外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 5-Unit 1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:100af).zip

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What is Daming doing?But what happens (发生发生)? Daming is playing the suona., but the phone_. Daming is playing the suona again., but_. Daming is playing the suona for the third time. , _ _. Task completion She is reading her book, but_. She is reading _ again, but_. She_ for the _ time, but _ . It is a funny day. 外研社外研社英语英语(三年级起点)六年级下册(三年级起点)六年级下册 Module5 Unit1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. Frogs are very happy,butdogs are not. Well learn to talk about interruptions(中断中断).When sth is happening, another thing suddenly interrupts. After this lesson lets talk about interruptions in our life. 我们将要学习谈论关于我们将要学习谈论关于“中断中断”的场景。当某事正的场景。当某事正 在发生时,另一件事突然中断了它。在发生时,另一件事突然中断了它。 学完本课让我们来谈论在我们生活中含有学完本课让我们来谈论在我们生活中含有“中断中断” 的场景。的场景。 They are having a birthday party. He is playing the suona. Q:What is Daming doing? play football play chess play the flute play the suona 打球,下棋打球,下棋 不加不加 the 演奏乐器演奏乐器 要加要加 the 1. Lingling is playing _ piano. A. / B. the 2. Simon likes playing _ basketball. A. / B. the 3. Daming often plays _ chesss. A. / B . the B A A What is Daming doing? But what happens (发生发生)? Daming is playing the suona., but the phone_. Daming is playing the suona again., but_. Daming is playing the suona for the third time. , _ _. 2.Listen the text and underline the answer. 1.How many times does Daming stop? 时间时间 time 次数次数 Whats the time? Daming is playing the suona for the third time. 表示时间 : 表示次数: How many times does Daming stop? Three times. What is Daming doing? But what happens (发生发生)? Daming is playing the suona. , but the phone_. Daming is playing the suona again. , but_. Daming is playing the suona for the third time. , _ _. Read the text and underline the answer rings the bell rings but the dog starts to bark very loudly (1) 当当一一件件事事情情正正在在发发生生时时,另另一一件件事事情情突突然然发发生生 打断了它打断了它,中间用中间用but连接连接 (2)现在进行时现在进行时 + but + 一般现在时一般现在时 ( (主语主语+ +bebe+ + 动词动词inging, , + + but + +主语主语 + + 动词原形动词原形/ /单三形式单三形式。) ) eg: Daming is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 1、He is playing the suona , (but,and) the phone rings. but 2、She (watch) TV, but the bell (ring). is watching rings having a birthday party, playing the suona rings rings starts but the bell rings. the phone rings. her brother starts to play the flute. Talk about interruptions 谈论谈论“中断中断”。 She is reading her book, but_. She is reading _ again, but_. She_ for the _ time, but _ . It is a funny day. the phone rings her bookthe bell rings is reading her bookthird her mother comes in Homework All of you: Listen and read the text for the three times. Copy new words and sentences for five times. Some of you: Retell the story and talk about the interruptions(中断中断)to your friend. M5 U1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课教材为外研社英语 (新标准) (三年级起点)六年级下册 Module5 Unit1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 本课的教学内容是描述正在做 一件事情时另一件事情同时发生的场景。本单元的课文情境是 Daming 在他的 生日聚会上为朋友吹唢呐,此时电话响了,他只好停下来。然后 Daming 再次 吹起唢呐,但门铃响了,他又停下来。这时又来了不少朋友,Simon 的小狗也 来了。Daming 第三次吹起唢呐时,小狗大声叫了起来,朋友们都听不到 Daming 的演奏。Simon 对小狗说:“别叫了!”小狗不再叫了,大家都笑了起来。 课文充分展示了 Daming 生日聚会的场景,给学生创造了一个贴近学生生活实 际的情境,学生通过学习能够描述正在做一件事情时另一件事情同时发生的场 景。本单元需 1 课时完成。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本模块的学习重点是学会运用现在进行时以及 but 和一般现在时来描述正 在做一件事情时另一件事情同时发生的场景。这是两种时态的对比使用,学生 在四年级开始就学习使用现在进行时,而一般现在时是从三年级开始就开始接 触并学习而且一直贯穿在小学阶段的所有学习中,对于两种时态学生并不陌生, 主要是通过这样的学习加以巩固和拓展运用,相信学生通过听、读、说、写等 活动能够很好地完成本课的学习任务。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1、语言技能、语言技能 全体学生能听懂:He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 全体学生能说:He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文 全体学生能按要求完成语句书写 2、语言知识、语言知识 全体学生能够运用: He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 全体学生能够理解: play, third, time, bark, loudly 全体学生能运用:play, time 部分学生能够运用词汇:third, bark, loudly (3) 进一步强化语音语调,初步达到语调达意 3、情感态度、情感态度 乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语 4、学习策略学习策略 能初步借助简单的工具书学习英语 5、文化意识、文化意识 在学习和日常交际中,能进一步注意到中外文化的异同 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1、重点、重点 能运用 Hes playing the suona, but the phone rings.这种语句描述正在做一件事情 时另一件事情同时发生的场景。 2、难点、难点 谈论被打断的行为时,一件事情正在发生时用现在进行时,另一件事情突然 发生时用一般现在时。 play 和 time 的用法总结。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 单词卡片、点读机点读笔、课件、多媒体展台 六、教学过程六、教学过程 (一)复习导入(一)复习导入 Warm-up and lead-in( 5 分钟)分钟) 1. Greetings. (大约(大约 1 分钟)分钟) T: Class begins. Good morning boys and girls. Ss: Good morning Miss Ju. 2. T: First lets chant and do the actions. Are you ready? Ss: OK. (chant it together.) (42 秒) T: Sit down, please. 【设计意图设计意图】通过回顾通过回顾Module4的的poem,让学生感受,让学生感受poem的韵律和节奏的同的韵律和节奏的同 时,自然切入谈论人物的感受,为学习本课活动一做好话题方面的铺垫。时,自然切入谈论人物的感受,为学习本课活动一做好话题方面的铺垫。 T: (Point at the people in the circle and ask the children like these:) look at the picture, are they happy? Ss: No, they arent. T: Yes, they dont happy. T: Are you happy today? S: Yes. T: Im happy too. Look what are they? S: They are frogs. T: They are very happy, what are they doing? Lets watch the CD-ROM together.(32 秒) T: Now who can answer : the frogs are very happy, what are they doing? Ss: They re singing and dancing. Theyre having a party. (Excellent!) T: But are the dogs happy? Ss: No! T: Why? S: Because Its very cold. T: Yes! We know frogs are very happy, but dogs are not. Because it is very cold. Maybe they have got a cold. Although it is spring now, please keep warm. OK? T: lets listen and repeat. Are you ready?(20 秒) Read together.(10) Now lets read in different roles, boys the yellow dog, another one girls. Are you ready? Lets begins.(10) ) 【设计意图设计意图】通过通过 “what are the frogs doing?” “Are the dogs happy?” 激活并解激活并解 读了对话的情趣点。并通过狗狗感冒了提醒学生们注意保暖。读了对话的情趣点。并通过狗狗感冒了提醒学生们注意保暖。 (二)任务呈现(二)任务呈现 Task presentation(1 分钟)分钟) T: Today well learn to talk about interruptions(打岔,中断).When sth is happening, another thing suddenly interrupts. After this lets talk about interruptions in our life. 【设计意图设计意图】通过任务呈现,使学生明确学习目标以及学习之后要完成的任务。通过任务呈现,使学生明确学习目标以及学习之后要完成的任务。 分组分组 Ill divide you into two teams. The first team is “bell” team. Another team is “phone” team. Lets see which team will win. First, lets learn the new lesson Module 5 Unit 1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. Please read the topic one by one.(学生读标题,写板书) a :Teach “ play”(day, say, way ) (三)课文学习(三)课文学习 Text learning(18 分钟)分钟) 1. Watch and answer. T: Look! Today is Damings birthday. They are having a birthday party. T: Look! What is Daming doing? Lets watch the CD-ROM together. S: He is playing the suona. T:Lets review some phrase about“play” (play football, play chess, , play the suona, play the flute) Can you remember them? Lets do some practices. 1.Lingling is playing _ piano. A. / B. the 加分 2. Simon likes playing _ basketball. A. / B. the 加分 3.Daming often plays _ chesss. A. / B. the 加分 2.T: Daming is playing the suona, but he is interrupted by something. He has to stop. How many times does Daming stop? Let listen the text and then answer the questions. How many times does Daming stop? S: Three times. 讲讲“time” “Time” 表示时间,表示次数。表示时间,表示次数。 【设计意图设计意图】通过带着问题观看动画,让学生初步感知课文,对课文有所了解,通过带着问题观看动画,让学生初步感知课文,对课文有所了解, 引导学生建构整体思维框架。引导学生建构整体思维框架。 T: Read then try to underline the answers, work in pairs with your partner What is Daming doing? But what happens (发生发生)? Daming is playing the suona., but the phone_. Daming is playing the suona again., but_. Daming is playing the suona for the third time. , _ _. 【设计意图设计意图】学生通过自读课文,自主理解,划出问题的答案。培养学生的阅学生通过自读课文,自主理解,划出问题的答案。培养学生的阅 读理解能力。读理解能力。 3. Talk about answers in groups. 【设计意图设计意图】学生自主阅读、小组合作交流,讨论解决阅读中的问题,培养学学生自主阅读、小组合作交流,讨论解决阅读中的问题,培养学 生的阅读能力,同时培养学生小组合作意识,达到生的阅读能力,同时培养学生小组合作意识,达到“兵帮兵,兵带兵兵帮兵,兵带兵”的目的。的目的。 4. Answer the questions and teach the new words and sentences. T: Who can talk about the first question (1)Daming is playing the suona , but what happens? Daming is playing the suona ,but the phone rings. 加分 (男生读,女生读) 粘贴条条 (2) Daming is playing the suona again, but what happens? S: Daming is playing the suona again, but the bell rings. 加分 (找 2 到 3 人读) 粘贴条条 (3) Daming is playing the suona for the third time, but what happens? Teach “ third” “ girl,bird” S: Daming is playing the suona for the third time, but the dog starts to bark very loudly. Teach” bark” “ loudly ” 加分(先练习一会然后找人读) 粘贴条条 【设计意图设计意图】通过三个细节问题,提炼出通过三个细节问题,提炼出 DamingDaming 三次被打断的信息,使学生三次被打断的信息,使学生 更加深入理解课文,并在语境中感知,理解和学习核心词汇及核心语句,体更加深入理解课文,并在语境中感知,理解和学习核心词汇及核心语句,体 验语言功能。利用语篇的语境进行词、句、语法等学习,体现词不离句、句验语言功能。利用语篇的语境进行词、句、语法等学习,体现词不离句、句 不离篇的教学原则。通过练习加深印象。不离篇的教学原则。通过练习加深印象。 T: Look at the table, what can you find? S: They all have “but. S:but 前面是现在进行时,but 后面是一般现在时。 5.Grammar tips: (1) 当一件事情正在发生时当一件事情正在发生时,另一件事情突然发生另一件事情突然发生,中间用中间用 but 连接连接 (2) 现在进行时现在进行时 + but + 一般现在时一般现在时 主语主语+be+ 动词动词 ing, but +主语主语 + 动词原形动词原形/单三形式。单三形式。 【设计意图设计意图】通过引导学生关注时态的变化,让学生试着自己总结怎样谈论打通过引导学生关注时态的变化,让学生试着自己总结怎样谈论打 断行为,然后教师进行补充和纠正,体现以断行为,然后教师进行补充和纠正,体现以“学生为中心,以学生为主体学生为中心,以学生为主体” 的教学理念。的教学理念。 播放微课,讲解知识点。播放微课,讲解知识点。 eg: Daming is playing the suona, but the phone rings. Practice:1、He is playing the suona , (but,and) _the phone rings 2、She _ (watch) TV, but the bell_ (ring). 【设计意图设计意图】依据语篇的话题和学生的生活实际简单运用核心词汇和语句,巩依据语篇的话题和学生的生活实际简单运用核心词汇和语句,巩 固上一环节的知识点和语用功能。固上一环节的知识点和语用功能。 6. Read the dialogue. (1) Listen and repeat. This time, lets go back to the text. Books up. Read the text after the CD-ROM and pay attention to the verbs with “ing” and “s”. (2). Read the dialogue by themselves then in groups. (3).Check reading in groups. 【设计意图设计意图】学生跟读,培养学生模仿跟读的习惯;学生自读,培养学生朗读学生跟读,培养学生模仿跟读的习惯;学生自读,培养学生朗读 能力;小组查读,培养了学生的小组合作精神。同时,学生通过朗读再次感知、能力;小组查读,培养了学生的小组合作精神。同时,学生通过朗读再次感知、 理解和新词汇及核心语句。理解和新词汇及核心语句。 (四)训练巩固(四)训练巩固 Practice(6 分钟)分钟) 1. Retell the text T: Try to retell the text with the help of the pictures. 【设计意图设计意图】借助图片的提示,按照开课时所建构的思维模式,对本课主要信借助图片的提示,按照开课时所建构的思维模式,对本课主要信 息的回顾,同时,再一次巩固核心语句。息的回顾,同时,再一次巩固核心语句。 2. Do Act.4: Priactise (1) Look and say T: Daming is interrupted. There are some other interruptions.Open your book. Turn to page 28. Activity4. First lets look and say. (2) Complete the sentences. (3) Check answers and revise. 【设计意图设计意图】通过此练习,使学生在真实语境中巩固现在进行时和一般现在时,通过此练习,使学生在真实语境中巩固现在进行时和一般现在时, 特别是动词单三形式。特别是动词单三形式。 (五)任务完成(五)任务完成 Task completion(8 分钟)分钟) Talk about interruptions She is reading her book, but_. She is reading _ again, but_. She_ for the _ time, but _ . It is a funny day. 【设计意图设计意图】通过开展说一说,写一写的活动,完成本课学习任务,达到学以通过开展说一说,写一写的活动,完成本课学习任务,达到学以 致用的目的。致用的目的。 Lets see which team is the winner. “phone”/“bell” team is the winner. Congratulation! (六)(六)小结与布置作业小结与布置作业 Summary and homework(2 分钟)分钟) 1. Sum up this lesson. (1) Let Ss try to sum up by themselves. (2) Teacher gives advice. (3) Read words and sentences together. 【设计意图设计意图】对本节课的英语语言知识和能力进行归纳总结,既让学生会明确对本节课的英语语言知识和能力进行归纳总结,既让学生会明确 本节课的课后复习巩固目标和重点,又帮助学生形成明确的语言意识,强化学本节课的课后复习巩固目标和重点,又帮助学生形成明确的语言意识,强化学 生对所学知识的记忆。生对所学知识的记忆。 Today is Damings birthday, he wanted to play the suona ,but he was interrupted three times. I think we should avoid interrupting others. Do you agree? 【设计意图设计意图】感情升华感情升华 2. Homework The whole class: (1) Listen and read the text for three times (2) Copy new words and sentences for five times. The most of the class: Retell the story and talk about the interruptions(打断)to your friend. 【设计意图设计意图】通过小结培养学生的总结和概括能力;有层次性的作业的布置,通过小结培养学生的总结和概括能力;有层次性的作业的布置, 尊重学生的个体差异,有利于不同层次的学生都有所获。尊重学生的个体差异,有利于不同层次的学生都有所获。 七、板书设计七、板书设计 Module 5 Unit1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. play , the phone rings. third time Daming is playing the suona bark loudly again the bell rings. for the third time, the dogs starts to bark very loudly. but
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