重庆大学版五年级下册Unit 3 Seasons of a Year-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:8015e).zip

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2017 年 5 月五年级下册单元案例研究课 蔡文英 1 Unit 3 Seasons of Year Lesson 3 Lets read 2017 年 5 月五年级下册单元案例研究课 蔡文英 2 趣学单趣学单 一. Read &match 读短文,将四季图片与课文描述语段搭配。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1. Its warm . The trees are green and flowers bloom,birds sing. 2.Its cold and snowy. 3.Its cool. Leaves fall and fall,red,yellow,brown. 4. Its hot. 二. Listen & Draw .听音,在 Tina 最喜欢的季节旁边画。Which season does Tina like best? 2017 年 5 月五年级下册单元案例研究课 蔡文英 3 三. Read & choose.读短文,并选择。 (1).( ) What colour is autumn? A.green B.white C. golden (2).( )What can she wear in summer? A.dress B.coat C.scarf (3).( )What does the word “ fall ” mean?(文中画线的 fall 是什么意思?) A.spring B.summer C. autumn (4).( )Hows the weather in spring? A.snowy B.warm C.cold Seasons 的贴图和写作 Seasons 的贴图和写作 参考词汇: Weather 天气:天气: warm, hot, cool, cold, windy, cloudy, sunny, rainy, snowy Seasons 的贴图和写作 Its hot in summer. Activity 活动:活动: fly a kite, go to the park, go swimming, eat ice-creams, ride a bike, have a picnic, go skiing, make a snowman, go skating. I can have a picnic in autumn. Clothes 服装:服装: shorts, coat, gloves, jacket, shirt, T-shirt, sweater, dress, skirt I can wear gloves in winter. Plants 植物:植物: flower, leaves, tree I can see flowers. Colour 颜色:颜色: Seasons 的贴图和写作 green, red, blue, yellow, pink, purple, white, golden, colourful Spring is green. 表感叹赞美的形容词:Wow! How cool ! 酷极了! How nice !好极了! How wonderful!棒极了!How interesting!有趣极了! How beautiful!美极了 !How colourful !多彩极了! How lovely!可爱极了! Lesson 3 ListenListen toto thethe songsong andand answeranswer thethe questions.questions. Whats the songs name? Which season is in the song? Spring rain Spring. Lets Talk. leaves leaf Leaves fall and fall . 落下落下 gold golden Autumn is golden. gold gold spring summer winter autum n hot bright cold white Talk about your favourite season. 用你的图画用你的图画和同桌谈谈你和同桌谈谈你喜欢的季节。喜欢的季节。 I like summer. Its hot. I can go swimming. I like winter. Its cold.I can go skiing. Read & Match 图文配对。朗读,并为图片选择正确的句子。 . Its warm . The trees are green and flowers bloom,birds sing. .Its cold and snowy. .Its cool. Leaves fall and all,red,yellow,brown. . Its hot. Read & Draw 快速阅读,在Tina最喜欢的季节旁边画。 Read & Choose(慢慢读,认真选 ) (1).( ) What colour is autumn? A.green B.white C. golden (2).( )What can she wear in summer? A.dress B.coat C. scarf (3).( )What does the word “ fall ” mean? (文中画线的fall 是什么意思?) A.spring B.summer C. autumn (4).( )Hows the weather in spring? A.snowy B.warm C. cold 如果遇到不懂的单词可以如果遇到不懂的单词可以 联系上下文猜测哟联系上下文猜测哟! Tips C A C B autumn ( (美式美式) (英式英式 ) fall 秋秋天天 : Hello, Im Tina.I like the colorful seasons. Spring is green. Its warm . The trees are green and flowers bloom,birds sing. I can plant trees and fly a kite. Summer is bright. Its hot.I can swim in the swimming pool. And I can wear my beautiful dress. And I can eat ice creams. Autumn is golden. Its cool. Leaves fall and fall,red,yellow,brown.I can go fishing by the river.I can pick apples. I like fall best. Winter is white. Its cold and snowy. I can go skiing and play with snow. I like the four seasons . Listen & Repeat听音,跟读,注意语音语调,停顿 。 Beautiful.版面漂亮。 Neat. 画面整洁。 Stick Stick & Write 贴一贴(组员),写一写(组长) 。 Correct.书写正确。 Nice. 书写美观。 Write We like Its We can Wow! How 1. Correct words,good handwriting. 表达正确,书写美观。 3. Act out your work. 小组合作,选择你们喜欢的方式 来展示作品。(朗诵、表演、说唱等) 2. Good designer. 版面合理,美观。 Its spring. Its warm. Its colourful! We can fly a kite. We can go to the park. Its summer. Its sunny and hot! The sky is blue. We can go swimming. We can eat ice creams. We can play football. Its autumn. Its cool! And its golden. We can eat fruit!We can play with the leaves. We can have a picnic. Its winter. Its cold! Its white. We can go skiing. We can make a snowman. 1. Beautify your pictures. 美化你的季节画。 2. Talk about your favourite season with your family. 根据你的图画,给家人说 一说你“最喜欢的季节”。 一、教材内容概述:一、教材内容概述: 本节课是一节读写综合运用课。基于学生经过了四年的英语学习,学习效率较 高、进度较快,为更多地丰富学生的语言学习,教师自行补充了本节以 Seasons 的主题课。以学生在课中通过赢得喜欢季节的彩色图片来评价, 最后用获得的彩色图片来完成本小组的季节贴画,并配上小诗。 创编文本如下: 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 1. 语言能力语言能力 (1)能借助图片和语境理解新词汇 leaves, fall,golden 意思。 (2)能够在图片帮助下读懂 Tina 对四季的描述。 (3)能够按意群朗读短文。 (4)运用句型 I like. , I can 表达自己喜欢的季节及原因,并能模仿范例写句 子。 2. 思维品质思维品质 学生能通过观察季节图片,联想相关季节特征、活动等,进行分类对比概括, 能自己提问,并能进行理性表达不同季节的美。 3. 学习能力学习能力 (1)通过唱、听、说、读、写多种活动激发学生热爱生活、热爱四季的情趣。 (2)能积极与他人合作,共同完成课中各项学习活动。 4. 文化品格文化品格 (1) 能够了解秋天的两种说法:autumn & fall。 (2) 能够积极运用所学英语进行表达,并能根据老师搭建的框架大胆尝试写作。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 1. 教学重点:教学重点: 1)能够读懂老师自编的小短文。 2)能根据老师搭建的框架尝试写作。 2. 教学难点: 1)能够运用丰富的语言描述一个季节。2)搭建写作的框架。 四、教具、学具 用于贴画的卡纸 彩色图片 趣学单 五、教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Song-spring rain T: Hello,boys &girls,nice to meet you ,lets sing a song,Are you ready? Please stand up. Ss stand up an sing with the music. Step 2 Free Talk-Seasons 1、Whats the season in the song?(Spring) Hows the weather in spring? What colour is spring? What can you do in spring?(板书 green warm) 2.My favourite season I like autumn best.I like the yellow leaf.处理新词 golden leaf leaves fall(板书 golden, cool) Talk about “summer”and “winter”(板书 hot ,bright cold,white.) Step 3 Talk about your favourite season 1.Pair work : 小组 2 人,用自己的图画轮流谈论自己喜欢的季节以及原因 I like . Its . I can. 2.Show Step 4 Tinas seasons T :Thats your favourite season, lets read about our friend, Tina,which season does Tina like?(板书) 1. Read &match 将四季图片与课文描述语段搭配。(趣学单一) 2.Listen&tick(Which season does Tina like best?)(趣学单二) Which season does Tina like best? Spring ( ) Summer( ) Autumn ( ) Winter ( ) 3. Read & choose.(趣学单三) (1).( ) What colour is autumn? A.green B.white C. golden (2).( )What can she wear in summer? A.dress B.coat C. S carf (3).( )What does the word “ fall ” mean?(句中画线的 fall 是什么意思?) A.spring B.summer C. autumn (4).( )Hows the weather in spring? A.snowy B.warm C. cold 4.Listen&repeat 5.完善 mind-map. Step 5 Stick&write . 1. Stick their picture in groups. 2. Write a poem for their picture.( We like. Its. We can. Wow! How. ) Step 6 show Share Sss pictures and poems.
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