外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 5-Unit 1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:b018c).zip

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    • 单词音频
      • bark.mp3
      • loudly.mp3
      • play.mp3
      • third.mp3
      • time.mp3
    • My story 课堂练习纸.doc--点击预览
    • 六年级下册M5U1 生活视频.mp4
    • 六年级下册M5U1课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案b018c.doc--点击预览
    • 热身歌曲.wmv
    • 百鸟朝凤音频.mp3
    • 计时歌曲.mp3
    • 课文视频.mp4
    • 配音.mp4


My story I am _, but _. I _ again, but _. _, but _. I feel _, so I keep/dont keep _(singing/drawing). boredhappysadangry Module 5 Unit 1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. play v.v.玩,玩耍;玩,玩耍; 演奏(乐器);演奏(乐器); Lets learn. play the violinplay the flute suona 唢呐是中国民族吹管乐器唢呐是中国民族吹管乐器 的一种。唢呐的音色明亮,音的一种。唢呐的音色明亮,音 量大,管身木制,成圆椎形,量大,管身木制,成圆椎形, 上端装有带哨子的铜管,下端上端装有带哨子的铜管,下端 套着一个铜制的喇叭口(称作套着一个铜制的喇叭口(称作 碗)。所以也称喇叭碗)。所以也称喇叭. 代表作代表作”百鸟朝凤百鸟朝凤” What are they doing? They are playing the suona. Lets check. third n.n.第三第三 time n.n.时间时间; ;次、回次、回; ; I will go to Beijing _. A.for the third times B.for the third time C.for a three time B Lets check. bark vi.vi.吠叫吠叫 What is the dog doing? The dog is barking. Lets check. loudly adv.adv.响亮地响亮地; ;高声地高声地; ; What is the dog doing? The dog is barking very l .oudly Lets check. * Lets play. play the suona for the third time bark very loudly play the suona bark very loudly for the third time bark very loudly play the suona for the third time What are they doing? They are having a birthday party. Lets guess. What is Daming doing? But what happens? Lets answer. What is Daming doing? But what happens? Daming is _, but _. A. the phone rings. B. the bell rings. C. the dog starts to bark very loudly. D. playing the suona What is Daming doing? DA But what happens? Lets check. Daming is _ again, but _. A. the phone rings. B. the bell rings. C. the dog starts to bark very loudly. D. playing the suona What is Daming doing? D B But what happens? Daming is _for the third time, but_. A. the phone rings. B. the bell rings. C. the dog starts to bark very loudly. D. playing the suona What is Daming doing? DC But what happens? She _(play) the piano, but the phone _(ring). is playing rings Lets try. He _ (sleep) , but the clock _ (ring). is sleeping rings She _(dance) , but the dog _ (start) to bark very loudly. is dancing starts Listen and repeat. Lets dub. 配音 Lets retell.复述课文 Daming is having a birthday party but , agai n for the third time Lets guess. angry happy bored sad How does Daming feel? Does he keep(继续继续) playing? My story I am_, but_. I _again, but _. _, but_. I feel _, so I keep/dont keep _. Lets retell. readingthe phone rings am readingthe bell rings I am reading for the third time my daughter comes happy reading Lets say. My story I am_, but_. I _again, but _. _, but_. I feel _, so I keep/dont keep _(singing/drawing). ring ringcome come comestart to laugh start to cry start to bark singdraw 说一说 boredhappy sadangry Boys and girls, there are lots of interruptions in our life. Sometimes we keep doing it, sometimes we dont keep doing it. But if you like it, maybe keeping doing it is a better choice_ 同学们,在生活中我们会遭遇很多中 断,有时候我们会坚持,有时候会放弃。 但是如果你喜欢它,也许坚持下来,是个 更好的选择 _ Lets think. Homework 1.Lisen and read the new words for 3 times 听、说新单词听、说新单词3遍遍 2.Retell the text for your friends 复述课文给朋友听复述课文给朋友听 3.Write down your story with BUT and read it for your parents. 用用BUT写故事并把它读给你的父母听写故事并把它读给你的父母听 My story I am _, but _. I _ again , but _ _, but_ I feel _, so I _. 教学设计 课题名称:Module5Unit1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 姓名工作单位 学科年级英语 六年级教材版本外研版(三起) 一、学情调查分析 六年级学生,已经掌握了一定的听、说、读、写能力,但对我们农村学 校的学生而言,本节课功能句涉及到两个时态:正在进行时和一般现在时, 学生会感觉到略复杂,老师的教学过程中应注意示范和及时跟进练习等方式, 一步一步,帮助学生正确理解功能句,为后来功能句的拓展打好基础。 二、教学目标确定 知识目标 词汇理解与运用:play, third, time, bark, loudly 词组理解与运用:play the piano; for the third time; bark very loudly 句型理解并拓展:Daming is playing the suona, but the phone rings/the bell rings/the dog starts to bark very loudly.21 世纪教育网版 权所 能力目标 大部分学生能运用 Daming is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 2 这类语句来说明当一件事情正在发生时,同时有另一件事发生。 文化目标 了解中国的传统乐器 suona 三、重点、难点 教学重点: 初步正确理解功能句:Daming is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 这类语句 教学难点: 正确运用 Daming is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 这类语句来 描述当一件事情正在发生时,同时有另一件事发生。 四、教学准备: 电子白板、点读笔、PPT 课件、展示拼读的词卡、微视频、配音视频、 “说一 说”环节的作业纸、板书卡片、评价的磁圆点、Daming 和 Simon 的头像等 五、教学过程 Step 1: 导入 (一)打招呼,把学生分为两大组来比赛-cn- (二)老师播放歌曲 Monkey Monkey What Are You Doing,学生一起跟 着视频吟唱。 Step 2: 呈现新课 (一)学习新单词 1.老师出示 ppt,引出 play、third、 time、 bark、 loudly 等单词 play: playplay the violin/play the fluteplay the suona介 绍唢呐将 play the suona 带入句子中练习 third: 指导拼读 irsirbirbirdthird time: timefor the third time将 for the third time 带入句子中 练习 bark: 指导拼读 arcardardarkbark 将 bark 带入句子中练 习 loudly: loudlybark very loudly将 bark very loudly 带入句子中 练习 2.Play a game 玩 Which Is Missing 巩固单词及词组 (二)课文学习 1. 看图片猜一猜:What are Daming and his friends doing? 2.看第一遍视频并提问:What is Daming doing?But what happens? 3.看第二遍视频核对答案并板书重点句。 4.指一指重点句需要注意的点(正在进行时与一般现在时的结合)让学生自行 领悟,并做练习。 5.跟着录音朗读全文 6.配音 7.复述课文 Step3:巩固与拓展 1.猜测大明的心情以及是否会继续吹唢呐 2.老师播放自己的生活视频 (包含功能句,并初步感知接下来“说一说”环节的结构) 3.集体复述老师的生活视频内容 (再次练习功能句及示范“说一说”环节的结构) 4.老师创设两个场景:(我)正在唱歌或画画,但是一些事情发生了 (利用 PPT 及学生手里的作业纸,展示以下结构以提供脚手架) I am_,but_. I_again,but_. _for the third time,but_. I feel_, so I keep/dont keep_(singing/drawing). 5.学生挑选一个场景说一说 6.老师就“当我们正在做一件事,但是被另一件事打断”后我们是否坚持,做 一个简单的总结:If you like it, maybe keeping doing it is a better choice Step 4:家庭作业 1. 听、读新单词 3 遍 2.给朋友复述课文大意 3.用 BUT 写自己的故事并读给父母听 Step5:板书 happy boredsadangry 6、教学评价 全班分为两个组,大明组和西蒙组,哪个组的成员答对问题就可以得到一个 point. 老师自己身上贴好贴纸,一对一奖励的时候可以发贴纸 动作评价:击掌、竖大拇指 口头评价:good、great、cool、wonderful 等。 七教学反思 本节课做的好的地方就是注意了示范和及时跟进练习。 做的欠缺的地方有:1,有两个学生回答问题时出错,我叫了其他学生 再回答一次,第一个学生我让她起立复述一遍,而第二个学生我没有让她起 立复述,其实应该再给她一次机会,这样她的印象会更深刻;2,在“说一说” 环节,学生上来展示时 again 的发音不太标准,我当时想的是整个结构说的 很完整,again 的发音不太重要,所以就表扬她让她下去了,其实应该纠正一 下 again 的发音。
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