外研版(三起)五下Module 2-Unit 2 Mr. Li was a teacher.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:30a56).docx

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外研版(三起)五下Module 2-Unit 2 Mr. Li was a teacher.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:30a56).docx_第1页
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外研版(三起)五下Module 2-Unit 2 Mr. Li was a teacher.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:30a56).docx_第2页
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外研版(三起)五下Module 2-Unit 2 Mr. Li was a teacher.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:30a56).docx_第3页
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1、Module2 Unit2 Mr Li was a teacher.教学设计 一、教案背景 1、面对学生:小学五年级 2、学科:英语 3、课时:1 课时 二、教学课题: 新标准英语(三年级起点)第六册 Module 2 Unit2 Mr.Li was a teacher. 三、教材分析: 本模块是外语教学与研究岀版社新标准英语(三年级起点)五年级下册第二 模块的学习内容。Unit2 Mr.Li was a teacher.主要谈论人物过去和现在做的事 情,并让学生了解时态的变化。在学习了第一模块的一般过去时后,本模块就一 般过去时态和现在进行时态进行对比学习,这样,不仅承接了上一模块的重点知

2、识,而且还降低了两种时态学习的难度,起到了承上启下的作用。 四、教学目标: 1.知识目标 (1)学生能够听、说、认读单词:studied ,hard (2)学生能够听、说、认读并会用句型 Mr.Li wasa teacher.He taught Chinese. Chen Hai is an English teacher .Hesteaching Mr.Li. 2.能力目标 掌握一般过去时态与现在进行时态的意义及他们的区别. 3.情感态度目标 激发学生的学习热情,进行文明礼仪教育,感染学生,教育学生要珍惜时光, 认真充实地度过每一天,更要尊敬师长。 五、教学重点与难点: 1、 掌握新单词 s

3、tudied , hard 和用含过去时的语句谈论生活中发生过的事。 2、能在实际生活中灵活的运用本课的词汇和句型谈论某人过去和现在的情 况和活动。 六、教学准备: 教学课件、单词卡片、FLSAH 动画。 七、教学方法 本课使用情境教学法结合小组合作教学法进行本节课的任务教学,通过听、 说、读、写、赛等方式鼓励学积极参与、大胆表达,提高学生语言感受能力和运 用英语的能力。 八、教学过程 Step 1Warming-up T:Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good monrning miss chen . T:How are You? S:Im fine ,t

4、hank you ,and you ? T:Im fine too ,thank you ,sit down please! T:First,lets relax, Letsplay a guessing game. Are you ready? S:Yes T:OK,Lets begin(播放课件) 课前激发学生积极参与学习活动的兴趣。 Today we will learnMoudlu2 Unit2 Mr Li was a teacher.Lets read the title. Read it again! Step2.Leading in T: look at the picture,

5、 1.Whatsubjectdid Li Wei learn at school when he was six? T:letswatch.(播放活动 1 动画) T:doyou know Whatsubjectdid Li Wei learn at school when he was six? S:He learnt Maths and Science,and Art and Chinese too. T:This time,letslisten and chant,now all students stand up show me your hands ,and clap your ha

6、nds.(播放动画 1,生跟唱+动作) T:great,you did a good job. Sit downplease. Next ,I will devided you into 3 groups.maths ,science,art.lets cheer up,today our learning task isUse English to ask and describe what happened in the past and present of others. Step3.Presentation Boys and girls,1.What did he teachtwen

7、tyyears ago? Lets watch(播放动画 2) T:1.What did he teachtwentyyears ago? S: HetaughtChinese (your group got one star) T:2.Was Chen Hai a good pupil? Do group work讲解单词 studyhard T:OK ,next listen carefully (播放动画 2) T:Read in group and underline the answer . letsreport(your group got one star) lets read

8、it together(去掉问题读答案) T:lets watch and repeat(播放动画 2) T:ok ,now lets practice true or false.全班做,小组讨论 Lets check the answers, No.1 T:read text by yourself then retell the text。 T:letsretell the text(2 名学生到白板前,clap for her/him) Step4.Practise Next Quick answer Practice with your partners。 (第一组教师举例,两个人对

9、话练习)(your group got one star) Step5.Production writea composition. OK,nowI introduce myself what about you? Can you write them down on your paper? Ok,lets write a composition . Now its show time . who can come to the front to show your writing? 展台展示, Step6 . Summary(课件) What have we learned today? 单

10、词:studiedhard 句型:Mr.Li wasa teacher.He taught Chinese. Chen Hai is an English teacher .Hesteaching Mr.Li. Step 7. Homework(课件) 1.read the dialogue fluently 2. remember the text So, Care and diligence bring luck!pleasestudy hard and cherish time. OK, the class is over,thanks for your listening.goodbye!


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