广东版五上Unit 1 Season and Weather-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:50b4e).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 Season and Weather_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:50b4e)
    • Unit 4 School Things Story.doc--点击预览
    • Unit 4 School Things Story.ppt--点击预览
    • Unit 4 School Things Story.swf
    • 教案50b4e.doc--点击预览


ListenListen andand answer.answer. 1.Whats1.Whats thethe datedate todaytoday inin thethe story?story? 2.Whens2.Whens JennysJennys birthday?birthday? 3.Whens3.Whens TonysTonys birthday?birthday? 4.Whens4.Whens GogosGogos birthday?birthday? 5.Do5.Do youyou knowknow GrandmasGrandmas birthday?birthday? LetsLets retellretell thethe story.story. Today is_. There is _in the_. There are many_. There is_and_on the table. Children are_and_. They are very _. Gogos birthday is _. Jennys birthday is _.Tonys birthday is _.We dont know_birthday. WriteWrite aboutabout youyou andand youryour family!family! Hello,Hello, mymy namename isis _._. ImIm _ yearsyears old.old. MyMy birthdaybirthday isis _._. MyMy fathersfathers birthdaybirthday isis _._. MyMy mothersmothers birthdaybirthday isis _._. I I lovelove mymy Unit 4 School Things (Story) Lets sing Look and guess. 1.I can put all my books in it. a bag 2.I can put my pen in it. a pencil case 3. It has many colors. crayons 4.We usually draw it and color it. a picture 5.We can stick some things with it. glue 6.Its black. Our teachers often write on it. a blackboard Lets look and say. 1.Do you have a map? Yes,_. I do 2.Does Jenny have any paper? No,_, but she has _. she doesnt some glue 3.Does Ben have a bag? _.He has_. Yes,he doesa bag 4.Do they have any crayons? No,_,but they_.they dont have a picture a small island nice=beautiful Look and answer 1.Who is on the small island? 2.What does Gogo want to do? Story.swf Read the story by yourself. 根据课文内容,对的写T,错的写F ( )1.Tony has some crayons. ( )2.Tony has a pen. ( )3.Gogo has some paper. ( )4.Tony doesnt have any paper. ( )5. Gogo is dancing. F T F T F Read after the tape. Act out the story. Story.swf Ask and answer. 学生就story来提问,一学生提出问 题,另一学生回答。 可以用以下句型: 1.-What does have/need?/-. 2.-Does have?-. 3.-What be doing?- Fill in the blanks and retell the story. Its a sunny day. Gogo, Tony and Jenny are on a small _. Gogo wants to _. But he doesnt have _ crayons. So he asks Tony to help. Tony doesnt have any _ or _ paper. He only(仅仅)has a _. Gogo has a good idea. He draws a _ with a stick(木棍)on the beach. How clever(聪明的) Gogo is! island draw any crayonsany pen picture Look and write,用some和any填空。 1.I have_ glue. 2.She doesnt have _ stamps. 3.Do you have _ books? 4.They arent _ crayons in the bag. 5.-May I have _ chips?Yes,please. some any some any any some和any的用法 1.some:一般用于肯定句。 2.any:一般用于否定句,疑问句(标记: no,not,?,never) 注意:在疑问句中,一般不用some,只有当问 句表示一种邀请或请求,或期待一个肯定回 答时才能用some。 Pair work. If you want to draw a picture.What do you have? What do you need(需要)? A: Hello, _. B: Hello, _. A: I want to _. I have some/a _. Do you have any/a _? B:Yes, I do./ No, I dont. But I have some/a _. A: Can I use your _? B: Sure. Here you are. A: Thanks. B: You are welcome. Lets finish the passage. Hello! Im _.I want to _.I have some/a _. But I dont have any/a _._has some _. But he/she doesnt have any /a_. We help each other.(互相帮助). We are happy. Happiness lies in rendering help to others. 助人为快乐之本。 Good to know Homework: 1.Retell the story to your parents.(把故事复述给父母 听) 2.Share your passage with your friends. Unit 4 School Things Story 第三课时第三课时 一、教学内容一、教学内容 1.本单元 story,明白其大意。 2.能根据实际回答 Do ? /Does ?/ What is doing?这些句型。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 学生以前学过 black 和 color 这两个单词;在上一节课了解一些可数名词和 不可数名词,some 和 any 的用法,也学习了 Do 和 Does 句型。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1 1语言知识目标语言知识目标 四会句子: Do .? Yes, . do./No, . dont. Does .? Yes, . does./No, . doesnt. 2 2语言技能目标语言技能目标 能根据实际回答 Do ? /Does ?/ What is doing?这些句型。 3 3情感态度目标情感态度目标 教育学生要跟同学友好相处,并且能够互相帮助。 4 4文化意识目标文化意识目标 了解 some 和 any 的不同用法。 四、教学重点与难点四、教学重点与难点 1 1教学重点教学重点 1.进一步学习 some 和 any 的用法。 2.会听本单元故事,明白其大意。 2 2教学难点教学难点 能根据实际回答 Do ? /Does ?/ What is doing?这些句型。 五、课前准备五、课前准备 课本、ppt、学生练习资料。 StepStep 1 1 Warm-upWarm-up 1.Lets1.Lets chant.chant. (设计意图:通过歌曲热身,让学生愉快进入课堂教学。) 2.Review.2.Review. (1).Look and guess. (2).Look and ssay. (设计意图:通过猜谜。看图完成句子,调动学生学习兴趣,为进一步学习新 课创设良好的氛围。 ) StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation BeforBefor reading.reading. 1.1. LeadLead T: Look at the picture. Its an island. Its a small island. The island is so nice. (教授island 和 nice) S: T:Who is on the island? Do you want to know? Ss: (设计意图:通过看图,猜测引入新课,吸引了学生的注意力,为学习新授知 识埋下伏笔,提高学生的学习兴趣。 ) WhileWhile reading.reading. 2.The2.The firstfirst reading.reading. T: Now lets watch the vedio, and answer the questions. (1(Who is on the small island? (2(What does Gogo want to do? (设计意图:带着问题观看课文视频,整体感知课文。 ) 3.The3.The secondsecond reading.reading. T: Read the story by yourself., write T or F. 根据课文内容,对的写T,错的写F ( )1.Tony has some crayons. ( )2.Tony has a pen. ( )2.Gogo has any paper. ( )3.Tony doesnt have any paper. ( )4. Gogo is dancing. (设计意图:让学生带着任务自己阅读,培养学生自学的能力。 ) 4.4. TheThe thirtthirt reading.reading. 1.listen and repeat. (设计意图:输入纯正语音素材,培养学生英语良好的语感。 ) 2.学生就 story 来提问,一学生提出问题,可以叫另一学生回答。 (设计意图:培养学生发现问题和解决问题的能力。 ) 5.The5.The forthforth reading.reading. (1)分角色朗读。 (设计意图:培养学生朗读能力) (2)小组分角色朗读并上台表演故事。 (设计意图:通过模仿表演活动,培养学生自主合作学习的能力。 ) 6.The6.The fifthfifth reading.reading. T:Read the story quietly bu yourself. Fill in the blanks and retell the story. Its a sunny day. Gogo, Tony and Jenny are on a small _.Gogo wants to _.But he doesnt have _ crayons. So he asks Tony to help. Tony doesnt have any_ or _ paper. He only(仅仅)has a _. Gogo has a good idea. He draws a _ with a stick(木棍)on the beach. How clever(聪明的) Gogo is! (设计意图:经过对课文的学习后,用篇章的形式,培养学生的综合语言运用 能力。 ) AfterAfter readingreading 7.Pair7.Pair If you want to draw a picture.What do you have? What do you need(需要) ? A: Hello, _. B: Hello, _. A: I want to _. I have some/a _. Do you have any/a _? B:Yes, I do./ No, I dont. But I have some/a _. A: Can I use your _? B: Sure. Here you are. A: Thanks. B: You are welcome. 8.Lets8.Lets finishfinish thethe passage.passage. Hello! Im _.I want to _.I have some/a _. But I dont have any/a _._has some _. But he/she doesnt have any /a_. We help each other.(互相帮助). We are happy. (设计意图:通过对话以及小作文形式,培养学生的整体语言输出,更加巩固 学生的语言综合运用能力。 ) StepStep 3 3 SummarySummary 1. 根据板书跟学生一起来总结课文内容。 2. T:What do we learn from the story. Happiness lie in rendering help to Others. 助人为快乐之本。 StepStep 4 4 HomeworkHomework Homework: 1. Retell the story to your parents.(把故事复述给父母听) 2. Copy the story. 板书设计 Unit 4 School Things On an island Does Tony have any crayons?(Ss: No, he doesnt. ) Does Tony have any paper? (Ss: No, he doesnt.) What is Gogo doing? S(Ss: He is drawing a picture .)
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