陕旅版三年级上册Unit 5 I have a bag.-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:f0773).zip

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  • 陕旅2011课标版三年级起点_三年级上册(2012年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 I have a bag._Part B_ppt课件_(含教案)_部级优课_(编号:f0773)
    • What do you have 课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案f0773.doc--点击预览


yo-yo doll football magic cube Yo-yo, yo-yo ,I have a yo-yo. Doll, doll, I have a doll. Football, football, I have a football. Magic cube, magic cube, I have a magic cube. Lets chant Ask and answer What do you have ? I have a. yo-yo doll football magic cube Group work What do you have? I have a. I have a . I have a . I have a . What do you have ? What do you have ? I have a yo-yo, I have a yo-yo. What do you have ? What do you have ? I have a doll. I have a doll. What do you have ? What do you have ? I have a football. I have a football. What do you have ? What do you have ? I have a magic cube. I have a magic cube. Lets chant objects name Wu Zhen Wang Guoli Zhu Yizhou Liu Siyu (家庭作业家庭作业)Ask your friends and complete the table. (问一问你的朋友,完成下列表格。)问一问你的朋友,完成下列表格。) Model(Model(示范示范):): -Wang Guoli ,What do you have? - I have a yo-yo. Homework 1 WhatWhat dodo youyou have?have?教学设计(第一课时)教学设计(第一课时) 教学内容:教学内容: 陕西旅游出版社小学英语第一册 Lesson 9 What do you have?第 一课时 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本节课教授的内容是陕西旅游出版社小学英语三年级起第一册 Lesson 9What do you have?第一课时。学习的主要内容有单词 yo- yo, football, magic cube, doll,以及新句型 What do you have? I have . 教材切近生活实际,注重激发和培养学生学语言的兴趣, 通过形式多样的话题,丰富多彩的语境活动,让学生在真实的语言环 境中巩固和练习本节课的重点单词 yo-yo, football, magic cube, doll,以及会说新句型 What do you have? I have . 二、设计思想:二、设计思想: 1、以能力为宗旨,层层突破。 本节课以课件、实物引出单词 yo-yo, football, magic cube, doll。以活动、游戏形式引出询问及其应答的句型:What do you have? I have .然后引导学生用英语表达所学话题。在让学生掌 握本节课单词的同时,实现由单词教学自然过渡到句型、对话教学 的目的,培养学生的语言运用能力。 2、联系生活实际,体现语言的交际性。 通过引导学生介绍自己有什么以及询问对方有什么,要求学生 用所学英语,实现由课堂语言向生活语言的转变,提高学生的英语 交流能力。 3、渗透情感教育,培养人文情怀。 增强学生学习英语的兴趣与自信心,体验学习成就感,形成积 极的学习态度。引导学生养成良好的学习习惯,把英语教学与情感 教育有机结合起来,实现情感的升华。 三、知识与技能三、知识与技能 2 1、知识目标 (1)能听懂会说、会认读单词 yo-yo, football, magic cube, doll. (2)能听懂、会说、会读句型 What do you have? I have a . 2、技能目标: 会用 What do you have?询问,并会用 I have a .做应答。 3、情感目标: (1)培养学生小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助共同完成 学习任务。 (2)增强学生学习英语的兴趣与自信心,体验学习成就感,形 成积极的学习态度。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1、认读单词 yo-yo, football, magic cube, doll. 2、学会用新句型 What do you have? I have .询问别人有 什么及其应答。 五五教学准备:教学准备: 单词卡片、图片、课件、书、实物等。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Sing an English song “How are you?” 设计说明课前,学生齐唱歌曲 How are you?努力营造英语 学习氛围。 StepStep 1 1 FreeFree TalkTalk T: Hello, boys and girls. Today I am your new teacher, my family name is Bai,so you can call me Miss. Ss:Bai. T: Hello,boys and girls. Ss: Hello,Miss Bai. T:Nice to meet you . Ss: Nice to meet you,too. 3 T: How are you? Ss: Fine, thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too. Thank you. And are you happy today? Ss: Yes, we are happy. T:I am happy,too. 设计说明上课开始,用以前所学内容和学生进行简单交谈, 既复习了旧知识,又拉近了师生之间的距离,营造了轻松、和谐的学 习氛围,使学生很快进入学习英语的状态。 Step2:Step2: Warming-upWarming-up T: Boys and girls, do you like playing games? Ss: Yes. T: OK, Lets do “Simon says” game.If you do a wrong action,you will sit down.Are you clear? Ss:Yes. T:Are you ready? Ss: Yes, Im ready. T: Simons says: Stand up, please. Simons says: Show me your pen. Simons says:Show me your ruler. T:Lets count. T:Which team is the winner? Ss:Team. 设计说明利用孩子喜欢做游戏的天性,设计教学活动,以 鼓励更多的学生加入到学英语的行列,提高学生的学习积极性,同时 复习了上节课所学单词,为新课的导入做好铺垫。 StepStep 2 2:PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice 1 1、学习单词、学习单词 yo-yoyo-yo ,doll,doll, footballfootball 4 (1)(出示实物)T: Oh, look, whats this? Ss: Its a book. T: And whats this? Ss:Its a chair. T: Yes, you are right. Its a pen. Its my pen .I have a pen. Yes or no? Ss: Yes. T: I have some more things here. Do you want to see? Ss: Yes. (2)(出示课件)T: Look, this is my yo-yo. Please read after me, yo-yo. yo-yo. (老师边领读边带上手势表示声调、降 调。 ) T:OK, now Team1,can you read? Ss: Yes. Yo-yo, yo-yo. T: Team2, can you read ? Ss: Yes,yo-yo,yo-yo. T: Team3,can you read ? Ss:Yes. Yo-yo,yo-yo. T: Team4, can you read ? Ss: Yes. Yo-yo,yo-yo. T: Can you spell it ,please? Ss: Yes. Y-o-y-o, yo-yo. 板书:yo-yo(同样方法学习单词 doll, football 并板书) 设计说明由于三年级学生接触英语的时间短,书写教学刚 刚起步,所以我提前打好四线三格,引导、示范学生正确、规范书 写。 (3) (出示课件)Listen, look and repeat (学生边听录音,边跟读。) 5 设计说明这一教学环节再一次巩固了本节课的单词教学内 容,跟读磁带,也使学生有机会接触、模仿地道的英语。 2 2、学习单词、学习单词 magicmagic cubecube (1)listen,look and repeat (2)做游戏 T: Boys and girls, do you like playing games? Ss: Yes. T: We play “hideand-seek” game. OK. Ill hide two magic cubes, and Ill ask two pupils to look for them, at the same time, the other pupils say “magic cube” from a low voice to a laud voice till they find the two magic cubes. The pupil who finds the magic cube first is the winner. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T: Are you ready? Ss; Yes, Im ready. T: OK, lets start. 设计说明游戏缓解了学生课堂学习的疲劳,复习和巩固了 本课的难读单词 magic cube,调动了学生的学习积极性。 3 3、巩固所学单词、巩固所学单词 (1)看口型,大、小声读单词。 T: Now lets check.Look at my mouth, I read in a low voice, you read in a loud voice. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T; Good, lets start. (2)单词图片贴在对应的单词旁。 T:(出示单词图片)Look, whats this? Ss: Its a yo-yo. T: Yes, youre right. Who can put the picture beside 6 the correct word? Just like this.(老师示范将图片贴在 yo-yo 旁,同样方法巩固 doll, football, magic cube.)Can you do it? Ss:Yes. 设计说明将图片贴在相应的单词旁边,综合地考察了学生对 单词的理解和认读情况。 4 4、学习新句型、学习新句型 I I havehave a.a. (1)T:(实物演示)Whats this ? Ss: Its a yo-yo /doll/football/ magic cube. T: Yes, you are right .Its my yo-yo/ doll /football / magic cube . Its not your yo-yo /doll /football / magic cube . Its my yo-yo /doll /football /magic cube. So I have a yo-yo/doll/football /magic cube. 板书:I have a. 设计说明:利用实物引出新句型 I have a.从单词教学 自然过渡到句型教学。 (2)Lets chant T:(出示课件)Do you like chant? Ss: Yes. T: Show me your hands. Lets chant together. OK? Ss: OK. T:(边说唱边有节奏地拍手) Yo-yo, yo-yo ,I have a yo-yo. Doll, doll, I have a doll. Football, football, I have a football. Magic cube, magic cube ,I have a magic cube . 设计说明chant 节奏感强,学生喜闻乐见,容易掌握,兴 趣浓厚,同时巩固了所学单词和句型。 5 5、学习新句型、学习新句型 WhatWhat dodo youyou have?have? (1)T:(实物演示)Look, I have a . Ss: Yo-yo. 7 T; Yes, youre right. I have a yo-yo. And I have a . Ss: Doll. T: Oh,look, I have a yo-yo ,a doll ,a football ,and a magic cube. I have so many things here, now let me see “what do you have?” 板书:What do you have? 6 6、PracticePractice (1)ask and answer T:Boys and girls,can you ask me “what do you have?” Ss:Yes. (出示课件) T:Its my turn to ask you“what do you have?” What do you have? Ss:I have a yo-yo. ask and answer between Team1,2and Team 3,4 ask and answer between the teacher and S1 or S2 T:S1, what do you have? S1:I have a . T:S2, what do you have? S2:I have a. T: S3, what do you have? S3:I have a. (2)play a game T: S1,S2 and S3 come here, please. Stand in a line. S1 asks“What do you have?”S2 answers “I have a football.” You should ask and answer one by one with 8 your own object or picture or word card.OK? Ss:OK. (3)group work T: Now, there are four pupils in a group. Please practice “What do you have? I have a.”with your partners .Then I will ask some groups to act out the dialogue. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T:OK.Start. 设计说明 鼓励学生将所学语言运用到实际生活中,训练学 生的口语表达能力,让学生在活动中分工合作,互相帮助,学会合 作,体验学习的乐趣与成就感,英语教学与情感教育有机结合。 Step5Step5 ConsolidationConsolidation 今天我们学习了单词:yo-yo ,doll ,football ,magic cube 还学习了询问对方有什么及其应答的日常交际用语的句型:What do you have? I have a. Now lets chant together. What do you have? What do you have? I have a yo-yo. I have a yo-yo. What do you have? What do you have? I have a doll. I have a doll. 设计说明Lets chant.又一次把学生带进了轻松、愉快的 环节,学生乐学、易学,兴趣浓厚,积极性高,同时总结了本节课 的教学内容。 Step6Step6 Homework:Homework: Ask your friends and complete the chart. (问一问你的朋 友,完成下列表格。 ) Model(示范): -Wang Guoli ,What do you have? 9 - I have a yo-yo. objectsobjects namesnames WangWang GuoliGuoli Zhu Yizhou Wu Zhen Liu Siyu 设计说明开放型作业,为学生在课余时间继续用英语交流创 造机会,使课堂知识得以延伸。
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