(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第三册Unit 2 写作园地 导学案.doc

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1、写作园地写作园地 读后续写读后续写写一个寓言故事写一个寓言故事 本单元的写作项目是读后续写,写作主题为寓言故事。要想写好这一类的读 后续写,除了把握文章主题外,同学们要利用课外时间多阅读、多积累有关描写 故事的中英文文章,为顺利写作打下基础。 写作时要注意以下几点: 1要有积极明确的主题。同其他文体相比,寓言故事更强调文章主旨的鲜明 性,以达到教训、讽刺、启示的效果。换句话说,寓言的主题是用来传达一个明 智的看法,一种宝贵的经验或一种苦乐的感受。 2要调动丰富的联想和想象。因为寓言中所写的人、事、物是虚拟的,是用 来表达作者某种思想或情感的载体,尤其是以动植物为主人公的寓言,更需要充 分发挥想

2、象,以赋予它们人的思想情感和心理。 3要讲求内容的现实性。文学是现实的一面镜子,它要求大家对生活保持敏 感,要求我们从大量纷繁的生活现象中提炼出有价值的思想,升华出有指导意义 的道理,并在文中体现。 1开头常用句式 One day, a dog found a bone, so he happily took it home. 一天,一只狗发现了一块骨头,他很高兴地把它带回了家。 The cold, misty air felt wonderful on his face. 那凉凉的雾气使他脸上感觉很舒爽。 Afarmer found an eagle caught in a trap on

3、his way home. 一个农民在回家的路上发现了一只困在陷阱里的鹰。 2主体段落常用句式 Parts of the forest are still dense and inaccessible. 森林的一些地方仍然茂密不可进入。 Ive been placed in an impossible position. 我陷入了进退维谷的境地。 Everyone said he was a decent sort of guy. 人人都说他是个品行端正的小伙子。 He chased after the burglar but couldnt catch him. 他追赶那个盗贼却没有抓住他。

4、 It quickly became clear that she was dying. 很快就看出她当时已生命垂危。 If your voice is as beautiful as your feathers, I think you should be the king of birds. 如果你的嗓音和羽毛一样漂亮,我认为你一定会是百鸟之王。 3结尾常用句式 The war was finally at an end. 战争终于结束了。 The important thing is to keep trying. 重要的是要不断尝试。 No one could have predict

5、ed the final outcome. 谁也没有预想到最终结果会是这样。 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整 的短文。 A wealthy master once owned a large farm with a big house, where he employed two servants to work in the fields. One servant was very loyal to his master. He placed the command of his master to his heart and obeyed it whil

6、e the other servant only heard the words of his master, but went on his own way. The first servant, who loved his master more than himself, worked really hard. Every day he planted seeds under the sun. Though sometimes he felt so tired, he never quit; he just took a rest and thought of his master co

7、ming back. There were also times when he got hurt because of stones, insects and other harmful objects but still he never gave up; he continued doing what his master had commanded. He knew that someday all his hard work would pay off and that his master would be satisfied with him. But the other ser

8、vant, who loved himself more than his master, enjoyed the pleasure of the world. He thought that his master would never know what he was doing. He used his freedom for his own sake. He just ignored his masters command and followed his own will. Many years passed, but still the master did not come ba

9、ck. The first servant went on working hard in the fields for a good harvest year after year while the other servant wandered around the world. One day their master appeared suddenly and was pleased when he found one servant harvesting the crops in the fields. Of course, he was disappointed when he c

10、ouldnt find the other one. The master called the two servants and explained why he had been away for such a long time. 注意: 1续写词数应为 150 左右; 2请按如下格式在相应位置作答。 The master said that he built a large beautiful house in town. _ _ _ The master, treated the two servants fairly. _ _ _ 精彩范文 The master said that

11、 he built a large beautiful house in town. It was designed as payment for the service they had been offering, and the one who had been loyal to him would stay with him, living in a new house. So he asked the two servants whether they had a good harvest this year. The first servant happily said that

12、he produced a good harvest every year while the other servant bowed down and apologized to his master regretfully as he had done nothing for his master. The master, treated the two servants fairly. He not only rewarded the first servant with a lot of money but also allowed him to continue working on

13、 his land. In contrast, the other servant got nothing and was finally fired. The lesson we learn from this story is simple: if we are always loyal to others, we will be rewarded instead of being punished. 总评续写的第一段, 根据段首句“主人说在城里建了一座漂亮的大房子”, 接下来解释了建造大房子的原因;续写的第二段,根据段首句“主人公正对待两 位仆人”,接下来叙述了主人奖赏和惩罚两个仆人的方

14、式。情节描写细致生动, 故事寓意清晰明了。 亮点呈现 (1)The lesson we learn from this story is simple . 使用定语从句修饰 The lesson,使表达更加准确。 (2)if we are always loyal to others . 使用 if 引导的条件状语从句, 引出文章寓 意。 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整 的短文。 The Hidden Treasure Once, there was an old man who had four sons.All of them were very laz

15、y. One day, the old man fell sick and was counting his last days in bed. He worried a lot about his sons future as the young men hesitated a lot to work. The sons believed that luck would favour them. The old mans health went worse every day and he decided to talk to his sons about their future. How

16、ever, his sons did not listen to him. Finally, the old man decided to play a trick to impress on his sons the importance of work. He called all his sons and let them sit near him on his bed. He said that he had a treasure box full of gold coins and expensive gems (宝石) for them and wanted to share th

17、e treasure equally among the four of them. The young men were very happy and asked where their father had placed the treasure. The old man replied, “I cannot exactly remember the place where I have hidden the treasure. However, the treasure box is buried in our land, I can hardly remember the place

18、where I have hidden the treasure box.” Even though the lazy young sons were happy, they were sad that the old man had forgotten the place where the treasure was hidden. A few days later, the old man died. The sons decided to dig the land to search for the treasure box. They worked very hard and dug

19、their land. They could not find any treasure box in the land. Finally, they decided to dig a spot in their land that was a bit different from the rest of the area. The sons believed that the treasure was buried in that spot. They dug the specific spot deeply, but got nothing but water. 注意: 1续写词数应为 1

20、50 左右; 2请按如下格式在相应位置作答。 A passerby who noticed the land and the water flowing from the spot talked to the sons about farming. _ _ _ Then they all realized what their father meant. _ _ _ 写前导读:本文是一篇记叙文。一位老人有四个懒惰的儿子,病逝前,老人 说田地的某个位置藏着一个装着珍宝的箱子。儿子们去刨地找箱子,却只在地下 发现了水。在路人的建议下,他们的农耕是否成功?明白了父亲的良苦用心后他 们对生活又有何感悟? 精彩范文


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