1、第一篇第一篇 教材过关教材过关 Section Listening, Speaking, Talking the element on the right stands for the number two. The two clements, when joined, indicate 8. between individuals, or with all of represents character relationships society. Confucius taught that ren was the highest moral principle, the standard
2、by which all other morals were 9. . In English, many different words have been used to translate ren: benevolence, love, kindheartedness, 10. ,and humanity, to name a few. Question:Where does ren come from? Professor Lei Confucius said that this kind of love,ren, begins with the love to ones own mea
3、sured goodness parents. Confucius 11. that if someone cannot love his own parents, he also cannot love other people. If we can show this love to our own family, we can also show this love to other people around us, to the country, and to the whole world. Narrator: One of the greatest scholars who st
4、udied Confucian thinking, a man named Mencius, 12. ren like this:“ loving ones parents, loving people, loving everything in the world.” believed explained Zigong asked, “Is there one single concept that we can take as a guide for all ac- tions in our lives?”Confucius said, “What about fairness? What
5、ever you dont like done to yourself, don t do it to others.” This kind of love should 13. everything we do. It leads the way to all other 14. in life. “ Do not do to others anything that you would not want done to you.” This 15. from the time of Confucius still holds true today. direct virtues truth 听力微课听力微课( (二二)判断作者的态度判断作者的态度 在听力过程中,不仅要注意讲话人的内容,而且要注意讲话人的说话方式。如 果强烈反对,说话人的语气就增强。如果你听到讲话人语速加快或者音量放 大,他们或许很激动或者很生气。如果讲话人语速放缓或者经常出现停顿,他 们可能很困惑或者不确定他们的讲话内容。