人教版(新起点)五年级上册Unit 4 Shopping Day-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级公开课-(编号:b1da5).zip

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    • Unit 4 Shopping Day Lesson2.ppt--点击预览
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    • 结束歌曲.mp4
    • 背景音乐.mp4
    • 购物中心.wmv


book exercise sharpenerpencil scissors a pair of 9/1/2021 box pencil crayonsa box of bookexercise scissorsa pair of crayonsa box of Can I help you? Yes, please. I want to buy (要买的物品)(要买的物品) Yes, please. I want (要买的物品)(要买的物品) Task 1 : Watch the video and circle the new words . (观看视频并圈出生单词) Saleswoman: Good morning. Can I help you? Binbin: Yes. I want to buy a presents for my friend. Saleswoman: What about a model car? Binbin: Yes, thats great. He loves cars. How much is it? Saleswoman: Its 30 yuan. Binbin: OK, I ll take it. Thanks a lot. buy saleswoman salesman Task 2 : Read the dialogues follow the video and find this question.(跟随视频读对话并找 到以下问题) What does Binbin want to buy? 9/1/2021 What about this/these? Yes. thats /those are great. No. I dont like it/them. Task 3 : Read the dialogues together and find this question.(齐读对话并找到以下 问题) How much is the model car? How much is it?(单数)(单数) Itsyuan. How much are they?(复数)(复数) Theyreyuan. Task 4 : Please dub for the video(请分为男女生为对话配音) Can I help you? Yes ,I want a pencil sharpener. pencil pencil sharpenersharpener What about this one? Thats great. Its 10 yuan. ¥? How much is it? ¥10 OK!Here you are. I like it. I will take it. Thanks a lot. S:Can I help you? C:Yes, I want to buy/want C:How much is it/are they? S:Its/Theyreyuan. C: OK!I will take S:OK! Here you are. S:What about? C:Its /Theyre Home work : 1.Read this dialogues fluently. (熟读对话)(熟读对话) 2.Write this dialogues and translate them.(书写并翻译对话)(书写并翻译对话) 3. Make a dialogues about shopping. . (自己仿照编写对话(自己仿照编写对话)选作选作 Module /Topic 模块及话题模块及话题 Shopping Day Lesson 2 Type of lesson 课型课型 Period 2 新授 Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 知识目标: 学生能够学习关于购物的句型 Can I help you?Yes, please.I want.How much is it/are they?Its/They are.yuan. 能够理解、会说用来询问商品价格的功能句并学会在情境中使用。 情感目标: 能够理解并会说有关购物的对话并在日常生活中运用购物的交 际用语。 学习策略目标: 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。 Difficulties Analysis 教学难点分析教学难点分析 教学重点: 能够学习有关购物的句型 Can I help you?Yes, please.I want.How much is it/are they?Its/They are.yuan.并在情境中使用。 教学难点: 能够在相应情景下使用本单元所学的句型。 Teaching Aids/Media 主要教学媒体主要教学媒体 教学挂图,教学投影片,CD-ROM,课件等 Teaching Resource 教学资源教学资源 教学挂图,教学投影片,CD-ROM,课件等 Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activity & Steps of the activity 教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤 Purpose 设计意图 Step 1. Warming up Sing the song of this unit. Step 2.Leading-in a. What do you do in your free time? b. Lets watch the video(由问题引入视频,由视频引入课 题) Step 3.Revision a. Read the words we learned b. Filling the blanks c. 由教师扮演售货员引入问句并请学生回答。 Can I help you?Yes, please.I want. d. 由教师问,学生根据实物回答,重点练习答句 I want. Step 4.Presentation and Practice a. 请一位学生扮演售货员,教师扮演顾客引入新授答句 I want. Can I help you?Yes, please.I want. b. 由教师问,学生根据实物答,重点练习答句 I want. c. 同桌问答 d. 导入图片提问 Where are they? What toys can you see? How much are they? e. 观看视频,在学生提问后教师讲解生词。 f. 跟随视频读对话并找到这两个问题。What does Binbin want to buy? What about this thing?(由第二句引入 what about.句型,并进行分组操练,拓展否定回答的方法。 ) What about.? No, I dont like it. g. 由文具引入新授句型 How much is it?How much are they? Its.yuan. Theyre.yuan. h. 通过分角色配音,再次对对话进行巩固。 Step 5.Extension a. 在图片中创设一组购物情境,请学生做一组新对话。 (对 A B 部分进行整合) b. 和同桌利用自己的物品或老师商店的物品编一组新对 话。 Step 5.Summary Step 5.Homework a. 熟读 A 部分。 b. 仿照 A 部分编写对话 由问答自然引入课 题。 在情境中教授对话。 通过魔法手游戏重 点操练问句。 通过猜价格游戏巩 固问句并引入答句。 通过同桌实物问答, 再次对对话进行巩 固。 Designing on the board: 板书板书 Unit 4 Shopping Day Lesson2 Can I help you?Yes, please.I want. How much is it?Its.yuan. How much are they?Theyre.yuan. 1 20 yuan
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