北师大版(三起)六上Unit 3 Sports-Lesson 1 School Sports Day.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:904e9).zip

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  • 北师大2011课标版三年级起点_六年级上册(2014年6月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Sports_Lesson 1 School Sports Day._ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:904e9)
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first third second fourth fifth Mike Ben Lisa Mary Tom They are running in a race A car race A horse raceA swimming race races A running race Did Ken win the race? Did Ann win the race? Did Mocky win the race? Game Who can win the race? 1. Did Ken win the first race? No, he didnt. He was second. 2.Who was second in the 200-meter race? Ken was second. Answer some questions: 2. Did Ann win the second race? No, she didnt. She came last. 3. Did Mocky win a prize? Yes, he did. He won a prize. Practice in your groups. A: Did Ken win the race? B: No, he didnt. He was second. A: Did Ann win the race? B: No, she didnt. She came last. A: Did Mocky win a prize? B: Yes, he did. He won a prize. Role playing 每小组按角色朗读并背诵故事。每小组按角色朗读并背诵故事。 1Teacher 2Ken 3Ann 4Mocky 朗诵流利;朗诵流利; 朗诵流利,有感情;朗诵流利,有感情; 流利,有感情的背诵。流利,有感情的背诵。 raceracenamename TheThe boysboys racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) SecSec ond(2)ond(2) ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) TheThe girlsgirls racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) SecSec ond(2)ond(2) ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) raceracenamename TheThe boysboys racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) David SecSec ond(2)ond(2) Ken ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) John TheThe girlsgirls racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) Jane SecSec ond(2)ond(2) Mary ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) Ann raceracenamename TheThe boysboys racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) David SecSec ond(2)ond(2) Ken ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) John TheThe girlsgirls racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) Jane SecSec ond(2)ond(2) Mary ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) Ann raceracenamename TheThe boysboys racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) David SecSec ond(2)ond(2) Ken ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) John TheThe girlsgirls racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) Jane SecSec ond(2)ond(2) Mary ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) Ann raceracenamename TheThe boysboys racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) David SecSec ond(2)ond(2) Ken ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) John TheThe girlsgirls racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) Jane SecSec ond(2)ond(2) Mary ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) Ann raceracenamename TheThe boysboys racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) David SecSec ond(2)ond(2) Ken ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) John TheThe girlsgirls racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) Jane SecSec ond(2)ond(2) Mary ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) Ann raceracenamename TheThe boysboys racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) David SecSec ond(2)ond(2) Ken ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) John TheThe girlsgirls racerace FirFir st(1)st(1) Jane SecSec ond(2)ond(2) Mary ThiThi rd(3)rd(3) Ann Summary Did she /he win the race? Yes, she/he did. No, she/he didnt. Practice 1.判断下列陈述是(判断下列陈述是(T)否()否(F)正确。)正确。 Yesterday was the School Sports Day. ( ) Ken was first in the 200-meter race. ( ) Mocky did the high jump and won the first prize. ( ) At last, Ann and Ken were sad. ( ) 2.英汉互译英汉互译 跳高跳高highhigh jumpjump 赢得比赛赢得比赛winwin thethe racerace 加油加油comecome onon学校运动会学校运动会SchoolSchool SportsSports DayDay Homework Recite the story and read the text. 1 课题:Unit 3 School sports day 课型: 新授 学习目标:学习目标:1.读懂故事叙述文本; 2.朗读人物对话,讲述故事的主要内容; 3.询问和说明先后顺序或比赛名次; 4.询问别人是否做了某事。 学习方法:学习方法:读 议 展 练 学习重难点:学习重难点:1 理解故事的主要情节,读懂叙述文本的内容; 2.能在语境中初步运用询问或说明比赛名次的表达法。 3.理解陈述语篇。 学习过程:学习过程: 一、 自主学习: 1.Get Ready (1)学习序数词,把对应的单词写在对应的人后边。 (2)回答句子:Who was first in the race? 2 .Enjoy the Story (1) 分享故事:听录音,揣测故事大意。 (2)教师领读对话,学生自己读对话,听录音,再次理解故事大意。 (3)分小组合作读对话,师读叙述文本。 二合作探究:(复述故事) 1、分组练习,表演故事。 2 2、分角色读对话,师读旁白。 3、怎么向别人表示祝贺和怎么鼓励别人呢? _ 3、巩固提高: 1.判断下列陈述是(T)否(F)正确。 Yesterday was the School Sports Day. ( ) Ken was first in the 200-meter race. ( ) Mocky did the high jump and won the first prize. ( ) At last, Ann and Ken was sad. ( ) 2.英汉互译。 第一_ 第二_ 第五_ 运动会_ win the race_ come on _ congratulations_ third_ Discontent is the first step in progress. 不满足是进步的开端。不满足是进步的开端。 课后反思:课后反思:_ _
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