外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 1-Unit 1 I want a hot dog , please.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:a0fa3).doc

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外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 1-Unit 1 I want a hot dog , please.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:a0fa3).doc_第1页
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1、A Farmer Artist 一、教学内容:小学英语自然拼读阅读训练。 教材分析:本课主要学习 a story of a farmer.通过这 堂课让学生进一步了解有关农场的同时,增强对劳动和分享 的热爱、进一步提高五年级学生学习和使用英语的兴趣。 二、教学设计 本案例是 Reading.(阅读课) 。让学生通过“感知-概括 -应用”的思维来增长知识、发展能力,基于此,教学设计 的落脚点有二。 、学生通过阅读学习有助于提高学生的阅读能力和自 主学习的能力。 、通过合作写作进行单词句子处理;在与文本相互作 用的过程中,在理解思辨的过程中培养学生的语言输出能 力,即:说话能力和口语能力。 亮点:

2、通过写作促进外语学习。亮点:通过写作促进外语学习。 三、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1、Enable to grasp the new words and sentences. 2、Enable to pronouce some words with /a:/. 3、To teach students to know more about planting. (二)能力目标:交流自己对植物的喜好。 (三)情感目标:注重劳动的培养,让学习更加有分享 意识。明白分享能带给我们更多的快乐。 四、文化意识:简单了解有关农场的文化。 五、教学重点 、Enable to grasp the sentence

3、s of “not only but also” 、Enable to introduce something about planting. 六、教学难点 To say someting about planting. 七、教学资源 多媒体教学课件,cards、图片、PPT.投影仪 etc 八、教学过程 (一)warm-up 通过 PPT 导入一张 car 的图片,进而引入一首 chant 和 学生一起诵读这首 chant,并且这首 chant 的编写也有一个 承上启下的作用,chant 完之后,自然而然地引入了后面的 故事学习。 通过这首 chant 很好地导入了下一步的故事学习。 (二)

4、课文阅读 、整体感知,了解大意; 2、Find out all the words which pronouce with /a:/. 3、Read the story sentence by sentence. Clark is a farmaer, He has a large farm. He plants many vegetables and fruits. Ask the studonts. Do you like vegetables or fruits? They are good for our health. We must eat more. If he wants to

5、 get more. What does he have to do? Whatkindofqualityhemusthave?Leadin hardworking and lazy. He is not only hardworking but also smart. By body lauguage to show“not onlybut also” The teacher tells the Ss they are smart too! Ask them to think if clark wants to get harvesr. What else he must do. He kn

6、ows that music helps plants grow, So he plays the guitar everyday in an armchair. In this part. We will do a activity about plants grow well with music.And do a game about play music. Several monthes later, his vegetables and fruits are better than others. He has a harvest. T:You see. He got a harve

7、st. So he has got lots of vegetables and fruits. What can he do to deal with them. Ask the students to give me his idea. The vegetables sell well in the supermarket. Clark throws a party in his garden. He invites his family and friends to taste his fruits. All of them say the fruits are very delicio

8、us. T: why the food is so delicious? Maybe there is friendship and love in it. His father says “son.youre our srar! Were so proud of you”. Clarks heart is filled with joy. Have a free talk about Clarks feelings. Why does he feel happy? Why is his heart filled with joy ? Because he shared his food wi

9、th others ! (三)Practise after reading. After reading the story. Please judge wheather the following sentences are correet. ()1. Clark has a small farm. ()2. Clark plants many vegetables and fruits on the farm. ()3. The vegetables dont sell well. Find out the wond. The one prinownces different. ()1.

10、A. farB.farmC.starD.warm ()2. A. bananaB.capC.glassD.father ()3. A. startB.warmC.hardD.art (四)拓展练习 1. Write a short passage to introduce your own stories about plants. To work in groups.Give them ten minutes to do it . 2. Share their writing. 3. Read their passages. (五)布置作业 板书设计 A Farmer Artist. Smartlove musie Clarkplantsharvest harvest Hardworkingnice


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