(2021新人教版)高中英语选择性必修第一册UNIT3 FASCINATING PARKS SectionⅢ导学讲义.docx

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1、Section Discovering Useful Structures 用所给动词的适当形式填空 (1)Even though the sun is brightly shining, telling (tell) whether it is morning or night is impossible. (2)Getting(get) here is quite difficult, so apart from the Sami very few people have ever seen Sarek. (3)For hundreds of years, looking(look) af

2、ter reindeer was a way of life for the Sami. (4)Being(be) in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be alive. 一、动名词的形式 语态 时态 主动语态被动语态 一般式doingbeing done 完成式having donehaving been done 动名词仍保留着动词的许多特征,可以有自己的逻辑主语、宾语、状语。动名词连同其 后的宾语或状语,一起构成了动名词短语。同时动名词短语又具有名词的特性,可以在句中 充当主语、宾语、定语、表语等成分。

3、1.一般式 动名词的一般式所表示的动作或状态与谓语动词所表示的动作或状态同时发生或发生 在谓语动词之后。 Climbing mountains is really difficult for the old. 对于老人来说爬山确实困难。 2.完成式 动名词的完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。 Having ever travelled to that beautiful city has made him want to travel there again. 曾经去那座美丽的城市旅游使他想再次去那儿旅行。 3.完成进行式 动名词的完成进行式表示其动作在谓语动词之前已经开始,一

4、直持续到谓语动词发生时 为止,且有可能仍在继续。 Forgive me for my having been troubling you. 原谅我一直在打扰你。 4.否定式 其否定式是在其前加 not。 Im sorry for not finishing my task on time. 抱歉我没按时完成我的任务。 5.被动式 Being asked to do so much homework made him unhappy. 被要求做这么多家庭作业使他不高兴。 二、动名词作主语 1.动名词作主语时,多表示经常性、习惯性的动作,通常置于句首。单个动名词短语作主 语时,谓语动词用单数。 T

5、raveling a lot is a good way to help people become knowledgeable. 经常旅行是帮助人们变得知识渊博的好方法。 Reading aloud is a good way to learn a language. 大声朗读是学习语言的一种好方法。 Wasting a persons time is the same as killing him for his property. 浪费别人的时间无异于谋财害命。 误区警示 不定式(短语)作主语表示具体的或一次性的动作。 To lie to her is wrong. 对她撒谎不对。 2.

6、形式主语 it 代替动名词短语作主语 此类句式常见的有: Its a waste of time doing sth.做某事是浪费时间 Its useless/worthwhile/worth doing sth. 做某事没用/是值得的 Its no good/use/fun doing sth. 做某事没好处/没用/没意思 It is no use waiting for other people to make decisions for you. 等别人替你做决定是没有用的。 It is a waste of time persuading such a person to join u

7、s. 劝说这种人加入我们是浪费时间。 3.动名词的复合结构作主语 动名词的复合结构由“名词所有格或形容词性物主代词+动名词”构成,名词所有格或形 容词性物主代词是动名词的逻辑主语。 Toms coming made me happy. 汤姆的到来使我很高兴。 .根据提示用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Playing (play) with fire is dangerous. 2.Be careful!To play (play) with fire will be dangerous. 3.His not getting (not get) to the station on time mad

8、e everyone worried last week. 4.The museum is certainly worth reading(visit). 5.There is no use keeping (keep) silent about such a matter. 6.Swimming(swim) is a good sport in summer. 7.It is a waste of time trying (try) to persuade him to give up playing computer games. 8.His (he) getting up late in

9、 the morning made him late for the class. 9.Its fun to spend (spend) the holiday at the beach. 10.Toms being (be) so careless caused so much trouble. .语法与主题写作 1.写作要点 根据本单元所学语法知识和主题知识补全句子。 夏天在北极圈内旅行是相当令人困惑的。 Traveling above the Arctic Circle in summer is quite confusing. 说出确切的时间是不可能的,因为根本没有夜晚。 Tellin

10、g the exact time is impossible for there is no night at all. 四处走一走很困难。 Moving about is quite difficult. 这里终年覆盖着巨大的冰川。 It is covered with the vast glaciers all year round. 身处这样一个美丽而天然的地方让旅行者们兴奋不已。 Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes the travelers excited. 2.串句成文 将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文。

11、 Traveling above the Arctic Circle in summer is quite confusing because telling the exact time is impossible for there is no night at all. Moving about is quite difficult, for it is covered with the vast glaciers all year round. However, being in such a beautiful and wild place makes the travelers e

12、xcited. .单句填空 1.Being caught(catch)in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience. 2.Putting/To put(put)on more clothes is not so good. 3.Playing(play)computer games too much is bad for your eyes. 4.Its no use arguing(argue)with such a stubborn man. 5.Taking(take)a walk after supper is goo

13、d for your health. 6.It felt funny watching(watch)myself on TV. 7.Hearing(hear) how others react to the book you have just read creates added pleasure. 8.Leaving (leave) it with me should be a good choice. Trust me. 9.Their (they) failure in the examination made them all disappointed. .完成句子 1.忽视这两个研

14、究结果之间的差异将是你犯的最严重的错误之一。(ignore) Ignoring the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you have made. 2.见到你是一件非常高兴的事。(meet) Meeting you is a great pleasure. 3.考虑这样的事情浪费时间。(it;consider) It is a waste of time considering such a thing. 4.画画和集邮是他的爱好。(paint;collect sta

15、mps) Painting and collecting stamps are his hobbies. 5.只学习不实践是没用的。(it;learn) It is no use learning without practice. .阅读理解 (2020 山东胶州期中) Travelers in America who want to experience the Wild West can now go on holiday in the old style to see how the American pioneers traveled and lived. Todays travel

16、ers go by horse wagons like the old time. They set up camp at night under the stars and learn to cook their meals over fires. They also learn to lead herds of cattle with present- day cowboys and try to bring wild horses into a corral (畜栏). For those who just want to pretend halfway, the special hol

17、idays offer the chance to “rough it” during the day in the wagons but sleep at night in the comfort of fan air-conditioned ranch (牧场) complete with the swimming pool, the sauna and tennis courts. In Wyoming the holiday makers will travel by wagon past ghost towns and cemeteries where pioneers and wi

18、ld cowboys were buried. The route goes along the same track as the Pony Express riders who braved attacks from Indians and robbers to get the mail through to the Wild West. High Island Ranch in Wyoming at the foot of the Rocky Mountains is also an ideal place to go trout fishing and to ride wild hor

19、ses. In Colorado, the modern-day pioneers can stay at Randy Georges ranch and try their hand at breaking in horses and branding (给打上烙印) cattle. In New Mexico there will be a chance to help in driving cattle to their new summer pastures (牧场). Trips last for a week so those taking part get a chance to

20、 have a feel for the Wild West as it really was. 1.What is the authors purpose by writing the passage? A.To reveal the real life of the Wild West in the old time. B.To tell the readers what they should prepare for special holidays. C.To introduce some trips in which people can experience the Wild We

21、st. D.To advertise the most popular tourist attractions in America. 2.What does the underlined phrase “rough it” in Paragraph 2 mean? A.Make the travelers comfortable. B.Live a hard and simple life. C.Travel everywhere in the wagons. D.Bring wild horses into a corral. 3.What can be inferred from Par

22、agraph 3? A.Travelers will pass ghost towns to visit pioneers and wild cowboys. B.People are not interested in how the pioneers traveled and lived. C.It was not easy to deliver the mail to the Wild West in the old time. D.The pioneers and wild cowboys in the old time led an easy life. 答案 语篇解读这是一篇说明文

23、。文章主要介绍了人们可以体验美国西部蛮荒的旅行。 1.C推理判断题。根据文章第一段中“Travelers in America who want to experience the Wild West can now go on holiday in the old style to see how the American pioneers traveled and lived.” 由此可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍一些人们可以体验的美国西部蛮荒的旅行。故选 C。 2.B词义猜测题。根据第二段中“For those who just want to pretend halfway, the

24、 special holidays offer the chance to rough it during the day in the wagons but sleep at night in the comfort of fan air-conditioned ranch (牧场) complete with the swimming pool, the sauna and tennis courts.”可知,but 的前后部分是转折关系,故画线词组“rough it”的意思应与后文的 “comfort”相反。故选 B。 3.C推理判断题。根据第三段中“In Wyoming the hol

25、iday makers will travel by wagon past ghost towns and cemeteries where pioneers and wild cowboys were buried. The route goes along the same track as the Pony Express riders who braved attacks from Indians and robbers to get the mail through to the Wild West.”可以推断出在过去,把邮件送到蛮荒的西部是不容易的。结合 选项可知选 C。 .七选五

26、 (2020 河南平顶山期中) Natural disasters come without warning, and this underlines the need for disaster management. Natural disasters may cause death or damage crops and properties without warning. Emergency management can reduce the damage and save more lives than there are no systems set up for disaster

27、 security (安全). There are steps to take when you plan for a natural disaster. Heres a list of some of them: 1.Ask your local Red Cross chapter or emergency management office for reminders of disasters and emergency management steps.1You may also request a list of emergency steps that should be done

28、in each type of disaster. 2.Each community has its own set of emergency signals.2Knowing what to do at once gives you a head start in any emergency. 3.3Include discussions on what is likely to happen and what should be done in such cases. Plan how each one of you will react and what are the responsi

29、bilities of each one in order to be able to work as a team. 4.Set a meeting place in case of a natural disaster. It should be one within the vicinity (附近) of your workplace or home, or one outside your immediate vicinity.4Agree on an emergency telephone that everyone should try to call. 5.Prepare a

30、disaster supply toolbox. Stock it with first aid supplies.5Prepare emergency lights like flashlights with batteries. Include a battery-powered radio in the kit so you can listen to updates. A.Find out what they sound like and what they mean. B.Discuss the dangers of different types of natural disast

31、ers. C.Try to understand why these signals sound unfamiliar to you. D.Everyone should try to reach it when a natural disaster happens. E.Prepare some water and food that should be enough for three days. F.Find out any disaster management plan that your community has. G.This is also the best time to

32、ask what kind of disasters may likely take place. 答案 语篇解读这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了当你计划应对自然灾害时要采取的步骤。 1.G考查段中解释句。设空处在段中,应起到承前启后的作用。根据前文内容“Ask your local Red Cross chapter or emergency management office for reminders of disasters and emergency management steps.”可知前文提及向红十字会询问灾害提醒和应急管理措施,且后 文已经提及 emerg

33、ency steps(应急管理措施),因此设空处需要涉及“灾害提醒”。 G 选项符合 语境。 2.A考查段中解释句。根据前文内容“Each community has its own set of emergency signals.” 可知,本段主要讲述要对社区的紧急信号有所了解。A 选项符合语境。 3.B考查段首主题句。根据后一句“Include discussions on what is likely to happen and what should be done in such cases.”可知设空处应提及关键词 discuss(讨论)。B 选项符合语境。 4.D考查段中解释句

34、。根据前一句“It should be one within the vicinity of your workplace or home, or one outside your immediate vicinity.”可知 D 项承接上文。 5.E考查段中解释句。根据本段主题句“Prepare a disaster supply toolbox.”可知在准备灾难 应急箱时,水和食物是必需品。E选项符合语境。 .完形填空 (2020 山东泰安期中) In 1994, the Brazilian photographer Salgado went back to his homeland in

35、 Minas Gerais, Brazil. He was1to see the land run by his family. The thick forest there was once a paradise (乐园) for him and his friends, bringing them2memories. To his horror, he saw a totally different3. Only 0.5% of the land was covered with trees. “The land was as sick as a serious patienteveryt

36、hing was4due to deforestation (砍伐森 林),” Salgado said5during a meeting on climate change in Paris. Salgado6that he should do something about it. Then he7the bold idea of replanting trees on the land, which beyond his expectations, received8from his wife and relatives. Soon the whole family9and the re

37、sults are remarkable.10, the land is changing. It is carpeted with green trees again and some of the insects, birds and animals living on the land before11. The land has been brought back to life. The12familys hard work also impressed people around them. They13cutting down trees and began to protect

38、 the environment. “The work over the years is quite difficult but well worth the14and I think every little bit of work15,” said Salgado. Therefore, everyone should play a part in protecting the environment. 1.A.sorryB.readyC.eagerD.willing 2.A.wonderfulB.embarrassing C.painfulD.complex 3.A.direction

39、B.atmosphereC.planD.sight 4.A.disturbedB.destroyedC.prohibitedD.abandoned 5.A.calmlyB.nervouslyC.sadlyD.lightly 6.A.admittedB.realizedC.agreedD.proved 7.A.thought upB.laughed at C.turned downD.tried out 8.A.doubtsB.permissionC.suggestionsD.support 9.A.backed offB.broke upC.took actionD.got through 1

40、0.A.SuddenlyB.Eventually C.GraduallyD.Generally 11.A.escapedB.returned C.approachedD.died 12.A.kind-heartedB.brave C.devotedD.considerate 13.A.forgotB.stoppedC.delayedD.missed 14.A.commentB.promise C.offerD.effort 15.A.increasesB.matches C.improvesD.matters 答案 语篇解读这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲了 Salgado 发现自己儿时的天堂茂密的

41、森林 由于森林砍伐,病入膏肓。Salgado 一家人通过自己的努力,使它再次覆盖上了绿色的树,之前 生活在这片土地上的一些昆虫、鸟类和动物也回来了。 1.C根据“The thick forest there was once a paradise (乐园) for him and his friends, bringing them2memories.”可知他渴望(eager)看到他的家族经营的土地。sorry 抱歉的;ready 准备 好的;eager 渴望的;willing 乐意的。 2.A根据“The thick forest there was once a paradise(乐园)

42、for him and his friends”可知,茂密 的森林给他们带来了美好的(wonderful)回忆。wonderful 美好的;embarrassing 使人尴尬 的;painful 痛苦的;complex 复杂的。 3.D根据“Only 0.5% of the land was covered with trees.”可知他看到了一个完全不同的景象 (sight)。direction 方向;atmosphere气氛;plan 计划;sight 景象。 4.B根据“due to deforestation”可知由于森林砍伐,一切都被破坏(destroyed)了。disturb 干

43、扰;destroy 破坏;prohibit禁止;abandon 抛弃。 5.C根据上文“The land was as sick as a serious patienteverything was4due to deforestation”可知,Salgado 在巴黎举行的气候变化会议上悲伤地(sadly)说。calmly 平静 地;nervously 紧张地;sadly悲伤地;lightly 轻松地。 6.B根据“Then he7the bold idea of replanting trees on the land, which beyond his expectations, rec

44、eived8from his wife and relatives.”可知这里意思是 Salgado 意识到 (realized)他应该做点什么。 admit 承认;realize意识到;agree 同意;prove证明。 7.A根据“the bold idea of replanting trees on the land”可知这里意思是他想出了一个大胆的 主意。think up 想出;laugh at 嘲笑;turn down 拒绝;try out 试验。 8.D根据“Soon the whole family9and the results are remarkable.”可知他得到了妻

45、子和 亲戚的支持(support)。doubt 怀疑;permission允许;suggestion 建议;support 支持。 9.C根据“the results are remarkable”可知整个家庭都采取了行动(took action)。back off 后 退;break up结束;take action 采取行动;get through 通过。 10.C根据生活常识可知,土地发生变化是一个逐渐(Gradually)变化的过程。suddenly 突然 地;eventually 最后;gradually 渐渐地;generally 普遍地。 11.B根据“The land has

46、been brought back to life.”可知之前生活在这片土地上的一些昆虫、 鸟类和动物回来(returned)了。escape 逃跑;return 返回;approach 接近;die死亡。 12.CSalgado 一家人通过自己的努力,把荒野重新变成了绿洲,这是有献身精神的(devoted) 一家人。句意:有献身精神的这一家人的努力工作也给他们周围的人留下了深刻的印象。 kind-hearted 好心的;brave 勇敢的;devoted 有献身精神的;considerate 考虑周到的。 13.B根据“The12familys hard work also impresse

47、d people around them.”可知他们停止 (stopped)砍伐树木,开始保护环境。forget 忘记;stop停止;delay 延迟;miss 错过。 14.D根据“The12familys hard work also impressed people around them.”可知 Salgado 一家为这项工作付出了辛苦的努力。句意:Salgado 说:“多年来的工作非常困难,但值得努力 (effort),我认为每一点工作都很重要。” comment 评论;promise许诺;offer 建议;effort 努力。 15.D根据“Therefore, everyone

48、should play a part in protecting the environment.”可知这里意 思是“我”认为每一点工作都很重要(matters)。increase 增加;match 匹配;improve改善;matter 要紧。 .语法填空 (2020 河南周口期中) Procrastination(拖延)is the avoidance of doing a task which needs to be done. Basically what that means is putting off what can be done today until tomorrow.

49、Procrastination may result in late or incomplete work. With procrastination, many a result1(occur). Procrastination has its advantages and2(drawback), but too much procrastination can be harmful. Often we try to hide our avoidance by being very busy doing interesting, and even useful things,3do not

50、contribute to the main goal. One example would be writing this paper the night before the deadline. By waiting, the grammar, spelling, and even my name may4(overlook) in a rush. This problem can be solved by not procrastinating and allowing yourself enough time to proofread. People procrastinate for


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