广东版三年级上册Unit 3 Animals-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:610c6).zip

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Lets sing and do! Old Macdonald had a farm.Old Macdonald had a farm.Old Macdonald had a farm.Old Macdonald had a farm. Lesson 2 Animals. Lets go to the zoo.Lets go to the zoo. (让我们一起去动物园吧! ) Its a monkey.Its a monkey. Act like a monkey.Act like a monkey. Lets guess and learn. ? ? Its a bird.Its a bird. Act like a bird.Act like a bird. Lets listen and learn. Lets guess and learn. Hello! Im black and white. I have two black eyes. I like eating bamboo(竹子). I live in China. Who am I ? Its a panda.Its a panda. Act like a panda.Act like a panda. Lets listen and learn. Its a tiger.Its a tiger. Act like a tiger.Act like a tiger. Its Its an an elephant.elephant. Act like Act like anan elephant. elephant. an eye/eraser ? ? Lets guess and learn. Lets listen and repeat. Lets chant. Monkey, monkey, act like a monkey. Bird, bird, act like a bird. Panda, panda, act like a panda. Tiger, tiger, act like a tiger. Elephant, elephant, act like an elephant. Lets do. Simon says(游戏规则) 听Simon的口令做动作,不是Simon的 口令则不做动作。动作做对的同学继续,不 对的同学回到座位,最后留下来的同学就是 赢家。 Lets play. Lets match.(请连线 ) elephanttigerpanda birdmonkey Pair work (结对对话,任选你所喜欢的动物,用以下句型在 小组内进行对话。) A: Whats that? B: Its a/an. A: Cool. I like it. 我们要爱护动物。我们要爱护动物。 Dont feed animals in the zoo. (在动物园请不要给动物喂食) Say goodbye to all the animals.Say goodbye to all the animals. (和动物们说再见)(和动物们说再见) Homework 1.Listen to the tape , read the new words and the dialogue.(听录音, 朗读生词和对话。) 2. Listen to the recording of Lets do and do actions for your parents.(听 Lets do部分录音,做动作给父母看。) GoodbeyGoodbey! ! 1 Lesson2Lesson2 Animals.Animals. 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本节课的内容是通过呈现动物园动物的情景图来进行 zoo、bird、panda、tiger、elephant、monkey 的词汇教学,以及 在恰当的语境中使用 Whats that? Its a/an来进行信息的交 流。本课贴近学生的生活实际,以词汇教学为主线、兼顾语言结构, 操作性与趣味性强,通过各种课堂活动可激发学生生活经验、启发 学生思维,让学生参与到教学中。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本课授课对象是三年级学生,他们初学英语,对英语有着浓厚的 兴趣,学习积极性比较高。本课内容贴近学生的生活实际,学生较 感兴趣。根据学生实际情况以及三年级学生活泼好动、爱表现自己、 渴望获取新知识的特点,我在课堂上为学生创造了大量的听、说、 演、做的机会,让学生在参与、体验中感受语言,运用语言,形成 语言技能。 三、设计理念三、设计理念 本课根据英语学科核心素养的基本理念进行设计,帮助学生提高 语言能力,注重培养学生的逻辑性和创造性的教学思想,能够通过 本课的学习,激起学生了解动物、热爱动物、保护动物的欲望。本 课以教学文本为载体,针对三年级学生的语言能力特点,循序渐进 的创设生动、真实、有趣的语言环境,在激发学生发散思维、敢于 表达的同时,不断渗透学习策略。 2 四、教学目标 1、Knowledge Aims: (1)Students can listen、say and read the new words: zoo、bird、panda、tiger、elephant、monkey. (2)Students can listen、understand and read the key sentence patterns: Whats that? Its a/an 2、Ability Aims: (1) Students can use the sentence patterns: Whats that? Its a/an in the real situation. (2)Students can listen、understand and do the actions: Act like a/an (3)Students can communicate with each other by using key sentence patterns. 3、Emotion Aims: (1)Students can love animals and protect animals. 五、教学重难点 1、Teaching key points: (1)Students can listen、say and read the new words: zoo、bird、panda、tiger、elephant、monkey. (2)Students can listen、say and use the sentence patterns correctly:“Whats that? Its a/an” 2、Teaching difficult points: Students can know how to use 3 “a/an” correctly in the sentences. 六、教学过程 Step1: Warming up (1) Greetings. (2)Sing a song.“Old Macdonald had a farm” (设计意图:1、课前打招呼,可以拉近师生距离、活跃课堂气氛。 2、歌曲导入,不仅可以提高学生学习的积极性而且为导入主题做铺 垫。) Step2:Preview T: Look, this is a farm. There are many animals. I love animals, do you love animals? T: Today, Ill take you to a place.(PPT 呈现动物园大门的图 片) T:What is it ?(teach zoo) T:Lets go to the zoo. (设计意图:师生自由交流,创设去动物园的语篇,并在语篇中帮助 学生明确教学主线,学生易于掌握、接受。) Step3:Presentation Lets learn. (1)师带领学生边唱边走:Walking、walking、walking、walking. 呈现猴子图片。 T: Look, whats that? 4 T: Yes, its a monkey.教师教授单词 monkey,播放该单词的录 音,学生齐读、开火车读。 T: Whats that? 教师板书并教授句型,并引导学生用 Its a 来回答。 T:Act like a monkey.教师扮演猴子、领读该句型,并邀请学生做 相应的动作。 (设计意图:创设情境带领学生步行进入动物园,让学生在语篇中学 习新知,激发学生的学习兴趣。) (2)师带领学生边唱边走:Walking、walking、walking、walking,同 时播放鸟儿叫的声音。 T:Listen!Whats that?引导学生说出小鸟,同时播放 bird 的单词 录音,带读并让学生齐读、大小声读。 T:Whats that? Its a bird. T:Act like a bird.扮演小鸟并带读。邀请学生上台扮演小鸟,并 适时鼓励。 (3)师带领学生边唱边走:Walking、walking、walking、walking.课 件呈现谜语,让学生猜出熊猫。出示熊猫图片和单词,播放 panda 单词录音,教授该单词。 T:Whats that?教授句型,领读、让学生看图用句型 Its a来 进行问答。 T: Act like a panda.师带领学生扮演熊猫并让学生上台表演。 (4)师带领学生边唱边走:Walking、walking、walking、walking.播 5 放老虎吼叫的声音,让学生猜出老虎。播放 tiger 的单词录音,全 班齐读并使用 Whats that? Its a 来进行问答。 T: Act like a tiger.师带领学生扮演老虎并邀请学生上台进行表 演。 (5)师带领学生边唱边走: Walking、walking、walking、walking.PPT 呈现大象图片,播放 elephant 的单词录音,学生齐读、开火车读。同时讲解 a/an 的用 法,并引导学生举例 an egg/apple 等。 T: Act like an elephant.师带领学生扮演大象并邀请学生上台进 行表演。 (设计意图:1、在教授新词环节,采用听声音,猜谜语,看动物特 征来导入新词,在单词带读方面, 采用开火车,大小声等形式, 改变了枯燥无味的教师带读,学生跟读的单一形式,让学生在轻松 愉快的氛围中学习新知。2、将重点句型 “Whats that? Its a/an .” “Act like a/an .”放在单词教授环节,做到单词 与句型有机结合,并在语境中教授,让学生整体感知语言。 ) (6)Lets listen and repeat. Step 4:Lets do. (1)Lets chant. (2) Lets do. (3) Lets play. Play a game.“Simon says” 6 (设计意图:让学生在“唱” 、 “玩” 、 “演”中巩固新知,并能听懂 教师发出的指令。 ) Step 5: Production (1)Lets match. (2)Pair work. Please choose one or two pictures to ask and answer in pairs. eg: A: Whats that? B: Its a/an A: Cool. I like it. (3)Show time. Step6:Summary (1)Show some pictures of animals. (2)Animals are cute, they make our life colorful. Animals are our friends, please love and protect animals. (设计意图:通过观看动物的图片,培养学生热爱动物、保护动物、 热爱生活的良好品质。) Step 7:Homework 1、Listen to the tape, read the new words and the dialogue. 2、Listen to the recording of Lets do and do actions for your parents. 7 BlackboardBlackboard designdesign Unit4 We love animals. Part B Lets learn. Whats that? Its a/an zoo bird panda tigerelephant monkey
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