人教版(新起点)一年级上册Unit 3 Animal-lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级公开课-(编号:000b4).zip

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SaturdaySunday cheese eggs meat milk yogurt This Saturday/Sunday, I want some , and for breakfast. I want some, and for lunch. I want some , and for dinner. They are good for me / healthy. Fruit Veg etab les Grain food Protein food Dairy apples bananas pears oranges bread rice mantou noodles carrots potatoes tomatoes tofu fish chicken meat eggs cheese yogurt milk BreakfastLunch Dinner Fruit Veg etab les Grain food Protein food Dairy apples bananas pears oranges bread rice mantou noodles carrots potatoes tomatoes tofu fish chicken meat eggs cheese yogurt milk Fruit Veg etab les Grain food Protein food Dairy apples bananas pears oranges bread rice mantou noodles carrots potatoes tomatoes tofu fish chicken meat eggs cheese yogurt milk Healthy: No waste: Unit 3 Healthy Food 第二课时课时 meat potatoes fish tomatoes cheese oranges noodles bread bananas cake pears mantou chicken apples tofu eggs yogurt carrots ice cream rice milk What food do you like? I like because its / they are it / they can What food do you like? I like because its / they are it / they can I think and are Good health is over wealth. 健康是最大的财富。 作者姓名性别 出生年月工作单位 联系电话电子邮箱 教科书书名人民教育出版社义务教育教科书英语(一年级起点) 所教年级三年级所教册次、单元三年级上册 Unit3 Food 设计主题Unit3-Food Lesson2- Healthy Food 指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准指出语言是交流的工具,也是思维的工具。思维品质体现英语学科 核心素养的心智特征。国家教育部总督学陶西平指出现代教育更加注重培养学习品质,在 课堂中要倡导以问题为纽带,发展学生的发散思维和勇于表达的思维品质。 所以在本课英语教学中,教师努力创设真实活动情境和问题情境,给学生动口、动脑 的实践机会,充分发挥学生的主体性,学生在辩论声和质疑声中,发散性思维、批判性思维、 逻辑性性思维、创造性思维得到发展。 内容分析内容分析 本课是 Unit 3 Food 单元的第二课时-会话课。本课在复习第一课时有关食物的词汇 基础上,与一上 “Fruit”, 一下 “Food” “Drinks” 以及二下 “My Day”几个单元的 语言知识相联系。健康饮食话题与五下 “Keeping Healthy”又有联系。本课教材中分了三 个板块: A 项是通过 Yaoyao 和爸爸妈妈在超市购物的场景,情景化地呈现本课的功能句:What do you want for .?及答句语:I want 并引导学生在语境中理解、学习和初步运用。 B 项是通过小组调查活动操练和巩固功能句 What do you want for .?及答语。为了给学生 提供更真实运用语言的机会,我把此活动改为创设去超市购物的场景,进行对话表演。 C 项是让学生通过描摹句子来体会句子的书写规范,为正确抄写句子和独立写句子打基 础。此活动安排在下一课时来完成。 学习者分析学习者分析 本班学生求知欲强,英语听说能力较强,喜欢表演,对自己身边的事物兴趣浓厚,尤其 是食物。开始对食物的种类、选择、购买甚至食物营养充满好奇。 所以教师设计了食物分类、情境猜测、去超市购物等教学活动,进行了相关的语言运 用。 教学目标(含重难点)教学目标(含重难点) 教学目标:教学目标: 1.学生能将常见食物依据五大类(grain food, fruits, vegetables, dairy, protein food )进行分类。 使用 I want They are .表达对三餐食物的选择,培养学生合理搭配三餐饮食的意识。 2.学生能够听懂讨论一日三餐的小对话,提取关键信息. 3.学生能够朗读小对话, 在较真实的情境中,运用所学功能句型 What do you want for breakfast/lunch/dinner? I want some and创编、表演小对话。 4.学生能够在食物分类、情境猜测、预测等活动中,大胆思考,用于表达的思维品质。 5.学生在选餐时,引导学生爱家人,知道选餐要适量,不浪费。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 学生创设、表演较真实的情境,运用所学语言合理挑选食物。 教学过程与资源设计教学过程与资源设计 课前唱歌曲Healthy food makes you smile 一、热身复习,食物分类。 1、复习食物词汇。 T: Today we are going to talk about food. First lets enjoy some food. 观看食物图片 T: So much delicious food. What food do you like? Why? S1: I like fish. Its delicious. Its healthy. I think it can make me clever. What about you? Pair work 设计意图:设计意图: 课前学生伴随轻松的音乐,演唱有关健康食物的歌曲,很快便进入到了轻松、快乐的学 习氛围中来。教师引导学生谈论自己喜爱某种食物的原因时,知道喜欢某种食物不仅可以是 因为美味,还可以是因为它能给身体带来健康。 2、将食物词汇分类。 T: If you want to eat healthy, How can we choose food? S1:We can choose food from the five food groups. 学生齐读食物五大类:Grain food, Fruit, Vegetables, Dairy, Protein food (教师将五大类词 汇贴板书) (1)教师示范食物分类。 T: I think eggs are protein food. Which food is grain food? (找一学生到前面贴词,边贴边说) (2) Discuss in pairs. (3)请学生在黑板边贴词卡边说。 (提醒其他学生判断正确与否) 设计意图:设计意图: 学生将常见食物进行分类,在发言学生表述类别时,其他学生要进行判断,如有不同见 解,可以提出 I dont think so. 或 I want to say more.大胆阐述自己的见解。 二、对话学习 1、看图讨论 T: I think you can choose healthy food for meals: breakfast,lunch, dinner. How about our friend? Lets have a look. Who are they? Where are they? What do they want to do? (They want to buy food.) Why do they want to buy food? Can you guess? (Maybe they are hungry/ Maybe they ) 2、第一遍观看对话视频 学生观看第一遍视频,了解到 Yaoyao 一家在超市为晚餐挑选食物。 T: What do they want to buy food? S: Because they want to buy food for dinner. How do you know that? (Because mum says, What do you want for dinner? ) 板书: What do you want for dinner? 教读 dinner, 帮助学生理解 dinner. When do you eat dinner? 设计意图:设计意图: 观看视频前,请学生观看主题图,推测为什么 Yaoyao 一家要买食物?学生带着任务, 观看对话视频,后验证,意在在培养学生的思维逻辑性和批判性。 3、第二遍观看对话视频 (1)学习句型 I want some tomatoes and eggs. T: What do they want for dinner? Lets watch again. S: They want some tomatoes, eggs, meat and potatoes. Who wants tomatoes and eggs? 板书 I want some tomatoes and eggs. What dish does dad want to eat? 出示 tomatoes and eggs I want some potatoes and meat. What dish does Yaoyao want? 出示 potatoes and meat. 书写板书。 (2)讨论 师生讨论 What will mum buy? 可能有的学生会说妈妈选某种食物,是因为喜欢吃。也有的学生会认为,Yaoyao 和 Dad 挑选了蔬菜和肉类(蛋白质食物) ,妈妈会选水果、谷物类、奶制品类,以达到均衡营 养饮食。 设计意图:设计意图: 第二遍观看对话视频,关注的是细节,如 Yaoyao 和 Dad 分别想买什么食物?对话没有 提到妈妈想买什么?教师让学生猜测妈妈会买什么食物?为什么?学生各抒己见,运用 I think Mum wantsbecause大胆猜测,以培养学生思维的创造性。 4、第三遍 听录音 T: Now lets listen and repeat. (1) 听录音跟读对话 (2) Pair work 朗读对话 三、拓展活动 1、创设情境,创编、表演对话。 T: Yaoyaos family buys food for dinner. I want some food too. Who wants to go with me? (1) 师生示范表演对话 (2) Group work T: OK. Now, you can go with your mom, dad, or grandmother. Buy some food. (3) 对话展示 设计意图:设计意图: 教师根据教材内容,创设了去超市购买食物的场景,鼓励学生在此情境中运用本节课 所学的主要句型 What do you want for dinner/ lunch/ breakfast? I want .大胆进行操练,灵活 加以运用。在购买食物时,教师引导学生关爱家人,为家人挑选适合、健康的食物,同时 渗透要选择适量的食物,不浪费。学生借助于教师准备的实物,进行了大量的语言运用活 动,孩子们在愉悦的心境中提升了语言运用能力。 2、制作新年三餐计划 (1)教师示范 T: We all want to eat delicious and healthy food. New Years Day is coming. Lets make a meal plan for New Years Day. On New Years Day, I want some .for breakfast./ lunch/ dinner. (2)学生制作新年三餐计划 (3)同伴互说,评价。 (4)反馈。 设计意图:设计意图: 教师根据新年快到了的真实情景,请学生为自己或家人制作新年三餐计划,要合理选择 实物,均衡营养搭配。基于有意义的情景,学生综合运用语言的能力得到提升。 四、课后小结 T: Today we talk about how to choose healthy food for meals. You can tell your mom, what food do you want for New Years Day. Then go to the supermarket and buy. Homework 依据自己为家人制定的新年三餐计划,和父母一起去购买食物。 板书设计板书设计
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