广东版三年级上册Unit 1 Hello!-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:81d30).doc

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1、1 Unit 1 Hello! 第三课时:语音教学 一、教材内容与方法分析: 广东版教材开心学英语 ( Friends with English ) ,是根据 教育部颁布的英语课程标准(实验稿) 编写的一套教材,全套教 材共 8 册,适用于小学三至六年级。本课教学内容为字母教学,来自 开心学英语第一册三年级第一单元 ,主要学习字母 Aa,Bb,Cc,此内 容是学生学英语字母的开端,为学生后续的英语学习奠定基础。 二、教学目标与学情分析: Knowledge aims: Students are able to listen, speak, read and write the three le

2、tters Aa, Bb, Cc Students are able to listen,speak and read the three words: Apple,banaba,cat Students are able to sing the alphabet song on page11. Apple,banaba,cat 2. Ability aims: (1) Students are able to review the key contents of Unit1. (2) Students are able to grasp the spelling and reading ru

3、les of the three letters. 3. Emotional aims: 2 Arouse students interest for studying English,and teach students to form a good habit of writing letters. Try to tell Ss to cooperate in groups and comunicate with each other boldly. Encourage Ss to accept foreign culture and strenghten the sense of mot

4、herland. 三、教学重难点分析: Teaching key points : (1) Alphabets:Aa, Bb, Cc。 (2) words:apple, banana, cat。 (3) Unit 1 Alphabet chant。 Teaching difficult points: (1) The pronunciation and writing rules of the letters: Aa,Bb,Cc (2) Sing the songs with the flash. (3) Enable Ss to feel the 26 letters. 四、学生分析: Th

5、e Ss are Class 2, Grade 3. Through two years English study, they have learned some some words about fruits and animals. This can help Ss activate what they have learned before, and they are very familiar with the songs about 26 English letters, but they dont know how to write them, so they have curi

6、osity to learn the letters. 3 五、教具学具准备:The multi-media, CD, PPT,word cards 六、教学过程: Step1. Warming up Greeting:Hello!How are you today? Listen to the songs: A,B,C songs and Phonics Song (设计意图:1、复习本单元前面 2 课时学习到的打招呼的用语; 2、第一首字母歌曲为孩子所熟悉,激活学生头脑中已有知识,也可 以调动课堂气氛;但第二首歌曲难度加大,让学生有意识的关注字母 在单词中的发音,这两首歌曲与本课时教学内容

7、有所关联,旨在让学 生边听边思,初步感知字母发音) Step2. Presentation I can listen: listen to the tape and answer what did you hear(意图:让学生听 ABC 字母及三个单词的音频,培养学生认真听 的习惯,并检测学生获取信息、组织语言的能力,考察其反应是否敏 捷) 2. Lets learn the three letters: Aa, Bb, Cc 3.Look and match 4. Circle,point and say. 5. Game:Magic eyes (意图:通过学习三组字母,学生能掌握其正确的

8、读音,并通过 不同练习,让学生能迅速指认、匹配、认读大小写字母) 6. Watch, learn to write. 4 7. Good to know: pay attention to the tips of writing lettersA、B、C 8.Some rules of the writing of 26 letters. (意图:通过观看教学视频、教师提问、学生观察与思考三个字 母的书写,学生掌握了三组字母的书写方法了,同时他们对三组字母 的形了解得更深入了, 特别是后面展示的 ABC 字母书写注意事项和规 则歌曲突出了字母书写的重难点, 有利于学生学习或提前感知其他字 母书

9、写的规律,培养学生思维的深刻性,让孩子在字母书写时会遵循 书写规律,用心书写) 8. Lets enjoy 9.Lets learn the words: apple,banana,cat 10. Lets read the chant. 11.Lets chant the Alphabet song. (意图:让学生在享受歌曲的过程去发现字母 a,b,c 在单词 apple,banaba,cat 中的发音规律,对三年级的学生来说是一个挑战, 这需要学生利用其思维的深刻性才能实现的。 学生掌握三个字母的读 音后,需要意识到每个字母在具体单词中的发音可能又是不同的。学 生积极观察与思考,在拼读单

10、词、朗读、听唱歌谣中总结出了字母 a,b,c 在单词 apple,banaba,cat 中的发音规律。 ) 12. Listen ,and circle the first letter of each word. 13. Bomb Game (意图:让学生认识字母在单词中的位置,并总体检测学生对字 母及单词的读音的掌握。 ) 5 Step3. Practice Find and match the capital leters with the lowercase letters. Trace and write Listen and number on your book Write th

11、e right form of the letters. (意图:通过设计连线、听并标序号、书写字母、写出字母的正 确形式这些练习,来检测学生对所学字母的音形意的掌握和学生的 听、说、读、写能力,其实也就是检测课堂教学中是否能体现学生系 统的思维过程,对教学内容的把握是否到位) Step4. Extension Task1: Find the letters a, b,c in your group quickly Put letters in order to make words apple, banana,cat Who is the best designer? (意图:设计小组活动找

12、 abc 字母和给字母排序组单词,一是锻 炼小组合作的能力,二是培养学生思维的敏捷性与灵活性,看看哪组 学生能用最快的方法正确又快速的拼出那三个单词。 第三个设计卡通 字母的活动旨在培养学生的独创性,在掌握字母 A、B、C 书写规则的 基础上,能利用一些动物的外貌元素、简笔画的元素等,发挥想象和 智慧,创造出自己喜欢的字母) ) Remember three points like Learning 26 letters well is the key of learning English well. Learn to do the alphabet exercise. 6 (意图:让学生提

13、升学习字母的乐趣,让学生动手学做字母操可 以深化学生对字母的认识,引导学生深入思维,用自己的身体去构造 每个字母,这样学得更加有成就感) Step5. Summary and homework Read the letters and words. Read the letters and words ,then copy the three letters. Design the other two cartoon letters after class and show them to your classmates and your parents. (意图:小结所学内容,帮学生再巩固一次,鼓励学生积极设计 其他字母,并让学生去感受分享的快乐。 ) VIIIBlackboard Design. Unit1 Hello A aB bC cHello! Hi!/ /, / /, apple applebananacatHello! Hi!/ b /, / b /, banana! Hello! Hi!/ k /, / k /, cat!


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