重庆大学版三年级下册Unit 4 Put on Your Clothes-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b0686).zip

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重大版小学英语语三年级级下册 Unit 4 Put on Your Clothes Lesson2(2) Bomb Game Bomb Game T-shirt dress sweater scarf shirt coat cap skirt Clothing Store Listen and Answer Which cap is suitable(合适) for He Ping? A: The yellow one. B: The white one. Listen and Answer Which cap is suitable(合适) for He Ping? A: The yellow one. B: The white one. Why?(为什么?) Its too small for me. 对我来说太小了。 Its just right.刚刚好 Lets say说一说 Try on this yellow cap. coat shirt skirt dress cap T-shirt sweater scarf A:Try on this pink coat. . Pair Work同桌之间相互问答。 B:Its too small for me. coat shirt skirt dress cap T-shirt sweater scarf B:Its just right. Wow. How beautiful. Can I help you? saleswoman 售货员 Useful expressions: Tips: 1、Introduce your friend. 用今天学过的句子介绍朋 友。 2、Create 适当的改编,加上动作表情。 Clothing Store Hello/Hi/Good morning/afternoon/evening! Can I help you? Yes. A shirt, please. Try on this black one. Oh.Its too small for me. Oh.Its just right. How much?10yuan. Thank you. Here you are!/Goodbye Make a dialogue(小组合作创编对话) Make a dialogue(小组合作创编对 话) 1.合理分工,用今天学的单词 和句子。 2.语音正确,语言流畅。 3.加入适当的日常用语和动作。 Rules. Clothing Store Hello/Hi/Good morning/afternoon/evening! Can I help you? Yes. A shirt, please. Try on this black one. Oh.Its too small for me. Oh.Its just right. How much?10yuan. Thank you Here you are.Goodbye./See you You can use(可以用到以下句子) Tips for audiences 1.Watch. 仔细观细观 看。 2.Make Comments. 合理评评价。 Tips for performers Show time 1.Correctly and fluently(语语音正确 ,语言流畅) 2. Emotionally(有情感) 3.Creatively(有创创意) 4.Act without books(脱稿表演) kilt 苏格兰裙 Scottish troops wear kilts as uniforms in the17th century 17世纪苏 格兰军队 以苏格兰裙为制 服 Kilts are very formal for formal occasion and wedding. 苏格兰裙是非常正式的服装,在婚礼和正式场合穿。 Homework 1.Find the information of the kilts. 找到更多关于苏格兰裙的信息。 2.Design a kilt. 设计一条苏格兰裙。 教学内容: 重大版三年级下册 Unit4 Put on Your Clothes Lesson2 教学目标: 1. 能灵活运用单词进行替换对话 coat,shirt,skirt,dress,cap,T-shirt,sweater,scarf. 能理解运用句子 Try on this white coat.Its too small for me.Its just right. 2.并根据情景创编对话。 3.初步了解苏格兰裙。 教学重点:句子的理解运用 学习难点:Try on,small 和 big 的理解与发音及运用 教学过程: Step1.Warm-up 1. Greeting: Hello,boys and girls.Today is so cold,put on your coat please. 2. Revision:出示 clothing shop 图片 Bomb game. coat,shirt,skirt,dress,cap,T-shirt,sweater,scarf. 3. Lead-in:Whats this?Its a cap.Guess the colour. (黑板画出帽子简笔画,引出课文中的物品) He Ping and her mum went to the clothing shop.Which cap is suitable for He Ping?Why? Step2.presentation 1.Listen and answer(听课文回答) Which cap is suitable for He Ping?Why? The yellow one.Because the white one is too small for He Ping. 引出句子 Its too small for me.教读练习。 2.学习 small 和 big 用物品对比图片理解意思,师穿一件小外套 Oh,Its too small for me ,再请学生上 台。 师:Try on this yellow coat. 生:Oh,its too small for me,Its too big for me. (师生用实物询问并回答) 3.理解练习 try on 出示 try on 词条,听音教读,大组小组,个别读。 请生说句子 try on this pink coat. 引出 just right.刚刚好,正好 Step3.Pair work 一问一答,根据实际情况回答。 A:Try on B:Its too small/big for me!/Its just right Step4 情景表演 1.PPT 上展示一个售货员图片 Can I help you? 请生扮演售货员,师随机抽同学对话。 S: Can I help you? T: Yes, a coat please. S: Try on this black one, please. T: OH, its too small for me. 2.小组合作 情景:到服装店购物。 角色:salesman,mum ,Lu Hua(合理分配角色) 要求: 语音准确,语言流利。 用到本课所学单词和句子。 加上适当的动作,语言,道具。 Step4.Extension 苏格兰裙图片 Scottish troops wear kilts as uniforms in the17th century Kilts are very formal for formal occasion and wedding. 17 世纪苏格兰军队以苏格兰裙为制服 Step6.Homework 1.Find the information of the kilts. 找到更多关于苏格兰裙的信息,下节课交流。 2.Design a kilt.设计一条苏格兰裙。
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