广东版三年级上册Unit 8 Sport-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:c06e2).zip

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soccer baseball tennisbadminton basketball 123 456 部分比赛项目部分比赛项目 篮球篮球棒球棒球 足球足球网球网球羽毛球羽毛球 basketball volleyball baseball dodge ball Play a game 谁的眼力好?谁的眼力好? 谁的眼力好?谁的眼力好? 谁的眼力好?谁的眼力好? 谁的眼力好?谁的眼力好? Lets sing a song ! Do you like baseball? Do you like baseball? Yes, I do. Do you like soccer? No, I dont. Oh, no! I like baseball. I like basketball. And I like ping-pong. Doo doo doo! Ping-pong! Name Me (我我) 运动会报名表 Do you like ? Yes, I do. No. I dont. Life lies in movement. 生命在于运动。 1.Copy the words. 2.Do a survey about friends hobby. 1 Unit8 Sports 一、学情分析(一、学情分析(Analysis of the students) 经过一个学期Friends with English的学习,三年级学生已有了一定 的听说能力,对于本课中个别难发音的单词,如 dodge ball, volleyball 等单词 学生应该较好的掌握。 二、教学目标(二、教学目标(Teaching objectives) a、知识目标: 1、能听懂、会说出表示球类名称的 4 个单词:baseball, basketball, volleyball, dodge ball。 2、能用简单的语句来介绍或询问他人对各种球类的喜好: I like baseball. D o you like baseball? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 3、能根据指令做各种球类动作。 b、能力目标: 1、了解并用英语说出日常生活中各种球类的名称,培养学生的观察力和想象力 ,培养学生运用语言的创造能力。 2、激发英语学习兴趣,培养听说能力拓展思维。 3、培养学生在小组合作学习、探究和解决问题的能力。 C、情感、策略、文化目标 通过学习激发学生热爱各项球类运动的情感,使学生树立合作,互助的观 念。明白开展各种球类运动的功能。 三、教学重点(三、教学重点(Teaching key points) 1、Master the words: baseball, dodge ball、 basketball, volleyball,. 2、Enable the students to describe their sports with “I like baseball. Do you like baseball? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.” 2 3、Listen and do the actions fluently. 四、教学难点(四、教学难点(Teaching difficult points) Say the words: volleyball, dodge ball correctly. Say the sentence: Do you like baseball? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 五、教学准备(五、教学准备(Teaching aids)球类的图片、球、多媒体课件,采访表格。 六、板书设计(六、板书设计(Blackboard designing) 八、教学步骤(八、教学步骤(Teaching procedure) Step1: Warming up and greetings (play the song what do you like?before class) T:Hello. How are you? S:Im fine, thank you. T:Lets sing a song together. Ss: sing the song. T: Now, lets review the old lesson. I like tennis. What do you like? S1:I like soccer. S2: Step 2:Presentation and practice T:Boys and girls, today well learn unit3 Do you like baseball? First lets watch a video about the London Olympic Games. (play a video about the 2012 London Olympic Games) T: 我们都知道 2012 年伦敦奥运会就要举行了,今天我们班也举行一场小型的 运动会为奥运加油,OK? Unit8 Sports basketball 图片 Do you like soccer? volleyball 图片 baseball 图片 dodge ball 图片 3 Ss:OK. 1、word:basketball T: First, lets learn the names of sports. Whats this? Ss:Its a basketball. (Whole class read after me) Ss spell it. T teaches the word “basketball” (write down on Bb) 跟老师读三次全班拼读一次拿球开火车个别读及拼读跟老师做 动作读一次个别学生做动作读 2. word:volleyball, baseball, dodge ball(用同样的方法教授) 3. Now, boys and girls, these are five words we have learned today. Now, please open your book page 16, listen to the tape carefully. Lets read it together. 4. Write down the words T: Look at these four words, can you find the rules? Ss:后面都有一个 ball,dodge ball 的单词是要分开写的。 T:Ok,please write down the words. 5. Lets play the bome game 1、踩地雷 学生读单词,放有地雷单词则不能读,一旦读了就会爆炸,学生则要趴下。 2. Whats missing? 根据老师出示的图片,迅速记住消失的图片,并把单词说出来。 6. Sentence T:Now,its time to choose your favorite sports 老师拿着球问学生: Do you like basketball? S1:Yes,I do. S2: No, I don t. 4 (并和学生一起来玩球) T writes down the sentence on the Bb 学生根据老师替换的单词套入句中读分组轮流操练提问 T:Do you like basketball? S1:Yes,I do. S2: No, I dont. Now please practice in pairs. (请 3 组同学上来表演) 7. Song. T: Are you tired now? Lets listen to a song. Now, lets read the lyric, next learn the song. (边拍掌边唱) 8, Do a survey. T:Now, I will do a survey about your favorite sports.(师切换到幻灯片) I will interview some Ss. (出示课本运动会报名表) T:Do you like Volleyball? S1: yes,I do. T: Do you like tennis? S2: No,I dont. T: OK, now please open your book page18; please make a survey about your friends. Practice in groups. (学生四人一组练习做调查表) (请几个学生上台表演) Step 3:Summary T: Today, we have learned four words and a sentence. All of you did a good job, you are good winners. Life lies in movements. 生命在于运动,希 望同学们平时能够多多锻炼身体。 Step 4:Homework 1. Copy the words. 2. Do a survey about friends hobby.
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