广东版三年级上册Unit 7 Food and Drink-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:c0651).zip

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Grandfather, grandfather, please let me go! I can give you some food(食物)食物). Goodbye, Grandfather. Goodbye, Golden Fish. Hello, Grandfather, what do you like? I like rice. 一天一天 Hello, Golden Fish. Hello, Grandfather, what do you like? I like noodles and bread. 第二天第二天 Hello, Golden Fish. Hello, Grandfather, what do you like?第三天第三天 Hello, Golden Fish. I like ice cream,cake and milk. 日复一日日复一日 Stop! Stop! I dont like you! Hello,Golden Fish. I like . 渔夫因为金鱼给他送食物而变得越来越懒惰,越来 越贪心。金鱼很生气“Stop!Stop!I dont like you. 停!停!我不喜欢你了。”说完就游走了,留下渔夫 孤单地站在海边。 一起说说喜欢的食物吧! rice, rice 是米饭 I like rice. 我喜欢米饭。 noodles, noodles 是面条 I like noodles .我喜欢面条。 bread, bread 是面包 I like bread.我喜欢面包 。 milk, milk 是牛奶 I like milk. 我喜欢牛奶。 cake, cake 是蛋糕 I like cake. 我喜欢蛋糕。 ice cream, ice cream冰淇淋 I like ice cream.我喜欢冰淇淋。 渔夫和金鱼的故事告诉 我们:对于别人给予的帮助, 我们应该心存感恩,而不是过 分依赖。 Mother, I like cake. Cake. Father, I like bread. Bread. Mother, I like noodles. Noodles . Father, I like rice. Rice. Mother, I like milk. Milk. 我们不能像故事中渔夫一样 懒惰和贪心,只知道向爸妈要这 要那而不懂感恩哦。让我们了解 一下家人都喜欢什么美食吧? Mother, what do you like? I like rice. Grandmother, what do you like? I like noodles. 三年级英语教学设计三年级英语教学设计 教教 材材 开心学英语开心学英语第一册第七单元第一册第七单元课题课题Unit 7 Food and drink! 课课 型型 新授课新授课计划课时计划课时 3 3 知识与技能知识与技能 1. Language target : What do you like, Tony? I like cheese. What do you like, Jenny? I like cake, yum. 2. Alphabet: Yy- yo-yo, yogurt Zz- zebra, zoo. 3.Vocabulary: cake cheese ice cream bread salad soda 过程与方法过程与方法 激发兴趣故事导入游戏结合口语交流创作延伸 教教 学学 目目 标标 情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观 (1) To study English with interest. (2) To foster the Ps abilities of co-operation. (3) To foster the Ps to master the keys. 教教 学学 重重 点点 词汇cake cheeset ice cream bread salad soda 句型Language target : What do you like, Tony? I like cheese. What do you like, Jenny? I like cake, yum. 功能 Enable pupils to use the sentences to talk about what they like. 教教 学学 难难 点点 1. Language target. 教教 学学 准准 备备 实物,实物, 图片,课件图片,课件 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 7 Food and drink! I like cheese. What do you like, Jenny? I like cake, yum. Period One 过程与步骤具体措施与活动活动目的教教 学学 过过 程程 Listen (Presentation) 1.ConversationListen and look. 1). Bring in some food that are inexpensive and easy to share. T: I like cookies. (Eat a snake.) 通过歌曲引入数字, 创设了一个自然地学 习环境,培养学生听 力和兴趣。 Do you like cookies, S1? (Offer a snack to S1) S1(nods and says after the teacher): I like cookies. T: Do you know what Tony, Jenny and Gogo like? 2). Lets listen to the story, then try to answer the question. What do Tony, Jenny and Gogo like? 3)Listen to the story and repeat the story. 4).Act out the story in groups. 5)Show their story. 通过故事,引入课文 和单词,培养学生听 力和语感,加深对课 文的理解。 Read (Practice) 1. Listen and repeat the target. 2. Read the target in groups. 3. read the vocabulary together 4. Play a game: Whats this? 通过动画培养学生听 力和语感,加深学生 对数字的理解和记忆, 通过游戏培养学生的 兴趣,让学生掌握重 点单词数字。 Say (Activities) 1.Practise in pairs. 1). T: I like salad. (Points to S1) What do you like? S1: I like ice cream. 2). Continue asking other Ss the same questions. 3). Have Ss look at the books and listen to the target again to check the answers. G: What do you like, Tony? T: I like cheese. What do you like, Jenny? J: I like cake. Yum! 2.Ask and answer about Page 58: What do you like, Tony? I like cheese. What dont you like, Jenny? I dont like rice. I like rice .I think its good for you . 通过交流使学生能运 用所学的知识进行交 际,能询问对方的的 年龄。通过单复数比 较,让学生对单数有 初步的认识。 通过学生之间互相对 话喜欢和不喜欢的食 物,培养学生均衡饮 食注意健康互相关心 互相帮助的集体注意 思想。 教 学 后 记 1通过故事呈现本课的重点句型,让学生在情境中掌握知识点,通过听读表眼故事,培养学生听说能力,表 演能力,培养学生学习兴趣和积极情感。 2.注重对学生的评价和鼓励作用,使学生增强自信心。同时也培养了学生的集体荣誉感和成就感。 3.学生对 What do you like?的句型不够熟悉。听力练习,由于个别同学的单词掌握还不十分好,因此,在 进行听力练习前,如果先带领学生把图片观察一遍,相信效果会更好。 4. 通过学生之间互相对话喜欢和不喜欢的食物,培养学生均衡饮食注意健康互相关心互相帮助的集体注意思 想。
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