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1、 1 The fire, which is thought to have started from the 8th floor, spread quickly through the tower block on Sunday night, leaving people on the upper floors trapped. which引导引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰的非限制性定语从句,修饰主语主语the fire 该句主语为该句主语为the fire, 谓语为谓语为spread 现在分词短语在现在分词短语在句中充当结果状语句中充当结果状语 be thought to have done被

2、被认为做了认为做了强调强调事情事情已经发生已经发生。 该结构也可使用该结构也可使用be thought to do or be doing sth. 的形式的形式。 e.g. Gutenberg is thought to have printed a number of smaller books. 人们认为古腾堡印刷了一些较小的书籍。人们认为古腾堡印刷了一些较小的书籍。 Classical music is often thought to be difficult and inaccessible. 古典音乐通常被认为是困难和难以接近的。古典音乐通常被认为是困难和难以接近的。 Fraud

3、 is thought to be costing software companies millions of dollars a year. 据悉,据悉,欺诈行为每年给软件公司造成数百万美元的损失。欺诈行为每年给软件公司造成数百万美元的损失。 2 By this time, the fire had extended to the 15th floor. extend v. 1) to continue for a particular distance or over a particular area 延伸延伸; 伸展伸展 e.g. The company extended its o

4、perations in Europe. 这家公司扩大了在欧洲的业务。这家公司扩大了在欧洲的业务。 2) to continue for a longer period of time, or to make something last longer 持续持续; 延长延长 e.g. Her political career extended over a period of 50 years. 她她的政治生涯长达的政治生涯长达50年。年。 【语境应用语境应用】汉译英汉译英。 1. 炎热天气将一直持续到十月。炎热天气将一直持续到十月。 2. 这个公园一直延伸到河边。这个公园一直延伸到河边。 3

5、. 我们把会议延长了十五分钟。我们把会议延长了十五分钟。 The hot weather will extend into October. The park extends as far as the river. We extended the meeting 15 minutes. 3 There is concern that the construction company that built the tower block had not followed fire safety rules. 句子结构分析:句子结构分析: 1)本句的主干结构是:本句的主干结构是:There is

6、 concern. 2)第一第一个个that引导同位语从句,解释说明引导同位语从句,解释说明concern。 3)第二第二个个that引导定语从句,限定引导定语从句,限定the construction company。 4 I looked outside and the smoke was choking me. choke v. 1) to be unable to breathe properly (使使)窒息,呼吸困窒息,呼吸困 难难 e.g. He choked on a piece of bread. The smoke was choking me. 2) to be unab

7、le to talk clearly because you are feeling a strong emotion (因情绪激动因情绪激动)说不出话,说不出话,(使使)哽咽哽咽 e.g. I was too choked with emotion to speak. Her voice was choked with rage. 5 A team is currently investigating the accident further. investigate v. to try to find out the truth about or the cause of somethin

8、g such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem 查明查明; 调查调查; 侦查侦查 e.g. Police are investigating the cause of the fire. 警方正在调查火灾原因。警方正在调查火灾原因。 I heard a noise and went downstairs to investigate. 我听到有声音,就下楼去查看。我听到有声音,就下楼去查看。 1) Dont take information on authority until youve investigated it yourself.

9、 在你自己调查之前不要向当局获取信息。在你自己调查之前不要向当局获取信息。 2) What he particularly wanted to investigate was how ichthyosaurs (鱼龙鱼龙) adapted to the problem of decompression (减压减压) over the 150 million years. 他特别想调查的是鱼龙在他特别想调查的是鱼龙在1.5亿年的时间里是如何适应减压的。亿年的时间里是如何适应减压的。 【语境应用语境应用】翻译句子。翻译句子。 investigate to try to find out the t

10、ruth about something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem look into sth. (everyday English) to find out more about a problem, especially after someone has asked you to do this explore to consider or discuss something, in order to help you decide what you should do 6 How do these differen

11、ces come about? come about: to happen or start to happen 发生发生 e.g. How did it come about that the man is dismissed? 那个那个人被解雇了,怎么回事?人被解雇了,怎么回事? come out 出来;出版;开花出来;出版;开花 come across (无意中无意中)碰到,找到,想到碰到,找到,想到 come to 总共总共,涉及,涉及到到 come on (表示鼓励、催促等表示鼓励、催促等) 快,走快,走吧吧 come up 走过来走过来;走近走近 come up with 提出提出

12、 【语境应用语境应用】单项选择。单项选择。 1. The book is being printed and it will soon _. A. turn out B. come out C. start out D. go out 2. Have you _ some new ideas? Yeah. Ill tell you later. A. come about B. come into C. come up with D. come down from 3. Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it _ that she was late aga

13、in. A. came over B. came out C. came about D. came up B C C 4. Im dead tired. I cant move any farther. _, Mary. You can do it! A. No problem B. No hurry C. Come on D. Thats OK 5. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when it _ shopping and eating. A. refer

14、s to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes to C D 7 they may contradict each other in terms of factual details. contradict vt. to disagree with something, especially by saying that the opposite is true 反驳反驳,驳斥;相矛盾驳斥;相矛盾 e.g. The witness statements contradict each other and the facts remain unclear. 目击

15、者目击者的说法互相矛盾,真相依然未明的说法互相矛盾,真相依然未明。 contradict oneself 自相矛盾自相矛盾 contradiction n. 矛盾,不一致矛盾,不一致 contradictory adj. 矛盾的,抵触的矛盾的,抵触的 【同根词同根词】 8 the numbers of deaths differ in the two news reports on the Henderson Tower fire. differ vi. to be different from something in some way 不同不同于,于, 不一样,有不一样,有区别区别 e.g

16、. American English differs from British English in several ways. The two sisters differ in their interests. The three brothers differ about / on / over politics. However, I differ with the man who is speaking. 不同于不同于 在在方面不同方面不同 在某事上有分歧在某事上有分歧 与某人有分歧与某人有分歧 different adj. 有差异有差异的;与众不同的;与众不同的;分别的;分别的的

17、difference n. 差别,差异;意见分歧,不和差别,差异;意见分歧,不和 【同根词同根词】 【语境应用语境应用】根据根据汉语意思,完成下列汉语意思,完成下列句子。句子。 1. 甚至同一棵树的叶子也彼此不同。甚至同一棵树的叶子也彼此不同。 Even the leaves of the same tree _. 2. 关于抚养孩子的最佳方法人们看法不一。关于抚养孩子的最佳方法人们看法不一。 Opinions _ the best way to _. 3. 这两组人的主要区别是年龄。这两组人的主要区别是年龄。 The _ the two groups was age. differ from

18、 one another / each other differ on / about / over bring up children main difference between 9 When we come across such factual differences, we should not rush to the conclusion that one of the news reports gives false information. that引导的同位语从句引导的同位语从句 conclusion n. something you decide after consid

19、ering all the information you have 结论结论 rush to/draw/reach/ arrive at the conclusion e.g. We finally drew the conclusion that she was lying. 我们最终得出了她在说谎的结论。我们最终得出了她在说谎的结论。 【同根词同根词】 conclude v. 得出结论得出结论 10 News reports written at different stages of an event could contain different information as new

20、 facts are brought to light. bring to light: to become known 揭露揭露,披露,披露,揭发,揭发 ,常,常 用于被动语态,相当于用于被动语态,相当于come to light e.g. This evidence did not come to light until after the trial. 这个证据直到审判后才被发现。这个证据直到审判后才被发现。 The mistake was only brought to light some years later. 这个错误直到几年后才被发现。这个错误直到几年后才被发现。 11 Th

21、ough journalists are committed to presenting the truth, it is better to use our own judgement than rely entirely news reports. commit v. 1) to say that sb will definitely do sth or must do sth 使使承担义务,作出承担义务,作出保证保证 2) to do sth. wrong or illegal 犯犯(错误错误或或罪行罪行) 3) to decide to use money, time, people

22、etc for a particular purpose 投入投入(钱钱、时间、人力、时间、人力等等) be committed to 致力于致力于 commit oneself 承担承担义务;做出承诺;说出肯定的意见义务;做出承诺;说出肯定的意见 e.g. Meeting them doesnt commit us to anything. 和他们会面并不表示我们会承诺什么和他们会面并不表示我们会承诺什么。 The headmaster has committed himself to improving the school facilities. 校长承诺要改善学校设施。校长承诺要改善学

23、校设施。 He was sent to prison for a crime that he didnt commit. 他蒙冤入狱。他蒙冤入狱。 【语境应用语境应用】根据括号内的汉语提示完成下面句子(每空一根据括号内的汉语提示完成下面句子(每空一 词)词)。 1. When taken to the police station for questioning, the man said, “I have never _ _ _ (犯任何犯任何 罪罪).” 2. She has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (答应去诊所答应去诊所) at once. committed any crime c

24、ommitted herself to going to the doctors B1 The blog post below is about how to be a good journalist. Complete the blog post with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box below. accurateinvestigate be committed tosum up minorpriority dozens of come about So you are interested in becomin

25、g a good journalist but dont know where to start? Well, there are a couple of things you should put on your list of (1) _. priority Building your language Firstly, you need to be skilled at writing. The information involved in a complex story may come from (2) _ sources. Good journalists need to org

26、anize all this information clearly to give a(n) (3) _ account of what is happening. Secondly, you must have a natural curiosity about things that are happening, even though they may appear to be (4) _ matters. When something newsworthy (5) _ it may escape the attention of ordinary people; however, g

27、ood journalists are sensitive enough to notice the event and draw public attention to it. dozens of accurate minor comes about Finally, good journalists (6) _ revealing the truth. According to Noam Chomsky, “The duty of journalists is to tell the truth. Journalism means you go back to the actual fac

28、ts, you look at the documents, you discover what the record is, and you report it that way.” To do this, journalists need to (7) _ an event thoroughly. To (8) _, being a good journalist requires writing skills, curiosity and commitment to finding the truth. Good luck! are committed to investigate su

29、m up The news reports and the article use the same words as different parts of speech. Find more words used this way in the news reports and the article, and make sentences using each of them. B2 Emergency services estimate that the number of deaths could reach 9. Suppose emergency services estimate

30、s of the number of deaths vary between 5 and 9. The fire has also left dozens of people injured, 5 of whom are in a critical condition. While the second talks more about deaths and injuries. The two news reports present information in a factual and formal way. Find the expressions in the two news re

31、ports that help present information this way and revise the short paragraph below in a similar way. B3 To present information in a factual and formal way, you can use the following expressions: according to, be thought to do/ have done, there is concern that , be confirmed , be reported to do/have done, etc. The traffic accident on Sunday morning killed five people. It was probably caused by a car driver speaking on his mobile phone. More and more people worry that speaking on the mobile phone when driving has been a big killer in recent years.


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