广东版三年级上册Unit 1 Hello!-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f1050).zip

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英语广东开心版 三年级下 Unit 1 Big or small(2) Review RulesRules If you see a word, read it out. If you see a word, read it out. 如果你看到一个单词,请把它如果你看到一个单词,请把它 读出来并翻译。读出来并翻译。 Drills. hothotshortshort bigbig talltall smallsmallhappyhappy I can act out Lets watch Lets talk Its your turn now!Its your turn now! He is .He is cold. Lets talk Look and Answer Look and Answer It is .It is big. Lets talk Look and Answer Look and Answer He/She is . He is tall. She is short. Listen and Repeat Listen and Repeat Lets Learn Were happy! Theyre cold. were = we are 我们是 Were happy. Theyre cold. Lets Learn theyre = they are 他(她、它)们是 We are happy. They are cold. Lets Learn Have a Think Have a Think Why they are happy? 他们为什么开心? Lets Learn Why they are happy? Answer the QuestionAnswer the Question They fly kites(放风筝). Lets Learn Have a Think Have a Think Do they need clothes? 他们需要衣服吗? Lets Learn Do they need clothes? Answer the QuestionAnswer the Question Yes, they are cold. ( ) 1. We are sad. ( ) 2. They are short. ( ) 3. They are not hot. ( ) 4. They are all(全部) boys. ( ) 5. We are reading(读书). True or False F F T F F Practice Listen and Number 4 2 1 3 Practice Useful expression: happy, sad, hot, cold Are you .? 1. Are you happy? Useful expression: Yes, I am happy. No, I am sad (or not happy). Practice Ask and Answer Practice Ask and Answer 2. Are you sad? Useful expression: Yes, I am sad. No, I am happy (or not sad). Practice Ask and Answer 3. Are you hot? Useful expression: Yes, I am hot. No, I am cold (or not hot). Practice Ask and Answer 4. Are you cold? Useful expression: Yes, I am cold. No, I am hot (or not cold). Summary I am . You are . She/He/It is . We are . They are . Im . Youre . Shes/Hes/Its . Were . Theyre . Homework 1. 背诵本课的课文。 2. 在会写的基础上正确朗读本课对话 。 3.完成Unit 1 Period 2课后作业。 复习Unit1的主要单词、句型: 结合对话内容,总结本单元重 点。 广东开心版英语三年级下册广东开心版英语三年级下册 Unit 1 第二课时教学设计第二课时教学设计 课题 Big or small单元Unit 1学科英语年级三年级 学习 目标 知识与技能目标:掌握本单元句型:(1)Were . (2)Theyre . 过程与方法目标:能够在日常的情境下使用新句型进行相关对话。 情感态度与价值观目标:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。 重点掌握有关描述特点的表达方式。 难点能够在日常的情境下使用句型进行对话。 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课1. Review: (1) Review the vocabulary: If you see a word, read it out. (hot, happy, big, tall, short, small) (2) Ask students to act the story they learned in last class. 2. Warm up: lets watch. 3. Ask students try to talk like the it. 在老师的引 导下积极完 成老师提出 的要求进行 复习。 在之前学习 的基础上开 展教学,复 习引入。 讲授新课1.Target. (1) Ask for some volunteers. What can you know from picture? (2) Read the conversations. (3) Listen carefully and try to repeat the conversations. Ask students to model the dialog. Play the disc and pause after each sentence, allowing students to repeat. (4) Listen again and find out the key points. 认真思考并 做出相应的 回答。 听录音,模 仿语音语调。 通过反复的 阅读、记忆 加深对课文 的理解和掌 握,矫正英 语发音。 (5) Summary were=we are theyre=they are Have a think: Why they are happy? Do they need clothes? Read the sentences and think about true or false. ( ) 1. We are sad. ( ) 2. They are short. ( ) 3. They are not hot. ( ) 4. They are all(全部) boys. ( ) 5. We are reading(读书). 2. Add-activities (1) Practice 1 Listen and number. Look at the pictures and number it. They are big. 1 We are happy. 2 They are tall. 3 I am hot. 4 (2) Practice 2 Ask and answer. -Are you happy/sad/hot/cold? -Yes, I am. -No, I am not. 3. Summary 根据板书复述今天学习的内容: I am = Im you are = youre 和老师一起 回忆文章内 容,整理重 难点句型。 根据音频认 真思考完成 问题。 举一反三, 根据提示完 成巩固练习。 讲练结合, 系统化学习。 小组活动让 学生增强合 作意识,同 时可以取长 补短,互相 帮助,共同 完成任务。 课堂学习掌 she/he/it is . = shes/hes/its we are = were they are = theyre 4. Homework 1. 背诵本课的课文。 2. 在会写的基础上正确朗读本课对话。 3.完成Unit 1 Period 2课后作业。 复习 Unit 1 的主要单词、句型: 结合对话内容,总结本单元重点。 根据板书再 次回忆本节 所学,加深 印象。 课下练习, 承前启后。 握程度的即 时考查。 承前启后, 为下节课做 准备。 课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是在激发学生学习介绍 事物特点的兴趣基础上,通过系统性的总结加深学 生对于本单元句型的掌握。练习活动主要是两人对 话,师生对话,小组活动为主,让学生在轻松、愉 快的课堂气氛中完成学习任务,达到预定的教学目 标。 板书
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