重庆大学版四年级下册Unit 3 There Is a Cake on the Table-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:00891).zip

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  • 重庆大学2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2012年6月第3版)_小学英语_Unit 3 There Is a Cake on the Table_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:00891)
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ThereThere isis a a cakecake onon thethe tabletable UNIT3 LESSON1 重大版小学英语四年级下重大版小学英语四年级下 册册 Wheres my Teddy bear? On the chair? Under the chair? Under the chair? On the chair? Wheres my Teddy bear? Where? Where? Oh,its under the chair. Lets sing. What can you see?你能看见什么? What can you see? There is a birthday party . (这儿有个生日聚会。)(这儿有个生日聚会。) Today is He Xinyis birthday. candle candy table What can you see? party present There is a party . Activity1Activity1(活动(活动1 1):):下面有哪些物品你下面有哪些物品你 会用英语读出来,请在下面打会用英语读出来,请在下面打“” ( (见导学单见导学单) ) Learning tips 学习 提示 1. Try to read the words. 独立独立读读读读读。 。 2. Read in group. 在小组内读一读。在小组内读一读。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) part ty t table ar a candy candle an /ar/ /ei/ /n/ ListenListen andand read.read. redrepre /re/ sent t present t Learning tips 学习 提示 1. Read the words.根据根据读 音音读 律,律,读读读。 。 2. Read in group.在小在小读 内内读 一一读 。 。 party table candy candle present /ar/ei/ /n/ /n/ /re/ Learning tips 学习 提示 1.独立独立读读 用所用所 学新学新读读 造句。造句。 可参考左可参考左读 例例 句,替句,替读读读。 。 2.小小读 交流,准交流,准 读 展示。展示。 presentparty table candy candle E.g. (例子): This is a . Its a . I have a . There is a . Where is the ? Show me the . Have a . Learning tips 学习 提示 3. Make a sentence.新词造句。新词造句。 ActivityActivity 2 2(活动(活动2 2):):Listen,findListen,find andand circlecircle thethe words.words.听一听,找一找,圈单词。听一听,找一找,圈单词。 ( (见导学单见导学单) ) PlayPlay a a game.game. 记忆大比拼记忆大比拼。 (1)Remember(1)Remember quicklyquickly快速记忆图片。快速记忆图片。 (2)(2)用新句型用新句型表达表达: : ThereThere isis a a bird.bird. Learning tips 学学读 提示提示 1. Remember quickly快速记忆图片。快速记忆图片。 2.用用There is . 表达表达。 Learning tips 学学读 提示提示 1. Remember quickly快速记忆图片。快速记忆图片。 2.用用There is . 表达表达。 Learning tips 学习 提示 1. Remember quickly快速记忆图片。 2.用There is a in/on/under/near the 表达“某物在某地”。 Learning tips 学习 提示 1. Remember quickly快速记忆图片。 2.用There is a in/on/under/near the 表达“某物在某地”。 AskAsk andand answer.answer.看图,提问并回答。看图,提问并回答。 小组组长提问 What can you see? 组员依次回答 There is a/an. 小组组员依次提问 What can you see? 组长回答 There is a/an. Work in your group 1.Make a new dialogue and act in groups. 创编对话并分角色表演。创编对话并分角色表演。 2.Pay attention the pronunciation and the actions! 表演时语音语调正确流畅表演时语音语调正确流畅,动作大方!动作大方! 3.Show time. 表演生动,表演生动,声音洪亮,配合默契声音洪亮,配合默契! tips: Hello. / Hi. / How are you?/ Nice to meet you./Welcome! What can you see? There is a cake on the table. Lets go to the party. Good idea. A present for you ! Thank you ! How nice! How beautiful! Lets have a birthday party! Happy birthday! Homework 你知道父母的生日你知道父母的生日读 ? My mothers birthday is . My fathers birthday is . 教学目标教学目标 1、认知目标:能听、说、认读单词 party,candle,table,candy,present;能运用句型 “What can you see?”进行提问,并作出相应回答 “There is a/an.” 2、能力目标:培养学生初步的运用语言的能力及小组合作的意识,勇于展示自我的能力。 3、情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点难点教学重点难点 1、重点:能听、说、认读单词 party,candle,table,candy,present;能运用句型“What can you see?” “There is a/an.” 进行询问和回答。 2、难点:present 的发音及了解“There be”结构描述某地有某物。 教学准备: 多媒体,句型条,单词卡等 教学过程教学过程 Step1【导入】Warmup复习引入 Warm-up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song: Where is my Teddy bear? 3. Ask and answer. 快闪图片,师问,同学答。复习旧知。 Step2【讲授】Presentation新知呈现 Presentation 1. Enjoy a video. Think about “What can you see? ” There is a birthday party. 2. Look at the picture。 What can you see? Try to answer the question with “There is a/an.” 引出情景,今天是班上同学 Lunas birthday. 今天我们将举行 birthday party. 但是在之前学习生日聚会相关单词和句子。 3.自学:你在朋友或亲人的生日聚会上看到过这些物品吧?试着读一读吧! Learning tips 学习提示 (1) Try to read the words. 独立尝试读单词。 (2) Read in group. 在小组内读一读。 4. Check and teach the new words. party table candy candle present 5. Practice (1)Read the words in group. (2)Make a sentence with the new words. Step3【活动】Practice 趣味练习 1. Listen, find and circle the words.听一听,找一找,圈单词。 2. Play a game. 记忆大比拼 (1)Remember quickly 快速记忆图片。 (2)用 There is a/an. There is a/an.on/in/under/near the table/chair. Step4【练习】Consolidation拓展巩固 1. Group work. Group leader ask. Group members answer. 2. Make a new dialogue in group after watch the video. Then show us. 3. Hold a birthday party for Luna. Step5【作业】Homework家庭作业 记录父母的生日
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