广东版三年级上册Unit 5 Happy Birthday!-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:512b3).zip

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Happy birthay! Happy birthay! canddles I am going to the library. Library,library, I am going to the garden. Garden,garden, I am going to the park. Park, park, I am going to the playground. Playground,playground, I am going to the _. I am going to the _. I am going to the _. I am going to the _. We are going to the _. We are going to the _. movie theater Where are you going ? Do you like swimming? Yes, _. A. I do B. We do we do Where are you going? _ going to the swimming pool. We are Bomb game Hospital, hospital, I am going to the hospital. Swimming pool, swimming pool, I am going to the swimming pool. Bomb game Where are you going? I am going to the bank. Where are you going? I am going to the hospital. I am going to the swimming pool. Bomb game Where are you going? I am going to the bank. Where are you going? I am going to the hospital. I am going to the swimming pool. Where are you going? _ going to the swimming pool. We are I am going to the movie theater. Where is _ going?Dad Hello, I am Cindy. I am going to the swimming pool. I like swimming. Hello, I am Angela. I like movies. Hello, I am Angela. I am going to the movie theater. Hello, I am Tiantian. I am going to the bank. Hello, I am Stone. I am going to the hospital. Now I am in the hospital. Hello, I am kimi. I am going to the park. Q1、Where is Cindy going? She is going to the _. Q2、Where is Angela going? She is going to the _. Q3、Where is Tiantian going? He is going to the _. movie theater swimming pool bank Q5、Where is Kimi going? He is going to the _. park Q4、Where is Stone going? He is going to the _. hospital 请分别使用hospital、bank、movie theater、swimming pool造句4个。 格式如下: (1)Where are you going? I am going to the _. We are going to the _. 外研社英语三年级上册Happy birthday!教案 教学目标: 1、能够听、说、认读单词及短语:here(heres = here is), cake, happy, birthday, present。 2、能够听懂会说生日祝福语:Happy birthday! 3、能口头运用 Heres your present. 表达 送给别人礼物,并能运用 Thank you!作答。 3、 教学重点:能够听、说、认读所学单词及短语,能够听懂会说生日祝福语:Happy birthday! 教学难点: Heres your句型的灵活运用。 教学用具:CD-ROM、单词卡片、图片,提包 1 个(内装若干个学生用品) 。 教学过程: 1. Warmer: 1、Greetings. 2、拍手数数游戏,复习一到十二的数字。 T:Clap your hands, do it toghter. How many? 3 、Sing toghter. 2、Presentation: 1、Play a game :Can you guess whats this?拿一些单词图片,只露出一部分用句型: Whats this?问,让学生用 Its a _.来回答。(用这些句型复习以前学过的单词,同时也复习上节课 学到的句型。)由这个游戏学习新单词 cake,present.并用升降调进行操练。 2、Do you like cake? 那我 们什么时候会吃到 cake 呢?(生日时)学习新单词: happy, birthday(板书,分小组读,开小火车读) T: OK , whose birthday is it today?(可以提前了解班上谁过生日)请这个同学过来,让全班同学对他说 Happy birthday,并且全班给他唱生日歌。这时可以事先准备好一个小蛋糕对他说:Heres your cake.引导 学生用 Thank you 来回答。把这个句子板书在黑板,教读句子,学习新单词 here 告诉学生 heres=here is. 三、 Practice: Pair work:师拿学生的钢笔说:Heres your pen.(引导学生用 Thank you 来回答)多请几 个学生来操练句子。然后利用实物练习。A: Heres your pen/pencil/book/bag. B: Thank you! 四、Learn the text: 1、OK, today we will learn the new lesson “Module7”read after me .OK, today is Sams birthday, Lets have a look and think these questions: A、 Whose birthday is it today? B、 Who come to Sams house? C、 What present does Daming give to Sam? D、 How old is Sam? 2、放录音, 要求学生边听录音边指着相应的对话。 3、Now, lets listen to the tape and follow to read it. 5、Consolidation: Game:事先准备一个口袋,将写有学生姓名的物品放到里面,在活动中播放音乐, 让学生来传递口袋,当音乐停止时,拿到口袋的同学伸手摸口袋里的物品,摸出后根据上面的名字找到物 品的主人,提醒学生用 Heres your . 和 Thank you 对话. 6、Homework: 为即将过生日的同学、好友或家人制作一张生日贺卡 板书 Module 7 Birthdays Unit 1 Happy birthday A: Happy birthday! Heres your present/ cake. B: Thank you! 原文地址:http:/ 内容来源:绿色圃中小学教育网-http:/
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