广东版三年级上册Unit 5 Happy Birthday!-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a03b4).doc

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1、1 Book 1 Unit 5Happy Birthday!第一课时教学设计第一课时教学设计 一、单元知识简介一、单元知识简介 本单元是一个围绕着“年龄”这个题材来展开多种教学活动的一个课程。本单元主要学习一些 与生日有关系的物品名词,而且这些名词是复数名词,也是初步学习名词的复数形式,要求掌握的 句型是 “How old are you ? I am ”学会如何询问别人的年龄及回答,通过这一句型的学习再延伸 学习句型“ How old is he ? Hes ”加深这一句型的运用和理解。通过这一句型的伸展,提高学生的 听、说、读、交际等综合素质能力。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 由于学生是三年

2、级的学生,具有很强的表现欲望,因此在课堂的设计上应该多设计可以提供 学生发挥和创造性的活动,给学生更多的表现空间,于是,在本单元的教学里进行了一些角色的扮 演来活动了课堂的氛围。 三、教学目标教学目标 1. 语言知识目标 学习四会单词 balloons , candles , presents , cookies , plates , cups 和四会句子 How old are you ? Im ten . This is my brother . How old is he ? Hes seven . 2. 语言技能目标 通过说唱歌谣,做游戏,做调查报告,情景扮演,比赛等多个环节,使学生在

3、观察、判断、合 作、自学、表演、竞争、创造、评价等多方面的能力,进而提高学生听、说、读、交际等综合 能力。 3. 情感态度目标 在教学中,培养学生合作学习的学习策略,引导学生积极参与,并通过交际化语言的学习,激 发学生对语言学习的热情,培养学生的爱好。 4. 文化意识观 1学会记住亲人、朋友的生日并能及时送上关心和祝福,给他人送去快乐的时候,自己同时 也收获快乐。 2了解到年龄是西方人的秘密,不能随便问,这是一种基本的礼貌。 四、教学重点与难点教学重点与难点 1. 教学重点 2 本节课重点学习四会单词、句型和对话,即学会询问对方年龄的日常交际用语。 2. 教学难点 通过对话的学习,能让学生学会

4、灵活运用新知识,在原有的基础上自己创设新的情景对话;另 外对于 How old are you ? 的正确发音和运用。 五、教法学法教法学法 根据本单元的教学内容,可采用活动教学法、情景教学法、学习法、鼓励法、说教法、直观法 等组织教学活动,精讲巧练,由浅入深,由易到难,循序渐进地深化教学内容,展开以教师为 主导,以学生为主体的师生双边活动。 六、课前准备课前准备 金太阳课件、图片、头饰、单词卡片、实物若干等。 七、教学过程教学过程 Step1 Greeting Hello, boys and girls. Im Miss Zhou. Im so happy to be your new En

5、glish teacher today. This lesson I will divide you into 4 groups, Group 1, 2, 3, 4. Lets see which group can do the best. Could you tell me your names? (问 2-3 个学生)Hello, whats your name? Nice to meet you. How are you? Boys and girls, do you like singing? Do you remember the song, (唱 2 句)? OK, lets s

6、ing it together. 【设计意图:此环节与学生口语交流主要是为下文导入做铺垫。 】 Step 2 Sing a song Whats your name?(ppt) Step 3 New lesson 1.Lead in:I like your singing. I like magic, too. Today a magician comes here. Hes very famous. He ever did magic in Chunwan. Guess! Whos he? (ppt) Yes, hes Liu Qian. Lets say hello to him. Hel

7、lo, Liu Qian. Whats this? Is this a magic box?(大拇指) Are there 3 many interesting things in it? (大拇指) Great! Boys and girls, lets go and have a look. 【设计意图:呈现魔术师刘谦,能激发学生学习的热情。 】 2.课题:Oh, its a magic house! Lets go into the house. Magic, magic, open the door! Wow, todays title is coming, lets read it.

8、 (ppt) U5 Happy birthday! 带读 2 次 3. What else in it? Look, Teddy Bear and his friends. I think theyre having a birthday party. Let me say hello to him. T: Hello, Teddy Bear. How old are you? (先写 How are you?,再加 old 并区别) Teddy: Look! Theres one candle on the cake. So Im one.(板书,带读) T: Happy birthday

9、to you! Teddy: Thank you. T:Youre welcome. Look at the sentence. How are you? You can answer: Im fine. But I add the word old in this, the meaning is different. You answer: Im _. 教读 old问句one 问答 (齐问)Lets ask Teddy Bear: Hello, Teddy Bear. How old are you? If youre 美羊羊, how to say that? If youre an ol

10、d woman how to say that? (ppt)Your voice is nice! So sweet!Agood try. 4. 但是 How old are you?这个问句适用于所有人吗?Lets see.(ppt) Good to know: 在西方国家直接用 How old are you?问女性的年龄会被认为是不尊重、 不礼貌的,这常常用在问小孩的年龄。我们可以这样问:May I know your age? 【设计意图:关于年龄方面,对学生进行文化差异的教育】 5. Have you got it? OK. Lets see more interesting. Lo

11、ok! Here comes a cake, a big cake, a big birthday cake. Is there a pencil on the cake? No, there is a candle. Theres one candle on Teddy Bears cake. Theres one candle on this cake, too. (边说边板书) 板书, 带读 We can also say, one candle. 6. And how about this? (ppt) Is there one candle? No, there are two ca

12、ndles. Pay attention to the letter s. (2 个以上一般名词要变成复数,词后一般加 s)If there are two candles on the cake, we can ask and answer: How old are you? Im two. 如此类推学说数字 2-10。拼读 1 次。Are you ten? How old are you? 口头上可以说 How old is he/ she?教 单词时适当插入一些数词短语如尺子、书本、椅子等 A) Take out your hands, count from 1-10. Can you

13、count it quickly? 4 B) Sing the number song: (ppt) Wonderful! Big hands for you! Let me sing the number song for you.(示范)1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 (倒唱 1 次)齐唱 2 次.T: Sing it fast. C) Look and say the numbers quickly: This time, I do, you say the numbers quickly.(快速 看老师手指提示说数字) ,OK, change, I say you do qu

14、ickly. 【设计意图:游戏活跃课堂气氛,并让学生在游戏中巩固学生对数字的理解和记 忆。 】 7. Listen to the tape: Lets listen and read. (听数字、单词和句子录音) 8. Lets play a game: I want to play a game with you: Sharp eyes(做动作) (ppt) Look at the slide and read the phrases quickly. (10 个短语)引对话 9. Oh, Gogo and Xiaofang are coming. Whatre they talking?

15、Lets listen.(录音)Can you read? 分组扮演 Can you use your name to change it?pair work-个人真实姓名年龄扮演 Step 4 Sing the song. OK, go on to see other interesting things. (歌曲 ppt) Wow, so many friends! Gogo, Tony, Jenny, Ben and Xiaofang. They bring a nice song for us. Lets listen and sing together. 听 1 次-教唱 1 次-齐

16、唱 1 次T: Youre good at singing. 【设计意图:通过歌曲,再次巩固新知。 】 Step 5 拓展拓展:If today is their birthdays, can you ask how old they are and say happy birthday to them? For example, I want to ask Xiaofang. Who wants to act Xiaofang?(与 1 学生对话) T: Hello, Xiaofang.X: Hello, Miss Zhou. T: How old are you?X: Look at th

17、e candles. Im ten. T: Happy birthday.X: Thank you. T:Youre welcome. Can you do that? Lets talk in groups. 抽查 2 组 Step 6 Exercise: read and choose(选蛋糕) 5 Thank you for your acting! Come on , lets find more interesting things.(ppt) Oh, theres some exercise. Lets do it. Maybe its a little difficult. Ca

18、n you do that? 学生做时,老师 读 1 次 Step7 思德教育思德教育: Look! Liu Qian is coming. 刘谦:Youre wonderful today! (拍掌) Are you happy today? I hope you good good study, day day up(好好学习,天天向上). Good luck everybody! Bye-bye. Step 8 Summary: Today we have learnt(读板书 1 次) Step 9 Homework: 1) Read and count the numbers from 1 to 10 with your parents. 2) Change the song using their age and then sing with your friends. Step10 评奖:哪组最好?(哪组最快拿到礼物?) Step 11 Blackboard design U 5 Happy Birthday! How old are you? Im one.twothreefourfive (写阿拉伯数字) sixseveneightnineten a candlecandles a presentpresents


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