北师大版(三起)五上Unit 3 Clothes-Lesson 2 Let's Practice.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:0031e).zip

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Which one do you like better?Why? Unit 3 Clothes Lesson2 At the clothes shop 1、学情分析 五年级的学生活泼好动,思维活跃,乐于参与和尝试,勇于表现自己,具有一定的合 作意识。初步形成了一定的学习习惯,能根据老师的引导完成简单的任务。 二、教材分析 本课为北师大版小学英语五年级上册第三单元第二课时的故事教学。故事主要讲述了 三个主人公 Ann, Ken, Mom 去购物发生的故事。本单元话题是衣服,故事设计了购物时设 计的对话。本单元语言功能重点关注在服装名称的单词学习、如何表达对价格,颜色的选 择,如 Do you have any .? How much are they?等表达。主要在故事的情境中通过提问、猜 测的方式来帮助学生理解并简单运用。通过本课学习,学生应能够在购物对话情景中询问 和说明所需要的衣物。 三、教学目标 语言知识目标: 1. 学习主要词汇:能听懂会说,在情景中运用 clothes、shoes、trousers、cap、shirt、shorts、socks、dress 2. 学习主要句型: Do you have any.? Yes, we do./ No, we dont. How much are they? /How much is it? 语言技能目标: 1. 能够结合插图理解故事大意并能基本朗读故事。 2. 能够理解 Do you have any.? 等句型,对想要的物品提出询问并做 出适当的回应。 3. 在图片提示下,指认,说出故事中表示服装的词汇和句型。 四、教学重难点 教学重点: 1. 引导学生运用旧知和生活经历、结合图片、小红帽角色扮演所需要的 服装学会重点单词和句型。 2. 服装名称 clothes、sweater、shoes、trousers、cap、shirt、shorts、socks、dress 教学难点: 1. 运用 Do you have any.? 等句型,对想要的物品提出询问并做出适当的回应。 2. 能够结合板书、图片进行对话练习。 5、教具 单词卡,多媒体使用等。 教学方法: 情景教学法、任务型教学法。 六、教学过程 Step 1 warm up 1. Greeting 2. Ask the students a question: “Do you know these colors??” to introduce the topic. 3. Learn new words (1) Set a scene that students can go shopping now and show the store to them. (2) Have students watch the pictures to find out the new words “ sweater,shirt, trousers, shoes, cap.”. Learn the new words one by one. (3) Let students discuss“What will you say if you go to the clothes shop?” e.g. -Do you have any sweaters? -Yes,we do . -How much are they? -They are 40 yuan. (设计意图:简单问候、复习颜色单词,在和谐愉快的氛围中开始英语课的学习,为热身活 动做好准备。引入购物情境,以头脑风暴形式引出本课新词汇,复习已学句型,自然过渡, 为故事学习做铺垫,导入新课。) Step 2 Presentation 1. Show the pictures of eight new words in this lesson.To teach these words one by one. T:What are they?Who wants to try?Please put up your hands. S:Its a sweater. T:Very good.Please teach us. S:Its a sweater. Ss:Its a sweater. (Use this way to learn new words one by one.) 2. Show the pictures about sentences. -Do you have any sweaters? -Yes,we do . -How much are they? -They are 40 yuan. (设计意图:运用多媒体课件、图片、动作等方式,通过逐层设问分析、判断、归纳和总 结,激发学生的学习兴趣,将学生深深“卷入”情景里,让他们走进现实中购物的情景里。 )Step 3 Practices 1. Pairwork . Show the pictures about clothes and price.Use new sentences to do practice. 2. Show the pictures about LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD.Ask students:We will act out this story.But now we have a biggest problem is What clothes we need to by to act out LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD?(The girl/hunter/grandma) Ss: We need to buy a hat、a shirt、shorts and shoes to act out. . (设计意图:通过小组合作进行让学生巩固新知,用他们熟知的小红帽故事,三个 角色中所需要的服装名称再次加深印象,达到从学生兴趣出发的目的,使学生自主学习单 词和句型。) Step 4 Extension 1. Show the picture about two rooms。A is dirty , B is clean and beautiful.Ask students Which one do you like best?Why? S1:I like room B more.Because it is clean. T:We should wash our clothes 、put away our clothes and keep them clean. (设计意图:通过图片对比,让学生们在实际生活中学习运用所学知识,并达成本课的情感 态度目标,让孩子们懂得爱干净,勤收拾,注意个人及房间卫生) Step 5 Homework 1. 熟记本课单词及句型。 2. Talk with your parents and friends about the clothes and colors you like. (设计意图:作业包 含听、读、说等,是对本节课知识的巩固,而与父母朋友的交谈,有助于让学生懂得亲情 以及友情的可贵。) Blackboard Design. Unit 3 Clothes Do you have any socks? Clothes shop Yes,we do. sweater shirt cap dress How much are they? socks skirt shorts trousers They are 8 yuan. 教学小结:本节课是一节词汇课,导入环节利用颜色照片,吸引学生兴趣和注意力, 进而导入本节课衣物词汇学习并复习旧知。在学习时,为了让学生更好更快的理解关键句 型,采用任务型教学方式,设置不同的问题,一步步引导学生深入学习,采用多种朗读方 式,全班齐读,跟读,个人读,带读等等,提高学生的朗读能力。小组合作、角色扮演里 解决服装环节更是把班级气氛推至一个小高潮,人人张嘴说英语,在与他人的交流中巩固 本节课的知识点。
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