外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 9-Unit 2 Wishing you happiness every day.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:91ef9).zip

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Review message primary school best wishes keep forever joy future wonderful primary school 小学小学 best wishes 美好的祝愿美好的祝愿 message 留言留言 keep 保留保留 forever 永远永远 joy 乐事;乐趣乐事;乐趣 future 将来;未来将来;未来 wonderful 了不起的;出色的了不起的;出色的 happiness 幸福,愉快幸福,愉快 happy 快乐的快乐的 Wishing you happiness every day . 祝你幸福每一天。祝你幸福每一天。 i ness 4321 Part 1 Dear friends, I miss you. Best wishes to you. Love, Bobo Who writes this e-mail? Question WhatWhat is is BoboBobo doing?doing? HeHe is is writingwriting anan email.email. Listen and follow 跟读跟读 Bobo : Im writing an email to my friends from the earth. I miss them. Daming: Dear friends, I miss you. Best wishes to you. Love, Bobo. Bobo : Im writing an email to my friends from the earth. I miss them. Daming: Dear friends, I miss you. Best wishes to you. Love, Bobo. Bobo : Im writing an email to my friends from the earth. I miss them. Daming: Dear friends, I miss you. Best wishes to you. Love, Bobo. Bobo : Im writing an email to my friends from the earth. I miss them. Daming: Dear friends, I miss you. Best wishes to you. Love, Bobo. Bobo : Im writing an email to my friends from the earth. I miss them. Daming: Dear friends, I miss you. Best wishes to you. Love, Bobo. Recite the dialogue 背诵背诵 Bobo : Im writing an email to my friends from the earth. I miss them. Daming: Dear friends, I miss you. Best wishes to you. Love, Bobo. Bobo is writing an email. What about Lingling? Dad : What are you doing, Lingling? Lingling: Im writing goodbye letters to all my friends at school. What is Lingling doing? Shes writing goodbye letters to all her friends at school. Dad : What are you doing, Lingling? Lingling: Im writing goodbye letters to all my friends at school. Dad : What are you doing, Lingling? Lingling: Im writing goodbye letters to all my friends at school. writing goodbye letters Dad : Thats a good idea. What are you writing in your letters? Lingling: Well, first I write the name of a a friend. Look! This one is for Amy. What does she write first? First she writes the name of a friend. Dad : Thats a good idea. What are you writing in your letters? Lingling: Well, first I write the name of a a friend. Look! This one is for Amy. Dad : Thats a good idea. What are you writing in your letters? Lingling: Well, first I write the name of a a friend. Look! This one is for Amy. Dear Amy, You brought us lots of joy. Good luck for the future! Love, Lingling Dear Linging, Youre my best friend. Best wishes to you! Love, Daming This letter is for Amy. This letter is for Lingling. Dad : And then I write “Wishing you happiness every day” in every letter. Lingling: Wow! There are about forty letters here. What a lot of good wishes! Then what does she write? How many letters are there? Then she writes “Wishing you happiness every day”. There are about forty letters. Dad : And then I write “Wishing you happiness every day” in every letter. Lingling: Wow! There are about forty letters here. What a lot of good wishes! Dad : And then I write “Wishing you happiness every day” in every letter. Lingling: Wow! There are about forty letters here. What a lot of good wishes! Dad : And then I write “Wishing you happiness every day” in every letter. Lingling: Wow! There are about forty letters here. What a lot of good wishes! What a lot of good wishes! What a/an 形容词形容词 名词!名词! 多么美丽的一朵花!多么美丽的一朵花! What a beautiful flower! Listen and follow 跟读跟读 Dad : What are you doing, Lingling? Lingling: Im writing goodbye letters to all my friends at school. Dad : Thats a good idea. What are you writing in your letters? Lingling: Well, first I write the name of a friend. Look! This one is for Amy. Dad : And then I write “Wishing you happiness every day” in every letter. Lingling: Wow! There are about forty letters here. What a lot of good wishes! Dad : What are you doing, Lingling? Lingling: Im writing goodbye letters to all my friends at school. Dad : Thats a good idea. What are you writing in your letters? Lingling: Well, first I write the name of a friend. Look! This one is for Amy. Dad : And then I write “Wishing you happiness every day” in every letter. Lingling: Wow! There are about forty letters here. What a lot of good wishes! Dad : What are you doing, Lingling? Lingling: Im writing goodbye letters to all my friends at school. Dad : Thats a good idea. What are you writing in your letters? Lingling: Well, first I write the name of a friend. Look! This one is for Amy. Dad : And then I write “Wishing you happiness every day” in every letter. Lingling: Wow! There are about forty letters here. What a lot of good wishes! Dad : What are you doing, Lingling? Lingling: Im writing goodbye letters to all my friends at school. Dad : Thats a good idea. What are you writing in your letters? Lingling: Well, first I write the name of a friend. Look! This one is for Amy. Dad : And then I write “Wishing you happiness every day” in every letter. Lingling: Wow! There are about forty letters here. What a lot of good wishes! Dad : What are you doing, Lingling? Lingling: Im writing goodbye letters to all my friends at school. Dad : Thats a good idea. What are you writing in your letters? Lingling: Well, first I write the name of a friend. Look! This one is for Amy. Dad : And then I write “Wishing you happiness every day” in every letter. Lingling: Wow! There are about forty letters here. What a lot of good wishes! Dad : What are you doing, Lingling? Lingling: Im writing goodbye letters to all my friends at school. Dad : Thats a good idea. What are you writing in your letters? Lingling: Well, first I write the name of a friend. Look! This one is for Amy. Dad : And then I write “Wishing you happiness every day” in every letter. Lingling: Wow! There are about forty letters here. What a lot of good wishes! Read it by yourself 自由读自由读 Dad : What are you doing, Lingling? Lingling: Im writing goodbye letters to all my friends at school. Dad : Thats a good idea. What are you writing in your letters? Lingling: Well, first I write the name of a friend. Look! This one is for Amy. Dad : And then I write “Wishing you happiness every day” in every letter. Lingling: Wow! There are about forty letters here. What a lot of good wishes! SummarySummary Lingling is writing _ to all her friends at school. First she writes the _ of a friend. And then she writes _ you happiness every day in every letter. Look! This one is for Amy . And there are _ letters to write. goodbye letterswishingnameforty 祝福语祝福语 Summary:Summary:毕业留言祝福用语毕业留言祝福用语 Best wishes to you! Good luck to you! You are a great friend. I will miss you. You brought us lots of joy. Good luck for the future. Youre a wonderful friend. I enjoy our time together. Dear Amy, You brought us lots of joy. Good luck for the future! Love, Lingling Dear Linging, Youre my best friend. Best wishes to you! Love, Daming Write good wishes to your friends in their notebooks. 例如: Best wishes to you! Good luck to you! Good luck for the future! Youre a wonderful friend. I will miss you. Writing作文作文 P55 Dear ., _ _ Love, . Dear ., . . Homework 1.Read the story; 2.Play the paper cube with your partner. 1 Module 9 Unit 2 Wishing you happiness every day. 出出版网版网* 教案教案 一教学设计理念:一教学设计理念: 本课采取翻转课堂教学方法,在教学环节上,引导学生放开手 脚,人人参与,积极展示,学会交流,学会研究,善于倾听,营造 阳光、和谐、高效的课堂。 这是一节阅读课,让学生正确掌握阅读技巧,理解课文,并有 一定的输出。 二、教材分析二、教材分析 本节课是新标准小学英语三起新版六年级下册 Module 9 Unit 2 的第一课时。这一单元主要讲述毕业写告别信,说祝福语的话题。 三、学生分析:三、学生分析: 六年级的学生上课沉稳,所以在这节课中尽量准备一些游戏, 活动,调动他们学习英语的积极性,在设计活动时更应注意充分考 虑各个层次的学生,避免成绩差的孩子掉队,出现两极分化现象。 根据儿童生理和心理特征,本年龄段的学生活泼好动,模仿能力强, 对学习英语的兴趣极高,但注意力容易分散,不能长时间集中。因 2 此在教学活动中多以能够吸引学生注意力的教学方式进行,如设置 悬念,小组竞赛。让他们积极参与到课堂中来。 四、教学目标四、教学目标 知识目标 1.全体学生能理解词汇 happiness, what. 2.全体学生能掌握短语 goodbye letters 等。 3.学生能用英文表达自己的祝福。 能力目标 1.掌握生词,词组; 2.能用英文表达自己的祝福。 情感目标 教育学生人生就是一场又一场的离别与重聚,珍惜每一次遇见。 五、教学重难点五、教学重难点 1.学生能用英文表达自己的祝福; 2.懂得基本的写信或者留言格式。 3 六、教学方法六、教学方法:TPR 教学法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学法 等。 七、教学用具七、教学用具:教学图片,词组卡片,磁铁,PPT,交互式电子白板, 电脑等。 八、课前准备八、课前准备:1.写好课题 2.画好板书框框 九、九、教学过程教学过程 StepStep 1 1 WarmingWarming upup 1、Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Yi. T : How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you? T : 4 I m f i n e, t o o. T h a n k y o u. 【设计意图:通过日常对话,培养学生运用英语的能力。】 5 2、Sing a song: WHY WHY WHY 【设计意图:在课前三分钟的热身活动中读英文诗歌,边唱边做拍 手,可以活跃课堂气氛,唤起学生的兴趣,让学生迅速进入学习状 态。】 StepStep 2 2 ReviewReview 1.Review the words and phrases(look and say) message, primary school, best wishes, keep, forever joy, future, wonderful 【设计意图:复习已学的单词和短语,以旧引新。】 StepStep 3 3 PresentationPresentation PartPart 1 1 1. 设置悬念:出现 email,录音朗读邮件,提问: Q1:Who writes this email? Q2: What is Bobo doing? 【设计意图:通过问题引入课文,再呈现教学内容。】 6 2. 跟读;齐读;背诵 PartPart 2 2 1. Leading in Q: Bobo is writing an email. What about Lingling? 【设计意图:通过设置一个问题,过渡到第二部分。】 2. 把文章分为三幅图,每幅图设置问题,学生找答案,回答问题 (1)What is Lingling doing? (2)What does she write first? (3)Then what does she write? How many letters are there? 3. 跟读;齐读; 4. Pairwork:同桌合作表演对话 5.Make a summary of Part 2 【设计意图:让学生回顾课文内容。】 7 6.Summary:总结所学过的祝福语 【设计意图:对所学的祝福语进行回顾,为接下来要写的作文做准 备。】 7. Extension:作文 Write good wishes to your friends in their notebooks. 【设计意图:有了大量的输入,还有提示,大大降低了写作难度。 】 8. Sing a song: Goodbye, my friend StepStep 4 4 情感教育情感教育 Graduation is not only an end to a period, also a commencement of a new period and I hope that future years will bring you continued happiness. 毕业不仅是一个时期的结束,也是一个时期的开端,我希望未 来的岁月将继续给你带来幸福。 【设计意图:对学生进行情感教育,让学生明白离别是为了更 好的重聚。】 StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework Finish the writing. 8
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