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1、2021.1 (考试时间70 分钟) 听力部分(听力部分(3030 分)分) 一、听录音,一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项,选出你所听到的选项,将其序号写在题前括号内将其序号写在题前括号内(听两遍)(听两遍) (1010 分)分) ()1. A. hardB. highC. heavy ( ( )2.C. ( )3. A.B. C. pretty ( )4. A. push B. pudding ( )5. A. ready B. really B. littleC. read ( )6. A. letter B. CanadaC. live ( )7. A.fridge Russia B. f

2、riendC. Greece ( )8. A. B. parentsC. afraid ( )9. A. presents )10. A. sick A. go art out room B. softC. please B. come music out room C. second C. get computer out room 二、二、听录音听录音, ,判断下列图片意思是否与所听内容相符,判断下列图片意思是否与所听内容相符,相符的用相符的用“T”“T”表示,表示,不相同不相同 的用的用“F”“F”表示。表示。 (听两遍)(听两遍) (5 5 分)分) ()()()()() 三、听录音,

3、根据所听到的问题,选择正确的应答。三、听录音,根据所听到的问题,选择正确的应答。 (听两遍)(听两遍) (5 5 分)分) ( ( )1.A.B.C. ( )2.A. No, A. He makes there isnt. B. No, He has they arent. C. Yes,there ( )3.B. a big lunch. ( )4. )5. A. Theyre A. Yes, Coffee. he does. farmers. cards. B. Shesa cook.C. She B. No, Tea. she doesnt.C. He eats the are. tur

4、key. C. No, likes fishing. Orange he isnt. juice. 四、听录音,根据所听到的对话和问题,选择正确答案。四、听录音,根据所听到的对话和问题,选择正确答案。 (听两遍(听两遍 ) (共(共 5 5 分)分) ( ( )1.A. ( )2.A. Su Hai.B. B. SuC. ( )3.A. 24. B. 18. Yang. C. Me. ( )4. )5. A. She goes A. The Adog. green swimming. one.B. She makes cakes.C. 42. B. The Arabbit. blue one.

5、C. She watches TV. C. The Aparrot. black one. 第 1 页 2020-2021无锡市六年级英语上册期末调研试卷 五、听录音,根据听到的短文内容,填入所缺单词(听三遍五、听录音,根据听到的短文内容,填入所缺单词(听三遍)(5)(5 分)分) Han Mei likes New YearsDay(元旦). In the morning, she wakes up _. She _shopping(购物) with her parents. They _ some _ and presents. Then they go to Han Meis grand

6、parents_ and have a big _with them. In the afternoon, Han Mei_with her cousins. They are really _. In the evening, Han Mei writes an _ to her e-friend, Peter. She tells _ a lot about New YearsDay. 笔试部分(笔试部分(7070 分)分) 六、找出划线部分发音不同的那个单词,将序号写在题前括号内(每空六、找出划线部分发音不同的那个单词,将序号写在题前括号内(每空1 1分,共分,共5 5分)分) () 1

7、.A. cakeB. niceC. cinemaD. ice () 2.A. usB. butC. summerD. put () 3.A.flyB. yourC. yellowD. year () 4.A. subjectB. juiceC. getD. jump () 5.A. isB. looksC. bearsD. grows 七、根据提示,在横线上写出该单词的正确形式七、根据提示,在横线上写出该单词的正确形式 (每空(每空 0.50.5 分,共分,共 1515 分)分) 1. How many(library) are there in your school? There(be)

8、only one. 2. Helen and Nancy(swim) every day in summer. They are good at _(swim) . 3. There(be)any soup on the table. Please give _ (I ) some. 4. Spring is the_(one) season of a year.I like climbing with(you). 5.At weekends, Su Yangalways _(chat) with her friends on the Internet. She likes _(chat).

9、6. The farmer _(have) a kangaroo. It can _(jump) high. 7. Look at that animals _ (foot). They are very small. 8. Let Jim _ (show) _(she) around the school. 9. Our father _ (buy) some beautiful dolls for _(we) every birthday. 10. There is a _two big trees(房子在两棵大树中间). 11. My mother is a good writer.Sh

10、e always_ (写故事) at home every day. 12. _ _(当心),Billy! There is a hole in the ice. 13. _ a _(等一会儿), Helen. Let me send a message. 14. Su Hai and Su Yang_ _ the river(坐在河旁)。 Su Hai likes _ _ (坐在旁边)Su Yang. 15. _ (明天) is Christmas. Im so happy. 八、选择填空,从八、选择填空,从ABCABC三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其序号填写在题前括号内(每空三个选项中选出最

11、佳答案,并将其序号填写在题前括号内(每空1 1分,共分,共 1515分)分) ( ( ) 1. There _ some milk and some apples in the fridge. A. areB. doC. is ) 2. Dont push me. The floor is too _. Ouch! A. wetB. softC. heavy 第 2 页 ( ( ( ) 3. I like watching films very much, but my sister_. A. isntB. doesntC. dont ) 4. The man has_ bread_ milk

12、 . Heshungry and thirsty. A. some; andB. no; andC. no; or ) 5. -_ your cousin a student? - Yes,he _ hard at school. A.Does; studiesB. Does; studyC. Is; studies ) 6._ is very popular in the US. _ is very popular in China. A. Football ; TabletennisB. Football ; Basketball C. Basketball ; Tabletennis )

13、7. My sister and I _ like playing ball games. I _ like drawing. A. all; tooB. both; alsoC. both; too ) 8. I have two pets. _ is a dog, _ is a goldfish. A. One; twoB. One; otherC. One; the other ) 9.-Is there _ juice in the glass? -Yes,there is _. A. some; someB. some; anyC. any; some ) 10. In _, peo

14、ple call a firefighter a “fireman”. A. the USB. the UKC.Australia ) 11. Mary isnt at school today.Whats wrong with _? A. youB. sheC. her ) 12.-I cant find my pencil. -_. Let me help you. A. LetshurryB. Dont worryC. Look out )13. Billy cant play _ piano, but he can playfootball. A. / ; theB. the ; /C

15、. the ; the )14. -Whats your hobby? -. A. I like bananas.B. I like running.C. I likeArt. )15. -What do you do on birthday? -First,. Next,. Then,. Finally,. a. cut a cakeb. make a wishc. sing a songd. eat the cake A. c-a-b-dB. b-c-a-dC. c-b-a-d ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 九、从九、从 II II栏中找出与栏中找出与 I I栏内容匹配的选项,将

16、其序号写在题前括号内(每空栏内容匹配的选项,将其序号写在题前括号内(每空1 1分,共分,共 1010分)分) A AI III II () 1. Merry Christmas, Jim!A. Youcan have some juice. () 2. Letsgo to see Father Christmas.B. Yes,he does. () 3. Look! Theresa swing over there.C. Shall we go and play on it? () 4. Im thirsty,Mum.D. Great! () 5. Does he like eating p

17、udding?E. Merry Christmas! B B ( ( ( ( ( I I ) 1. What does your father do after work? ) 2. What do they like doing in autumn? ) 3. Where does Peter live? ) 4. What does your aunt do? ) 5.Are there any books on the desk? 第 3 页 II II A. No, there arent. B. He lives inAustralia. C. They like having pi

18、cnics. D. He often goes to the cinema. E. Shesa bus driver. 十、根据思维导图,完成下列问题(每空十、根据思维导图,完成下列问题(每空 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分)分) A. 补全短文 Mary is a girl. Now she lives in Wuxi.At weekends, she always has _ lessons. She can dance very well. Mrs Xu is her _ teacher.She often helps Mary learn(学) her Chinese after

19、class. Her father is a _, and he _in the _. B. 回答问题 1. How old is Mary? _ 2. Is Mary from the UK? _ 3. Does Mary have an animal friend? _ 4. What does her mother do? _ 5. What do you usually do at weekends?(按照实际情况回答) _ 十一、根据首字母和上下文提示,填入所缺单词,使短文完整(每空十一、根据首字母和上下文提示,填入所缺单词,使短文完整(每空0.50.5分,共分,共5 5分)分) I

20、 usually vmy uncle on Saturdays. He dwork at weekends, thirty. it rains, we of so we often go to the zoo. We have lunch in KFC at e Athat, we take a walk(散步) nthe lake. S stay at the house and m the house. My uncle grows a l fruit salads. Theres a small garden in f of beautiful f 第 4 页 in it. 十二、阅读理

21、解(十二、阅读理解(1010 分)分) A.A. 阅读短文,判断下列句子意思是否与文章相符,相符的用阅读短文,判断下列句子意思是否与文章相符,相符的用“T”“T” 表示,不相符的用表示,不相符的用“F”“F” 表示(每空表示(每空1 1分,分, 共共5 5分)分) to go What for a walk do you or do play at football. weekends? My Some friend people Mary works like to in stay an office at home, but others like Monday Saturday to s

22、he Friday. does At housework weekends at she home always and on does Sunday the same she (相同的) (办公室) from drives to the things village( .On 乡 村)with her children. Marys father and mother have a farm there .It isnt a big one, but give theres them them a big their always dinner. food much .At to the d

23、o end on of the the farm. day, The they children are all hungry help with and the Grandma animals gives and ( ( )1.All the people like to stay at ( )2. )3. Mary On Sunday, works Mary in a hospital. home at weekends. always goes to the farm with her children by car. ( ( )4. )5. The Mary children and

24、her feed( children 喂)the dont animals have on dinner the farm. on the farm. B.B.阅读短文,选择正确答案,将其序号写在题前括号内(每空阅读短文,选择正确答案,将其序号写在题前括号内(每空 long A hair, lot of so people sometimes in America you dont are know wearing 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分) who the same clothes, and many of them have down One side( on day, a c

25、hair an old man goes for a walk in are a park, men and and when( who are 当 women. ) he is tired, he sits him, 另一面) of the beside pool.“My a pool( dear!” 池塘). The He old sees man a young says to person the person standing next to on the other girl?” “Do you see that person in a red sweater and with l

26、ong hair? Is it a (紧挨着) boy or a “A “Oh?” boy,” says says the his old neighbor man, “ ( Im 邻近的人 sorry, ).“He I dont is know my son.” you ( “Im ) not,” 1. A says lot the other person.“Im his father.” are his mother.” () 2. In A. America, America of people in _ it is hard B. England are to tell a boy

27、C. wearing or a Russia the same D. clothes. Greece () 3. The A. eyes person standing B. nose on the other C. side hair girl of and by( the clothes 通过) a persons _. pool is D. ears () 4. When A. a girl the old man B. a is boy tired, he sits C. down a man on a chair D. _. next a woman to a () 5. The A. boy old man thinks B. girl his neighbour C. is the man young persons D. woman _. mother maybe(也 许) because _. A. B. his neighbor C. his neighbor is wears pretty. a D. he he has is very long old hair. long dress. and he cant tell a boy or a girl. 第 5 页


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