外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 10-Unit 1 We're going to different schools.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:30208).zip

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Module 10 Unit 1 Were going to different schools. Lets sing a song: Free talk: What middle schools do you know? Which middle school are you going to? Look, listen and say. WhichWhich middlemiddle schoolschool isis SamSam goinggoing to?to? HeHe isis goinggoing toto LakeLake MiddleMiddle School.School. WhichWhich middlemiddle schoolschool isis DamingDaming goinggoing to?to? He is going to Park Middle School. 2.Listen to the text and find out: 2.How does Lingling feel? She is _, and also_.excitedsad 1.What is Lingling doing? She is making a goodbye speech. 3.Listen to Paragraph 2,and answer the question: Why is Lingling excited? Why is Lingling excited? 1.Because shes going to study Chinese, English, Maths , History, Geography, and learn lots of new things in middle school. 2.She is also going to meet new friends in middle school. 4.Listen to Paragraph 3,and answer the question: Why is Lingling sad ? Why is Lingling sad? 1.At the same time, shes going to say goodbye to her classmates. 2. Her best friends Sam and Amy are going back to the UK. When did Sam and Amy come to China? Four years ago. What does Lingling ask Sam and Amy to do in the UK? Keep on practising Chinese. What does Lingling say at the end of the speech? She says: I will miss you all. We will always be friends. Lets send lots of emails. 5.Listen again and try to underline the sentences with “be going to . 1.Were going to leave primary school soon and start middle school this September. 2.Were going to study Chinese, English, Maths, History, Geography. . 3.Were also going to meet new friends there. 4.Were going to different school. 5.My best friends Sam and Amy are going back to the UK. 6.Theyre going to a new school there. begoing to+动词原形动词原形 am is are 用来表示按计划或要发生的动作,有用来表示按计划或要发生的动作,有“准备;打算准备;打算”的意思的意思 。 I 用用am;复数复数 (we , they , you ,两人以上)都用两人以上)都用are ;第三人称单数(第三人称单数(she , he , it,人名人名)都用都用is Listen and say 即将毕业了,发表下临别感言吧! Where are you going this summer? What are you going to do? Im going to swim in the sea. Im going to Qingdao. a goodbye speech to go how where when whatwho to learnto meet feel to go new friends Chinese Maths History English Geography this September middle school excited sad back Sam Amy Hello, Im Lily. Summer holiday is coming, I have a plan. I m going to go to Beijing with my parents. We are going there by plane. We are going to climb the Great Wall and visit the Tian anmen Square. We are going to take some pictures. My parents are going to buy some postcards and I am going to buy lots of food .I think my holiday will be interesting! Group work: Write about your summer holiday with “be going to” and pay attention to mention: where, when, who ,how ,what. Homework 1.Read the text fluently. 2.Write a plan about your summer holiday. Thank you! Goodbye Module10Module10 Unit1Unit1 WereWere goinggoing toto differentdifferent schools.schools.教学设计教学设计 【内容内容】外研版新标准英语三起点六下外研版新标准英语三起点六下 Module10Module10 Unit1Unit1 【主主 题题】We】We areare goinggoing toto differentdifferent schools.schools. 【课课 时时】一课时一课时 一、教学目标一、教学目标(Teaching(Teaching aims)aims) (一)知识目标(一)知识目标(Knowledge(Knowledge aims)aims) 1.1. 听、说、读、写单词听、说、读、写单词 spoke,spoke, littlelittle;听、说、认读单词;听、说、认读单词 middle,middle, speech,speech, classmate,classmate, leave,leave, September,September, excited,excited, geography,geography, same,same, keepkeep on,on, practice,practice, sometime,sometime, middlemiddle school,school, eacheach other,other, atat thethe samesame timetime。 2.2. 听、说、读、写下列句子:听、说、读、写下列句子: WereWere goinggoing toto leaveleave ourour primaryprimary schoolschool soonsoon andand startstart middlemiddle schoolschool thisthis September.September. WereWere goinggoing toto differentdifferent schools.schools. (二)能力目标(二)能力目标(Ability(Ability aims)aims) 能用一般将来时描述自己的计划和将要发生的事情。能用一般将来时描述自己的计划和将要发生的事情。 ( (三三) )情感态度目标情感态度目标(Emotional(Emotional aims)aims) 让学生学会表达自己的想法,敢于开口介绍自己的暑期计划。让学生学会表达自己的想法,敢于开口介绍自己的暑期计划。 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点(Teaching(Teaching pointspoints andand difficulties)difficulties) (一)重点(一)重点(Points)(Points) 1.1. 听、说、读、写单词听、说、读、写单词 spoke,spoke, littlelittle。 2.2. 运用句型运用句型 Were/ImWere/Im goinggoing toto 表达自己将要做某事。表达自己将要做某事。 (二)难点(二)难点(Difficulties)(Difficulties) 运用句型运用句型 Were/ImWere/Im goinggoing toto 表达自己将要做某事。表达自己将要做某事。 三、教学准备三、教学准备(Teaching(Teaching preparation)preparation) 课件,单词卡片。课件,单词卡片。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 StepStep 1:1: Warm-upWarm-up 1.1.观看并欣赏歌曲观看并欣赏歌曲 ShiningShining friendsfriends 为本课的学习作铺垫。为本课的学习作铺垫。 1.1. 师生相互问候。师生相互问候。 2.2. 教师播放教师播放 Module9Module9 Unit2Unit2 活动活动 4 4 歌曲动画,学生跟唱。歌曲动画,学生跟唱。 StepStep 2 2:PresentationPresentation 1.1. 活动活动 1 1:Look,Look, listenlisten andand say.say. (1)(1) 教师通过询问学生将要去的中学引出本部分内容,如:教师通过询问学生将要去的中学引出本部分内容,如:YouYou areare goinggoing toto middlemiddle school.school. WhatWhat middlemiddle schoolsschools dodo youyou know?know? WhichWhich middlemiddle schoolschool areare youyou goinggoing to?to? (呈现新词(呈现新词 leaveleave middlemiddle schoolschool 注意学生的发音)注意学生的发音) (2)(2) 教师播放本部分录音,学生听完后,回答问题:教师播放本部分录音,学生听完后,回答问题: WhichWhich middlemiddle schoolschool isis SamSam goinggoing to?to? WhichWhich middlemiddle schoolschool isis DamingDaming goinggoing to?to? (3)(3) 教师播放课文录音,学生跟读。教师播放课文录音,学生跟读。 2.2. 活动活动 2 2:ListenListen andand learnlearn thethe text.text. (1)(1) 教师告诉学生陪伴我们英语学习的四位小伙伴教师告诉学生陪伴我们英语学习的四位小伙伴 LinglingLingling 她们也她们也 将要进入中学了,听课文录音将要进入中学了,听课文录音, ,初步感知课文,回答问题:初步感知课文,回答问题: WhatWhat isis LinglingLingling doing?doing? HowHow doesdoes LinglingLingling feel?feel? ( (呈现新词:呈现新词:speechspeech classmate,classmate, September,September, excited,excited,在文本学习在文本学习 中输入单词,做到词不离句词不离文中输入单词,做到词不离句词不离文) ) (2)(2) 教师播放课文第二段录音,学生回答问题:教师播放课文第二段录音,学生回答问题: WhyWhy isis LinglingLingling excited?excited? ( (呈现新词:呈现新词:geography)geography) (3)(3) 教师播放课文第三段录音,学生回答问题:教师播放课文第三段录音,学生回答问题: WhyWhy isis LinglingLingling sad?sad? WhenWhen couldcould SamSam andand AmyAmy speakspeak onlyonly littlelittle Chinese?Chinese? WhatWhat doesdoes LinglingLingling askask themthem toto dodo inin thethe UK?UK? ( (呈现新词:呈现新词:spoke,spoke, little,little, atat thethe samesame timetime , , keepkeep on,on, practice,sometime)practice,sometime) (4)(4)学生自己阅读最后一段,看看玲玲说了什么。学生自己阅读最后一段,看看玲玲说了什么。 (5)(5) 教师播放课文动画,学生再次整体感知课文并勾出带有教师播放课文动画,学生再次整体感知课文并勾出带有 bebe goinggoing toto 的句子,并总结的句子,并总结 bebe goinggoing toto 的用法。的用法。 (5 5)播放课文动画,学生逐句仿读。(提醒学生注意模仿录音中语)播放课文动画,学生逐句仿读。(提醒学生注意模仿录音中语 音语调)音语调) StepStep 3:3: PracticePractice 1.1. 活动活动 3:3: ListenListen andand say.say. (1)(1) 教师播放本部分录音,学生先听教师播放本部分录音,学生先听 1 1 遍,然后跟读。遍,然后跟读。 (2)(2) 教师在课件上呈现一所中学的图片,学生两人一组,相互发表教师在课件上呈现一所中学的图片,学生两人一组,相互发表 临别感言。在表演即将进入中学时,要用兴奋的语气;表演即将和临别感言。在表演即将进入中学时,要用兴奋的语气;表演即将和 同学分离时,要用伤感的语气。同学分离时,要用伤感的语气。 2.2. 活动活动 4:4: Practise.Practise. (1)(1) 教师在课件上出示本部分第一幅图片及例句,引导学生了解本教师在课件上出示本部分第一幅图片及例句,引导学生了解本 部分内容的要求。部分内容的要求。 (2)(2) 同桌两人一组,用同桌两人一组,用“be“be goinggoing to”to”结构谈论今年的暑假计划,结构谈论今年的暑假计划, 注意注意“where”“where”和和“what”“what”的区别。的区别。 范例:范例: A:A: WhereWhere areare youyou goinggoing thisthis summer?summer? B:B: ImIm goinggoing toto Qingdao.Qingdao. A:A: WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto do?do? B:B: ImIm goinggoing toto swimswim inin thethe sea.sea. (3)(3) 教师挑学生起来表演对话。教师挑学生起来表演对话。 StepStep 4:4: ConsolidationConsolidation 引导学生运用思维导图复述今天学习的课文。引导学生运用思维导图复述今天学习的课文。 运用运用“be“be goinggoing to”to”说说自己的暑假计划。说说自己的暑假计划。 StepStep 5:5: SummarySummary 教师引导学生总结本课所学的词汇和句型,鼓励学生提出问题。教教师引导学生总结本课所学的词汇和句型,鼓励学生提出问题。教 师点评学生的表现。师点评学生的表现。 Step6:Step6: HomeworkHomework 1.1. ReadRead thethe texttext fluently.fluently. 2.Write2.Write a a planplan aboutabout youryour summersummer holiday.holiday. 【板书设计板书设计】 Module10Module10 Unit1Unit1 spokespoke WereWere goinggoing toto leaveleave ourour primaryprimary schoolschool soonsoon littlelittle andand startstart middlemiddle schoolschool thisthis September.September. WereWere goinggoing toto differentdifferent schools.schools.
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