外研版(三起)四下Module 4-Unit 1 Will you take your kite -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级优课-(编号:6585c).zip

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WillWill youyou taketake youryour kite?kite?教材分析教材分析 本节课是外研社版小学英语三年级起点四年级下册 Module4 Unit1 Will you take your kite?本节课围绕 Amy 一家打算去野餐展开会话 及教学活动,主要是让学生学会运用将来时描述自己的计划。在综合操 练、益智活动中进一步提高学生听、说、读、写综合素质能力和做事量 力而行,仔细认真的品德。 Module 4 Unit 1Module 4 Unit 1 乳山市下初镇中心学校 李辉 Sing a song. Will a bird fly? Will a cat fly? Will the yellow cat fly? Will the white cat fly? Yes, it will. No, it wont. Before you do something, make sure you can do it. 量力而行。 You should have your own ideas, instead of following others saying. 要有自己的想法,而不是人云亦云。 Please remember: Listen and choose We are going to have a _ on Saturday. A. sports day B. party C. picnic C picnic have a picnic She will _ _ _. They are having _ _. have a picnic have a picnic Mr. pig is going to _ _ _. a picnic akem (拿,带) c t I will _ _ _. take my ball I will _ _ _. take my kite Will Amy take her kite tomorrow? Will Amy take her ball tomorrow? A. Yes, she will. B. No, she wont. A. Yes, she will. B. No, she wont. Will you take your skipping rope? Yes, I will. take your ball Yes, I will. have a PE class Will you take your book No, I wont. Will you _ _ _? _ _ _ _ _? Why not? Because we dont use books in PE class. (用) wh fl why at y 为什么? Why not? Because tomorrow is Friday. We should be careful , no matter what we do. 无论做什么事情,我们都应 该认真仔细。 Listen, point and imitate. 注意:跟读时,要模仿录音中的语音、语调 。 Read in roles. 分角色朗读,注意 模仿语音语调。 Lets chant. Picnic,picnic Have a picnic. Will you take your ball? No, I wont. Will you take your kite? Yes, I will. Great, great. Thats great! A: Hello,*! We are going to have a picnic on Sunday. I will take a cake. Will you take a cake? B: Yes , I will. / No, I wont. A: Will you take some noodles? B: Yes , I will. / No, I wont. A: Thank you! Goodbye! B: Bye-bye! Datou Make a dialogue Great! This Sunday is Grandpas birthday. We are going to visit Grandpa on Sunday. What will you take? Mm Will you_ _ _? Yes,_ _. _ _ _ _ _? _, _ _. _ _? _ Grandpa doesnt like bananas. take a cake I will Will you take some bananas No I wont. Why not Because Make a plan about Labor Day. Discuss what to take, use the sentence “Will you take?” 制定五一劳动节计划,互相讨论带什么, 运用句型“Will you take?” M4M4 U1U1 WillWill youyou taketake youryour kite?kite? 教学设计教学设计 教学目标:教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1)四会单词 fly,take, picnic, why, because。 2)学会运用句型 Will you take?询问他人的计划及作出肯定 与否定回答。 (二)能力目标: 能用所学句型:Will you take?Yes, I will ./ No, I wont.谈 论并制定计划。 (三)情感目标: 培养学生的合作交流能力,教育学生做一个量力而行,做事有计划, 认真的人。 教学重难点:教学重难点: (一)重点:灵活使用 Will you take?Yes, I will / No, I wont.询问他人的计划及作出肯定与否定回答。 (二)难点:灵活掌握运用词汇 take, why, because 教学方法:直观教学法,任务教学法,情景教学法,小组合作交流法 教学过程:教学过程: 一热身活动 First lets sing a song. 学生齐唱Monday, Tuesday T: Do you like Saturday? (Yes.) I like Saturday too. And I will fly a kite on Saturday. What will you do on Saturday? (找几位学生回答) T: Will you fly? (No.)【教学新单词 fly】 T: Will a bird fly? (Yes.) Will a cat fly? (No.) But today there is a yellow cat. It will fly. Do you want to see the flying cat?(yes.) 二新授 (一)(一)学习活动一学习活动一 Lets have a look and answer the questions.【播放课文 1】 T: Will the yellow cat fly? (Yes.) And thenit bong Will the white cat fly? (No, it wont.) So please remember “Before you do something, make sure you can do it. You should have your own ideas, instead of following others saying. Just like the white cat. OK? (二)学习活动二(二)学习活动二 1.1.一进文本一进文本 And I think before we do anything, we should make a plan first. For example, on Saturday Im going to fly a kite, what are Amy and Sam going to do? Lets watch the video and choose the answer: We are going to have a _on Saturday. 【播放课文 2】选择答案 【教学 picnichave a picnic】领读,看图片做句子。 2. 二进文本 T: When you are going to have a picnic, will you take your kite? (出示课题) 【学习 take,以旧引新 makecake-take】 And will Amy take her kite? Lets watch again and choose. Will Amy take her kite tomorrow? (No, she wont.) Will Amy take her ball tomorrow? (No, she wont.) 【再次播放课文 2】学生回答问题。 T: How does Sam ask Amy? 【播放 PPT】 S1: Will you take your kite tomorrow? (边板书边领读) S2: Will you take your ball tomorrow? (边板书边领读) How about Amys answer? No, I wont. (板书) If tomorrow is Saturday, maybe Amy can answer_? 引导学生说出 Yes, I will.并板书。 机械操练 领读重点句型 分排读 分角色读 T: Today we are going to have a PE class.【播放 ppt】Will you take your skipping rope?(播放下两幅图让学生说出问句的答语) Look at this one, can you ask? Will you take your book? No, I wont. T: Why not? Because we dont use books in PE class. 【学习 why, because】由 what 和 fly 引出 why T: Amy wont take her kite and her ball. Why not? 引导学生回答 Because tomorrow is Friday. T: Oh,Sam thinks tomorrow is Saturday. He made a mistake. He is very careless. And we should be careful, no matter what we do. OK? 三、巩固操练 1. Now look at your book. Listen point and imitate. 2. This time lets read in roles. Boys will be Sam, girls will be Amy. And I will be Dad. Lets begin. 3. Now lets read in roles in your groups. (找几组表演) Now lets relax and say a chant. Picnic,picnic. Have a picnic. Will you take your ball? No, I wont. Will you take your kite? Yes, I will. Great, great. Thats great! (You chant very well!) 四、意义操练 This Sunday,we are going to have a picnic together, are you happy? (Yes.) But what will everyone take? Do you know? Now lets make a survey. For example, Im a reporter, now I will survey*.(拿话筒,带胸牌) Hello,*! We are going to have a picnic on Sunday. I will take a cake. Will you take a cake? Yes , I will. / No, I wont. Will you take some noodles? Yes , I will. / No, I wont. Thank you! Goodbye! Bye-bye! Now lets do the survey like me in your groups. Everybody will be the reporter one time. Ill ask two groups to act. 4. Which group can try? 表演。 五、交际操练 自编对话 This Sunday we are going to have a picnic. But * wont go. Why? Because his Grandpas birthday is coming. He will visit his Grandpa with Dad on Sunday. 【播放 PPT】Look! They are discussing what to take, please help them to finish the dialogue. Discuss in pairs and write down your answers on your paper. Two minutes later, I will ask some pairs to read the dialogue. Ok? (2 分钟后,which pair can read your dialogue?) 六、小结 1) What have you learned in this class? 找学生总结学过的知识 七、作业 Make a plan about Labor Day. Discuss what to take, use the sentence “Will you take?” 板书设计 M4 U1 Will you take you kite? Will you take your kite ? fly Yes, I will. picnic Will you take your ball ? take No, I wont. why because
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