人教版(新起点)五年级上册Unit 1 Classmates-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-(编号:80709).zip

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PEP(PEP(一年级起点一年级起点) )五年级上册五年级上册 Unit 1 Classmates(Lesson 3)教学设计教学设计 执教人:执教人: 单位:单位: 课文标题课文标题Lesson 3 单元名称单元名称Unit 1 Classmates 教材版本教材版本PEP(一年级起点五年级上册) 授课年级授课年级Grade 5 一、教材分析与教学整体思路设计一、教材分析与教学整体思路设计 本课为人教版小学英语(一年级起点)五年级上册第一单元第 3 课时的阅 读教学内容,分为读、说、写两部分。文章介绍了 Tom 的新朋友 Joe,通过介绍 Joe,让学生学习 active,clever,polite,quiet,polite,helpful,be good at 等词 汇以及句型 “He is.” , “Whats.like?” 因此,本课教学设计依据新课标的教学理念,遵循课堂设计的 SMART 原则, 结合我区开展的“三环五步”教学模式,从学生的生活出发,把词汇和句型融入 到语篇当中,让静态的文字变得生动起来,使学习的内容鲜活起来,将教学内容 内化到学生的认知结构中并将其转化成一定的语言表达能力,发展学生思维,为 学生的持续学习奠定基础,真正落实学以致用,实现让孩子“用英语做事情”的 教学目的。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 小学五年级的学生已经学习了四年的英语,在英语学习方面有了一定的接受 并处理信息的能力。他们大多聪明活泼,乐于思考,对直观的图片、生动有趣的 故事非常感兴趣。同时他们的自主意识逐渐加强,能够独立思考问题并能够完成 一定的作品,加之他们的表现欲强,愿意和同学分享自己的作品,这让他们更能 够积极参与到课堂活动中。 文中所涉及到的描述人物的外貌和性格的形容词和句型结构学生都已经学习 过。但有些内容如“be good at. walk his dog,”等内容对于他们来说还是新知,但 是学生乐于思考的特点有利于他们理解新知。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1、 知识目标知识目标 能够听、说、读、写本课重点单词active, clever, quiet, polite, helpful 以及句型:“He is”“He is good at” 能用 “He is”句型描述人物性格特征。 2、 能力目标能力目标 读懂文本,能熟练运用句型“He is”“He has”进行简单的介绍和描 述。 根据所学内容获取有效信息,掌握目标语言并进行简单的文本再构。 培养学生正确的语音语调,能大胆、自信地说英语,培养学生组织 语言、运用语言的能力,发展学生思维。 3、 情感目标情感目标 帮助学生了解朋友,关心朋友,激发朋友之间的友谊之情。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 1、从听、说、读、写四方面掌握句型:He is He is good at并能运用句型 进行简单的交流。 2、在情景中理解并掌握阅读部分的内容。 3、用目标语言进行简单的语篇构造。 五、教学方法五、教学方法 三环五步教学模式,整体语言教学法,任务型教学途径,全身动作反应法。 六、教具准备六、教具准备 电子课件、任务单 七、教学过程七、教学过程 StagesStepsActivitiesPurposes 1. GreetingGreet each other. 通过简单的对话, 创设轻松的英语课堂环 境,让学生渐渐融入英 语课堂。 Lets chant 通过 chant 活跃课 堂气氛。 Preparation 2. Preview Free talk Whats she/ he like? Whats he like? Is he/she helpful/? 通过 free talk 帮助 学生激活已学描述人物 的相关词汇与句型,为 接下来的文本阅读奠定 基础。 播放文本,让学生 整体感知文章内容,并 回答问题:Whats the name of Toms new friend ? 检查学生初步掌握 文本信息的情况。 1.Listen and answer阅读文本回答问题: Where is Joe from? Where does he live now? Whats Joe like? 通过任务呈现文本 的主要信息,鼓励学生 合力获得关于 Joe 的有 关信息。最后利用 chant 帮助学生巩固所学。 While-reading 2.Read and practice Read after the tape. Read it by yourself. 再读文本通过跟读、 自读,让学生再次整体 感知文章内容,为接下 来师生合力完成学习任 务打好基础。 Activity 1 Tick or cross 通过完成 Tick or Cross 的任务,检测学 生整体把握文章的能力。 Activity 2 Fill in the blanks 学生通过相关提示 完成文章填空能够有效 检测学生对文本的把握 情况。 Activity 3 Retell the passage according to the tips on the blackboard. 让学生体会到思维 导图对于把握文章整体 的引导作用,同时也是 完成语言从输入到输出 的过程。 1. Introduce your friend. First watch a video. My friend. And then ask students to discuss and describe their friends. 通过让学生介绍自 己的朋友,检查学生对 本单元所学内容的输出 情况,验证教学效果。 同时培养学生综合运用 语言的能力,综合评价 教学目标的达成,夯实 课堂教学实效。Production(P ost-reading) Extension 2.Homework Level 1 Read the passage fluently. Level2 Read the passage fluently. Introduce Joe to your friends. Level3 Read the 有效的家庭作业设 计能鼓励学生在课外运 用英语,在日常生活活 动中发展英语交流能力, 培养自信心。 同时,分层作业更 能够让全体同学都有事 可做,都有所满足,从 passage fluently. Introduce Joe to your friends.Introduce your friend to your parents or grandparents. 而体会到学习英语的乐 趣。 八、板书设计 Unit 1 Classmates Lesson 3 Joe helpful active clever quiet polite answer questions play football good at science like reading like thinking say “hello” and “thank you” clean the car Walk Toms dog Play with Coco 九、教学反思九、教学反思 本课是阅读教学,因此我采用 Pre-reading, While-reading 和 Post-reading 三 个步骤来进行教学。同时,我积极发挥教师的积极作用,以学生为主体,采用 具有我区特色的三环五步教学模式、任务型教学途径、整体语言教学法以及全 身动作反应法来激发学生的学习兴趣,带领学生完成输入、内化到输出的教学 过程,熟练掌握文本信息,发散学生思维,培养学生能力。 1 1、主题明确,循序渐进。、主题明确,循序渐进。 本节课中,我以“朋友”为主线,从 Warm up 环节中师生对话激活学生已 学关于描述人物的单词及句型,到介绍 Tom 的新朋友 Joe,以及最后的介绍朋 友的环节,做到逐步铺垫、层层递进。 2 2、任务驱动,自主学习。、任务驱动,自主学习。 任务型教学途径强调,教师在学生的学习过程中要引导学生参与、体验、 互动、交流与合作。基于此,本节课我设计了 Read and answer, Tick or cross, Fill in the blanks, Retell the story 以及 Introduce your friend 五个任务。让学生在 任务中感知文本、获取文本信息、完成文本输出任务。 3 3、思维导图,重点突出。、思维导图,重点突出。 本课板书采用思维导图形式,重点突出,同时能够帮助学生勾勒出整体文 本结构,完成复述任务。 4 4、作业设置,有效巩固。、作业设置,有效巩固。 有效的家庭作业设计能鼓励学生在课外运用英语,在日常生活中发展英语 交流能力,培养自信心。同时,分层作业更能够让全体同学都有事可做,都有 所满足,从而体会到学习英语的乐趣。 Activity sheet Name: Activity 1 Tick or cross Read and tick or cross. ( )1. Joe is active. ( )2. Joe is good at Chinese. ( )3. Joe likes reading. ( )4. Joe is careless. ( )5.Joe often says “Hello” and “Thank you”. ( )6. Coco is Toms dog. ( )6. Joe, Tom and Coco are good friends. Activity 2 Fill in the blanks. (1) Joe often answers questions in English class. He is . (2) Joe is good at science. He is . (3) Sometimes Joe is . He likes reading and thinking. (4) He often says “Hello” and “Thank you” to everyone in the family. He is . (5) He often helps Toms family. He is . Activity 3 Retell the story Retell the passage according to the tips on the blackboard. Activity 4 My friend. Introduce your friend. (介绍你的朋友) Eg: My name is This is my friend. His /Her name is . He / She is He/ She has .He / She is He / She is . He / She can . Word bank: tall, short, thin, fat, strong, old, young, funny, hard-working, helpful, strict, clever, polite, shy, friendly, kind, quiet. speak Chinese, speak English, clean the room. 附文本附文本 Unit 1 Classmates Lesson 3 PEPPEP小学英语小学英语( (一年级起点一年级起点) )五年级上册五年级上册 I can chant! Mary, Mary,whats Mary like? Cute,cute,she is cute. Peter,Peter,whats Peter like? Popular, popular, he is popular. Helen, Helen, whats Helen like? Polite, polite, she is polite. Tom,Tom, whats Tom like? Clever,clever, he is clever. Whats Toms new friends name? Whats Toms new friends name? His name is _. Joe 1.Where is Joe from? 2.Where does Joe live now? 1.Where is Joe from? 2.Where does Joe live now? Whats Joe like? Whats Joe like? Whats Joe like? Whats Joe like? Listen and read Activity 1 Tick or cross ( )1. Joe is active. ( )2. Joe is good at Chinese. ( )3. Joe likes reading. ( )4. Joe is careless. ( )5. Joe often says “Hello” and “Thank you”. ( )6. Coco is Toms dog. ( )7. Joe, Tom and Coco are good friends. (1)Joe often answers questions in English class. He is . (2)Joe is good at science. He is . (3)Sometimes Joe is . He likes reading and thinking. (4)He often says “Hello” and “Thank you” to everyone in the family. He is . (5)He often helps Toms family. He is . Activity 2 Fill in the blanks (1)Joe often answers questions in English class. He is active . (2)Joe is good at science. He is clever . (3)Sometimes Joe is quiet . He likes reading and thinking. (4)He often says “Hello” and “Thank you” to everyone in the family. He is polite . (5)He often helps Toms family. He is helpful . Activity 2 Fill in the blanks Activity 3 Introduce Joe Tip: You can get help from the mind-map on the blackboard. Activity 4 Write a title for the text My friend Hello,my name is _. This is my friend. His/Her name is _. He/She is _. He/She has _. He/She is _. He/She is _. He/She can _. Introduce your friend Rememer: A friend in need is a friend indeed! (患难见真情!)(患难见真情!) Homework Level 1 Read the passage fluently. Level 2 Read the passage fluently. Introduce Joe to your friends. Level 3 Read the passage fluently. Introduce Joe to your friends. Introduce your friend to your parents or grandparents.
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