外研版(三起)四下Review Module-Unit 1-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:40f64).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Review Module_Unit 1_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:40f64)
    • Review Module Unit 1.pptx
    • What did the caterpillar eat .mp4
    • 教案40f64.doc--点击预览
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    • 素材11.mp3
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    • 表演环节微课.mp4


1 Review Module Unit 1 -The very hungry caterpillar. 教学设计 在课堂上为学生提供充分的英语活动机会,真正确立学生的主体地位,让 学生的思维从猜测到通过实际操练得到印证,学生经历知识的发生、发展与结 果,获得丰富的英语活动经验。 二、学生分析 本课的教学对象是四年级的孩子,学生的年龄为 10 岁左右。他们好奇心强, 热衷表扬,自尊心强,有较强的模仿能力,但有些害羞。他们学习英语的热情 较高,但缺乏有效的展示途径。有一定的英语基础。 三、教材分析 本课是绘本故事 The very hungry caterpillar. By Eric Carle. 本课学习安排在学生学习了 1-12 的数词、一些水果和食物单词、三四个说 星期几的单词,几个动词过去式,还有一般过去时态之后。起着温故知新的桥 梁性作用,是前面知识的拓展与延伸,领略这个绘本故事的内容,一是可是拓 宽学生的知识面,二是可以学以致用,解决一些实际问题。 四、教学目标 (一) 、知识与技能 1.听、说、理解单词 apple, pear, plum, strawberry, orange 及其 复数形式。听、说、理解单词 a lot of, egg, caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly. 2.听、说、理解句子 On(表示星期的单词) he ate through(表示 食物的词语). But he was still hungry. 3.初步培养学生在情景中运用所学句型来介绍一些实际情况的能力。 (二) 、过程与方法 充分参与英语活动,感受英语活动带来的乐趣。 (三) 、情感态度与价值观 通过英语交际,体会学习英语带来的快乐,培养学生友好合作的精神和 良好的社交能力。 2 五、教学重点 (一) 、会听、说、理解单词 apple, pear, plum, strawberry, orange 及其复数形式。听、说、理解单词 a lot of, egg, caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly. (二) 、会听、说、理解句子 On(表示星期的单词) he ate through(表示食物的词语). But he was still hungry. 六、教学难点 (一) 、灵活运用所学句型。 (二) 、掌握单词的发音。 七、教学策略 本课主要采用任务型教学法来突出重点和难点。让学生带着任务去学习。 通过游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣;通过体验、实践、参与、合作的学习方式, 发展他们的语言综合运用能力。 在教学中,我采用了 CAI,card, 微课辅助教学,其形象性和直观性使得 课堂教学生动活泼、丰富多彩,这有利于激发学生的学习积极性。 八、教学准备 CAI, cards, paper,微课. 九、教学过程 (一) 、热身 T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, T. T: How are you? Ss: Im fine. T: Ok, lets sing a song. (说这句话的同时点击 CAI 播放,和学生一起唱歌,边拍手边唱。 ) (二) 、新课引入和呈现 1、 T: Oh, sweet voice. Whats this? (说话时出示“叶子上睡着卵”的图片。引出单词“egg” 。带读两三 3 次,贴大图于黑板。) T: In the night of the moon, a little egg lay on the leaf. On Sunday morning the warm sun came up and pop! (肢体语言,夸张) What happened?(惊讶) (教师引入课文,配上肢体语言:睡觉,伸懒腰。)I have a wonderful video for you. Lets get into round one. Who can watch the video carefully(双手在眼睛处围城圈圈),you can get one step(手指指到评价体系走一步。)Lets begin.(点击 CAI,转换至动画片。) 2、 T:(播放至毛毛虫孵化出来,肚子咕咕叫的时候停止播放)What happened?(尽量鼓励学生自己说,中文也可以)The egg turned into a?(说不出来,教师提供帮助,并运用肢体语言,做爬动的样子) Ss: 毛毛虫 T: Yes, out of the egg came a caterpillar.(出示 caterpillar 卡片, 教读,然后把 caterpillar 图片贴在黑板上。) T: What colour is the caterpillar? SsS1:red, green, yellow T: So cool.(表扬学生,注意肢体语言) T: He looks small or big? Ss: small. (肢体语言表扬) T: Was he hungry? Ss: Yes. (肢体语言表扬) T: He was a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. (hungry 重读,注意 肢体语言)解释:tiny means small T:(拿出太阳卡图)The very hungry caterpillar.跟读,注意肢体语言。 “太阳图”贴在黑板上。 T: The caterpillar can make magic. Do you know what happened at last? Lets enjoy the video. (点击 CAI,继续欣赏,看完整个动画, 停止) T: At last, he turned into a ?(肢体语言,飞的动作) Ss: 蝴蝶 4 T: At last, he turned into a beautiful butterfly. (肢体语言,飞的 动作) 3、T:(肢体语言,出示小毛毛虫,分配给小组的时候要指明小组的角色) Mm,I have two small caterpillar. G1 andG2,you are the green one. G3 andG4,you are the yellow one. Just now, all of you watch the video very carefully, so all of you can get one step first. At last, lets see who can turn into a beautiful butterfly. 4、T: Children, do you remember what did the caterpillar eat on Monday to Friday? Now lets get into round two. Ill give you half a minute. Please read the books from page4 to 11 quickly. Then tell me the answer. (点击 CAI,放音乐,巡视指导看书) 5、T :Ok, stop here.(CAI 转换)What did the caterpillar eat on Monday? Who can tell me?(1-2 个学生说) T:Let me see/Lets have a look. (CAI 转换看答案)Yes or no? You are right. One step for you.(奖励回答正确的学生) Read after me: one apple.(贴大图,带读至大图贴完毕,大概 2-3 次。)(转换贴句子图片, 分词组读 2-3 次,读完做“吃东西的样子” ,说“Yummy, delicious, tasty, good, great, wonderful” ,表情夸张,表扬表情到位的学生。 )On Monday he ate through one apple. T:Was he still hungry? Ss: Yes! T:(贴句子大图,分词组带读 2-3 次,肢体语言摸肚子,很饿)But he was still hungry. T: En, sweet voice. One step for each group.(奖励每组一步) 6、CAI 转换,T: What did the caterpillar eat on Tuesday?(1-2 学生说) T: Let me see/Lets have a look. (CAI 转换看答案)Yes or no? You are right. One step for you.(奖励回答正确的学生) Read after me: two pears (贴大图,带读至大图贴完毕,大概 2-3 次。)(转换贴句子图片, 5 分词组读 2-3 次,读完做“吃东西的样子” ,说“Yummy, delicious, tasty, good, great, wonderful” ,表情夸张,表扬表情到位的学生。 )On Tuesday he ate through two pears. T:Was he still hungry? Ss: Yes! T:(替换单词大图,分词组带读 2-3 次,肢体语言,低头失望的样子很饿) But he was still hungry. T: En, you are reading well. One step for each group.(奖励每组一 步) 7、CAI 转换,T: D o you know what about on Wednesday?(1-2 学生说, 不会说的给予提示:three) T: Let me see/Lets have a look. (CAI 转换看答案) Yes or no? You are right. One step for you.(奖励回答正确的学生) Read after me: three plums (贴大图,带读至大图贴完毕,大概 2-3 次。)(转换贴句子图片, 分词组读 2-3 次,读完做“吃东西的样子” ,说“Yummy, delicious, tasty, good, great, wonderful” ,表情夸张,表扬表情到位的学生。 )On Wednesday he ate through three plums. T:Was he still hungry? Ss: Yes! T:(替换单词大图,分词组带读 2-3 次,肢体语言,双手叉腰有点生气)But he was still hungry. T: Wow, read better now. One step for each group again.(奖励每组 一步) 8、CAI 转换,T: What about on Thursday? Who can tell me?(1-2 学生说) T: Let me see/Lets have a look. (CAI 转换看答案)Yes or no? You are right. One step for you.(奖励回答正确的学生) Read after me: four strawberries (贴大图,带读至大图贴完毕,大概 2-3 次。)(转换贴句 子图片,分词组读 2-3 次,读完做“吃东西的样子” ,说“Yummy, delicious, tasty, good, great, wonderful” ,表情夸张,表扬表情到位的学生。 )On 6 Thursdays he ate through four strawberries. T:(替换单词大图,手指句子) But. Ss: he was still hungry. T: (分词组带读 2-3 次,肢体语言,双手叉腰,跺脚,有非常生气)But he was still hungry. T:Well done, children. Now , what about Friday? 9、CAI 转换,T: What about Friday?(1-2 学生说) T: Let me see/Lets have a look. (CAI 转换看答案)Yes or no? You are right. One step for you.(奖励回答正确的学生) Read after me: five oranges (说 five 的时候,手语示意,语气夸张,贴大图,带读至大图贴 完毕,大概 2-3 次。)(转换贴句子图片,分词组读 2-3 次,读完做“吃东西的 样子” ,说“Yummy, delicious, tasty, good, great, wonderful” ,表情夸张, 表扬表情到位的学生。 )On Friday he ate through five oranges. T:(替换单词大图,手指句子) But. Ss: he was still hungry. T: (分词组带读 2-3 次,肢体语言,双手叉腰,跺脚,有非常生气)But he was still hungry. T:Well done, children. Now , what about Saturday? 10、CAI 转换,T: Do you remember what about Saturday?(1-2 学生说) T: Lets see together.(转换 CAI ,出现所有食物图片,每次点击消失 一个,消失一个教师读一个,直到全部吃完,出现毛毛虫吃的所有的食物) Wow, he ate through(夸张的表情) Ss: lots of food(根据 CAI 的内容来回答) T: Very good . One step for everyone.(奖励回答正确的学生) Read after me: lots of food (手语示意,语气夸张,贴大图,带读至大图贴完毕, 大概 2-3 次。)(转换贴句子图片,分词组读 2-3 次,读完做“吃东西的样子” , 说“Yummy, delicious, tasty, good, great, wonderful” ,表情夸张,表扬 7 表情到位的学生。 )On Saturday he ate through lots of food. T: On Saturday he ate through lots of food. What happened that night? Ss:睡觉了,好饱,肚子痛 T: Yes, that night he had a stomachache.(分词组带读 2-3 次,肢体 语言,捂着独自蹲下来,很难受的样子) T:What about Sunday? 11、CAI 转换,T: What about Sunday? CAI 转换,大家看图回答。Ss: 树叶 T: Yes, one nice green leaf. Read after me: one nice green leaf (手语示意,语气夸张,贴大图,带读至大图贴完毕,大概 2-3 次。)(转换贴 句子图片,分词组读 2-3 次,读完做“吃东西的样子” ,说“Yummy, delicious, tasty, good, great, wonderful” ,表情夸张,表扬表情到位的学生。 )On Sunday he ate through one nice green leaf. T:(肢体语言,从上往下摸肚子) He ate through one nice green leaf, and after that he felt much better.(分词组,带读 2-3 次) 12、T:(肢体语言,提示看黑板上的毛毛虫大图)Boys and girls. Look at the caterpillar. T: Was he hungry? Ss: No! T: Yes, he wasnt hungry any more. T: Was he small? Ss: No! T: Yes, he wasnt a little caterpillar any more. Little means small T: He was a(肢体语言提示“大”和“胖”) Ss: big, fat caterpillar T:(肢体语言) He was a big, fat caterpillar.(带读一两次) 13、T:(肢体语言)He built a house, called cocoon.(肢体语言,在胸前夹 8 紧手臂,出示 cocoon 大图,带读 2-3 次,贴在黑板上,继续讲故事)Round himself. He stayed inside for more than two weeks.(肢体语言,表示两周 多) Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, (肢体语言,从茧的后面拉出蝴 蝶)pushed his way out and, he was a beautiful(展示蝴蝶,让学生自己 说结果,中英文都可以蝴蝶butterfly) Ss: butterfly T: Wonderful.(分词组带读句子)He was a beautiful butterfly.(展示蝴蝶大 图,贴在黑板上) (三) 、巩固、拓展 1、OK, you did a good job.(肢体语言)One step for each group.(奖励 每组走一步) Lets get into round three.(CAI 转换) Open this book,(肢 体语言,挥一挥学生的书)turn to page two. Listen to the story.(肢体语 言)Then make a list of food.(肢体语言)(CAI 转换至听音,教师巡视至结 束) 2、T: Finish it. Now, lets see how to make the list of food. (CAI 转换,微课呈现,教师巡视。) T: Now, take out your paper.(肢体语言,出示表格纸)Ill give you 2mins. Please finish it.(CAI 转换,音乐响起,教师巡视指导。) T:Stop here.(CAI 转换,肢体语言示意看黑板)Show yourself. Who can retell the story according to the list of food?(You, came here.please believe me. I can help you. Dont worry.(用不同语言鼓 励学生,注意眼神的期待等等) 师生互动,学生将表格移至幻灯片,老师问学生答。适当给予帮助。 T: You are brave. Cool!(肢体语言:击掌鼓励)Two steps for you.(奖励) 3、T:Lets check your answer.(CAI 转换) T : What did the caterpillar eat on Mondayon Tuesday? 9 S1: On MondayTuesday he ate through one appletwo pears. T: On Wednesday he ate through three plums.(反复问答至到周日。 ) 4、T: Oh, this round you are the winners.(双手大拇指鼓励,很吃惊 的样子)One step for everyone. Now, lets get into round four.(CAI 转 换)Come on, baby. Its your show time. Before your show, lets enjoy a vodie, how to act it out. Lets begin. 5、CAI 转换至微课,播放,巡视至结束。 6、T: OK. Ill give you 3mins to act out the story in the group. Everyone can choose a different role. Lets begin.(CAI 转换,音乐响 起,学生练习,教师巡视指导至音乐结束) T: Which group can act out with me?(肢体语言,鼓励学生参与,挑 选一组展示) 7、T: You are very awesome!(肢体语言,非常给力) (四) 、小结课文 T: Lets recall the life of the caterpillar.(小结课文,指着黑板) T: First, he was an. Ss: egg T: Then, he turned into a. Ss: caterpillar T: Yes. Next, he ate through Ss: one apple, two pears, three plums, four strawberries(说完食物名称) T:At last, he turned into a beautiful Ss: butterfly (小结课文,肢体语言指示步骤,教师可以适当提示) (五) 、情感教育 T: The caterpillars persistence brought new life. What about others? Please watch the video.(CAI 转换至情感教育,自动播放至结束, 结束后 CAI 再次转换,ppt 呈现此次课的主题,教师念出主题) (六) 、评价 10 T: Now, lets see who can turn into a beautiful butterfly.(肢 体语言,指向评价体系)Oh, the green caterpillar was faster. So the green caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly.(肢体语言,飞起来, 把毛毛虫变成蝴蝶) T: Congratulations! Hurry!(和学生一起欢呼) (七) 、家庭作业 T: Now lets look at your funny homework.(CAI 转换至作业图片,读 一遍作业) (八) 、结束新课 T: hats all for today. Class is over. Goodbye, everyone! Ss: Googbye. 十、板书设计 The very hungry caterpillar. 图片板书: 文字板书: 板书+评价方案:AB 两组(两只 On Sunday he ate through 毛毛虫)比赛,看哪个组最快走 one nice green leaf. 到顶点 ,变成蝴蝶。 But he was still hungry. 说明:左图为绘本故事的“板书+评价方案” 。将绘本的主要内容做成手工 卡片,并按照毛毛虫的生长发育过程和所吃食物来拼图,拼成一只吃得胖胖的 毛毛虫。再根据故事描述内容毛毛虫又发育成茧,最后破茧成蝶。全班同学分 为 AB 两组(每组都是一只小毛毛虫)比赛,看哪个组能通过自己的努力,最先 变成蝴蝶(最快到达顶点意味着最先破茧成蝶) 。评价结束时,学生可以用已学 11 知识表达评价方案的内容。E.g. Group A walks steps. Group B walks steps. Group is the winner. And so on. 右图是绘本故事的文字板书设计。文字板书了主要句型,并对关键词(横 线上的词语)进行替换。让学生在欣赏绘本的同时领略英文的文字魅力,并复 习旧知,辅助学生复述故事。 整个板书可以概括故事大意,对了解毛毛虫的一生有一目了然的作用。在 回归绘本故事进行总结时,学生可以根据这个板书设计说出绘本的主要内容。 “图片板书”和“文字板书”均为照片处理而来,真实有效。 十一、教学评价 注重学生语言运用能力的培养,突出语言的真实性和实用性。以不同方式 最大限度地激发学生的学习热情,使小学生在“玩”中学会用英语进行交际, 让学习者的交际能力在完成任务型的教学活动中得到提高。 但在整个教学过程中,如何使学习与游戏、活动实现完美有机的结合,还 有优化的空间。 十二、教学反思 本课我采用了任务型教学,创设的任务都得到了落实,取得了较好的成效。 本课通过观察或者猜测来描述毛毛虫的食物,这就是互动,也是任务。这些任 务有一定的现实性和真实性,能够引起学生的兴趣、激发学生的参与欲望。每 一个参与者在执行任务的过程中,都担当一定的角色,都要提供掌握的信息, 在共同完成任务的过程中,培养了合作精神。学生既有自主学习,又有合作学 习和研究型学习。本课中的拓展部分实现了知识与能力运用的整合。本课在培 养学生的创造能力上尚有值得改进的地方。 12
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