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1、2012019 9-2020-2020秋学期期中学情调研四年级英语试卷秋学期期中学情调研四年级英语试卷 听力部分(40 分) 一、听录音,根据所听内容用数字给下列图片排序。(6 分) ()()()()()() 二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词、短语或句子。(10 分) () 1.A.twinB.toyC.two () 2.A.thirteenB.fourteenC.fifteen () 3.A.lookB.bookC.take () 4.A.eightB.anyC.much () 5.A.skateB.kiteC.like () 6.A.cantB.canC.cat () 7.A.hereB.t

2、hereC.where () 8.A.how many ballsB.some dollsC.some dogs () 9.A.play footballB.play basketballC.play table tennis () 10.A.I want some fruit.B. I like fruit.C.Id like some fruit. 三、听录音,选出与你所听句子相符的中文意思。(12 分) () 11.A.请不要跳。B.请不要伤心。C.请不要跑。 () 12.A.你要一些香蕉吗? B.你喜欢香蕉吗?C.你有一些香蕉吗? () 13.A.让我们做一些沙拉。B.看我们的菠萝派。

3、 C.让我们做一份水果沙拉。 () 14.A.你会游泳吗?B.你游泳游得好吗? C.你会溜冰吗? () 15.A.请你试一试。B.让我看一看。C.请吃一块蛋糕吧! () 16.A.看这些猴子。B.那些是猴子吧?C.我喜欢猴子。 四、听录音,选择合适的答句。(12 分) () 17.A.No, thanks.B.No,I dont.C.Three. () 18.A.Yes,I can.B.Yes,I am.C.Yes,I do. () 19.A.I can jump.B.She can skate.C.He can play basketball. () 20.A.I like pandas.B

4、.How cute!C.Yes, they are. () 21.A. Id like apples.B.I want grapes.C. I like oranges. () 22.A. Tigers.B. Its a peach.C.This is a lion. 笔试部分(60 分) 五、找出每组中不同类的词。(5 分) () 23.A.shirtB.skateC.skirt () 24.A.heB.sheC.my () 25.A.catsB.carC.tigers () 26.A.wonderfulB.greatC.like () 27.A.pearsB.pandasC.pigs 六、

5、选择合适的答案。(10 分) () 28.Lets make a fruit cake._. A.No.B. Great!C.Thats right. () 29.Whats that? Its a _. A.appleB.pineappleC.orange () 30._you have_books? Yes, I _. A.Do, any, dontB.Do, any,doC.Do, some, do () 31.I cant play football. I cant play_. A.tooB.eitherC.to () 32.Look at_toy panda. A.thisB.th

6、eseC.those () 33.Can you see_chairs? Yes, I can. A.someB.anyC.a () 34.I can jump. _? Me too. A.What about youB.Where are youC.What for you () 35. Look at my little brother._can play table tennis. A.IB.HeC.She () 36._. OK. A.Have a try.B.Can you make a salad?C.Do you like tigers? () 37.Mike _skate, b

7、ut he can play basketball. A.isntB.cantC.dont 七、根据所给情境选择合适的答案。(6 分) () 38. 你想告诉别人你不喜欢猫,你可以说: A.Id like a cat.B.I like cats.C.I dont like cats. () 39. 别人夸你的玩具可爱,你可以说: A.Its lovely.B.Yes, its cute.C.Thank you. () 40. 你想鼓励对方,你可以说: A.Have a try.B.Let me have a look.C. Can I have a look? () 41. 你想知道对方有多少

8、张贴纸,你可以说: A.Would you like some stickers?B. Do you have any stickers? C.How many stickers do you have? () 42. 你想知道对方会做什么,你可以说: A.What do you like?B.What do you have?C.What can you do ? () 43. 你想告诉别人你想要那个玩具,你可以说: A.Would you like that toy?B.Id like that toy.C.Yes,please. 八、图文配对。(4 分) () 44.Look at th

9、e panda.Its fat and cute. () 45.Can he play football?No, he cant. He can skate very well. () 46.How many toy cars do you have?Three. () 47. What can the bird do?It can fly. ABCD 九、根据中文完成句子.(7 分) 48. My grandpa and grandma can _(游泳). 49. Dont _(跳)in the classroom. Im sorry. 50. They have_(十八)brown_ (

10、马). 51. She can _(做)this. 52. Can you see_(许多)_(香蕉)over there? 十、选择合适的词组或句子,完成对话。(5 分) Mike:Hi, Nancy! Nancy:Hi, Mike! Look,53 Mike:Theyre robots. Wow, they can play football. Nancy:Do you like robots, Mike? Mike: 54. I can play football, too. Nancy:Youre great. I cant play football, but55. Mike: 56

11、. Lets go and play basketball together. Nancy:OK. 57 十一、阅读理解。(15 分) A.阅读短文,选择合适的选项填在题前括号内。(5 分) My name is Mike. Im eleven. I like dogs. This is my sister Helen. She is eight. She likes monkeys. She has twelve toy monkeys. We both like tigers. We have nineteen toy tigers. We have no toy lions becaus

12、e we dont like lions. I can play football and skate. We usually skate after school. Then we eat fruit salad. My mother always makes salad for us. We like eating salad. We love mum. () 58. Helen is _ years old. A. elevenB. eightC. twelve () 59. We dont have _. A. twelve toy monkeysB. nineteen toy tig

13、ersC.toy lions. () 60. We like _. A.saladB.lionsC.dogs () 61. Mike and Helen _after school. A.play footballB.make saladC.skate () 62. Helen is Mikes _. A.brotherB.motherC.sister. A. Dont be sad. B. what are those? C. Lets go! D. Yes, I do. E. I can play basketball B. 根据快乐英语阅读和朗文分级阅读中的故事内容选择。(5 分) ()

14、 63. From the story, we know_.(Where are the boy eels?) A. Lily and the boy eels have a good time B. after eels have babies, they become men. C. when eels are young, they are boys. () 64.The elephant wants a big piece of fruit, because_. (The juicy fruit tree) A.he has a long neck B. he has a long n

15、ose and a big body C. he sees it first () 65. WhatdoJimmyandCandyfindonthebeach?(Adayatthebeach) A.stones, shells and crabs B.a cap, a hat and a stone C. a ball, a boat and an ice cream () 66. Whats in the pond?(Colourful spring) A. There is a fountain and five goldfish. B. There are some flowers. C

16、. There are some bees and butterflies. () 67. How do they finish the song?(Two for one) A.Peter plays the guitar and sings the song. B.Peter plays the guitar and Jimmy sings the song. C. Peter plays the left-hand part and Jimmy plays the right-hand part. C. 根据快乐英语阅读和朗文分级阅读中的故事内容判断,正确写 T,错误 写 F。(5 分)

17、 () 68.Lilywantstofindaboyeelandshefindsone.(Wherearetheboyeels?) () 69. Ma Liang draws a bird with sticks. The bird flies away. (Ma Liang and his magic brush) () 70. Two good friends can do many things together.(Two for one) () 71. The children play around the flowers,they can touch the butterfly. (Colourful spring) () 72. Jimmy and Candy see a boat in the sea.(A day at the beach) 十二、连词成句。(8 分) 73.basketball, Liu Tao, play, not, can (.) 74. like, grapes, mangoes, and, you(.) 75. have, you, do, toy, cars, any (?) 76. stickers, are, your, beautiful, very(.)


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