人教版八年级上册英语 Unit 3 单元检测试卷(word版含答案).doc

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1、人教版八年级上册英语人教版八年级上册英语 Unit 3 单元检测单元检测试卷试卷 (90 分钟分钟120 分)分) I.单项选择(30 分) ()1.Who is _kid near your bike, Mike? Hes my brother Jeff, _outgoing boy. A.a; anB.the; anC.the; anD.a;the ()2.Mum, could you buy me a dress like this, please? Of course. We can buyone than this, butit. A. a better; better thanB.

2、 a worse; as good as C. a cheaper; as good asD. a more important; not as good as ()3. Peter spoke so _ that I could hardly hear him. A. loudlyB. quietlyC. clearlyD. patiently ()4. _sport will you take part in, Peter? The boys800-meter race. A. WhereB. WhenC. WhichD. How ()5. _she is 3 years old, _ s

3、he can dress herself. A. Though; butB. Because; soC. Though; /D. Because; / ()6.Mike plays the drums so wonderfully! Of course. He is _ than any other students in his class. A. talentedB. more talentedC. less talentedD. the most talented ()7. Friends are like books. You dont need a lot of them _ the

4、y are good. A. orB. andC. as long asD. as soon as ()8. The English Speech Competition _ the best in her.As a result, she is more active now. A. checked outB. tried outC. left outD. brought out ()9.As middle school students, we _ follow the public rules wherever we go. A.would B. shouldC. might D. co

5、uld ()10 Is it necessary _ us _ some photos before saving the old man? Yes, it is. We can protect ourselves if we do so. A. of; takingB. for; taking C. of; to takeD. for; to take ()11.The Internet is very useful. We can get a lot of _from it. A.moneyB.houseworkC.healthD.information ()12.Erics bike i

6、s similar _mine, butAndys is quiet different _mine. A.as; fromB.from; toC.to; toD.to; from ()13._of the two dresses look nice, and I want to buy them. A.BothB.EitherC.AllD.None ()14.Please dont laugh and be _for a minute. Here is a piece of important news for you. A.seriousB.boredC.friendlyD.careful

7、 ()15.What do you think of the movie Avengers:Endgame复仇者联盟:终局之战? _. I like it very much. A.Have a good dayB:Its fantasticC.That will be very niceD.Im afraid I have no time II.完形填空(10 分) 阅读下面文章,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Becky is fourteen years old.Now she is in Class Two, Grade Eight. She always

8、 has a smile (微笑)on her face when she talks to others. But in fact, she had a sad story some years ago. Beckys parents 16._in a car accident(车祸)when she was eight years old. After that. She had to live with her aunt and uncle.They sent her to a new 17._to studly.At first, Becky knew 18._ about her n

9、ew classmates. She didnt talk too much,and her classmates hardly ever played with her.She was shyer and 19._than other kids. That made it 20._for her to make friends at school.Her aunt and uncle worried about her. However,after Becky made friends with a funny girl Rita,she becomes 21._now.Rita often

10、 tells interesting stories to make Becky 22._and Becky often helps Rita with her homework after school.They are always happy when they stay together. Becky is rally 23._,so she always gets As in exams.Rita says, Becky studies very hard. She often helps me with my homework. Now Im getting better 24._

11、because of her help. 25._we are different,we learn a lot from each other.I like her very much! ()16.A.killedB.diedC.workedD.came () 17.AhouseB.schoolC.clubD.farm ()18.A.everythingB.anythingC.somethingD.nothing ()19.A.quieterB.louderC.thinnerD.taller ()20.A.easyB.naturalC.difficultD.popular ()21.A.ou

12、tgoingB.seriousC.lazyD.heavy ()22.A.shareB.winC.moveD.laugh ()23.A.friendlyB.funnyC.hard-workingD.beautiful ()24.A.giftsB.gradesC.activitiesD.languages ()25.A.ButB.SoC.BeforeD.Though III.阅读理解(30 分) A Playing sports can bring lots of benefits (好处) to kidshealth. However, some kids just dont enjoy spo

13、rts and may miss out on(错失)these benefits.When you cant force(强迫)your child to love playing sports, you can work together to create conditions (创造条件) for him. Making sure its fun Most kids who enjoy sports want to be with their friends and have lots of fun. Kids cant enjoy playing a sport if they ar

14、e not having fun.Let your child know that it is good to want to win,and to try his best to win. But having fun is more important than getting a good result. Looking into other options Some kids just dont enjoy team sports. If your child doesnt like team sports,look into sports like tennis or golf (高

15、尔夫).If competition is a problem for him,try aerobic (有氧的) exercise like swimming, running, or biking for the health benefits. ()26.What can you lean from Paragraph 1? A. Only sports are good for kids health. B.Every kid likes playing sports. C.Kids will like playing sports if we force them. D.We can

16、 try our best to make kids love playing sports. ()27.The underlined word options means “_”in Chinese. A.决定B.选择C.机会D.乐趣 ()28.If kids arent interested in team sports,they can try_. A.tennisB.bikingC.swimmingD.running ()29.The writer writes the material for_. A.studentsB.kidsC.teachersD.parents ()30. W

17、hats the best title for the material? A. How to Help Your Child Enjoy Sports B.Why Playing Sports Is Important For Kids C.When Is the Best Time to Play Sports D.What Sports the Kids Like Playing B I met Steven when I was only 8 years old in primary school.One day he forgot to bring his English book

18、to school and I shared mine with him. We talked a lot after class and our friendship(友谊) started.We went to university (大学)together but we got into two different ones. Steven is a friendly and talented person. He helps people and always wishes the best for others. He is studying math and has a talen

19、t for it. Sometimes he explains ( 解 释 ) some difficult mathematical theories (数学理论) in a very easy and interesting way. It helps me a lot with my studies. He likes reading books and often shares his books with me. I like to spend time with Steven because we have many common interests (共同的兴趣). A good

20、 friend always reaches out helping hands when we are in need, and Steven always does it for me and for others. ()31.When did the writer meet Steven? A.Eight years ago.B.At the age of eight. C.When he was in middle school.D.When he was in university. ()32. How does Steven help the writer with his mat

21、h? A. By doing a lot of math exercises together. B.By telling him some good ways to learn it C.By taking after school classes with him every day. D.By explaining the difficult theories in an easy and funny way. ()33.Why does the writer like staying with Steven? A. Because Steven often shares books w

22、ith him. B.Because Steven always reaches out hands to help the writer. C.Because Steven helps him with his studies. D.Because they have many common interests. ()34.According to the passage, the following can describe Steven EXCEPT (除了)_. A.friendlyB.talentedC.funnyD.serious ()35.What is the passage

23、mainly about? A. When Steven and the writer met each other. B.Why Steven is talented in math. C.How Steven became (成为)the writers best friend. D.Why Steven is important to the writer. C(2019淄博中考) 阅读 C 部分的材料,将 36-40 小题中五位同学的烦恼与专家所给的建议 A-E 进行匹配。 ()36.One of my friends sometimes takes aside another fri

24、end to talk to her about something she doesnt want me to hear. It makes me feel sad. What should I do ? () 37.Some of my friend are in a fight.I like them all equally (同样的), but they say I have to choose sides. Help! ()38.I look up to my sisters. Theyre both intelligent(聪明的). I feel that Ill never b

25、e as good as them. ()39.I am the shortest person in my class, and my classmates call me “Tiny Mouse.” How can I make them stop? () 40.I always use the computer and cant stop . I feel that Im not getting any smarter and the computer is warping(扭曲) my brain. A. Its wonderful that you admire them, but

26、try not to compare yourself to them. Instead of trying to be like them, just try to be the best you possible. You will find that you will be much happier when you try to be true to yourself , rather than when you try to be like someone else. B.The only way to break a habit is to force yourself to do

27、 something different. A world of exciting and interesting activities is just waiting for you. Write a list of things youve always wanted to do, learn, make, or try. When you feel like playing it, do something else. C. Discuss this with her. Try not to suppose that she talks about you unless you actu

28、ally hear what she says. But let her know that you are unhappy when she tells secrets around you. If you feel uncomfortable talking to her in person, you could write her a note instead. D. We often hear from kids who are laughed at about their height. They probably dont mean to hurt your feelings. T

29、here are advantages and disadvantages to being any size. You might play along and come up with a funny reply. However, if you feel hurt, try talking to a parent or teacher. E. Explain to your friends that you like all of them. You can play with each person or group separately. If they dont like this

30、, then you may want to focus on other friendships until these friends work things out.Another idea is to offer to help your friends solve their problems. IV.词汇运用(10 分) A.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,完成单词。 41The two little girls often stay together to _ (分享) their secrets. 42.John will have to run very fast to _(打破

31、) the school 100-metre race record in the sports meeting. 43.The love story _(触动)the heart of people around the world. 44. On weekdays, we must rschool before 7:30 in the morning. 45. Hearing the funny story, all the students began to l_loudly. B.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 46.Im _(true)sorry that things had to

32、 end like this. 47.Its noisy outside, and I cant hear you _ (clear). 48.Agood neighbor is _ (good) than a brother far away. 49.I enjoy _ (think) of ways to help people in need. 50.My mother often makes me _(wash)the dishes. V.完成句子(10 分) 51.王俊凯擅长唱歌和打篮球。 Wang Junkai _ _ _singing and playing basketball

33、. 52.事实上,因为“一带一路”,许多国家希望和中国建立贸易关系。 _ _, many countries hope to build trade relations with China because of the “Belt and Road”. 53.戴安娜总是在旅行前关注天气。 Diana always _ _the weather before travelling. 54.只要你勇敢去尝试,你就会有成功的机会。 _ _ _ _have a try bravely, you will have a chance of success. 55.在学校,汤姆比大卫更受欢迎。 Tom

34、_ _ _ _David at school. VI.选词填空(10 分) 阅读短文,从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整(每空限填一词,每 词限用一次) take, enough, much, when, look, lose, but, role, job, than Do actresses have to be pretty in order to be successful? Chinese actress Yang Zi is changing what it means to be a great actress.Yang became famous 56._ s

35、he was eleven for her role on the TV series Home With Kids. But it 57._her a long time to become comfortable with acting. For a long time, Yang struggled (挣扎) with her looks. Some people said that she wasnt pretty 58._ to be an actress. These things made Yang 59._ her confidence (信心).60._ she did no

36、t give up. She took nearly every role she got. For example, she didnt really want the 61._of Qu Yingying, a foolish character (笨笨的角色)on the show Ode to Joy (欢乐颂). But she worked hard to make the role 62._ realistic (现实的). She did a good 63._. People thought Qiu Yingying was a very realistic characte

37、r. Yang has started going to the gym more often 64._ before. Her 65._ are not a problem anymore and she has become a confident actress. 56._ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._ 61._ 62._ 63._ 64._ 65._ VII.书面表达(20 分) “没有真挚朋友的人,是真正孤独的人。”这句话说明了挚友的重要性。假如你是李华,本 期你们社团的英语沙龙活动将围绕以下三居交友名言展开讨论,请结合内容提示写一篇短 文,为你的发言做准备。 *A fri

38、ends eye is a good mirror. *True friends are always there for you. *Only your real friends will tell your when you face is dirty. 内容提示:1.你最喜欢以上哪一条交友名言; 2. 这条名言让你想起了哪一个好朋友; 3.介绍你和这个朋友之间发生大一个故事。 要求:1.短文需包括以上内容,可适当发挥; 2.语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯; 词数:不少于 70 词。发言稿开头的部分内容已给出,不计入总词数。 Hello, everyone! My favorite sa

39、ying is “_”.It makes me think of my best friend_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 【答案】 I.1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.D 12.D 13.A14.A15.B II.16.B 17. B 18.D 19.A20.C 21.A22.D 23.C 24.B 25.D III.26.D 27.B 28.A29.D 30.A31.B 32.D 33.D 34.D 35.C 36.C 37.E 38.A39.D 40.B IV.41.share 42.break 4

40、3.touches 44.reach 45.laugh 46.truly 47.clearly 48.better 49.thinking 50.wash V.51.is good at 52.In fact 53.cares about 54.As long as 55.is more popular VI.56.when 57.took 58.enough 59.lose 60.But 61.role 62.more 63.job 64.than 65.looks VII.Hello, everyone! My favorite saying is ,“Only your real fri

41、end will tell you when your face is dirty.”It makes me think of my best friend Li Xia. Shes serious about everything. She really care about me, and always tells me about my bad points to my face. Once, I wouldnt answer some difficult questions in a math test, so I opened the book and wrote them down. Luckily, no one saw me.But after the test, Li Xia said she saw me open the book. She thought its not right for me to do that. My face turned red. Then she took out of her notebook and showed me how to work out the problems. This is my best frienda serious and caring girl.


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