外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 6-Unit 1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday.-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:c0df9).zip

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Unit 1 It was Damings birthday yesterday. Last weekend, I went to Guilin. What did you do last weekend? Earth(地球) 4 on the earth在地球上 PPT模板: PPT 素材: PPT背景: PPT 图表: PPT下载: PPT 教程: 资料下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: PPT论坛: PPT课件: 语文课件: 数学课件: 英语课件: 美术课件: 科学课件: 物理课件: 化学课件: 生物课件: 地理课件: 历史课件: 1. Where did he go? He went to the earth. 2. What did he buy? He bought a lot of things. Who has been to the space in China? 7 taikonaut 刘伯明 景海鹏 翟 志 刚 费俊龙 聂海胜 杨利伟 How did they go there and back? spaceship 9 spaceship宇宙飞船 巧记:space(太空) + ship(船) =spaceship(宇宙飞船) model模型 paper纸 a paper spaceship 一个纸质的宇宙飞船 interested 感兴趣的 home家 got 得到 finish 结束,完成 decide 决定 brought拿来,带来 bring back带回 first最初 national 国家的,名族的 seed种子 Damings birthday Answer Questions: 1. When is Damings birthday? Yesterday. It was Damings birthday yesterday. Answer Questions: 1. Who bought Daming a book ? 2. What is the book about? 3. Is Daming interested in space? buy的过去式 对.感兴趣 Answer Questions: 1. Who bought Daming a book ? Simons mum bought Daming a book . boughtbuy 买 Simons mum bought a book for him. 西蒙的妈妈给他买了一本书。 Simons mum bought him a book. I bought this cap for you. I bought you this cap. I bought the bike for you. I bought you the bike. 对比: buy+物品+for + 人 buy+人+物品 为某人买某物 2.On Damings birthday. Amy bought him a present. It was a blue toy car. On Damings birthday. Amy bought a present for him. It was a blue toy car. 3.On Amys birthday. Sam bought her a present. It was a yellow cap. On Amys birthday. Sam bought a present for her. It was a yellow cap. 4.On Linglings birthday. Daming bought her a present. It was a green kite. On Linglings birthday. Sam bought a present for her. It was a green kite . Answer Questions: 2. What is the book about? Its about space travel. Answer Questions: 3. Is Daming interested in space? Yes, he is. interested 感兴趣的 短语:be interested in 对感兴趣 showed asked was show 把.给.看 ask 问 is 是 ask +人(宾格)+to+ 动词原形 叫某人做某事 Daming asked him to read the book with him. What did they see in the book? 他们在书上看见了什么? Arm Strong 阿姆斯特朗 From the United States Arm Strong is the first person who landed on the moon. Yang Liwei From China Yang Liwei is the first China astronaut. Gagarin is the first taikonaut to go into space in the world. Yuri Gagarin 加加林 From Russia 罗斯人 捷列什科娃 俄罗斯人 From Russia Tereshkova is the first wo- man taiknautnaut in the world Tereshkova What did they see in the book? They saw many pictures of spaceship from China,Russia and the US. 动词原形 do 做 see看见 动词过去式 did saw 1.Did they finish the book? 2.What did they decide to do? 3.What did they give Simons mum? Yes,they did. They decided to make a paper spaceship together. They gave the spaceship to Simons mum. give, buy的使用。 这些词都可以与人和物连用,buy常与for连 用, give常与to连用, 如:为某人做某物 buy sb.sth.=buy sth.for sb 把某物给某人 give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb. finished gave made decided thanked was finish完成 give 给 make 制作 decide决定 thank谢谢 is 是 thank.for 动词原形 动词过去式 规则动词的过去式变化如下: 1、一般情况下,动词词尾加 -ed , 如:watch -watched play-played 2、以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾 加 -d,如: live-lived hope-hoped 3、以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词, 把-y变为-i 再加-ed,如: study-studied carry-carried 4、以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节 动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed, 如 :stop -stopped shop-shopped 不规则动词需要特殊记忆: 例如: 1.ride- rode 2.eat- ate 3.am,is- was 4.drink- drank 5.see- saw 6.go- went 7.win- won 8. buy-bought Module 6 Unit 1 It was Damings birthday yesterday。 【教学目标】 一、语言知识目标: 1. 功能:介绍礼物,描述太空旅行。 2. 语法:全体学生能运用:It was Damings birthday yesterday.Simon s mum bought him a present .Tha name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. 3. 词汇:理解运用一下单词: home , got,space,interested, finish, decide, paper brought bring back, model , taikonaut,first,nat ional, seed. 4. 语音:进一步强化语音语调,逐步达到语调达意。 二、语言技能目标: 1. 听:全体学生能听懂 It was Damings birthday yesterday.Simon s mum bought him a present .Tha name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. 2. 说:全体学生能说 It was Damings birthday yesterday.Simon s mum bought him a present .Tha name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. 3. 读。全体学生能朗读课文。阅读相关短文。 4. 写。全体学生能按照要求完成语句的书写。 【教学重难点】 掌握单词: home , got,space,interested, finish, decide, paper brought bring back, model , taikonaut,first,nat ional, seed. 能口头运用 It was Damings birthday yesterday.Simon s mum bought him a present .Tha name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. 【学习策略】能初步借助简单的工具书学习英语。 【文化意识】在学习和日常交际中。能进一步注意到中外文化的异同。 【情感态度】遇到困难时能大胆求助。 【教具准备】多媒体 教学卡片 【教学过程】 一、热身复习,导入新课。 教师与学生热情问候。 1、Revision Revise the present continues tense: the subject : “be+ doing” according to the game from the last word to the first word 1.E,g: picnic-a picnic-have a picnic-having a picnic -Were having a picnic. The teacher should make the similar sentences with football, piano, swim, hambergur 2、At last, the teacher should let them give them a word party Party-birthday party-a birthday party-have a birthday party- having a birthday party Daming is having a birthday party. 师生一起朗诵上节课的所学诗歌。(出示课题, SB Unit 1 活动 1) 再次播放录音,跟读,个人读自由朗读。 二、课堂预习 1 I can read and understand the text.(会读并理解课文) 2 I can use the aim sentences (会运用目标语句). 自学指导一 1、Look, listen and circle the new words ! (看图、听录音,并圈出生词。注意语音、语调) (二)先学。 自学指导二 Please read the text again and find out the sentences: It was Daming s birthday yesterday.Simons mum bought him a present . Then try to read these sentences.th en lets see who is the best one! 再读课文,找出句子并读一读。(3 分钟后,比一比谁读得最好!) 2、出示句子: It was Damings birthday yesterday. Simons mum bought him a present (三)后教。 1. 用教学卡片出示本课中的新单词 home , got,space,interested, finish, decide, paper brought bring back, mode。检查学生是否会 读。如果不会,请会的学生来教读。较难的词反复跟读并由老师适当领读,操练时可以采 用小组读,开火车等多种形式进行,注意学生的发音是否正确。 2、Read after the tape! 跟录音,读课文。(注意语音语调。) 3、Please read the text by yourself within 5 minutes. 大声朗读课文。(若有疑难,请 举手示意。) 4、Have a match! (比一比,谁能准确、流利地朗读课文;谁能认真倾听,并及时发现错误。) 自学指导二 Please read the text again and answer these questions: (再次朗读课文并回答问题,看一看谁表现的最棒) 1.Let students look at the questions : 1).Who is the birthday party for? 2). What is Daming doing? 3).What is the day like for Daming? 2.Play the tape for students ,then let them try to answer the questions. 1)Daming is having a birthday party. 2)Daming is playing the trumpet. 3)Daming is having a great birthday! 3.Open the books ,play the tape again, students listen and underline the new words, and guess t he meaning of the words. Then the teacher should write down the words and teach to read. 4.Then the teacher should explain the difficulty in the text. 1)Daming is having a birthday party, but the phone is ringing. 2)Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the phone is ringing. 3)Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the doorbell is ringing. 4)Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the dog is singing. Step4: Let students describe the pictures in English, they should answer the questions: 1)What is Daming doing? 2)What is another thing happening? Let them pay attention to the use of but. Then the teacher should let students try to make a whole sentence. The teacher let students describe a picture, then others guess which picture he is describing. 三、自学,交流问题 1. 学生四人一小组认真朗读对话,然后讨论问题。教师巡视,确保大家都在紧张的思考讨 论。 2. 学生 3 人一组分角色朗读课文。教师巡视,确保大家都在认真朗读。 四、检测 1. 先让后进学生回答,再让优等生补充。 2. 请学生表演。评选出表演最棒的一组。 五、课堂展示。 1、完成活动 3。先请学生看活动 3 中的图片,然后教师指导学生按例句的模式进行情景短 句的表演。 2.三人一小组进行练习,4 分钟后请学生向全班进行展示。(先让优等生示范,再让后进生 模仿。) 六、针对性作业 1听课文录音 3 遍并跟读。 2. 抄写新单词 板书设计 Module 6 Unite1 It was Damings birthday yesterday. Simons mum bought him a present
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