外研版(三起)四下Module 5-Unit 1 I was two then.-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:f07da).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Module 5_Unit 1 I was two then._ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:f07da)
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Can you run fast? 新街镇中心小学 执教者:魏娜 I can sing dance run fast winner jump high jump far ride fast New words: run 跑 fast 快 jump 跳 high 高 ride 骑、乘 far 远 winner 获胜者 sky 天空 afraid 恐怕 New phrases: jump high 跳得高 jump far 跳得远 ride fast 骑得快 run fast 跑得快 Run fast run fast , I can run fast. Jump high jump high, I can jump high. Jump far jump far, I can jump far. Ride fast ride fast , I cant ride fast! Canyou ? run fast Yes,Ican. Canyou ? jump high No,Icant. jump farCanyou ? No,Icant. Canyou ? ride fast Yes,Ican. Listen and underline these sentences “can” Answerthequestions. 1.CanSam runfast? 2.CanDamingjumphigh? 3.IsLinglingthewinner? 4.Whocanridefast,SamorDaming? Yes,hecan. No,he cant. No,she isnt. Daming I can . Can you ? Yes, I can ./ No, I cant . 3.Can you _ _ ? _Yes_ , _I_ _can_. 2.Can you _ _? _Yes_, _I_ _can_. 1.Can you jump high? _No_ , _I_ _can.t_. 4.Can you _ _? _No_ , _I_ _cant_. jump far run fast ride fast Exercises Can you run fast? Can you run fast? Yes,I can. Yes, I can. Can you jump high? Can you jump high? No, I cant. No, I cant. Can you jump far? Can you jump far? Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Can you ride fast? Can you ride fast? No,I cant. No, I cant. New words: run 跑 fast 快 jump 跳 high 高 ride 骑、乘 far 远 winner 获胜者 sky 天空 afraid 恐怕 New sentences Can you run fast / jump high / jump far /ride fast ? Yes, I can ./No, I cant . Homework: 1.Make sentences“I can” 2.Readthe dialogue. Thankyou! ByeBye! Module 5 Unit1 I was two then. 教学目标: 知识与技能: The Ss can describe the past. Using the simple past tense. They were young then. I was two then. The Ss can grasp the new words and phrases. Using the simple past tense of the irregular verb be to talk about the past. Cultivate the Ss cooperation. 过程与方法:讲授、接触过去时 情感、态度和价值观:看图回忆过去 德育目标:有个家真好 教学重点:The Ss can grasp the new words and phrases. 教学难点:Using the simple past tense of the irregular verb “be” to talk about the past. 教学方法:讲授、接触过去时 教学过程: (一)导入:Sing the song “OH, we love holidays.”( 调动学生的学习兴趣,营造英语教学气氛 ) Review some adjectives. E.g. tall, short; fat, thin; big, small etc. Have the Ss make the sentences with the pictures.( 为后面的课文教学做铺垫) 3. Free talk Have the Ss talk about countries and their capitals (the USA an d China) (二)探究新知 Leading Take out a photo of my family. Then introduce it. Its old. Because I was four then. Look, there are my parents. They were young then. But now they are old. Point to me and say I was fat and short then. Now you can look at me. Then get the Ss to look at todays story. ( 教师可以通过肢 体语言及神情让学生领会这段英语的意思。) Write the sentences on the board. And mark were, are, was, is They were young then. I was four then. They are old now. Now I am thirty. Explain to the Ss. We usually use “were, was” when its the past. And using “are, is” when we describe the present. (板书明确,再通过句式操练,学生更容易理解,并加深印象。) 3. Teach the words with the pictures. Then have the Ss say the sentences with the wards. Grandparents are grandma and grandpa. e.g. Who are they? They are my grandparents. Compare now and then. Then say the sentences. Teach hair with pointing to Ss hair. Explain Cute means very lovely Listen to the tape. Then repeat. Have the Ss act out the story in groups. (三)巩固新知 Point and say. Using the multi-media. Have the Ss look at the pictures. Then say the sentences with the present and the past tense. ( 教师运用 多媒体课件教学,让学生感知语言内容,调动学生的视、听觉,参与学习中来。 ) 2. Do the Activity Book.Tell the Ss to bring a photo of themselves or their relatives to class. The photo should show them or their relatives when they were young. Then have the Ss come to the front to show and talk about their photos. (四)作业布置 (五)小结 Read and write the new words and sentences.
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