广东版三年级上册Unit 6 Let’s Sing!-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:b00df).zip

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Unit 6 Lets sing Lets sing! 飞 fly The bird can fly. sing 唱歌 Can you sing? Yes, I can. 阅读 read Can you read? Yes, I can. draw 绘画 Can you draw? Yes, I can. cook 烹调 Can you cook? No, I cant. swim 游泳 Can you swim? Yes, I can. Read the words together! Fast eyes 眼疾手快 Can you ? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Rules(游戏规则) : You say: “Yes, I can.” and stand up. (起立并回答Yes, I can.) You say: “No, I cant.” and shake hands. (坐着摇头并回答No, I cant.) Yes, I can.No, I cant. Game Can you ? read Can you ? fly Can you ? draw Can you ? swim Can you ? cook Can you ? sing What can you do? 你能做什么? Hello! Im _. I can _. I can _. I cant _. I cant _. I can write! (我是小小作家! ) We can do!(我们能做!) can We can do!(我们能做!) can Can you walk here(这里)? No, I cant. We cant do! (我们不能做!) cant Can you swim here(这里)? No, I cant. We cant do! (我们不能做!) cant Can you sing here? No,I cant. But I can read. Even youre behind others, 即使你落后于别人, Dont be afraid.别退缩,大声地说, Just say,”Yes, I can.” When you face some difficulties, 遇到困难时 Who is NO.1? Homework 1.Write the words two lines ,each line is four times . 2.Do a survey 调查一下你的朋友们 有能力做哪些事情。 Bye! I can write! (我是小小作家! ) Hello! My name is _. I have two pets(宠物). The fish can _. The bird can_. My father and mother can _. I can_. I love my father and mother. Doing exercises together! 请把这些单词正确地抄写在格子里。 read sing fly draw swim cook 请把这些单词正确地抄写在格子里。 read sing fly draw swim cook read read read sing sing sing fly fly fly draw draw draw swim swim swim cook cook cook Unit6 Lets sing! 教学目标: 通过对第一课时所学单词 cook, swim, sing, draw, read, fly 的复习 来学习和应用新句型“Can you ? Yes, I can. /No, I cant.”通过说唱 歌谣,做游戏,做调查报告,表演,比赛等多个环节,使学生在观 察、判断、合作、自学、表演、竞争、创造、评价等多方面的能力 得到发展和提高,并培养学生浓厚的英语学习兴趣,挖掘学生的表 演才能和实际应用语言的能力,给学生一个自我展示的舞台。 重点难点: 本节课重点学习 Conversation。由于开心学英语的每一个对 话都是一个小故事,所以通过对句型的学习,理解对话的意义,并 能表演出来是本课的重点。而通过对对话的学习,能让学生学会灵 活运用新知识,自己创设新的情景对话,又是本课的难点。另外, 单词“can/cant”的区别也是难点之一。 学情分析: 参与本节课的学生刚刚完成二年级的课程,下学期就要接触 开心学英语这套教材。由于中山市一二年级学生所用的是中山 市自编教材,与开心学英语 属不同体系,而学生接触的又是第 三课的第二课时学习内容,所以在课堂上的表现不太适应。但学生 己有一定的英语基础,如果经过一两周的学习,应该能迅速适应。 教法设计: 充分利用身边易找、易做之物,如纽扣,单词卡,头饰,图片, 自制沙褪,自制小鼓等乐器,最大限度的调动学生学习的积极性。 复习、引入、新授、扩展,层层递进,尽可能创造相宜的语言情境, 鼓励学生的大胆创新,加强合作学习、合作表演,使学生在轻松愉 悦的环境中学习、思维、应用。 教学过程: Warming-up Greetings. Say a chant and use some musical instruments made by the students to express the rhyme.学生对歌曲这种喜闻乐见的形式很感兴 趣,让他们运用自制乐器来表达节奏更可以调动他们学习的积极性。 Revision 1.Slap game.(pair work) 。 Use the Ss word cards to revise the six new words which they learned in the last period. 2. Action game. T says an action like fly to Gogo,Ss do it.拍单词游戏和动作游戏分别对单词的音和意进行了复习,同时 进一步加强学生学习的兴趣。 Preview After the action game, T asks S1:Can you read? S 1: Yes./No.对老师问句简单的回答既可以检查学生对句型的理解, 又为下一步的新知识学习埋下了伏笔。 Presentation 1.Point to a picture of swimming, T:S l,can you swim? S1:Yes. Let all the S s ask T:Can you swim? T: Yes, I can 2. Practice this answer several times. 3. Use the same way to teach: No, I cant 4. Practice more. 5. Use the button to do pair work of page 19. Can you draw? Yes, I can./No, I cant 6. Ss learn the conversation by answering questions and listening and repeating and reading. 7. Pair performance. Perform the conversation. (Encourage the S s to add more which they have already learned.)对句型的学习由 “Yes, I can.”到“No, I cant.,由易到难,循序渐进。并对 “cant”的“t”音在板书时做重点强调,使学生在感官上有一个区 分,从而加快对本课难点的掌握。用扔纽扣来加强枯燥的句型操练 的趣味性。 对话学习是本课的重点。首先让学生带着问题去听录音,然后回答 问题以检测听的质量。再听读课文,深化对文章的理解,也为表演 对话打下扎实的熟练基础。 Extension 1.Use what theyve learned today to make a new conversation and perform it. 2. Do a survey. Each student gets a sheet of paper. They go around, ask and answer: Can you.?”and tick or cross on their own sheets according to what they have heard. 3. Have a report. e.g., S 1:S2 can cook. S3 can read. etc. 4. A forest competition. S s try to say Im a dog. I can cook. as many sentences as they can. 5.Listen and learn a new chant in a group: Can you sing? (Encourage S s to use their own way to express the rhyme and the meaning of the chant.)根据所学内容自创对话既是对新知的运用, 又是对旧知的融合,同时还可挖掘学生的表演才能和创造能力,是 本节课所要达到的主要目的。调查报告环节为学生提供了一个情境 交际、运用新知的机会,让学生进一步对所学新知有全面的感知。 森林比武这个环节抓住了学生好胜心强的特点,灵活运用扩展新句 型。学唱歌谣再一次给学生自我发挥的机会,并巩固了本节课的内 容。 Conclusion Read what weve learned today.让学生明白所学内容,慢慢培养 自我总结的能力。 Homework 1. Try to finish the rest of the sheet. 2. Act the new chant in your own way.
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