重庆大学版四年级下册Unit 6 How's the Weather Today -Story corner-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a0405).zip

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  • 重庆大学2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2012年6月第3版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Hows the Weather Today _Story corner_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:a0405)
    • A Little Seed.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案a0405.docx--点击预览


Help me ,help me. Im cold Hello, my dear , how do you feel now? Im warm now. Thank you. Mr. Sun. Im thirsty. Im full now. Thank you. Mr. rain. Im coming, how do you feel now? Im not happy. Read and answer Who helps him ? Im not happy. Im happy now. Thank you. Mr. Earthworm. Im coming, how do you feel now? Role play group work: 四人小组,角色扮演对话四人小组,角色扮演对话 (seed,Mr.sun , Mr.earthworm , Mr. rain) Wow, how wonderful. Im afraid, Im afraid. Dont be afraid. My dear. Youll become a big tree one day. Afewyearslater, Whathappen ? (发生了什么?) lets show group work: 1.1.四人小组,创编故事结局。四人小组,创编故事结局。 2.2.一人记录,一人作画,一人编语一人记录,一人作画,一人编语 言,一人展示。言,一人展示。 Think What can you learn from the story? (从这个故事,你学到了什么?) We should be grateful ! (学会感恩 !) Homework 1.Share the story with your friends. 2. Say “Thank you” to your mother, father and. And do one thing for them. A Little Seed 一、教学内容一、教学内容 单词:seed , earthworm ,thirsty , sprout , afraid. 故事:a little seed 二、教学目标二、教学目标 (1) 能听懂、会说、会认读单词 seed , earthworm ,thirsty , sprout , afraid . (2) 能理解这个故事,并能叙述这个故事。 (3) 学生们能在生活中学会感恩 ,学会相互帮助。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 1. 教学重点:能听懂、会说、会认读单词 seed , earthworm , sprout , afraid;能 讲述这个故事。 2. 教学难点:单词 earthworm 和 thirsty 的发音。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 多媒体课件、单词卡、头饰、植物卡片、动物卡片 五、教学方法。五、教学方法。 全身反应法 ,多媒体教学法 六、教学步骤六、教学步骤 1. Greetings 师生互相问好 2.Warm up (1)师生齐唱歌曲: “whats your favorite season ? ” (2)教师提问“whats your favorite season ? ”引出 spring T:whats your favorite season ? S1:summer T: why? S1:. Sn: spring. T: why? Sn:. T: I like spring too. Because I can see beautiful flowers . 3Lead in (1) 利用听录音引出 seed 并引出故事 a little seed。 T: Listen , who says help? Its a seed. (2)把全班分成 2 个大组: blue seed ,green seed.进行课堂评价,谁先成为大树。 4. Presentation P2 (1) 听录音、猜对像、教句子。 T:listen ,what happen? Ss: cold. T: yes, the seed is cold. T: who helps seed?(引出 Mr. sun) 听录音用小老师教学学习 Mr. sun 的话。 (2) 提问引出 warm。 T: Is he cold now? Ss: No . T: yes , lets listen .(教师教读句子,再单个起来读) (3) 教师与学生进行 seed ,Mr. sun 的角色扮演。 (4) 两组同学,进行 seed ,Mr. sun 的角色扮演。 P3 (1) 听录音、猜对像、教单词和句子。 T: Listen ,guess, who helps him? Ss: Rain. T: yes , Mr. rain helps him. (2) 小老师教学,学习简单的句子。 T: perfect , please follow him/her. (3) 提问, 听录音引出 full。 T: Is he thirsty now? Ss: No . T: listen , who can read it? (教学新的句子) (4)两组同学,进行 seed ,Mr. rain 的角色扮演。 P4 (1) read and answer the question. T: who helps him ? now take out your paper ,read picture 4 silently, then answer my question. (2)回答问题,教读新单词 earthworm。强调发音。 (3) 学生单独读对话。 (4)一组同学,进行 seed ,Mr. earthworm 的角色扮演。 Role play 四人小组,角色扮演。 T: lets role play, 1,2,3,4 ,4 in 1 group. One is the seed , one is the Mr. sun ,one is Mr. rain, and one is Mr. earthworm. P5 (1) 图片,声音引出 he becomes a sprout. P6 (1) 雷声引出 seed is afraid.教读单词 afraid。 T: Is he happy now? Ss: No. T: Is he afraid? Ss: Yes. P7 (1) 提问引出 Mr. tree 及其对话。 T: Look, who helps him? Ss: Tree. 5Practice (1) 听故事,并叙述故事。 T: look at your paper, and listen the story . T: can you retell the story? Ss: yes. 齐: when seed feels cold, the Mr. sun helps him, When seed feels thirsty, the Mr. rain helps him . When seed feels not happy, the Mr. earthworm helps him. When sprout feels afraid , the Mr. tree helps him. 6. Consolidation (1)四人小组活动,编出故事的结局并展示(先教师展示结局,再学生编写不 一样的结局) 。 T: after a few years, what happen? Maybe, he will become a big tree. Boys and girls, 1,2,3,4,4 in 1 group, made a end of the story. (2) 思考谁帮助过自己并感谢帮助过自己的人。 T: in your life, who helps you? Ss: Mather, Father, friends , teachers T: in our life ,many people give us help Lets say thank you to them. 齐: thank you. 7. Assessment (1)口头评价:Super , great, wonderful, very good 等。 (2)大组评价:获得帮助,获得帮助多的组将从一个种子长为大树。 8. Homework 1.Share the story with your friends. 2.Say“Thank you” to your mother, father and. And do one thing for them.
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