外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 6-Unit 1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:9374f).zip

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Module6 Unit1 It was Daming s birthday yesterday. 外研版英语六年级下册 QUESTION: Why he cant wear the T- shirt? Answer: Because he has four arms. Question: 1 What did Daming get on his birthday? 2 Who bought this book for Daming? 3 What did Daming and Simon make to thank Simons mum? KEY POINTS: 1,buy sb sth=buy sth for sb为某人买某物 2,be interested in.对.感兴趣 3, ask sb to do sth让某人做某事 4, many pictures of.很多.的照片 5, decide to do sth决定做某事 6, thank sb for.因.感谢某人 Exercise: 1,My English teacher asks us ( to study / study ) hard. 2,Im interested ( in / on ) English. 3,Daming ( get / got ) many presents. Exercise: 1,昨天是我的生日。 2,我们决定这周六去购物。 3,我给你买了一本书。 Homework: 1,Complete the part four of the textbook. 2,Write a story about your birthday present. Thanks for your listening. 外研版六年级下 Module6 It was Damings birthday yesterday. 一,设计思想: 本堂课我主要依据以学生为主体以及自主,合作,探究的 精神设计本课,六年级的学生对英语已经初步了解掌握, 有了一定的基础,而且六年级下册教材的知识也主要是对 过去英语学习的总结,所以我还课堂于学生,让学生课下 自己预习准备新课,然后自己做老师为大家讲解新知识, 在这样的小组学习过程中,既培养了学生自己探索知识发 现知识的能力,也培养了学生的合作能力,而且自己当 “小老师”的体验也能让学生对新课内容印象更加深刻, 有利于达到本课教学目标。 二,教学目标。 1、能力目标:能够介绍礼物。 2、知识目标:词汇:home got space interested finish decide paper brought model first national bring back spaceship taikonaut seed 句子与句型:It was Damings birthday yesterday. 句型:主语+动词过去式(+其他) 。 Simons mum bought him a present too. 句型:主语+bought+某人+某物。 3,情感态度目标:珍惜曾经美好的回忆,爱惜曾经收到的 礼物。 三,教学重点。 1、让学生理解掌握本单元重点单词。 2、表达“给某人买了某物”的句型。 四,教学难点。 1、一般过去时。 五,教学过程。 1,Greetings:T:Class begins.Good morning everyone.S:Good morning Miss Su.T:Thank you very much,sit down please.Today we will learn a new module ,so who can read the title for us? T:It was Damings birthday yesterday.T:Very good , translate,sit down please. 2,Warm up and review.T:Before learning ,lets play a game ,If I say “is”,you say “was”.If I say“was”,you say “is”.Are you clear? Perfect,Lets begin.was saw ask show is are got learn finish thank give decided bought brought.T:Well-done,all of you have done a great work . 3,Presentation.T:Now I will show you the video of part one of the textbook,and there is a question,listen carefully and answer my question“Why he cant wear the T-shirt?”.Now ,who can tell us your answer .“Because he has four arms.”Yes,Youre right ,excellent. 4,Pair work:T:Next,Lets do the pair work.Make dialogues with your partners like this.Then I will ask some pairs to come to the front to show for us.Are you clear ?Yes .Three minutes,Lets begin. 5,Lead-in and new teaching.Look at this picture,what is this?Yes,its a birthday cake,so can we get a present on our birthdays?Oh yes .Today we will learn a new story about Damings birthday,turn your books to page 32.Last class ,I asked you to study this story by yourselves in your groups.and this class you become teachers,so are you ready?The first paragraph who can?Review the key points of the passage together。T:There are three questions ,now read the story as carefully as you can ,then answer the questions,Lets begin . 6,Exercise. 选择(1)My English teacher asks us (to study/study) hard. (2)Im interested (in/on) English. (3)(3)Daming (get/got)many presents. 汉译英(1)昨天是我的生日。 (2)我们决定这周六去购物。 (3)我给你买了一本书。 7,Summary.T:What have you learned in this class? Who can tell us? Great .Anyone else ? Much better .Now do you have any questions?Oh no questions,well-done. 8,Homework:T:Todays homework .Please complete the part four of our textbook,then write a story about your birthday present .Next class I will check up .Understand? Good ,class is over . Goodbye.
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