, juggler, farmer, policeman, nurse, student, singer, worker, driver, call, telephone, taxi, Miss等。 重要句型:What does he/she do? She/He is a +名词; Are you a vet? Yes, I am. Is she a teacher? No, she isnt. 重要语法:一般现在时中的主谓一致 其它知识点: 掌握元音字母 a, e, i, o,oa, ea的发音规 律. Vocabulary1:词汇 职业类 名词 Jobs teacher doctor juggler farmer policeman nurse worker driver tit(r) 教师 dkt(r) 医生 dl(r) 玩杂耍的人 fm(r) 农民 警察 plismn 工人 wk(r) drav(r) 司机 护士 ns Get Ready: 2. Talk about the pictures. 按图例句式,自由表达 : 1. Look and Match: 看一看,将 下列单词填入匹配的图片下面 : a teacher a doctor a vet a juggler Lesson1: Enjoy the Story 讲解: Mocky the Juggler: 莫奇变戏法 1. What does she/ he do? 她/他是做什么的? 同义句: Whats her/his job? 答语: She/Hes a+职业名 词。 Lesson1: Enjoy the Story 2. call for help.打电话求助 3. Theres a telephone. 那里 有一个电话. There be句型: 表示某地有某物或某人, be动 词与后面最近的名词保持一致. 4. hurt:动词,受伤; 形容词, 受伤的。句中hurt为形容词 5. We need help:我们需要帮 助; need:需要,后面加名 词或 to do. 6. Dont worry.不用担心. Lesson1: Enjoy the Story 7. Are you a vet? Yes, I am. 你是一名兽医吗?是的,我是. 句式: Are you a +职业类名词? 表示“你是.吗?” 肯定回答: Yes, I am. 否定回答: No, Im not. 8. How is he? 他怎么样了? 对状态或方式提问用how 9. Lets go home now. 我们现在回家吧。 句式: Lets+动词原形+其它! 练习time: 单项选择: 1.What _ Miss White do? A do B is C does 2.Please call _ help. A with B on C for 3. Are you a vet? Yes, _. A I am B you are. C he is 4. I can help _ friend. A you B your C yours 5. _ is he? Hes all right now. A What B Where C How 难不倒我哒 练习time: 答案解析: 1.What _C_ Miss White do? A do B is C does 2.Please call _C _ help. A with B on C for 3. Are you a vet? Yes, _A_. A I am B you are. C he is 4. I can help _B _ friend. A you B your C yours 5. _C_ is he? Hes all right now. A What B Where C How 1. Miss White:主语是第三人称单数,助动 词选择单数,由动词原形do, 用助动词 does. 2. call for help 寻求帮助 3. 用Are you提问,肯定回答用I am. 4. friend为名词,形容词性物主代词修饰名 词,故用your. 5. 根据答语,他现在很好, 应该问他怎么样 ,故用how. Lesson2: Lets Practice 1. Learn to say: 学习说 讲解: learn to do sth: 学习做某事 重点句型: What does he/she do? He/ Shes a farmer/ policeman/ nurse/ student/ singer/ worker/ taxi driver. Lesson2: Lets Practice 2. Match and say: 将下列句子匹配到合适的图片中 Lesson2: Lets Practice 3. Lets Sing: 练习time: 给下列句子选择合适的答语: ( )1. Are you a doctor? A Hes a policeman. ( )2. How is he? B No, Im not. ( )3. What does your father do? C Shes a teacher. ( )4. Can I walk quickly? D Hes all right. ( )5. What does she do? E No, you cant. 请开始你的表演 练习time: 答案解析: ( B )1. Are you a doctor? A Hes a policeman. ( D )2. How is he? B No, Im not. ( A )3. What does your father do? C Shes a teacher. ( E )4. Can I walk quickly? D Hes all right. ( C )5. What does she do? E No, you cant. 疑问句的回答: 01特殊疑问句,问什么,答什么;02一般疑问 句,用什么问,用什么答;03 主语一致性 Lesson3: Have Fun 1.Listen and number Lesson3: Have Fun 1.Listen and number 听力原文: 1. What does he do? Hes a policeman. 2. What does she do? Shes a nurse. 3. What does she do? Shes a teacher. 4. What does he do? Hes a farmer. 5. What does he do? Hes a doctor. 6. What does he do? Hes a vet. 5 612 34 Lesson3: Have Fun 2. Talk Together: 仿照对话内容,再写一组:核心词用doctor, policeman Lesson3: Have Fun 3. Uncle Bookys Blackboard. 熟读并记忆 练习time: 按要求完成下列句子: 1. He is a worker.(对划线部分提问) _ 2. She is a teacher.(变一般疑问句) _ 3.What does your mother do?(同义句) _ 4. What do you do?(按实际回答) _ 5. Is he a doctor?(作否定回答) _ 我需要力量 练习time: 答案解析: 1. He is a worker.(对划线部分提问) What does he do? 2. She is a teacher.(变一般疑问句) Is she a teacher? 3.What does your mother do?(同义句) Whats your mothers job? 4. What do you do?(按实际回答) I am a student. 5. Is he a doctor?(作否定回答) No, he isnt. 1.对职业提问:用what does sb do?或Whats sbs job? 2. 含有be动词的句子,变一般疑问 句时,将be动词提前,句号变问 号。 3. 同1. 4.问什么,答什么 5. 一般疑问句的回答用Yes或No,用 什么问,用什么答,主语保持一致. Vocabulary2:词汇 Miss ms 名词,用于未婚女子姓 氏前,表示小姐,女士 发音: i发/ telephone telfn 名词,电话 发音: ph发/f/ call kl 名词,动词: 打电话 发音:c发/k/; al发/ taxi tksi 名词,出租车,的士 发音:a发/;x发/ks/ Lesson4 Have a Try 1. Lets chant. Lesson4 Have a Try 2. Lets Read. Jacks grandfather is a _ Jacks mother is a _ Jacks father is a _ Jacks aunt is a _ Jacks uncle is a _ Lesson4 Have a Try 2. Lets Read:讲解 01 This is :表示介绍,这是 this: 指示代词,这个,单数; 对 应词: that,那个; 复数:these: 这些 These are 02 He loves animals. 他热爱动 物。 一般现在时中,当主语是第三人 称单数时,谓语动词也用第三人 称单数,即主谓一致. 一般现在时就是描述现在的状态 或客观情况 练习time: 用所给单词的适当形式填空: 1. He _(work) in a zoo. 2. This _(be) my uncle. 3. What does he _(do)? 4. My mother _(be) a nurse. 5. My grandfather _(love)animals. 我最腻害 练习time: 用所给单词的适当形式填空: 1. He _(work) in a zoo. 2. This _(be) my uncle. 3. What does he _(do)? 4. My mother _(be) a nurse. 5. My grandfather _(love)animals. 答案解析:01 works: 主语是第三人称单数he,表达现在的客观情况, 用works,即work的第三人称单数形式; 02 is: 主语是This,单数,故 be动词用单数is; 03 do: does是助动词,助动词后面加动词原形; 04 is: 主谓一致,主语是单数,动词用单数形式; 05 loves: 同1 Lesson5 Get it right 1. Listen and check ( ) Lesson5 Get it right 1. Listen and check ( ) 听力解析: 1. What do you do? I am a doctor. 2. What do you do? I am a driver. 3. What do you do? I am a nurse. 4. What do you do? I am a policeman. 5. What do you do? I am a vet. 6. What do you do? I am a farmer. Lesson5 Get it right 2. Look and write: Lesson5 Get it right 3. Listen and Repeat: 总结:一般情况下,元音字母a在重读闭音节中发/;在开音节(元辅e)中发本音/e/ 元音字母 e在重读闭音节中发/e/,ea字母组合多发/i:/; 元音字母i在重读闭音节中 发/;在开音节中发本音/a/; oa字母组合发/;元音字母o在重读闭音节中发/ Lesson5 Get it right 4. Match and Say: Lesson5 Get it right 4. Match and Say: 参考答案 练习time: 选出划线部分发音与众不同的一项: 1.( )A face B make C cat D late 2.( )A like B fish C five D bike 3.( )A bed B egg C he D red 4.( )A box B lock C hope D sock 5.( )A boat B coat C soap D how 大声读出来哦 练习time: 答案解析: 1.( C )A face B make C cat D late 2.( B )A like B fish C five D bike 3.( C )A bed B egg C he D red 4.( C )A box B lock C hope D sock 5.( D )A boat B coat C soap D how 音标考察题目:首先要夸张读出来,细品发音;其次掌握常见 字母及字母组合的发音规律也是必要的哈. Lesson6: Round Up 1. Find the words in the puzzle: Lesson6: Round Up 答案解析: Lesson6: Round Up 2. Look and write: Lesson6: Round Up 答案参考: 2. She is a doctor. 3. She is a teacher. 4. He is a vet. Lesson6: Round Up 3. Group the words: Lesson6: Round Up 答案参考: nurse doctor vet policeman farmer singer Lesson6: Round Up: Uncle Bookys Storytime Welcome to欢迎来到 those: 那些,复数; 单数形式是that,那个 他们正在种植水稻 are planting: 正在种植,表 达动作正在发生 Lesson6: Round Up: Uncle Bookys Storytime 总结:Summary 职业类名词汇总: teacher, doctor, singer, nurse, vet, policeman, juggler, worker, farmer, driver等. 金句演练: What do you do? I am a nurse. What does he/ she do? He / She s a doctor. Are you a vet? Yes, I am. Is he a doctor? No, he isnt. He likes animals. 语法: 一般现在时:主谓一致,即当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用 单数; 当主语是第一人称,第二人称或复数时,谓语动词用原形. 单元检测 一、根据短文内容,把正确的单词写在横线上: Lily is a girl. She is 8. She is a _(student/ farmer). Her father works in a hospital. Hes a _(doctor/ dancer). Her mother teaches in a school. Shes a _(teacher/ nurse). Her uncle likes animals. He can help them. Hes a _(doctor/ vet). Her grandfather works on a farmer, and hes a _(farmer/ juggler). 单元检测 答案解析: Lily is a girl. She is 8. She is a _(student/ farmer). Her father works in a hospital. Hes a _(doctor/ dancer). Her mother teaches in a school. Shes a _(teacher/ nurse). Her uncle likes animals. He can help them. Hes a _(doctor/ vet). Her grandfather works on a farmer, and hes a _(farmer/ juggler). 01 student; 02 doctor; 03 teacher; 04 vet; 05 farmer 单元检测 二、单项选择: 1. He works in a zoo, he is a _. A doctor B nurse C vet 2. What _ your mother do? A do B does C is 3. She is a teacher. She _ in the school. A teach B teaching C teaches 4. Is your father a policeman? No, _. A he isnt B he is C she isnt 5. I want to learn _ the piano. A play B to play C plays 单元检测 答案解析: 1. He works in a zoo, he is a _. A doctor B nurse C vet 2. What _ your mother do? A do B does C is 3. She is a teacher. She _ in the school. A teach B teaching C teaches 4. Is your father a policeman? No, _. A he isnt B he is C she isnt 5. I want to learn _ the piano. A play B to play C plays Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
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