广东版三年级上册Unit 5 Happy Birthday!-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a0397).zip

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1.自摆自读、自收再读(找出不会读的) 2.同桌你摆我读,我摆你读(教同桌不会的 ) 3.听音收卡(做好准备,认真倾听) 4.四人小组轮流读(错的多读) 5.检测(互相提醒、提出记忆好方法) thre e one te n seve n si x fiv e tw o fou r eigh t nin e 你选我选一起选 1.以同桌为单位 2.左边同学拿1-10数字卡片 3.右边同学拿u1-u4学过得名词单词卡片 4.左右同学各抽一张卡片凑成一个名词短语, 然后一起读出来 Four little cars! Thank you! Happy birthday! This is for you. Five balls! Thank you! Happy birthday! This is for you. Nine schoolbags! Thank you! Happy birthday! This is for you. Ten crayons! Thank you! Happy birthday! This is for you. two books one book Look, read and think three rabbits one rabbit four dogsone dog six planesone plane eight pencils one pencil two books one book three rabbits one rabbit four dogsone dog six planesone plane eight pencils one pencil five He is _. How old is he? tw o He is _. How old is he? six How old is she? She is _. nin e How old is she? She is _. nin e How old are you? I m _. How old are you? I m _. We draw and write on the blackboard. Huang Jiaxuan and Huang Chuning make birthday cards for Xie Mingye. Two cute birthday cards. A cute birthday cake for Xie Mingye. We play at the birthday party. We eat cakes at the birthday party. We are very happy. Homework 1、修改、补充自己的生日作文 2、与家人或同学分享作文 Unit 5 Happy birthday 教学设计教学设计 School 学校学校 Date 日期日期 April.8t h Designer 设计者设计者 Unit 单元单元 Unit 5 Topic 课题课题 Happy Birthday Period 课时课时 1st Type of lesson 课型课型 新授课新授课 Object ives: 教教 学目标学目标 1.Language knowledge 语言知识:语言知识:学生能听、说、读单词:how, how old ,one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten 2.Language skill 语言技能:语言技能: 学生能初步运用句子 How old ? 和 Happy birthday! 掌握名词的复数形式 3.Affect 情感态度情感态度: 让学生喜欢课堂,学习当别人生日时能送上祝福以及礼物 4.Learning strategies 学习策略:学习策略:通过游戏激发学习的兴趣;通过小组活动,培养团队意识以及激发 创新思维 Main Point Analysi s 教材分教材分 析:析: 1.生日这个话题贴近生活,容易上口,孩子学起来比较感兴趣 2.1-10 数字在一年级的时候口语学过,对于三年级孩子来说上口不难,难的是看到数字要正确说 出相应的英语,并且在数字后面加上名词,变成词组后,名词相应要变复数, Langua ge diffic ult point 教学难教学难 点:点: 1、单词的初步认读。 2、能用数字 1-10 来表达年龄及物品的数量。 3、祝贺生日的句型和问年龄的句型及其回答。 Teachi ng Aids/ Media and Resour ce 教学资教学资 源与媒源与媒 体体 单词卡片、PPT、学生自己的绘画本 Teachi ng Proced ures 教学过教学过 程程 Teaching activities & Steps 教学活动及具体的操作步骤教学活动及具体的操作步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Strategies/Purpose 策略与设计意图策略与设计意图 I. Warm up& Revisio n Activity 1 Sing a song & s story telling Activity 1 Sing a song& listen to a Ss a story Activity 1 课前热身,唱有关数字课前热身,唱有关数字 的歌巩固数字;每一节课由一位学的歌巩固数字;每一节课由一位学 生准备一个英语绘本故事讲给大家生准备一个英语绘本故事讲给大家 听并提出问题,练习学生的语言表听并提出问题,练习学生的语言表 达和听力能力达和听力能力 II. Presen tation & Practic e Activity 2 Play the card game Activity 3 Lets guess and read Activity 4 Lets play card game Activity 5 Look and say Activity6 Read and think Activity7 Lets guess Activity 8 Lets play a game Activity9 Listen to the dialogue Activity10 Act out the dialogue Activity 2 Play the card game to learn new words of Unit 5 Activity 3 Ss try to guess and say out the number Activity 4 choose cards and say out the phrases Activity 5 Try to read sentences Activity6 Read the phrases and tell the rules Activity7 try to answer Activity8 try to answer Activity9 Listen and read after the tape Activity10 Act out the dialogue in groups Activity 2 通过卡片游戏,让孩通过卡片游戏,让孩 子从自学到小组互助学习,初步认子从自学到小组互助学习,初步认 读生词读生词 Activity 3 学生通过观察、说、读、学生通过观察、说、读、 运用学习名词复数运用学习名词复数 Activity 4 口头感知名词复数词口头感知名词复数词 组组 Activity 5 进一步熟悉名词词组,进一步熟悉名词词组, 特别是复数形式以及操练句型特别是复数形式以及操练句型 This is for you. Activity6 引导学生归纳名词复数引导学生归纳名词复数 的形式的形式 Activity7 学习句型学习句型 How old are you ? Im. Activity8 进一步巩固句型的练习进一步巩固句型的练习 Activity9 熟悉课文熟悉课文 Activity10 小组表演课文,培养小组表演课文,培养 团队互助意识团队互助意识 III. Develo pment Activity11 Tell your birthday Activity11 Ss tell others the birthday he had Activity11 提供情景,切实话题,提供情景,切实话题, 引导孩子想说敢说、乐说,鼓励孩引导孩子想说敢说、乐说,鼓励孩 子对所学过的知识进行综合运用子对所学过的知识进行综合运用 IV. Homew ork 1. 一起作业一起作业 2.完善自己生日的英语介完善自己生日的英语介 绍,并说给家人听绍,并说给家人听
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