广东版三年级上册Unit 6 Let’s Sing!-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:90b07).zip

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一、Lets tick. 根据你的实际情况,勾出你会做的。 2、Pair work(同桌互动): Introduce yourself with the text and show it! 同桌之间互相用短文格式自我介绍,用时 1 分钟,时间结束 后,举手被老师点到名的,上台展示。 例子:Hello,I am Miss qiu. I can(我能) sing. I can read. I can.(会几个说几个) 短文格式:Hello,I am_. I can(我能)_. I can_. I can. singflyreaddrawcookswim Miss qiu Me Lets sing a song! One day, the zoo is holding a talent competiton.Many animals come.So,lets see what they can do! 有一天,动物园正在举行一场才艺 比赛.许多动物参加了这次比赛。所以 就让我们一起去看看他们有什么本领吧 ! Wow,many animals here! competition I am a bird(小鸟小鸟). I can fly.我会飞。我会飞。 I am a fish. I can swim.我会游泳我会游泳 I am a cat. I can read.我会阅读我会阅读 I am a dog. I can draw. 我会画画我会画画 I am an elephant. I can cook.我会烹调我会烹调 I can sing! 我会唱歌!我会唱歌! I can fly. I can sing. So I win!我赢了!我赢了! 飞飞 唱歌唱歌 Happy birthday to you 校歌校歌 Ask, answer and show swim 游泳游泳 阅读阅读 draw 画画画画 烹饪烹饪 Chant:Read and act!(朗读并表演(朗读并表演 ) Swim,swim,swim,I can swim. Cook,cook,cook,I can cook. Read,read,read,I can read. Sing,sing,sing,I can sing. Draw draw draw,I can draw. Fly,fly,fly,I cant fly. Look at picture and read the words Lets play a Wood Man Game! (木头人游戏)木头人游戏) 游戏规则游戏规则:老师说出一个单词,同学们要跟着大声读出那个单词:老师说出一个单词,同学们要跟着大声读出那个单词 ,同时还要一起做出相对应的动作(不能停,一直做)。当老师,同时还要一起做出相对应的动作(不能停,一直做)。当老师 说说“ “Stop!”Stop!”,同学们都不能动,否则要全组后退一步。,同学们都不能动,否则要全组后退一步。 Tick and talk. s ing f ly r ead d raw c ook s wim M iss qiu M e ( 我) Lets tick. 根据你的实际情况,在根据你的实际情况,在Me(我)那行勾出你会做(我)那行勾出你会做 的。的。 Pair work(同桌任务)同桌任务) :Introduce yourself with the text and show it(表演出来)(表演出来)! 举例举例:Hello,I am Miss qiu .I can sing .I can read .I can draw .(我能我能) Text: Hello,I am_.I can_.I can_.I can_.(我能我能) fly draw cook swim read sing I can(我能)_. can 能 Conclusion Try our best to study hard, to be a versatile child. 努力学习,争取做个多才多艺的孩子。努力学习,争取做个多才多艺的孩子。 What can you do? 你可以做什么呢?你可以做什么呢? Homework: 1. Read and write the new words.(读写 新单词) 2. Do a survey about your friends or parents. Use “I can”(跟朋友或父母展 示你的能力) Unit 6 Lets sing! 教教 材材 开心学英语开心学英语课题课题UnitUnit 6 6 LetsLets sing!sing! 课课 型型 新授课新授课计划课时计划课时 PeriodPeriod 1 1 知识与技能知识与技能 Be able to listen, speak, recognize and read the following words: read,sing,draw,fly,cook,swim 过程与方法过程与方法 引入课题(Free talk)激发兴趣(Songs)故事教学 (Story)游戏结合(Games) 口语交流(Pair works) 知识延 伸(Emotional education) 教教 学学 目目 标标 情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观 Enable the students to learn more skills to be versatile. 教教 学学 重重 点点 词汇词汇read,sing,draw,fly,cook,swim 句型句型I can. 功能功能 Talk about your abilities. 教教 学学 难难 点点 TheThe sentence:sentence: I can. Words:Words: read,sing,draw,fly,cook,swim 教教 学学 准准 备备 PPT,cards,taskPPT,cards,task paper,magnet,evaluationpaper,magnet,evaluation stickersticker 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit6 Lets sing! I can fly_ draw Zoo competition sing read swim cook G1G2G3G4G5 Period One 教教 学学 过过 过程与步过程与步 骤骤 具体措施与活动具体措施与活动活动目的活动目的 Step1 Warm up 1. Greetings and get into the topic“Unit 6.Lets sing!” T:Good morning, boys and girls.How are you? T:Whats your name?(asks S1 and S2)Nice to meet you!(to the whole)Nice to meet you!Boys and girls! T:Today we are going to learn a new lesson- unit2.Lets sing!(Teacher leads Ss to read twice)Okay,lets sing a song together! 2. Sing ABC song(Ss stand up, wave and clap hands while singing) 3. Use order “hey hey wonderful,hey-hey- hey,wonderful”to give praise to Ss for singing well.T:Do you like story?Lets see a story!(play the ppt of story) 1. 通过交谈, 自然地引出今 天上课的课题 “Unit 6 Lets sing!” 。 2. 配合动作吟 唱愉快的歌曲, 活跃了课堂的 气氛,激发了 学生的兴趣。 程程 Step2 Presentatio n 1. Listen to the story for the first time. And get to know what we are going to learn today. T:Who wins?Yes,Its Mr bird!Do you like this story?So lets learn the new words in this story! 2. Show the picture of a bird in ppt. T:Whats this? S1:Its a bird! T:Very good!Its a bird,so a bird can.(do action of flying) S2:Fly! 3. 利用自编自 录音的故事把 本节课的新词 组和句型整体 呈现,让学生 在一个有意义 的语境中整体 感受语言的形 式和运用语言, 极大地调动了 学生的学习兴 趣。 T:Yes!a bird can fly. Fllow me to read.Fly!fly,fly!okay,listen!(play the audio of fly) 3. Show the picture card of fly . T:Read after me.Fly!fly,fly!f-f-fly.(whole read,group read,boys read/girls read,size sound gesture) T:Okay,Train-train-train! Ss:Go-go-go!(Ask the fastest group to read 2 by 2) T:Who can spell it?Who can try? S1:I can try!Fly-fly.F-l-y-fly. T:Good job!(add points to responders group)Lets spell it!Finger-finger! Ss:Here-here.(stick the picture card of fly in blackboard,then write it in magnet and present the sentence“I can.我能”.) 4. Continue with the word “sing”.(adds the song games)and continue with the other words. 5. Students read the whole new words in blackboard and chant with teacher.(Do actions while chanting) 4. 通过引入语、 课件和图片卡 片呈现新单词, 让全班、小组 和个人跟读和 拼读,培养学 生掌握正确的 语音。学生会 拼读单词并能 理解单词的意 义。 5. 使用英语常 规课堂指令吸 引学生的注意 力,完成师生 拼写新单词的 过程。 6. 通过带动作 的 chant 来操 练单词和句型, 朗朗上口,学 生感兴趣且易 记住。 Step3 Consolidati on 1. Practice (1) Lead in: Lets practice and finish 3 tasks! (2) Task 1:Fast Read(look at picture and read the words) Task 2:Wood Man Game(demonstrates once first) Task 3:Pair works (Teacher demonstrates once with one student first,then gives 30 seconds to Ss to finish the task paper and 23 minutes to do a pair work-ask their deskmates what they can do,and finally asks two pairs to show in stage ) 2.Conclusion Ask one student to conclude what we learnt today.(present the words and sentence in ppt) 7. 创设练习赛 情境,设置 3 个比赛任务, 让学生在有趣 的游戏环节和 双人活动中操 练和巩固单词 及句型。培养 了学生与他人 合作的能力及 口语表达能力。 8. 让学生总结 本课所学知识, 提高了学生的 概括能力且巩 固了知识点。 Step4 Extension 1. Ask Ss “What can you do?”,then present the ppt and teach Ss “Try our best to study hard, to be a versatile child.”(finish the affective goal) 9. 对学生进行 情感教育-努 力学习,争取 做个多才多艺 的孩子。 Step5: Homework 1. Read and copy the new words. 2. Do a survey about your friends or parents. Use “I can” 10. 检测学生 的听说读写能 力。 教教 学学 后后 记记 整节课设计环节完整流畅,课堂目标具体明确且能够完成,评价体系形象生 动且具体(有刻度) ,教态从容自然,课堂气氛活跃。学生基本能掌握单词的拼 读,教读方式丰富,如个别读,男女读,小组读,手势大小声,开火车读等。以 下是个人教学反思:由于课时原因,没有教授 i cant 句型,导致展示环节学生打 勾展示 i can fly 而闹出了笑话,好在有及时纠正错误。木头人游戏环节最好有动 作图片展示。课堂过渡语和指令需要再简短精炼。新单词呈现图片最好用回故事 里面的动物图片。故事引语有点复杂需再简短精炼(对三年级学生会有点难) 。
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