(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 单元重点知识回顾导学案.doc

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1、.重点词汇 1basis n. 基础;根据;基点 on the basis of 在某事的基础上;根据某事 have a basis in fact 有事实依据 a/the basis for sth 的基础 2apologise (also apologize) vi. 道歉;谢罪apology n. 道歉;谢罪 apologise for (doing) sth 因(做)某事而道歉 apologise to sb that 向某人道歉 apologise to sb for (doing) sth 因(做)某事向某人道歉 make an apology to sb for sth 因某事向

2、某人道歉 owe sb an apology 应向某人道歉 3judge vt.& vi. 评价;评判;判断n. 法官;审判员;裁判员 judge . from/by .根据来判断 as_far_as I can judge 据我判断,我认为 judging by/from 根据判断 in ones judgement 根据某人的判断 4scene n. (戏剧或歌剧的)场;现场;场面 on the scene 在场;出现;到场 behind the scenes 在幕后;暗中 appear/come on the scene 出场;登场 5bet n. 打赌;赌注 (bet, bet)vi.

3、& vt. 下赌注;用打赌vt. 敢说 make a bet 打个赌 make/have/put a bet on 对下赌注(打赌) bet on sth 为某事打赌 bet sb sth on (doing) sth 就某事和某人打赌某物 bet (sb) that (和某人)打赌某事 6spot vt. 看见;注意到;发现n. 地点;处所;斑点;污迹 spot sb doing sth 发现某人正在做某事 be spotted with 散布;点缀 on the spot 当场;在现场 7patience n. 耐心;忍耐力;毅力patient adj. 有耐心的;能忍耐的 have pa

4、tience with .对有耐心 have the patience to_do sth 有耐心做某事 be out_of patience with .对再也不能忍受/没耐心了 beyond patience 无法忍受 with patience 耐心地 be patient with 对有耐心 8indicate vt.& vi. 表明;显示vt. 象征;暗示indication n. 显示;表明; 标示 indicate sth (to sb) (向某人)指出/暗示某事 indicate that/whclause 表明;显示 9obligation n. 义务;职责;责任obliga

5、te v. 迫使;约束;强制(某人) under an obligation 有义务 be under an obligation to_do sth 有义务做某事 under no obligation 没有义务 feel/be obligated to 有义务/必要做某事 10intention n. 打算;计划;意图;目的intentional adj. 故意的;有意的; 存心的intentionally adv. 故意地;有意地;存心地 intention of (doing sth)/to_do sth 有做某事的打算/计划/意图 11hesitate vi. 犹豫;迟疑;顾虑hes

6、itation n. 踌躇;犹豫 hesitate to_do sth 迟疑做某事;不愿做某事 hesitate about/in/at/over (doing) sth (做)某事犹豫不决 have no hesitation in doing sth 毫不犹豫地做某事 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 12option n. 可选择的事物;选择;选择权optional adj. 可选择的;选修 的optionally adv. 可选择地;随意地 option (of doing sth) 可选择的事物;选择的自由 have no option 没有其他选择余地 13 wil

7、ling adj. 愿意; 乐意willingly adv. 愿意地; 乐意地willingness n. 乐 意;心甘情愿 be willing to_do sth 愿意或乐意做某事 14permit vt.& vi. 允许;准许;使有可能permission n. 准许;许可;批准; 许可证 permit sb to_do sth 允许某人做某事 permit (sbs) doing sth 允许做某事 without ones permission 未经某人允许 ask_for permission 请求允许;征求许可 15in return 作为回报;作为回应 in turn 相应地;

8、转而;轮流地,依次地 .教材原句 1Aboutamonthago,Iwassailing,andtowardsnightI found_myself_carried_out to sea by a strong wind.(教材 P52) 大约一个月以前,我在海上航行,傍晚时分我发现自己被一股强劲的海风刮 到了海上。 2And it_was the ship that brought you to England.(教材 P52) 是那条船把你带到了英国。 3I was_about_to go get the letter.(教材 P52) 我正想去拿信。 4Henry is walking

9、along the street holding_the_bank_note in his hand.(教材 P56) 亨利拿着钞票走在街上。 5Mr Reid says youd_better serve him quick and get him out quick!(教材 P56) 里德先生说你最好快点服务他,让他赶紧走! 6I suppose it ought_to_do for now.(教材 P56) 我想只能这样了。 7You shouldnt_judge people by their clothes.(教材 P56) 你不应该以貌取人。 8I dare_not_buy all

10、 these things. (教材 P56) 我不敢买这么多东西。 .单句语法填空 1She was chosen for the job _ the basis of her qualifications. 答案:on 2Can I buy you lunch _ return for your help? 答案:in 3We apologise _ the late departure of this flight. 答案:for 4Youll just have to be _ (patience) and wait till Im finished. 答案:patient 5It w

11、as at eight oclock _ I went to sleep yesterday. 答案:that 6When I entered the room, I found him _ (play) computer games. 答案:playing 7It was not my _ (intend) that she should suffer. 答案:intention 8I didnt hesitate for a moment _ (take) the job. 答案:to take 9Tom is very keen on Alice, so he is willing _ (do) everything for her. 答案:to do 10Cash machines permit you _ (withdraw) money at any time. 答案:to withdraw .开放型任务 本单元介绍了马克吐温的名著百万英镑 。 百万英镑对金钱是万能的想 法进行了讽刺,其实这个世界上有很多比钱更珍贵的事物,比如:道德,友谊, 诚信。请同学们展开讨论,并给大家讲一下你对金钱的看法,听听谁的观点更具 正能量。


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