广东版五上Unit 2 Months-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:e21e8).zip

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    • 教案e21e8.docx--点击预览


第一课时 Vocabulary Free talk: Whats the weather like today ? Whens winter holiday? Whats the date today? When is your birthday? Whens your mothers birthday? Do you have any crayons? What are they doing ? having lunch . Today is moms birthday! Lets chant: Mami,Mami,you are tired. Let me clap,let you hi ! Daddi Daddi,you are tired. Let me clap,let you fine ! Grandpa,grandpa,you are hard ! Let me wash for your head! Grandma,grandma,you are hard! Let me beat for your back !Year! What do we have ? We have some meat. /mi:t/-/m-i:-t/ Can you cook ? Lets watch! VID_20170724_130234.mp4 We have some vegetable. /ved t bl/ We have some tofu /tu fu:/. We have some sugar / ug/. Yes ,We need some salt /s: lt/? Yes ,we have some fruits /fru:t/. /d u:s/ Dont forget the well-diggers when drinking from it !(吃水不忘挖井人) How many steps(环节) can you get rice ? Lets have a look and count! meat vegetable sugar salt tofu rice juice fruit /mi:t/ /ved t bl/ / ug/ /s: lt/ /fru:t/ /d u:s/ /rais/ /tu fu:/ 分组自读,组长辅导 看谁指得快! Who points the fastest! 1.vegetable 2.sugar 3.salt 4.tofu 5.meat 6.rice 7.juice 8.fruit What do we have? We have some _. 1.各组长组织本组组员用 What do we have ? We have some _. Do we need any _? Yes,we do./No,we dont进行问答。 S:What do we have ? S1:We have some _? S:Do we need any _? S2: Yes, we do .Here you are ! S:Thank you ! Lets cook! 大厨展示! some salts some salt some sugars some sugar some juices some juice some meats some meat some tofus some tofu some rices some rice 因为salt,sugar,juice,meat,tofu和rice是不可数名词,不能加-s a bowl of rice /noodles/ soup(一碗饭/面 /汤) a piece of meat/ tofu (一块肉/豆腐) a piece of paper (一张纸) a bottle of juice/glue/oil (一瓶果汁/胶水 /油) An apple a day, keep the doctor away! (一天一个苹果,医生远离我) More fruit and vegetable ,more healthy! (多吃水果蔬菜,多点健康) A: B: ( )( )( )( ) ( )( )( )( ) 1234 1 234 二、填入所缺的字母,把单词补充完整, 并写出中文。 m_ _t ( ) r_ce ( ) t_f _ ( ) v_ g_t_ble ( ) s_lt ( ) s_g_r ( ) j_ _ce ( ) fr_ _t( ) e a肉 i 米饭o u豆腐 e e a蔬菜a 盐 u a糖u i果汁u i水果 1.some _ (米)(rices/rice) 2.some _(糖)(sugars/sugar) 3.any _(果汁)(juices/juice) 4.two kinds of _(水果) (fruits/fruit) 5.any _(肉)(meats/meat) 6.I like _.(蔬菜) (vegetables/vegetable) 7._ is from China.(豆腐) (Tofu/Tofus) What do we learn today ?(我们今天学了 什么?) 1.学习掌握了 rice,meat,vegetable,salt,sugar,tofu,fruit, juice等单词的型、音、义。 2.学会了做人要懂得感恩;学会做一个有孝心, 对社会有贡献的人! 3.懂得与他人合作的协助精神和从小养成节约 粮食的好习惯中国网络电视台-CCTV央视公 益广告 节约无小事餐馆篇_标清.flv。 全班做(必做题) 1.Write todays new words 10 times。 2.Write three sentences using the new words: What do we have ?we have some _. 选做题 1.Make a conversation with the new words。不少于三个问答。(尖子生必做) 2.Going shopping to get food for lunch ! 课堂练习 姓名:_ 班别:_ 成绩:_ 一、用四线格手写下列单词 meat vegetable sugar fruit salt tofu rice juice 二、听音,写出所缺的单词。 1.What do we need ? We need some _? 2.What do we have ? We have some_? 3.Do we have any _ ?Yes ,we do. 4.Do you have any _? No, we dont. 5.Does she have any _? Yes ,she _. 6.Does Tony have any _? No, he _. 三).用 some /any 填空。 1.I have _ apples . 2.We have _salt. 3.We dont have _sugar. 4.Do you need _ fruit ? 5.Does she need _ meat ? 6.Jenny doesnt have _tofu 四).判断对错。 1.a piece of meat ( ) 2.a juice ( ) 3. a glass of juice ( ) 4.a rice ( ) 5.a bowl of rice ( ) 6. a tofu ( ) 7.a spoon of salt ( ) 8.a milk ( ) 9.a bottle of milk ( ) 课后练习 姓名:_ 班别:_ 成绩:_ 一、填入所缺的字母,把单词补充完整,并写出中文。 r_ce ( ) v_g_t_ble ( ) t_f_ ( ) s_lt ( ) s_ g_ r ( ) m_ _t ( ) fr_ _t ( ) j_ _ce ( ) 二、圈出下列单词的不可数名词。 sugar stamps glue paper books rice juice water meat salt 三、根据中文意思,在横线上天上合适的单词。 1.一些书 some _ 2.一些果汁 some _ 3.一些蜡笔 some _ 4.一些米饭 some _ 5.一些糖 some _ 6.一些蔬菜 some _ 7.一些肉 some_ 8.一些胶水 some _ 9.一些水果 some _ 10.一些苹果 some _ 11.一些食物 some _ 四、单项选择。 ( )1.We dont have _ salt . We need _salt. A.any,some B.some,some C.some ,any ( )2.They need some _. A.sugars B.rice C.crayon ( )3._ your father need any paper ? No, he doesnt . A.Do B.Does C.Is ( )4._ you have any paper ? Yes , I do . A.Do B. Does C. Is ( )5.They dont have any meat .They need some _. A.salt B. sugar C.meat ( )6.Im hungry . I need some _ . A. water B. rice C.juice ( )7.Tony doesnt _any sugar .He _ some sugar . A.has,needs B.have ,needs C.has, need ( )8.We need some _ to cook .A. food B.foods C.foodes Unit 5 School Lunch 第一课时 vocabulary 学情分析: 五年级 1 班全班人数 40 人,其中男生 23 人,女生 17 人。本班大多数学生性格 比较外向,学生与老师之间的相处比较和谐。有十多位学生基础比较好,平时课堂上 与老师的互动比较活跃。但有十位同学智力较低,接受能力比较慢。学生有两级分化 的迹象。所以在教学中要注重分层辅导,因材施教。在课堂上要设计不同的问题来调 动学生的积极性。提高学生的参与率。让学生喜欢学英语。 本单元教学设想: 本单元主要学习与食物有关的单词,本人设计为妈妈煮炖饭,表达孩子的孝心为 主题导入,让学生在准备材料过程中学习新单词,学习在超市里购买食物,学习简单 的菜式、汤水制作方式。在教学的准备阶段让学生在家为家长炒一个菜。预先了解基 本的食材。在教学中输入核心素养如:孝心,节约粮食,为家长分担家务,劳动最光 荣等个人修养的思想的培养。在教学中教会学生掌握以下单词句型和发音单词如: 单词:juice,rice ,salt,sugar,meat,vegetable,tofu,fruit; 句型:What do we have ?We have some sugar.Do we have any salt ?No, we dont ./Yes ,we do . 语音: /u:/ juice,fruit,cruise,glue, blue ,Sue. 本课时教学主副线: 主线:free talk-Lets chant-new words-practice-groups work-homework 副线:广海“打龙船”节目-播放洗脚、家长图片-为家长煮饭-感恩,节约思想教 育。 本课时教学重点: 1. 知识能力:掌握单词 juice,rice,salt,sugar,meat,vegetable,tofu 和 fruit 的发音,意 义和运用;some/any 的巩固运用。 2. (核心素养)情感能力:通过对以上单词的学习,让学生学会感恩父母和长辈;节 约粮食,了解粮食的由来,感受农民的不容易,扩展到把食物捐给有需要的人(传 承爱心)。 3. (核心素养)劳动能力:学会在家分担家务,学会与他人之间协助完成任务。 本课时教学难点: 1. 单词的发音,特别是 vegetable,sugar . 2. 不可数名词的扩展。如:meat a piece of meat. rice a bowl of rice 等。 本课教具:ppt,蛋糕,厨具,食材(水果,蔬菜,肉,豆腐,盐,糖等) ,枱布,厨师 帽,记分牌等。 本课时教学过程: 课前热身:播放广海文化传承舞蹈打龙船,调节课前气氛。 T:Do you like dancing ? Do you like singing ? Do you like swimming ? Do you like cooking ? Free talk: T:Whats the weather like today ? Ss:Its sunny and cool today. T:Whens Womens Day ? Ss:Its in March. T:Is March before April ? Ss:Yes ,it is. T:Whens winter holiday ? Ss:Its in Januany or February . T:Whens your mothers birthday ? Ss:er,its today . T:What s the date today ? Ss:Its November 21st. 一、导入新课: (一)Warming(热身): What do you do for your mother ?make a birthday cake ? why?(Because theyre very hard.)(图片导入) 播放洗脚视频,引出“做人要懂得感恩”。 What can we do ?教会学生为家长放松。 Lets chant: Mommi,Mommi,you are tired. Let me clap,let you hi ! Daddi Daddi,you are tired. Let me clap,let you fine ! Grandpa,grandpa,you are hard ! Let me wash for your head! Grandma,grandma,you are hard! Let me beat for your back ! (二)leading-in(引入新课): T:Today is your mothers birthday,you can make a birthday cake for her.what else can you do ?(帮助学生回答)we can cook a meal for her . (整体呈现)(展示一张桌子的菜肴) Can you cook ?Lets know some food for cooking. T:What do we need ? Ss(帮助学生回答)We need some meat . 教学生发音 meat/mi:t/, /m-i:-t/ (全班齐读,个别朗读,分组朗读) 提醒学生 meat 是不可数名词,应该用 a piece of meat .不用 a meat. 同样的方法教会学生vegetable,tofu,sugar,salt等单词,(全班齐 读,个别朗读,分组朗读) 教fruit引出juice(图片展示 Juice is from fruit. )。(全班齐读,个别朗读, 分组朗读) 教rice时,让学生了解袁隆平(中国杂交水稻之父)和 rice 由播种到生产的过 程。(通过图片展示)教育学生珍惜粮食。(全班齐读,个别朗读,分组朗读) (三)practice(操练): 1.看谁反应快,(图片快速展示,学生见图读单词)最快的组得一颗星星。 meat- vegetable- tofu- sugar- salt- fruit-juice- rice- 2.猜菜式,(学生根据图片提示,猜出菜式名称),看谁了解菜式最多。最快猜出的 得到一颗星星。 1).tofu+chilli(辣椒)=麻婆豆腐 2).chicken(鸡)+salt=盐焗鸡 3).toamtoes(西红柿)+egg+sugar=番茄炒蛋 4).rice + ricefield eel(黄鳝)=台山黄鳝饭 3.看谁指得快。(分组派代表上台 pk,根据图片判断所读单属于哪一个),指得快的组 得一颗星星。答案:1,salt2,vegetable3,sugar4,juice5,tofu6,meat7,rice 8,fruit 二、Groups activity(小组活动) 1)分组演练: Group leader(组长):We want to cook a meal for my mother,Can you help me ? Ss:Yes, we do . GL(组长):What do we have ?(组长逐个组员询问) Ss: We have some meat/vegetable/fruit/salt/sugar/rice/juice/tofu. GL:Do we need any meat/vegetable/fruit/salt/sugar/rice/juice/tofu?(组长 逐个组员询问) Ss:Yes,we do ,here you are! /No , we dont . Ss:Lets cook together! 2)选出两组上台点菜做菜。做得更好吃的得两颗星星,另一组得一颗星星。组长拿给 老师们,同学们分享。 3)展示学生在家煮菜的图片,让学生收获成功感! 4)扩展:展示九九重阳节向老人家送食物的图片,教育孩子做一个有爱心的人! 三、知识积累、解难释疑: 1.不可数名词的表达方法:如,一块肉 a piece of meat 而不是 a meat;一碗饭 a bowl of rice 而不是 a rice ;一(玻璃)杯果汁 a glass of juice 而不是 a juice ;收集好词句。 小结:这是不可数名词的用法。必须用一个容器装起来才可以表示数量。 2.fruit 和 vegetable 在英文表达上的用法(简单提一下) 四、practice 练习巩固(课堂练习)。 一).按四线格书写单词。(平台投影仪批改) 二).填入所缺的字母,使单词完整,并写出中文。 三).听音写单词。(平台投影仪批改) 1.What do we have ? We have some _? 2.What do we have ? We have some_? 3.Do we have any _ ?Yes ,we do. 4.Do you have any _? No, we dont. 5.Does she have any _? Yes ,she _. 6.Does Tony have any _? No, he _. 四).用 some /any 填空。(平台投影仪批改) 1.I have _ apples . 2.We have _salt. 3.We dont have _sugar. 4.Do you need _ fruit ? 5.Does she need _ meat ? 6.Jenny doesnt have _tufu . 五).判断对错。 a piece of meat ( ) a juice ( ) a glass of juice ( ) a rice ( ) a bowl of rice ( ) a tofu ( ) a spoon of salt ( ) a milk ( ) a bottle of milk ( ) 五、summary(小结) What do we learn today ?(我们今天学了什么?) 1.学习了 rice,meat,vegetable,salt,sugar,tofu,fruit,juice 等单词。 2.学会了做人要懂得感恩。以后做一个有孝心的,对社会有贡献的人! 3.懂得与他人合作的协助精神和从小养成节约粮食的好习惯(播放节约粮食视频)。 六、homework(作业) 全班做(必做题) 1.用英语字帖书写今天学过的八个单词 10 词。 2.用 What do we have ?we have some _. Do we need any _? Yes ,we do./No, we dont. 结合本节课的单词写 三个句子。 选做题 1.用以上句型和单词编一个小对话。(尖子生必做) 2.用今天学过的单词去购物,回家后做一个才给家长吃。 八、板书设计: meat vegetabletofu sugar birthday cake salt fruit juice rice What do we have ? We have some _. Do we have any _ ? Yes,we do./No,we dont. We need some _.
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